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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27305492

Wtf is up with XRT? AUM went from 750mil to 200mil on Friday.

>> No.27305496


>> No.27305499

The blackswan is going to be Robinhood going under.

>> No.27305520
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>join /wsb/ dc
>dude tells everyone his sob story
>"I'm holding to stick it to the man!"

>> No.27305528
File: 36 KB, 474x671, OIP (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like KTOS, MAXR, SRAC, and TSM

>> No.27305535

ok predictions of regulations, go

>> No.27305537
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do i:
>wait for pre market to buy on RH
>buy queue at current price on RH

>> No.27305548


>> No.27305555
File: 1.13 MB, 3500x2410, Konachan.com - 300958 aqua_eyes aqua_hair close loli long_hair original rain scan tears water wet wings yano_mitsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i can think about is tomorrow morning. why cant i usually be this happy, anons?

>> No.27305560
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>> No.27305565

Searches for “stocks” have surpassed searches for “dollars” on google trends

>> No.27305570

Do you think ARKG is a good way to get exposure to growth stocks?

>> No.27305580
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>mfw I sell

>> No.27305584

I just queued a market order of 1000 shares of GME
Reddit told me it's going to $10,000

>> No.27305590

Well it seems the Reddit army is attacking sliver next..

>> No.27305594

I am have big money, but I am not have alphabet for to put half big little money? which alphabet I choose?

>> No.27305606

My female broker says there's plenty of GME available to short tomorrow. Reddit gonna get booty clapped lmao

>> No.27305616

Stop missapplying the term black swan imbeciles

>> No.27305640
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Should I even be mad? Only got 1 GME and 98 AMC, but my crypto portfolio half a mil.

>> No.27305649

Yes but wait for the correction

>> No.27305661
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>> No.27305667
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You never learn Bobo. We will never have bear market again. Well maybe USD will be devalued, but number will go up.

>> No.27305675
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>> No.27305683

Half a million rupees is pretty good, sir.

>> No.27305696

What if reddit was called JEDDIT that would be funny I think

>> No.27305701

big if true

>> No.27305703
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I actually might get into KTOS fellow Jahy poster, I think that's my favorite of your stock picks.

>> No.27305709

silver is to big to attack but if it gets these SLV bags off my hands I'll ride the hype train

>> No.27305721

I bought TSM last week and it is raping me right now, anon.
You're basically raping me.
I hope that makes you happy.

>> No.27305730

shut up fag

>> No.27305746
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Lads.... should I start buying SQQQ??

>> No.27305754
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Just buy GME and AMC.

>> No.27305774
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Another retarded leaf here to ask again. I was going to put 1-2k into a Questrade account, but would it be better to go with IBKR for lower fees if I'm a poorfag? Aside from not cucking users by restricting trade this week, does Questrade offer any other actual advantages?
Under the presumption that I'll be trading multiple times a week and therefore can't use a TFSA, but will probably make a margin account and just use cash to avoid risk. Unless that's also retarded.

>> No.27305786
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price predictions throughout the day tomorrow for GME/AMC/NOK?

>> No.27305795

Buy MOMO or die poor

>> No.27305802


>> No.27305805


>> No.27305827

yeah it is going back to $10

>> No.27305839


No its too speculative and expensive. 100x sales companies in there. At least buy in slowly and wait for pullbacks. There will be lots of opportunities to buy unless someone cures cancer tomorrow

>> No.27305848

gonna re-ask

what is the website that shows congress memeber's stock holdings?

>> No.27305861

Shorting is too risky because of all the money printing. Just try to buy the dip.

>> No.27305864
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>> No.27305874

I think the correction is about to end. We may be breaking 31k on the dow this week.

>> No.27305877
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This is an excellent opportunity to buy additional TSM

Glad to hear it, even Elon thinks drone fighters are the future (he said this in a talk he gave to the spaceforce)

>> No.27305879


>> No.27305880
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Buying 100 shares of UUUU and VSTO at this week

>> No.27305884

>Running a calendar spread on a boomer eternity crab stock

Tell me why this isn’t free money

>> No.27305936

they are all lying shitbag scum

>> No.27305937

Only licensed hedge funds are allowed to buy/sell over a certain arbitrary number. Your current holds will be grandfathered in.

>> No.27305949

Am I gonna have to wake up at 6:30AM PST to get in on PSLV? I know the Fidelity app allows extended hours trading (like earlier) but I'd have to sign up for it and I don't want them to think I'm some day trader when I'm just trying to buy stuff lol.

>> No.27305958

Minimum funds required to buy options, just like daytrading. Or maybe minimum account age of a few years.

>> No.27305967

>Wanting TQQQ anon to die

>> No.27305976
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It cucked trading meme shares.
>Trading multimes a week in TFSA
Relax, CRA won't give a shit unless you're being too (((successful))) :^)
>Margin when retarded

>> No.27305985

I would buy if it gets to $95.

>> No.27306000

that is a terrifying chart

>> No.27306036
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Is etrade ok? It's in the pastebin.

