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27273578 No.27273578 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Ecoin?

>> No.27273884

remember when this show tried to portray trump as chinese puppet?

>> No.27274046

is that Lau

>> No.27274203

sorry i dont watch kike shiet moshie

>> No.27274430

>villain is a tranny
>good guy is a schizo who pulled off the financial meltdown they’re telling us will happen for real if we don’t sell off GME
It’s actually based.

>> No.27274462
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Mr. Robot

>> No.27274775
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(((They))) made this to watch how people would react if its would be true, so from show tldr jew genius gonna fck chinese in the ass and take crypto in his hands
Wow not a kike show you say ?

>> No.27274941
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The real world version is called DONUT

>> No.27275406


>> No.27276519

it's actually a weird show with its subtext, the main writers are actually muslim nerds which is a unique occurrence in hollykike, while it's still pozzed in many ways it's also blatantly redpilled in other aspects, like the main storyline is about taking down usury, but at the same time the villains arent kikes but a chink tranny its very weird