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27295982 No.27295982 [Reply] [Original]

What to do with 30k? Should I invest 10k? Help bois

>> No.27296247
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XRP. It's the one with a stable future for me.

>> No.27296322

do you owe money?
pay debts that have high intrest rates first.

>> No.27296365

no, my parents pay for my education and I live with them. They also pay my car insurance. I'm 21.

>> No.27296461

You should invest the entire 30K.

>> No.27296552

1500% in 2 years, no I’m not joking

>> No.27296553

Nah faggot, at most I'll invest 20k. Should I still invest in GME?

>> No.27296856

Stop shilling me shitcoins. Bitcoin is literally the one and last time a shitcoin will balloon.

Anyone else high IQ willing to share their input?

>> No.27296965

yes, this is free money
throw as much as you can into gamestop, keep holding for 1k per share minimum
you have guaranteed x3 and x10-30 isn't impossible

>> No.27297041

15-20 investments of stocks

>> No.27297069

if it magically disappeared would you starve? no? stonks it is.

>> No.27297165

its not investing at this point, its gambling

>> No.27297229

where the fuck can I sell my XRP as Burgerland citizen? Coinbase shut that shit down over SEC "investigations"

>> No.27297235

Yeah buy stocks at the top, good advice

>> No.27297247

I agree, that's why I'll buy some GME when it opens tomorrow if it dips. Thanks anon

Any other good stonks?

>> No.27297281

GME is incredibly high risk right now are you retarded

>> No.27297284

built for BBC

>> No.27297363

fuck off hedgie

>> No.27297479
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wow you are so wrong it's hilarious. If you think you know so much about crypto then just put it on bitcoin. why are you even asking? Don't put it in GME unless you are a retard... actually, on second thought, put it all on GME

>> No.27297527

PLTR, ARKW was buying it at 39 and theyre still buying at 35


>> No.27297640

Shut up cryptocuck. I'll take you by the throat and strangle you. Retard

>> No.27297783
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>ITT are cryptocucks shilling me their shitcoins they've been trying to get rich off from THE PAST 3-4 YEARS

When will these faggots learn?

>> No.27297985

Yeah put the money your parents gave you on GME during its unprecedented all-time high, very sound longterm investment.

>> No.27298057

shut up poorfag

otherwise bost bortpolio

>> No.27298146

I hope you find meaning and happiness in life someday. good luck

>> No.27298205

relax dude its just a meme

>> No.27298234


>> No.27298384
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>> No.27298428

Invest the majority of it in safe investments. Utilities and shit like that are always a safe bet.

Put a minority of it into crypto, prioritize safer, long term bets.

If you want to throw money around with risky shit and chasing hype trains (whether for stonks or shitcoins), only use like 10% max for that.

>> No.27298543

Invest in the border wall. It just got ten feet higher

>> No.27298678

buy DERO
buy and stake ZIL
im super cereal you guys

>> No.27298843

He's blatantly trolling, what kind of Redditor are you baka

>> No.27298946

Ok dude, so what do you recommend?

>> No.27299070
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This is the answer. See there is good info here you just have to dig. My problem is I have like 100k in cash and was going to get some PM's but now shit is fucked and smell jewish trickery. What do I do with USD that safe??

>> No.27299275

he's not wrong desu it can come crashing down any day now. I think it will be hard to pick up momentum because robinhood limited purchases and opening a new account somewhere else can take a while
>still holding

>> No.27299323


>> No.27299351

30k save, get another 10k and open a blue chip, once you've done all that come back and play magic internet coin.

>> No.27299436

Don't invest it all. Just put 1 grand in muse. We're going to 10x

>> No.27299444

Based. Stay with your parents and save money for as long as you can.

>> No.27299489

This is the smart answer though. I personally don't mind gambling my bucks a bit, but this anon has the smart answer.

>> No.27299546

Yes I agree but I want 100k now desu

>> No.27299686

YOLO it into AMC tomorrow and 10x it.

>> No.27299709

Buy a 20 thousand dollar car brand new with financing and all that shit and then spend the other 10k on some cool as hypebeast clothing and sneakers. 500 Dollar supreme tees

>> No.27300015
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I'm the same age, would recommend a somewhat risky investment strategy for ~50% of your wealth, then some more stable assets for the others (maybe real estate trusts or something?)