>> No.27306038

I'm using my money to buy more AMD instead

>> No.27306039

maybe if you use RH

>> No.27306042

Pink wojak posters will flood the board this week, cant wait

>> No.27306045

>Down 500%
Lmao /biz/ never change

>> No.27306111

wsb and similar stuff are banned

>> No.27306116

How long do you think it'll take the market crash to hit rock bottom?

My guess is 1 month, that's how long it took in 2008.

>> No.27306115

stocks unironically only go up. because of the implication.

>> No.27306137

Bullish. Buy as many stocks as possible before it takes effect or miss out forever. Mortgage your house if you have to.

>> No.27306154

>literally using dot com meme highs
usually this isn't the issue, but unironically zoom in

>> No.27306180

No stock can be shorted beyond 70% of its short float. The system gives you a 'cannot be executed short too high'. This would prevent most short squeezes and also shorts destroying companies.

>> No.27306189

I'm going to start selling my 28 GME shares at $500 until I cover my initial.

I'll hang on to a few for the lulz.

>> No.27306200

Whatever. I have a check from refinancing my house ready to buy some cheap shit!

>> No.27306207

CRA only cares about your TFSA if you make a lot in a short time and then only if it was due to day trading gambling bs. you just liked the stock anon

>> No.27306215

Do you think J.Pow will just LET the market crash?

>> No.27306222

Defend this shit, why has KTOS being going down for decades and why are they still not profitable?

Hard mode:
Don't use the word drones.

>> No.27306243

Any recommendations for decent developing countries ETFs? I've got most of my shit in nice safe US ETFs, but I'm willing to take on some risk to invest in the 3rd world at the ground floor.

>> No.27306254
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Looks like a Gamma Squeeze to me...

>> No.27306294

This board became unusable because of all this hype bs

>> No.27306297

Anyone ever insider trade before? I did when I was 18 based on a tip from a family friend and my father and I made huge investments in a company without really recognizing it as insider trading. The stock has gone up 800% in 8 years. He has instructed me to never sell for fear of prosecution, a sentiment informed by his lawyer. It's still performing quite well so I am not interested in selling anytime soon but will surely want to eventually. He's just paranoid, right?

>> No.27306299

This dude posted solid dd investing in gme on fundamentals in July
His argument for going all in gme even without the squeeze was disc are going away but just not now

>> No.27306325

new regulations for brokers that prevent another robinhood from appearing

>> No.27306330


>> No.27306335
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>> No.27306344
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He can’t. Look at this. A shill wanting to pump a shitty boomer investment

>> No.27306348

2020 - 32 days, top to bottom

>> No.27306352
File: 14 KB, 579x536, 686A090C-1EFA-4AC1-8E87-979AE655765E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a loiscence to trade options

>> No.27306355

I'm only opening a margin account because Questrade doesn't have a cash option; if you don't use a TFSA, it's that or a RRSP. I haven't checked IBKR to see if it's the same.
Like I said, I don't plan to actually use the margin for a very long time, because I'm not out to go broke.
>cucked trading meme shares
True, but the commission fees are way lower than Questrade, Canadian choices are generally cucked, and as a poorfag, I'm concerned about fees adding up quickly if I trade in small volumes and multiple times a week.
:^( I won't be, but I've read a lot of people saying you shouldn't make more than 5 or 10 trades a month with a TFSA, which is pretty low.
What if I liked the stock and wanted to repeatedly gamble with a measly $100, though?

>> No.27306372

Just buy JMIA.

>> No.27306402

anon your dad is a schizo take the fucking bag and quit your wagie position tomorrow

>> No.27306411
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this is dumb because it depends on the currency you measure in. For example, here is the s&p500 priced in gold

>> No.27306426

I already replied to that post retard
>0.04 EPS current
>0.46 EPS next year
A high P/E isn't the same as not profitable

>> No.27306430

based MAXR brother, my buy in is $20

>> No.27306439

Questrade has a very user friendly UI and isn't fucking cucked like IBKR. I would never go with a broker that randomly restricts a stock because of muh cheap commissions. You get what you pay for.

>> No.27306455

price target? where should i set my limit?

>> No.27306458


>> No.27306470

god please no

>> No.27306483
File: 37 KB, 513x612, Screenshot_2021_0201_135508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid bitches. You STUPID cocksuckers. I REALLY hope you didn't fucking sell the bottom on Friday. See this? The ASX is nothing but a little bitch that absolutely mimics wall St. The ASX is now reacting to the reversal in futures. MONDAY WILL BE GREEN. IF YOU DIDN'T GO LONG ON FRIDAY, NOW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR MAXX PROFITS.
We Told you to WATCH the debt market. We TOLD you to watch the dollar. Now the bears will EAT. MY. GREASY. SHIT.

>> No.27306488
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Please buy my NOK bags. PLEASE.

>> No.27306500

Brazil? America is becoming brazil-tier, so why not invest in Brazil?

Eastern Europe? It's the final bastion of the White Man.

>> No.27306525

Holy fuck. Silver is mooning, and the market is probably going to keep dumping.

Is this the end of days?

>> No.27306529
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>> No.27306546

This is one dude turning airplane mode on and off. You can tell because he doesn't actually respond to any rebuttal, just replies to himself to shitpost about dot com bubble prices.

