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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 194x259, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2728728 No.2728728 [Reply] [Original]

Basically lost my entire life savings. People say money isn't a problem or it can't buy you happiness. Yea, go tell the people sleeping on the street that.

I try to do everything for my family financially.. And I'm not a dumb guy, but everything I've tried to do has turned against me. No matter how hard i try to help, it always works against me or the people I love. Every single friend I have had in my life is now dead, in jail, or has stolen from me. Every single female I've tried to have a decent and honest relationship with has took advantage of me for free shit, cheated on me, and most recently I caught an STD which I can't afford to take care of. Can't get a decent job because I can't afford college or because of my history which is who I was when I was younger. I can keep going but honestly... who cares.

Which brings me to my point.

I'm not here to ask for shit, I'm not here for someone Else's SOB story.
I'm not here to talk about. It is ultimately my decision.

Death as we all know, is imminent, and will be happening to any and everyone.
If your life is really being shitty? And you have the means and access to do it cleanly. then why not.

I can't tell my family yet because they won't understand or try to call the cops or somehow intervene in whatever way possible.

I've written my letter already basically telling them it's no big deal and better to deal with it now then later. It takes me 5-6 hours to sleep, and when I do wake up, it's 2-3 hours later and I can't even move.

It's no way to live man.. it's not healthy... it's just fucked.

Anyways 4chan you guys are the best no matter how much bullshit everyone talks to each other on here. Love you anons, being on here is what has basically kept me alive to keep going. No matter how much shit talk and scheming ass shit people do. Love y'all.

Yours truly,
Another Anon.

>> No.2728734

Larp in hell

>> No.2728736

See ya tomorrow you bitchass mufugga

>> No.2728741

love you anon

>> No.2728745

not sure if larp or pasta, but if true, you need to go join a buddhist monestary. Renounce everything and be happy.

>> No.2728752
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Let's drive lambos together in the next life, OP.

>> No.2728756
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>> No.2728767
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>Another victim of DGB

When will this madness end?

>> No.2728779
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if you're going to do it, at least spend it all on drugs and whores before you go
make a bacchanal with dozens of women

and when you're going to do it, think of jesus
there are plenty of reasons to live anon, i hope you find one

>> No.2728789

Godspeed anon

>> No.2728790
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>> No.2728852

When you don't have nothing to lose you're free to do whatever you want.

Why you don't start over again? change literally everything, your country, your relationships, everything, from zero.
What the hell, if still doesn't work just kill yourself, you'll always have time to do it.

>> No.2728893

Send Bitbean before you go go

>> No.2728895

what method are you gonna use?

>> No.2728897

People bitch about this type of advice for depressed people, but this seems worth it for OP.

If you're worried about your STD, just scrounge enough cash for a one-way trip to Europe and get treated there.

Then grab a backpack and just walk your way to whatever happens.

>> No.2728912

Coinfags BTFO and literally on suicide watch.

The cycle is reversing.

>> No.2728935

DGB use is destroying this world.

>> No.2728939

Nice, just bought 100K.

>> No.2728947
File: 9 KB, 268x284, 1462 laughing anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha sold in may and went away with some nice gains. rest in piss loser!!!

>> No.2729261

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.2729273
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Look at this cute ass dog bear

Live your life for this dog bear or he will cry

>> No.2729293

post suicide note

>> No.2729312

didn't you were "killing yourself today" a couple of days ago? i swear i already saw this thread

either way, kys

>> No.2729313

nice just bought 100k!

>> No.2729315

go back to r9k to make this stupid attention thread every day.

nobody cares that you suck with money. get a job. puberty isn't that bad

>> No.2729322

Haha great tip! Just bought 100k of this!

>> No.2729325

Normally I feel empathy for people in tight spots, but I don't feel shit for you. I don't feel like explaining why either. Go to hell.

>> No.2729361
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There goes another ANT investor.

>> No.2729373

sent (;

>> No.2729395


>> No.2729423


How did you lose your life savings though?

>> No.2729427

Hey faggot before you die send me some BTC

>> No.2729430

Take this shit to /r9k/. This is a Business & Finance board.

MODS! MODS! I know there are only 12 of you on the whole site, but b& this shitposter, please. (Visible sage as I know the mods will never come): SAGE

>> No.2729450

anon you are young, death is not imminent its. it a blessing. your family loves you even if they don't/can't show it. no parent should bury their child. hodl? ps what crypto should i buy?

