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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 349x328, Muse_LogoMark_DarkGrey@3x[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27305656 No.27305656 [Reply] [Original]


There has been a lot of rumor going on around MUSE. There's good news and bad news.

Keep reading for the good news. It's very, very good

>Bad News

There is no short squeeze. All 400k coins are in circulating supply. That was an unfounded rumor.

>Good news
Nifty has released an NFT DEX. This allows anyone to sell an NFT (non fungible token- like a gun for a game they like, a piece of art etc) on their exchange.


This means that if you have 5,000 coins, you make 1/100th of the pool.

Yesterday VeryNifty's Dex made $1,000. If you had $5,000 coins, check your wallet, because you'll soon be getting $10 in dividends from yesterday alone.


If they make $1,000,000 in fees per day, you will make $10,000 in a single day. For doing nothing.

This is a great DEX too. MUSE coins are about to make us incredibly rich on dividends- the best form of money.

>> No.27305891

Are you serious?

>> No.27305930

I have thousands of these... I thought it was a quick pump

>> No.27306024

MUSE insider here
The rug is going to get pulled soon; exitscam is imminent. Buy RBC

>> No.27306074

Is this on fidelity?

>> No.27306146
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>> No.27306237

Please pull the rug, god please do it.

If they've made $1,000 in a day for a brand new service I will take out a loan to buy this coins. This is potentially a 10k a day return

>> No.27306307

What is fidelity? VeryNifty is its own service

>> No.27306440
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>> No.27306519

So are there other NFT DEXs out there? Is this significant enough to keep driving the price up?

>> No.27306692

Literally the first of its kind. /biz/ will become aware soon

>> No.27306931


what about OpenSea

>> No.27307125

OpenSea is the only other NFT Exchange in the space. It is a centralized exchange.

VeryNifty is a decentralized exchange, lets you convert NFTs into ERC20s, and opens up arbitrage opportunitied between the two.

This is huge.

IDGAF about the price today to be honest.

>> No.27307362
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MFW I retire in 2022 because I yolo'd on a shitcoin in 2021

>> No.27307745

Is 1500 MUSE enough to make it?

>> No.27307947

We are so fucking early I can't believe it

>> No.27308040

welp here we go again

>> No.27308331

Tell telegram, discord and reddit about the dex.

Upvote the r/cryptocurrency post on NFT20

>> No.27308961

Upvoted on reddit

>> No.27309023
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>> No.27309199


Hi I’m an NFT Pepe gif artist. Should I do this?

Is the gas cost worth the $MUSE?

>> No.27309318

Having played the actual game, i found the dex quite useful and i believe if they get more nfts from chonk and doki could potentially do a 100x

>> No.27309701

Yep. Put your nfts on NFT20

>> No.27310354
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what should i NFT20?


>> No.27310673

Maybe some of the gamestop gifs as that seems apposite. Might catch the eye of some normies too. The Pepe ornament is pretty fuckin cool too

>> No.27311007

They're awesome. How much do you make from these?

Uniswap is my favorite.

>> No.27311330
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Me, an early buyer

>> No.27312015
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ty, i will sleep on it


ty fren!


thank you!!!

>How much do you make from these?

a total of 0.028 eth and 2.158 RARI that is economically unviable to claim at this time

>> No.27312017

You're great

>> No.27313034


>> No.27313381

That's the feeling I have rn, between this and Rubic it seems like the future is looking bright

>> No.27314056
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thank you fren

ive looked at options and i gotta get richer to setup my stuff. 2021 we are mooning

>> No.27314149

I'll look out for your stuff on the DEX

>> No.27314994

How much does Opensea make?

>> No.27315234

So to get in on this I have to buy it with eth from uniswap? and there's a $50 gas fee? I'm a poorfag

>> No.27315348

Yeah. Gas fees can be killer sometimes. Mine were only $20 when I bought. You could wait till they're lower, but who knows what the price will be

>> No.27315997

Retard here. I own 125MUSE how do I get dividends? Cheers.

>> No.27316029

beyond enough. Strap in. We're going to mars.

>> No.27316523

I cant find it on the app store bruh

>> No.27316602

The devs are putting in a proposal to the community on the exact mechanism distribution will happen. Once it's voted for we'll know.

Chances are you'll start seeing regular deposits in your metamask in a few days. Check the discord if you need updates

>> No.27316701


It's not apps, it's nfts for games like god's unchained or cryptokitties. Like trading cards.

I'm sure we'll see concert tickets etc on the blockchain soon.

>> No.27316757


Bruh its not on rh or fidelity where the fk do you buy this sht

>> No.27317013

This is a cryptocurrency.