>> No.27306548


>> No.27306549

raided for gme shares

>> No.27306552

>quitting job
>not maximizing dividends while keeping job for maximum income

What did you buy at

>> No.27306555

I was thinking more Africa, but I'm open to East Europe and South America as well.

>> No.27306558

I'm not a wagie. I was able to make a huge investment because I was born a richfag. I have a cushy academic life and will never wage.

>> No.27306559

Borrowing shares to short should be ended immediately on penalty of death. Individual ability to buy and sell options should be left alone.

>> No.27306562

SEC won't do shit, unless you're making 7 figures profit and they have tangible evidence rather than some loose association, you aren't worth their time

>> No.27306570

Pfft fucking sell it

>> No.27306574

Based SEC agent

>> No.27306579

Could be over $10 by Friday

(But, I'm just an amateur... this is probably not good financial analysis or advice)

>> No.27306606


>> No.27306616

Markets open at 4am, RH turns the lights on for users at 9am. My personal rule is to wait until at least 10:30 to buy anything and I always use a limit order. I will make exceptions, an example being Kodak back in September. I bought at 9am and set a trailing stop and exited the position after about 45 minutes.
Speaking of PM and AH, could someone please tell me the hours individuals are able to sell on TD? Thank you.

>> No.27306622
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Teach me to be a better trader /biz/
Been getting better but I want to not have to wage

>> No.27306634

>I have a cushy academic life
Youre a fucking commie too arent you.

>> No.27306654
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I know that the IBKR jewery was unacceptable, but I might have to bite down and take it anyway, for the moment being.

>> No.27306661

I held all my positions breh

>> No.27306671

Your taxes already transfer enough wealth to africa.

>> No.27306688

So no market crash for at least March?

>> No.27306699
File: 328 KB, 2000x2833, 980e5946eb8bed38ecfc9f21f7196027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if stock is red, masturbate and go back to sleep – this way, never panic sell, only post nut clarity

>> No.27306705

Congrats you're now finnish.

>> No.27306720

um, anon, do you know who else banned short selling

>> No.27306731

Good lad

>> No.27306749

No. I'm a centrist or a classical liberal. I believe in the free market and don't much care for the contemporary progressive social agenda. I just read and write about early modern literature.

>> No.27306762

No it isn’t I posted the chart and that’s it. No one here is dumb enough to believe your air plane mode bullshit defend why this stock didn’t pump when drones were in the news everyday during the Obama years.

>> No.27306788
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How do you handle this without alcohol

>> No.27306823

leaving options open still allows synthetic shorts anyways so that seems pretty retarded

the best case scenario is the use of blockchains to trace the beneficial ownership over every share, instantaneously, so no share can be double-lent.

>> No.27306838

You dont

>> No.27306839

cocaine on weekdays, mushrooms on weekends

>> No.27306861

Become a technical analysis chad. Use indicators like RSI, MACD, TTM Squeeze, and Moving Averages. There's a bunch of info on youtube. See how other people set up their scan functions and indicators. And how they choose stocks. Think or Swim (TD Ameritrade's program) is solid.

>> No.27306864
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I went over to my buddy's place yesterday to talk stocks and he asked me what to buy. I have a list of 130+ stocks on yahoo finance and scrolled through them with my eyes closed with my finger close to the screen. I landed on fucking gamestop of all things. If that's not a sign that this bullshit isn't over, I don't know what is. If whoever bid up GME on friday up 60% does it again Monday, I don't see it going past $500ish. If anything is gonna happen, it'll be tomorrow with a bunch of shares sitting in limbo from all the ITM calls expiring last week temporarily reducing the float. Short interest is down according to S3, so 4 digits is probably off the table.

>> No.27306883

>block chain

Pick one

>> No.27306902

I'm not opposed to re-instating Glass-Steagall, but there would need to be a ton of logistical details that would need to be hashed out and implementing those changes would be a multi-year process.

>> No.27306904

I'll buy the dip, then sell it to you for higher price when you think it's finally trending up. I'll repeat this whole day. Already made 2k euro last week on scalping NOK.

>> No.27306906

With all the silver hype over the weekend, might it be better to place my orders with mining companies now rather than waiting for the market to open? I'm not sure there'll be a dip in that sector.

>> No.27306908
File: 47 KB, 580x414, 0d4864f005c102a5817616a25b3541c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not arguing with someone who don't understand basic charting. You don't deserve to make it.

>> No.27306926

I’m drinking right now son. I may even wake up in time to go to work but no promises.

>> No.27306933

Anyone know which markets in Asia are trading GME and how exactly we can monitor the price?

>> No.27306936

You replied to that post and didn't say shit. That PE is TSLA tier with a fraction of the growth. If you actually want people to invest in this company, shouldn't you be able to make a coherent point for why it's suddenly going to turn around after dying for decades instead of shitting yourself and getting upset that people asked you about it?
>Conspiracy theory because people are sick of your mindless shilling and want you to actually defend a company instead of just referring to drones as always.
I'm dog-piling, that's it.