>> No.2729453

wow ur cool

>> No.2729463

send your btc adress before you pass

>> No.2729472
File: 32 KB, 500x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this poster. You are a failure and have let your family down. The only sollution is death. Commit Harry Caray and atone for the deep disgrace and loss you have brought to your family.

>> No.2729491

lol just forget your family and move to hawaii and cook burgers.

you'll be much happier.

>> No.2729546

Livestream it faggot.

>> No.2729557

Oh boy...which holy book is right?! Bible? Koran?!

>> No.2729622

Why not just kill the you that you dislike? Sounds like you're really good at blaming everything but yourself when you're the only one who can control your actions. No one is going to do it for you.

Once you do that, it'll be easier to sleep at night. Confident people don't struggle with self-doubt because they already depend on themselves. Plus it'd be a shame to kill yourself if you have parents that love you anon. My friend's brother killed himself like it was no "big deal" during the Emo scene and it ruined his family. If you're living in the West you've already got it better than most of the planet jeez.

>> No.2729629

nice blog post no coiner
no go play with your stocks, it seems you are having a nice week ahead and you will earn 2% on your savings. Run, the clock is ticking.

>> No.2729678
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You know, in Donald Trump's book... he talked about walking down the street and seeing a homeless man and realizing that the homeless guy was worth more than he was...

Then he went to the boardroom, worked out a deal, bailed out his company and is now the President of the United States.

Don't KYS bro

>> No.2729684


I don't even have to look at the price of crypto to know when its a blood bath.

I just pull up biz and see all the suicide and robin hood posts and I instantly know which direction the markets going.

>> No.2729688


stop surrounding yourself with negros/chinadogs/white trash

>> No.2729765

Dude please don't do it, for your family. Life can change so quickly. You could move to europe for medical care. Some people do not even have live savings to begin with. Also did you ever go diving or visit cool caves or swing through the jungle like tarzan? You totally need to do that first!

>> No.2729791

>NEET an imploding crypto portfolio
> have with a college degree with all loans paid off
>worth more than most people my age drowning in debt
Things aren't good, but they could be much worse.

>> No.2729868

I feel your pain OP. This month I've gone from 17k to 5k. Oh it hurts. Shitty trade after shitty trade. Just BTFO. But not a reason to kill yourself man chill.

>> No.2729879

dont do it man, running from hardship doesn't work. whatever hardship is making you depressed enough to want to die isnt bigger than you. sleeping on floors, couches, no money for food, mother almost dying from cancer, bad childhood, watching friends self-destruct, major depression, watching good friends die from brain cancer and helping them to their last day ive seen it man. process your situation, process your emotions but dont let them take you over, stay determined to fight and dont give up. its worth it even through all the bullshit.

>> No.2729906

Please go through with it so you stop shitting up my board with your blogposting. Thanks!

>> No.2729971

Race ya in the next life, anon. Bring your lambo

>> No.2729999


Did you really think that you could just drop money and forget about it?

Without actually studying anything?

Know what, maybe I do need less of people like you in this world.

Tired of fucking lazy idiots. I give people like you opportunities, but you make excuses, fucking up after every fuck up.

"Let's build an app" You're too tired.
"Let's create a successful investment firm"
You're too lazy.
"Let's create a successful business by studying market trends and offering a service"
Nah, not interested.

You want to slave away and be a wagecuck? Yeah well this is what happens. You don't read, you don't improve, you don't really give a fuck. You have no resilience. Didn't your mother ever tell you that there are sharks out here to hit you hard enough that would make you want to cry?

You never stood a chance at true entrepreneurship—and I'm certainly not sorry to see you go.

Fucking disgusting OP.

>> No.2730046

>Human worth is entirely based on level of contribution to business
>business as end-all-be-all of point of life

Do you ever step back and really look at yourself? Do you ever think about how you got to this point? Probably, but I bet you blame it external experience; on everyone else.

You are fucking disgusting.

>> No.2730078


I blame nothing.

You know why? Because I taking fucking responsibility—something that this generation of mine seems to know nothing about.

It's about discipline. Don't think I don't sit back watching all of you pathetically trying to gouge volatile markets like you have any modicum of trading experience minus the emotion. That's it's all fun and games under the veneer of the truth that you desperately trying to hide from.

