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27302454 No.27302454 [Reply] [Original]

Moved to a new place a while ago. I'm unironically a fit gigachad, but haven't been able to really click with anyone at bars other than just for drinks. What are some places to meet people for actual quality friendships?

>> No.27302704

Church, I guess. I used to go to bars all the time and thought I was having a good time, turns out we were all just alcoholics kek.

>> No.27302771

The mistake was not immediately throwing a housewarming party with your neighbors, anon. That's the first step, every time.

>> No.27302821

Tell them you need them to buy Rubic to save your willage. That's sure to get them excited.

>> No.27302827

My synagogue has lots of events for young people to get to know each other. I'd recommend joining one.

>> No.27302914

Any sports you can get involved with? I'm practicing guitar to play at the local jazz club jam night.

>> No.27302917


>> No.27302994

My neighbors are all lonely boomers, I get along well enough with them, but no one my age.

>> No.27303060
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I gave up and took psychopath pill. I'mnow happier than ever. I finally realized that scamming and hurting people is simply something I enjoy. I don't have to pretend that I'm normal anymore.

>> No.27303066

>My synagogue
Listen here Shekelstein Bignosetribedstein, go back to the hedgie cagie

>> No.27303121

what state u live in?

>> No.27303150
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I tried local soccer games, but no one speaks english, plus it's mostly either highschoolers or once again boomers. Guitar's not a bad idea though, I've been playing a lot recently and writing songs, maybe I could try an open mic.

>> No.27303276
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>> No.27303277
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FL fren

>> No.27303305

I tried this at my church and I did meet a lot of people my age. The problem is I can't sit through 3 hours of a pastor leturing me about bible garbage I stopped going

>> No.27303393

oh dude you're state has most things open. try night life in Tampa or something.

>> No.27303399

dunno, i moved to a new place right before the chink flu hit, have not made a single new friend here. i'm at the point where if it happens, it happens. i'm not going to try anymore. at least i still have friends and family back home.

>> No.27303482

Doesn't matter, it's the start to make more connections with the locals.

>> No.27303481

Where did you move to? I'll be your friend if it's the American South.

>> No.27303565


>> No.27303567

arnt the bars open, go be a degenerate at the bars and make friends

>> No.27303596
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>go hiking
>go explore cool places
>pick up a hobby like surfing, biking, etc.

You'll unironically meet some of the coolest and most genuine people when you're enjoying the outdoors. I've met almost all of my friends either through mountain biking and enduro/downhill racing, or hitting trails in my 4x4 and camping. I used to live in a big city years ago and had the same dilemma of having almost no meaningful relationships... I've since moved and surrounded myself with shit I actually enjoy doing and the people I encounter now on a daily basis are for the most part pretty genuine, caring, and friendly.

pic somewhat related

>> No.27303634
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Yeah I'm in the Tampa area, but I have no clue how to meet people to do stuff with. I've gone out to clubs/bars and stuff but can't keep up those friendships cause they're just about getting drunk.

>> No.27303691

have you tried dating apps?

>> No.27303716

Fuck off kike

>> No.27303729

This sounds nice. Tell me, anon, how do I approach people in the wilderness without activating their rape sensors?

>> No.27303824
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Yes, I dated the devil for a year, she kept me occupied but now I kicked her out and have nothing to do. I'd rather have some friends before I try dating again.

>> No.27303937


OP you don't need friendship. You just need anonymous gay sex to fill the void

>> No.27303956

what are your interests?

>> No.27304067

you meet a lot of stoner retards too

>> No.27304175

>without activating their rape sensors?
Hmmm have you tried, I don't know, not being rapey?

>> No.27304329

If you can sing well I suggest a karaoke bar.

>> No.27304339

i met my 4 best friends, hildago, giacometti, pierre and rudolph at my local food bank

>> No.27304847

Just create your own friends in your mind based loosely on childhood acquaintances who tolerated you. Im never lonely

>> No.27304910
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Film, Animation, Gaming, Music. But lot's of outdoor stuff too like camping, biking, kayaking etc. It's just the outdoor stuff feels really awkward to do alone. It's easier to say the things I don't like: Basically drinking for fun. I could do bars like once a month but I keep falling into groups where that's their whole weekend and it drains me.
I can sing well enough lol. There was karaoke night at a local place I used to go to with my ex, but idk I wouldn't just go do karaoke alone now.

Also seriously thanks frens, this has been a great advice thread

>> No.27306103

try some local arcade perhaps or maybe some biking competition or hell a marathon if there are any

>> No.27306242

Volunteer your time doing something you enjoy
>like animals volunteer at shelters
>like helping people go to food bank
You’ll be around two types of people, the ones that are there Bc they want to be and the ones that are there due to court mandated community service. Both can become great friends Anon

>> No.27306398

You ever shot a gator?

>> No.27306540

>I don't have to pretend that I'm normal anymore.
Don't you have to pretend to be normal if you want to be a successful scammer?

>> No.27306624

Join local forums / websites for your hobbies.
Met a few friends that way. Went on a surfing trip with randoms from a forum, was a good time. Just a bunch of autistic retards trying to have fun.

>> No.27306629

How to get a Jewish gf as an indian?

>> No.27306686

based bizlet

>> No.27306737

use meetup.com there are tons of groups that actively go hiking, biking, outdoorsy shit all over the states

>> No.27306767

It's different. I mean that I don't feel like I have to fit in anymore. I just don't care about anyone, what they think and how I impact them. It's great feeling to be free from social norms. Nowadays I care only about making money.

>> No.27306841

Just do the needful my good curry pal

But no the real answer is money and muscles, you need to trick them into thinking you're a rich arab

>> No.27306852

Have you ever tried going to one of those tabletop gaming stores? You'd be able to play games with new people Irl, and most people into that sort of thing are between the ages of 20 and 50

>> No.27306941

Volunteer for a cause you genuinely care about
Make friends through work
Join co-ed sports leagues
Become a regular at your favorite bar or music scene
Make small talk with people at your gym
Just make sure youre not coming on too strong and let the friendships build naturally. If you seem desperate for friends people will think youre needy and avoid you.

>> No.27306955
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>> No.27306985

Gordon gecko pilled

>> No.27306986


>> No.27307077
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Friends? What are those? Do you know where you are?

>> No.27307157
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>> No.27307212

The NiggerHate society is seeking new members.

>> No.27307505

I always say professional life, hobbies, fitness and overall self esteem come first. In the process of developing all of those things, you will no longer even ask the question you are asking. And the friends will come in unexpected ways.

>> No.27308856

Make money, buy friends, easy.

>> No.27308952
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You're on the wrong board you fucking faggot.


>> No.27310234

They help, but you need to make somewhat of an effort to meet people if you work from home and only have hobbies that can be done at home.

>> No.27310409

Create your own friends
>t. Schizo

>> No.27311161

Yeah that's the biggest problem. I've always worked from home even before corona, so professionally it's tough.

>> No.27311260

not to yourself

>> No.27311291

What does this thread have to do with finances?

>> No.27311545

“Fit gigachad”
He’s a pajeet with a thick accent and smells like shit and has a 3 inch hard penis

>> No.27311662

can i pretend to be der juden for max financial gains? im fairly racially ambiguous

>> No.27312383

I actually thought about doing this for networking kek