>> No.27306934

Are you in TSM shares or LEAPS? Reading that intel news over the weekend has convinced me to buy the monopoly that is TSM. I'm thinking of getting 2022 LEAPS.

>> No.27306939

Adderall. Downers are shit.

>> No.27306944

Years of isolation and MMORPGs has made me numb.

>> No.27306954

The only one of these that is legit is moving averages

>> No.27306968

I couldn’t handle it without nicotine desu

>> No.27306978

> Not waking up at 5am everyday in the first place
Gotta read the news to stay ahead of the crowd my friend.

>> No.27306995
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$6.50. But I know some bought NOK at $7.

>> No.27306999

you'll honestly be fine no matter what until you start hitting 250k

>> No.27307007

>If whoever bid up GME on friday up 60% does it again Monday
spooky anonymous viking billionaire man spent $600M to hunt short seller stop losses on friday

>> No.27307009

silver already gapped up about $2, you missed the boat if you weren't in on friday

>> No.27307018

I'll set up a position transfer with my female broker. How's $4.55 per share sound?

>> No.27307016

I hope so, I haven't spammed pink wojaks since the election dip.

>> No.27307038

I'm right there with you at 6.48, but have hope >>27306254

>> No.27307041

You aren’t arguing because you can’t defend your shitty investment. Just admit it anon you’ll feel better we all made bad trades when we were young and dumb like you are now.

>> No.27307062

all my $$$$$$$$ in tobacco
What am I in for?

>> No.27307066

>he isn't a neet
I never get up before 2 pm.

>> No.27307082


>> No.27307084

Profit is six figures thus far so I guess I'm safe then.

>> No.27307088


>> No.27307086

it will never be $500 again
market sell at the open or regret it

>> No.27307094

Asians just trade on US markets, smoothie

>> No.27307097

Kill yourself, you dirty, communist kike.

>> No.27307108
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Shares, but I don't see any reason not to buy LEAPs

Feel free to stay poor. I'm not interacting with retards who demand spoonfeeding.

>> No.27307122

Vietnam is going to China China

>> No.27307150
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Uhm hitler sweetie I only buy stocks which I expect to go up. Gambling is bad for the soul

>> No.27307156

Options are stupid

>> No.27307173

And you’ll never feel a vagina because of it

>> No.27307177

pajeet shitcoins from /biz/

>> No.27307183

It's Elon.

>> No.27307205


>> No.27307206

RSI is nice but MACD is a bit of a meme

>> No.27307207

I'm a complete retard with 5k I can spend, should I get started by doing shit with robin hood or is there some other app people are susing now that they bent the knee? I see fidelity, should I just start with them and go into GME?

>> No.27307210
File: 497 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210131-190401_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robbinhood telegraphing stocks to rise
>they really care for the poor and want to fuck over the rich

>> No.27307213

Since the Brokers pastebin is out of date, now that some brokers like Robinhood are manipulating and limiting what you can do, which brokers are safe to go with?

>> No.27307217

just hodl, its a long term play

>> No.27307223

Very difficult. Last week really drove me close to buying some gin. First I was up 10k in profits after selling gme, then I'm down 10k (unrealised) due to the dip. I refuse to drink though, it can only end badly, so I drink lots of coffee and get a nice ping going.

>> No.27307227

Press f for the bro that bought over 9

>> No.27307237

And they'll keep the gains to themselves too instead of a few public companies. They are just as commie.

>> No.27307260

Congrats you just gained 10 IQ points.

>> No.27307270
File: 2.76 MB, 427x220, b20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ASX: SVL
in minecraft

>> No.27307278

They're all good when combined together. When all the indicators are moving in the right direction I buy. 5% to 8% growth per week is better than most people here.

>> No.27307286

Do you think Bernanke just wanted to let the market crash in 2008? They can only delay a correction for so long.

>> No.27307293
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>> No.27307298

Just imagine them trying to prosecute you in court. Unless they have a recording or email of the conversation what can they do?
>This guy bought stock in this company, he is related to his dad's cousin, the man is clearly guilty!
They won't even bother, realize that SEC employees are former bulge bracket/hedge fund managers, they don't waste their time on things that can't give them the chance of a million dollar bribe at least.

>> No.27307300

For a person with a lower starting capital such as yourself, you should really just research one good pick and go all in. I went all in GME in September and now I have options of what plays I can make. Commissions aren't going to matter if you hold the stock for a few months and then sell.

>> No.27307306

No, I have a white child and investments to protect.

>> No.27307310
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>> No.27307344

Taxes on unrealized gains

>> No.27307345

yeah I need an answer

>> No.27307352

im sure that twitter isn't a larp

>> No.27307359

I don't care about your opinion, because you haven't dug any deeper than pulling up a chart on Google. Feel free to short if you're so convicted by your stocktwits tier argument.

>10 digit stealth wealth
Elon is at twelve digits and has his own space program.

>> No.27307404

rh sells your data to the rich lmao

>> No.27307410

Lol I remember someone posting this twitter account last week, but don't remember in what context.

>> No.27307422

But anon, I'm the resident disabled cripple. I get up that early every day no matter what.