Most of you don't know shit about shit. Sit here and don't even know what it means to create value, so then we get posts like these, acting entitled to gains without hard work. Then the real demons creep out.

If I'm disgusting, you're completely fucking delusional. As a matter of fact— Keep being stuck on stupid. And actually post your note when you end up like OP.

Human worth? Yet you don't know the first thing about what it means to create value?

Get the fuck out of here snowflake.

>> No.2730095

What exchange are these on?

>> No.2730105


Enjoy your bitterness and enjoy your narcissism. I'm sure you'll have no regrets.

>> No.2730108

C u round space cowboy

>> No.2730110
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>> No.2730113

3 hours later...no reply

Oh dear.

1 post by this ID

Oh shiettt

>> No.2730116

I most certainly will not have any regrets. And thank you anon.

>> No.2730117
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Before you kill yourself, can you transfer all of the DGB you lost your life earnings on?

I can still cash it out and make a few hundred bucks.

>> No.2730132

dont do it faggot, worst case scenario you'll end up a hobbo an you can just hike around, ain too bad

>> No.2730147



btc plz b4 u exit, I've had a uniquely shit life too.

>> No.2730155

Yeah it's funny how fast things can change. I guess you just have to try and laugh about it. A month ago I was planning on how I was going to spend my newfound riches in crypto. Now I sit here today, all my gains have evaporated, and now I check my portfolio every morning just hoping to break even

>> No.2730168


see you in the lamboland in the sky OP

>> No.2730240

>a fucking AUDI

>> No.2730271


>> No.2730331
File: 1.01 MB, 2058x2429, 0706172000-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, what happens if when u anhero, u go to pergatory and get stuck looking at shitcoin charts for the rest of eternity?
Maybe u should get a dog, maybe it might make u hate life lil bit less?
Pic related, hes my awesome dog

>> No.2730343

Livestream it

>> No.2730361

>They said the woman, the man's girlfriend, moved in with him but had not lived there as long as he had

Well, as least we know it wasn't you, OP. Glad to see you're still with us.

>> No.2730397

>I can't tell my family yet because
it will be very insane of you to tell them that you wasted entire life savings on blue chinese ants

>> No.2730410

sad, but this is actually good and you should be proud

>> No.2730423

Sweet blog post, faggot.
How about you just buy some fucking ARK.

>> No.2730424

>asking people for free help
>other people are lazy

>> No.2730545

Hope youre ok Op, I hope you read this.

Please don't kys.

I had the sweetest life on minimum wage suring everyday on the coast and renting out a single room. Its the money you make that makes you happy, I promise.

>> No.2730571


because you're a retarded fucker?
>fake your death
>no more debts
>start new life
>learn how to actually invest instead of "WAAA-ing" about m-muh cold streets

>> No.2730578

Right because giving opportunities is asking for free help? Get out.

Another cryptosnowflake.

>> No.2730588

What value do you create?

>> No.2730589
File: 70 KB, 749x735, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're going to die anyway, load up and take a couple of dozen niggers with you.

>> No.2730605

I'm 23 and loaded now, but the best part of my life was 18-20 when I lived alone, unemployed, with no friends and no girls, claiming jobseekers and housing benefits

Not lying. It was serene

>> No.2730637


Not whiney posts about suicide screaming snowflake attention that's for certain.

Compassion to those who deserve it. And organized code. Basically making people's lives easier in my field, mathematics tutoring for those with learning disabilities but who still fucking try, exposing the truth and not wasting time being a fuckall leech on the internet.

>> No.2730652

nigga shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.2730668

>>2730078 you seriously couldn't sound more like elliot roger if you tried

>> No.2730672

>"Rofl everything is funny, but I'm broke."

Keep wasting your life like OP libtard. I buy your stupidity at a discount.

>> No.2730770

>>2730672 boiiii u goofing wit all that fuck shit.

>> No.2730783

You're completely right anon. Now carry on.

>> No.2730935

Most of the people living on the street literally choose to be there. If you give them a free house to live in and a year's salary, they'll be back on the street in a month.

>> No.2731282

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.2731509

>And I'm not a dumb guy
Sorry, but you are retarded. Anyone smart would read a book.

>> No.2731805

Smoke, Bro. POT Coin.