You need uniswap.

>> No.27317853

Thinking of buying 10k worth of this. Basically I just hodl to infinity and get passive income every day, is that it? Do I even need to do anything else?

>> No.27318024


Shill this everywhere. We need people to know there's a new exchange in town.

>> No.27318056

That's it. Happy HODLing

>> No.27319319

where can i buy muse tell m now

>> No.27319953

how does the fee distribution work? they just send your wallet eth?

>> No.27320800

Uniswap. Look up a guide
It will be decided amongst all MUSE holders very soon. Likely it'll be deposits directly into your wallet. Keep an eye on your balance in the coming days/weeks

>> No.27321459
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>Sitting on my neet ass collecting dividends

>> No.27321479

whats the cheapest way to buy etherium and transfer to my metamask?

>> No.27321587


>> No.27321916

Or binance

>> No.27321925


>> No.27322371

the fuck is that. also do you lnow of any ways i can instantly transfer funds from my debit card or bank account (eurofag)

>> No.27322635

what's the minimum of coins to buy to see semi decent investments. absolute poorfag, only 1800€ to my name and half i need to live. FUCKK

>> No.27322947

>Download Metamask wallet. Takes a literal second or two
>Transfer Ethereum from whatever platform you buy it on to your Metamask wallet
>The Ether should show up in under a minute
>Once the Ether is sitting in Metamask, go to Uniswap.org and connect your Metamask account
>Once your accounts connected, swap said amount of Ethereum for Muse
>Your Metamask wallet should pop up with an option to reject or confirm
>click confirm and wait for the transaction to complete

>> No.27323711

Coinbase. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.27323872

Big if huge

>> No.27323967

Just buy what you can. Don't make yourself poor.

It's probably even more important that you do your part to tell people about this DEX.

r/cryptomoonshots has a post about it (begins with NFT20). Liking and commenting on that is probably the best thing you can do for your investment.

Aside from that, bump NFT20/MUSE threads or start your own.

>> No.27324347

>if they make 1 mil you make 10k
How the fuck does that work? Wouldn’t it be spread among thousands of holders which would cut you down to a few bucks a day?

>> No.27324750

I haven't done crypto in a while. Suppose I want to get in with as cheap fees as possible. What's the process like? I convert coins using uniswap? Which coins should I use?

>> No.27324775

There are 700k coins. If you have 700 it's 0.1% of the pool. It doesn't matter how many bagholders there are. It matters how much MUSE you own.

>> No.27324871

>cheap fees

Unless you're trading more than $50k at once, no.

>> No.27325017

Not really possible. Gas fees are crazy

>> No.27325505

I thought 400k coins?

>> No.27325702

So that's two gas fees? One for transfer to wallet one for uniswap?

>> No.27325704

That was a misconception.

400k coins currently. They are releasing 100k to people who played the game soon, then they will print 500 a day until they get to 1M coins. No coins after 1M

>> No.27325756

Welcome to crypto

>> No.27325954
File: 137 KB, 1039x559, 1608254411670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought coins in coinbase but now it seems like theyre not available through the coinbase wallet in uniswap for about 5 days. I linked my bank account and could buy immediately but it looks like I'm stuck with them in my wallet until the funds actually clear, right? Shit balls.

>> No.27326044

I think you can buy ETH directly in metamask. Never done it though

>> No.27326252

>Suppose I want to get in with as cheap fees as possible. What's
Yes. But my wallet allows me to pay the fees with fiat.

>> No.27326311

Sorry, I meant my exchange allows the initial withdrawal to use fiat.

>> No.27326714
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so comfy bros

>> No.27327529

The game stuff looks horrible and was poorly explained, I still don't understand it. I like the concept at least.

>> No.27327622

Alright I just took out a loan for 25k and bought 5k Muse. When is the part where I make $10k a day?

>> No.27328552

Bro I hope you didn't do that. It will probably pay off but I hope you aren't that dumb.

The sooner you tell every crypto community you know about this DEX, the sooner it'll happen.

>> No.27328888

Struggling to find genuine information on this. Do they have a twitter/development blog or something?

>> No.27328977

Discord has a lot of info.

>> No.27329599

Is is this just yet another /biz/ pajeet shitcoin pnd? can a poorfag with only 10-20 MUSE make it from this? I looked at uniswap on coinbase wallet and it gave some warning about MUSE being unverified and can't definitely be sold back

>> No.27330504

I've already tried to tell you idiots multiple times. The game is absolute shit, nobody is going to touch that fucking thing. Enjoy having the rug pulled out from under you.

>> No.27332501

actually looks neat. Why is it so low man?