>> No.27307441

Not going to happen

>> No.27307455

lmao nobody mentions the gamma dump, I thought it was obvious, but 99.9% of people here have no idea how options and MM mechanics work

>> No.27307456

That would bring about a market collapse instantly.

>> No.27307458

It's a quick way to make sure there is increasing momentum. It's the least useful indicator I use but I like it.

>> No.27307468

That was kikes just keeping the money out of the markets until their kikery could continue unabated.

>> No.27307467

We care about yours. Redpill us KTOS or quit shilling it

>> No.27307470
File: 120 KB, 1200x802, 1609993260228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social media account require SSN.

>> No.27307483

Every broker does this.

>> No.27307490

welcome to the finance world, where everybody is high and drunk and the points matter a fucking lot so you numb red markets and come back to reality when they are green

>> No.27307525

please I need to hear that it will work out

>> No.27307537

That's what I figured, just wanted to hear what my fiduciary advisors here on /biz/ think and hoped someone might share an amusing story about insider trading. The fact that I've hodled for so long can't hurt either.

>> No.27307573

nvda is gonna dump when crypto shits itself again

>> No.27307575

He said he wanted some risk :^)

>> No.27307593

but my broker doesnt claim to be helping the poor, named robinhood, etc

stupid rhers have been getting sold out since day one.

>> No.27307602

What indictors in the bond market to look for a correction in stocks?

>> No.27307612

You're literally incapable of defending your stock pick without referencing DUDE DRONES LMAO or repeatedly make fallacy arguments with autism fueled sperging and acting indignant that someone asked you a simple question.

I'm not even bearish on KTOS like the other guys, I just think you should have a real case for why it's going to become highly profitable if you're going to spend hours of your life shilling it.

>> No.27307615

TTM_Squeeze seems like a good idea to improve option YOLO chances.

>> No.27307625

Wait for ARKX

>> No.27307636

eh, AAU, AUY, GORO, thoughts? Should I hold or what?

how will these be if they actually pump silveR?

>> No.27307644
File: 70 KB, 643x873, 1547806131827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know

>> No.27307660

Rising inter-bank lending rates.

>> No.27307663

It’s not going to and I don’t think I could come up with a dumber investment than going all in on Tobacco

>> No.27307682
File: 49 KB, 184x205, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they investigate backwards if you do, though? I don't expect to get there, but I really don't want to get my TFSA analled by the CRA for trying to day trade cheap stocks with the equivalent of textbook money.
You think? I won't be spending much until I can put far more time into researching what's available, but I was generally planning to set aside a little bit of money to test on small picks for practice, and then pick a couple of semi-viable options and act rather conservatively for the rest. Just concerned the first half will get me blasted if it's on a TFSA, and fucked by fees if I'm on Questrade.
I've already done a little bit of investment on various misc stocks, but it's nothing significant; mostly Canadian stocks on WS to avoid getting blasted on US stocks.

>> No.27307700

10 year yield starts to tank. It has been pumping since last week. That means this is a correction, monday will probably be big green. 99% of biz doesn't understand this simple indicator

>> No.27307723

How much do I need to start out if I want to quit being a wagie and day trade?

>> No.27307770


>> No.27307792

Them getting cheaper, which would mean higher yields and that interest rates are increasing. This would be bearish for non-bank stocks.

>> No.27307806

...that's not true..., but I thought it was okay...

>> No.27307809

have you been in the market before or is this going to be your start?

>> No.27307810
File: 131 KB, 1324x826, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you

>> No.27307817

I'm going to hold my GORO, and buy more when I can. First time buying stonks, but it's looking like it might grow over the summer.

>> No.27307826
File: 27 KB, 500x364, 1577121614498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like im not riding that moon rocket this time.
>total stock newfag
>sign up for robinhood
>shit hits the fan next day
>sign up for schwab
>cant actually connect my bank account because of other newfags turning schwab's servers into paste with requests.
this isnt the end, right? im sure they'll be other big squeezes like this in the future.

>> No.27307839

i dont think they do, one of their thing is having to prove that you're either a pro or do a lot of research. you just like the stocks and being a degenerate gambler

>> No.27307841

You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.27307844

this is highly accurate

>> No.27307851

They're the leading contender for the Loyal Wingman and Skyborg programs. General Dynamics hasn't revealed theirs and Boeing is doing ground testing, Kratos reached first flight two years ago with the XQ-58A and has already demonstrated formation flying with manned fighters. If Kratos wins, the USAF and others will be purchasing multiple XQ-58s per F-35 and F-22. If you listened to the recent investors day and earnings call you'd learn that they're currently focusing mostly on scaling up production, presumably to meet such demand.

They've also recently been getting a bunch of smaller, incremental contracts for cybersecurity auditing and installation. Not the largest revenue driver, but good to see. According to the last investor's call, 80% of current space missions use KTOS hardware or software, and they're partnering with Microsoft Azure for a Ground Station as a Service product to compete with AWS. This is all stuff you could have learned by reading the conference call transcripts or the investors presentation.