I have 50% in crypto with a heavy lean on finding USEFUL COST SAVING alt coins. These are coins that can literally instantly save a company a whole lot of money on a yearly basis if they were to use them instead of legacy tech.

Some coins I like: $AAVE, $SC, $GRT, $AVAX, $RBC (from least to most risky IMO)

>> No.27300068

Then gamble it all
If you want to make money fast you need risk
No way around it

>> No.27300212
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I'm kinda spooked about holding onto USD with how much uncertainty there is with what is going to happen this week. Its easier for me though, since I'm a leaf... so I'm just not holding onto many USD assets (other than 2-4% of my portfolio in GME lol). When the boat started rocking a lot with this short squeeze bonanza, I made sure to put my excess cash into utilities (mainly a gas pipeline company that mainly does home heating), because regardless of what happens, people don't want to be cold in their homes.

I've never invested in PM before, nor have done extensive research for myself on them... and I refuse to jump into an investment I am not familiar with, and I won't suggest someone else do something that I wouldn't do myself.

USD makes me nervous right now, just in the off chance that things are far, far worse than we all think they are, and dominos start falling on Wall Street and then the US makes the money machine go burr even louder than it has been for the last couple years.

>> No.27300544

>USD makes me nervous right now
me too leafbro. Fuck!
>the US makes the money machine go burr even louder than it has been for the last couple years.
These fuckers are going to make it worthless damnit... I was going to buy bullion but looks like that is fucked up right now. Was thinking of getting like 40-50k in gold, but that shit is also high as fuck. I gotta decide quick.

>> No.27300560

> just in the off chance that things are far, far worse than we all think they are
I would be surprised if this was not the case

>> No.27300609
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Can you talk about these a little bit? Im literally stupid.

>> No.27300816

AMC, AG, FAZ (only hold this one for a week), physical silver bullion, LINK, ETH, BTC. You’re welcome

>> No.27300908
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Buy some L2 projects like Tokamak....if you like money that is

>> No.27300911

I bought XRP at too good of a point and now im like constantly under 30 bucks.

>> No.27301104
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Because yeah, the topic of the 2008 recession has been on everyone's minds a lot lately. And that, while some people could see coming... was far, far FAR worse than anyone could have imagined... everyone except for the top brass at Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who made sure to have their golden parachutes ready.

If it turns out that Wall Street just spent the following decade rebuilding another house of cards, that would not surprise me... and this time I am prepared. And if it doesn't turn out to be another global recession, I'm still prepared to make respectable returns that I am pleased with.

>> No.27301125

Just buy the normal, vanilla, stock market.

>> No.27301142


>> No.27301796


>> No.27302029

Was in similar position at 21. 30k is just a glorified emergency fund, I'd hold off on investing more than 5k until you reach 40k~45k or have your career/living situation figured out. It may feel like that 30k is burning a whole in your pockets right now, but it is honestly the bare ass minimum if you plan on moving out by 24.

>> No.27302135

>not moving out at 18, working 50 hour weeks to put yourself through college
Fucking spoiled trust fund babies

>> No.27302229

you should invest all of it in assets, usd isn't going to be worth toilet paper in 5 years

>> No.27302504

Try to find some old Trump steaks preserved from back in the day. Keep them in cold storage and profit 20 years from now bro

>> No.27302530

nice dude. what are you keeping your savings in? PM's?

>> No.27302766

you can open an account at many brokerages like TD Ameritrade within minutes as long as you have a checking or savings account. Just lie when they ask you what your income/net worth/experience with trading is. Any cost for the stocks you buy won't be transferred from the credit/savings account for a few days

>> No.27302784


>> No.27302909

How do you have 30 k at the age of 21? Genuine question

>> No.27302913

Why the fuck would anyone be enough of a big dumb nigger to invest in utilities? Here's my recommendation OP:

20k in VTSAX
5k in crypto
5k in a traditional IRA

>> No.27302999

I didnt see you said you want to get rich quick. In that case just go to vegas

>> No.27303119

Trade job at 18 outta high school. Actually very easy.

>> No.27303176
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Long $CLF

>> No.27303864

Dogecoin. All 30k I dare you.