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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27297633 No.27297633 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck am i going to buy anything at uniswap if this shit stays for 3 hours and then gets fucking cancelled?
Please someone help me i want to make it

>> No.27297702

gas out the ass newfag

>> No.27297755

i will help you fren.

give more details what are you trying to buy and what amount

>> No.27298013

I have only 34$ bucks on uniswap.
Gas fee is like 14$ bucks
So I buy 20$ of the crypto i want to swap.
Is this how im supposed to do it?

>> No.27298099

and ty beforehand for trying to help me fren
(im trying to bu

>> No.27298316

No. Because how are you supposed to sell it if you have no eth left for gas?
You need more eth.

>> No.27298416

Isnt fees just those 14 bucks?
I should have 20 left, right?
Yes, im third world poorfag dont judge pls

>> No.27298913

yeah thats how it works but you are gonna need another gas fee when you sell. with such a small amount of money its just not worth using uniswap try to sign up for an exchange like kucoin or something and start from there

>> No.27298942

You are going to lose all your money trading with those little amounts.
14 transfer INTO your wallet.
14 transfer (maybe, can go up to 30) OUT of your wallet.

>> No.27299136

i pay two times the fee by doing one transaction only?
jesus christ

>> No.27299205
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this is a sad realization for me /biz bros.