>without referencing DUDE DRONES LMAO
Because the vast majority of their revenue is from drones you dumb nigger, am I supposed to shill TSM without mentioning semiconductors?

>> No.27307853
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Too late to get in on PLTR? Might as well profit off the cyber-dystopia but don't want to get rugpulled.

>> No.27307875
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>Green futures
Get fucked bobo

>> No.27307890

About 100k plus a few years of market experience

>> No.27307898

Never been in the market. I have 10k liquid money I can trade with now. In a couple years I may have a 100k inheritance

>> No.27307910

Gotcha.. so Monday will be green to set up a red week?

>> No.27307912

That, along with short term trading.

>> No.27307914

wait until the insiders can dump. they dump mid februrary when their shares become eligible for selling.

>> No.27307919

5 years anon. CRA won't go after things that have passed 5 years unless it's extreme fraud.

>> No.27307948
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>> No.27307953

Retarded squeezes like this aren't exactly a common occurrence.

>> No.27307965

I'd wait until mid february and see what the lifting of the insider share lockdown does to the ticker.

>> No.27307983

FYI I have calls on GORO and they do weird shit like goes very high in the morning and then down, it was also delisted from RH. Probably good stuff down the road for some reason.

>> No.27307991

1) keep your day job
2) start trading with 2-3k to start so you experience the emotions and dont completely ruin your life.

>> No.27307997

I'm surprised we still see bobos around. It must be painful to lose constantly.

>> No.27308030

Just use the position as collateral to margin buy your way into more diversified positions

>> No.27308031

True, I use that a lot. Typically when you get confirmation it's a bit too late but the histogram is nice.

>> No.27308057

Meaningless until premarket desu

>> No.27308058

It's not even the squeeze it's all the media attention. GME was gonna squeeze without all the normies because GME was an institutional play. Normies are the scapegoat.

>> No.27308060

How are green futures good for GME and AMC. The rise of both stocks has literally been the inverse of the market dump this past week

>> No.27308062

Great i buy more SPY puts for cheaper

>> No.27308095
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>> No.27308112

AAU and GORO look like they're trending up. So possibly hold. AUY looks fucked. Heading to $4 sooner than later.

>> No.27308125

>futures green
>hedges covered and didn't or didn't have to liquidate their portfolio
>confidence in the US market still up after admitting retail got fucked under the scrutiny of the world

sounds fishy anon

>> No.27308128


How many do you have?

Just sell CCs at the 7 strike.

>> No.27308141
File: 78 KB, 1114x604, chinkstock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All chink stocks including literal whats are green

>> No.27308142

bears never get to cum

>> No.27308149

Yep. Wait for US market to wake up. This means nothing right now

>> No.27308172

Damn anon I think you just killed a man.

>> No.27308175

With ultra-high volatility meme stocks, the rest of the market don't really matter.

>> No.27308183

here's a bullish article

>> No.27308186
File: 1.01 MB, 447x250, A188AE5F-C425-4B7C-B995-18C6ABE17AFD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green futures
>tomorrow is blood red

>> No.27308192
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>Military coup in Myanmar
Basado. We need more of these.

>> No.27308212

Futures volume is still low anon. There's no way futures could be green

>> No.27308221

Paper trading is a thing you can do, but you really don't feel anything until its your own money on the line. As long as you're not a retard and try day trading with your 1k or so, the $5 fee isn't gonna be much. Or if you just put it in an ETF, you pay 0 commissions when you buy and $5 when you sell. Do your own research and weigh the pros and cons. Its your money, so decide what platform you should put it on and where you should put it in.

>> No.27308244

Whenever I think about drinking I think of this scene. Weird but it works for me.

>> No.27308246

I've been on an exodus from /smg/ since the reddit refugees made host here

>> No.27308251
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based chinks. They have cute girls too.

>> No.27308257

Here's a defensenews article explaining Loyal Wingman better than maybe I've been explaining it
Since this article was released, Lockheed and Northrop were eliminated, downselecting to Boeing, Kratos, and General Dynamics

>> No.27308279

I hope GME hits $500 again so I can short it again

>> No.27308283
File: 25 KB, 750x493, invest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else in GHSI? I feel like im finally about to bank after they were granted extension

>> No.27308294

Come back in a month, things should be back to normal. For now it's still shit.

>> No.27308333

>fingerprint and retina scan required to use any major ISP’s services
>butthole scan required to use twitter
>goyim banned from owning property
>state-enforced homosexuality
>state-run sex slave trade, every white woman in america is sold to the congo in exchange for their silver and gold so JP morgan can unfuck their short overexposure on $SLV

>> No.27308364

They cashed out on GME and are pumping back into their own shilled stocks.

>> No.27308388

fuck inflation

>> No.27308389

I was deciding what to buy on Friday, looked at the 10Y yield and opted for ATM SPY calls.

>> No.27308409
File: 175 KB, 1793x1000, tuxedo pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going all in on AGQ and SLV. See you on the other side bros.

>> No.27308418

r*dditors tongue my anus WKHS to 50

>> No.27308419

Options are going to be limited in a way that only those with large account balances can gain access to them

>> No.27308427

Wow really feeling like 2019 in here now. All we need is LCI, GALT and SNSS.

>> No.27308428

>still shit
I miss you niggers, but I won't be around reddit refugees and new fags asking what stocks to buy

>> No.27308439
File: 708 KB, 1434x1648, 1611963018799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post anime and racism to scare them off.

>> No.27308444


Set up monthly purchases to dollar cost average into some big diversified index funds...

jk lol Etherium is the future put it all into eth

>> No.27308467

And an article from The Drive about Skyborg. Note again, the use of the XQ-58A as the prime example and leading competitor

>> No.27308486

I know its meaningless right now, its just retarded that at the first sign of red people spam bobos and black swans like this is the start of march 2020 again.

>> No.27308504

So how do redditbros rationalise that GME shorts are no longer >100% of the float

>> No.27308505
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Just started learning about TA; it's pretty cool how the patterns, MA, and volume come together to create a way of measuring a stocks movements. Why were you hiding this from me bros

>> No.27308521
File: 1.82 MB, 790x1401, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All protocols went into affect and they've actually been avoiding /smg/.

>Spam gore, slurs, and never answer their retard questions
>Make split threads so now instead of having a thread hit bump limit in 5 minutes there's 5 fucking gme threads, 3 AMC threads and a dozen newfag threads that make an op just to ask 1 question
>/smg/ is openly hostile to any outsider, and refused to discuss GME

It worked. Now /biz/ attracts the crypto retards and the newfags and reddit and /smg/ remains undiluted and pure.

>> No.27308542

i just transferred everything from m1 finance (26k worth of VTI, etc.) to vanguard so i can buy 100% all VTSAX

will be buying another 6k tomorrow of VTSAX in my roth IRA and thinking of another 10k in the traditional

>> No.27308543

Reminder about the daily 3% inflation

>> No.27308562


>> No.27308604

because it's retarded and every method of measuring the movement of a stock is literally just cope for the one that missed the mark before it

>> No.27308615

This isn't an anime board. Stop posting anime girls. Especially lewd, or smug anime girls.

>> No.27308619

No one knows the actual short interest right now. Not even S3 or Ortex. That isn't reported until Feb 9

>> No.27308629

Can anyone recommend good video tutorials like Live Trader but focused on long term investments?
Jarred seems like a smart guy but I'm not looking at day trading.

>> No.27308631

The exodus has already started, and faggots are always asking someone to shill them something. May as well stick around.

>> No.27308636
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lol Not even us europoors are this cucked yet.

>> No.27308637

Okay, how does winning more government contracts, when they already are struggling to build drones profitably, translate into multiplying their net income dozens of times just to have the same PE as other companies in the sector and most people wouldn't buy? They're 54 times more expense than Lockheed Martin.

>> No.27308644
File: 430 KB, 1079x1563, Screenshot_20210131-193206_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KTOS is a larger holding in ARKQ than TSM. Will the KTOS FUD spammers apologize to Mommy Cathie for doubting her?

>> No.27308668
File: 79 KB, 567x633, 1611316013974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw GME opens at $1000

>> No.27308675

Woah there anon we're going to have to check with our Risk & Compliance department before we put these through.

>> No.27308687


>> No.27308689

how will they feel when the dump happens?

when they realize they dont own all the shares?

>> No.27308736
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Idk about that. I'm not going to use it exclusively but it seems neat.

>> No.27308741
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>> No.27308759

If that's all you got from that post you're not worth responding to further.

>> No.27308763

more like 100

>> No.27308768

Everyone shits on TA thinking that its supposed to be a surefire way to make good plays, mind you the cocksuckers shilling their garbage TA courses all over social media don't help the image. TA is good for understanding the probabilities of a trade being good/bad, that's all. But having a 25% certainty is better than no certainty.

>> No.27308775

You'll witness the birth of a cult.

>> No.27308790

dude this is a sfw board

>> No.27308800

idk anon a few weeks ago when GME made the first rise to $40 it was crabbing a bit and when the 2 MACD meme lines crossed in the positive direction, it exploded up to $43. I'm still learning what indicators are somewhat decent, but I'll remember that for awhile.

>> No.27308802

Their new years is soon...plus they "suggested" all foreign workers stay in china for the holiday so that should bring them a couple roobles

>> No.27308811
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>> No.27308817

Good to hear these protocols have been effective. I'll return, mainly because /pol/ is more schizo than ever and /fit/ is gayer than ever

>> No.27308839

Burma's government is in a constant state of coups. That's why we call them Myanmar now in the first place. Juntas are a way of life.

>> No.27308846


>> No.27308847
File: 551 KB, 826x826, 1593301853648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose to be very bullish before the weekend

>> No.27308868
File: 8 KB, 260x130, 118647285_1670844633073166_6971236355652337581_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been meaning to get into stocks because savings are squared and debts nearly settled
>drag feet
>brother gets in in december and constantly urges to follow suit
>say fuckit and open RH account
>this happens

>> No.27308882

he's saying that S3 doesn't know and you reply with data reported from S3

>> No.27308885

They will cope by saying GME and AMC are "solid long term investments."

>> No.27308893

The picture makes it look like they are burning it down, but I don't think there were any fires

>> No.27308921
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>> No.27308940

I started reading 10Ks and P/Es and stuff last week and I'm starting to look at TA this week. It's starting to come together in a more well-rounded strategy than what I had before which was basically just sentiment-based speculation.

>> No.27308966

he's saying S3 doesnt know and i reply with data from S3

>> No.27308972
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We need to bring these back to the Western world.

>> No.27308974

movies will unironically come back and theyll ape Alamo Drafthouse to make up for lack of overall volume, but definitely not to the extent leddit will need them to

>> No.27308980
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Watching the charts is kind of fun, yeah.
I see. That's heartening, because I don't think I've got any other outstanding tax violations to be concerned about.
Yeah, I'll be doing some more paper trading and much more research, but I agree on the money bit. Although I'll probably set aside a negligible amount, that I'm willing to lose, to be retarded with.
A large reason for asking here is just out of TFSA concerns, kek. I don't particularly want to set up a margin account, but also don't want to get cucked by the CRA.
Thanks for all the advice, anons.

>> No.27308990
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>> No.27309016
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>> No.27309030
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You browse /fit/ and /pol/?

Never mind you don't belong here either.

>> No.27309028

Also, most TA indicators are assistants in understanding charts. Candlesticks and chart patterns are the crux of it, if you don't have a strong grasp of the ins and outs of that, using indicators are like claiming you know how to ride a bike when all you've been riding is a tricycle.

>> No.27309062

There will not be a crash.

>> No.27309076

Movies are all launching on their respective streaming platforms at the same time as theaters. AMC is the worst company out of the chains. They won't survive.

>> No.27309090
File: 176 KB, 686x378, 8E8808E0-E178-402A-B20F-FB2C39C9082E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMC rejected

>> No.27309093
File: 216 KB, 1080x1350, 6c786a7630fd1e5bba420f5c162c5f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27309103


>> No.27309114

>tfw the Alamo that opened in my city only a couple of years ago is closed forever because of chink flu
It was really cool going to see actual good movies on a big screen

>> No.27309141

Gotta diversify your threads

>> No.27309160
File: 18 KB, 245x205, 1583264530533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody go to sleep early tonight you don't want to miss pre market shit storm

>> No.27309255

I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.27309266

This. When all the indicators are in your favor it drastically reduces losses. Especially when you add a sell trailstop.

>> No.27309294

Fuck kikes

>> No.27309392

>More fallacy arguments
You're still just referencing drones like it's an argument and not addressing what I'm asking. Being able to produce more drones because they now have more buyers and can scale up production doesn't mean they're suddenly going to become extremely profitable and warrant their share price. People will buy it if the win the contract, sure, but that doesn't mean it's a good company worth holding beyond that and that it won't then crab like the rest of the sector during peace times. You wouldn't buy LMT at a PE of 13 but you'll buy KTOS at 700?

>> No.27309426

This is dumb because you're measuring an economy by one of its myriad of resources, this says way more about gold than it does the S&P500

>> No.27309455
File: 98 KB, 800x543, 2b156bf06d63047354a00e815dbbd533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but its money related

>> No.27309581

>LMT has P/E of 13
>LMT has a forward P/E of 12

>KTOS has P/E of 750
>KTOS has a forward P/E of 54
Which of these companies is growing faster?

I'm sure you're smarter than Cathie Wood though.

>> No.27309652

what's going to happen?

>> No.27309672

thats not even a real anime

>> No.27309775

yes every price chart is a comparison between two things. Gold is not more or less objective than USD

>> No.27309798

Who is mommy

>> No.27309869

I’m going to need you to use a trip for now on.

>> No.27309954

So they're 4.5 times more overvalued than LMT even once we consider their growth? Cathie Wood wouldn't weight her portfolio so highly in a sector that barely moves like you've done or what you're encouraging us to do. Speculating on the contract is one thing but don't pretending you're going to be holding this for a decade.

>> No.27310001

alcohol is degenerate

>> No.27310042

Are you ready to make money??

>> No.27310054

investing in the stock market is degenerate.

>> No.27310060

Why do you invest in a dying business model? Tobbacco does not grow, it will only contract.

>> No.27310081

fuck off to your containment thread retard

>> No.27310094

Your obsession with P/E is antiquated and your understanding of the sector and how it's changing is dramatically lacking. You've provided nothing but empty criticism and fallacies, I've provided more than enough resources for you to educate yourself. You keep choosing not to. Don't fucking tell me what I'm holding and for how long, post your portfolio faggot.

>> No.27310186

TA should be a part of any investment. I still SPCE and MOMO for laughs on here but I only found them through my model which measures alpha, beta, 10 day/100 day sma + sharpe ratio. After that I go and look at sentiment. My other strategy is Buffet tier book value but those are longer term plays and I tend to buy less of those.

>> No.27310274

Where do we go then

>> No.27310418

So you have no argument beyond projecting about fallacy arguments while you make one? Okay, keep shilling a company you're unable to defend with anything resembling a coherent argument, I don't care.