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27261130 No.27261130 [Reply] [Original]

The cross chain interoperability of layer 3 is the next logical step crypto. You fags don't understand, Rubic literally has the potential to become the decentralized exchange that unites the cryptocurrency market as a whole.

>> No.27261331

Rubicc mad thicc.

>> No.27261436

next logical step for crypto*

forgive me I'm not actually retarded

>> No.27261615
File: 275 KB, 521x937, 1611985821181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rubic bros are gonna be so fuckin rich

>> No.27261909

Rubic is the scam. You know why?

-CEO had a ICO in 2017 and rugpulled (mywish)
-Token has no usecase
-Trading on the platform is super buggy, all they do is using 1nch API.
-Girl as Marketing Lead (Girls in crypto)?
-Indians promoting coin on youtube
-Picture of nigerian community manager
-dead repo, one backend dev with no crypto experience
-ceo speaks bad english, bad for partnerships
-shilled by paid pajeets
-binance partnership? binance is not even following rubic lol
-marketing team from russia, devteam from mumbai
red flags over red flagss

>> No.27262080

Rubic is probably vaporware. Tokenomics alone are mine numbing and scammy. There’s more to crypto than the technology. I would never use it or develop on it for that reason.

>> No.27262206

Rubic is VERY FAR from enabling interoperability between all blockchains. So far it's only binance chain and ERC20. That's it. That's not much. You can't trade erc20 to btc, avax, xrp etc

>> No.27262268

This is tangible infrastructure for Blockchain technology. Layer 3 is what the big boys are building towards

>> No.27262413
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Rajesh is eternally priced out.

>> No.27262472

That's true, but this is relatively new technology, and Rubic is the first of its kind.

>> No.27262512

Lame fud. Try harder

>> No.27262909
File: 64 KB, 725x324, 1612116994420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure got us ranjesh. you should put more of this effort into shilling your scam rigel.finance

>> No.27262945

Who else offers this service?

>> No.27263007

You say that but this is a scamcoin.

>> No.27263062


Also working on Polkadot.

>> No.27263362

there are countless swaps and similar credible projects popping up....

>> No.27263487

Name them

>> No.27263533


>> No.27263641

same old copy paste fud like always...okay WHALE

>> No.27263916
File: 602 KB, 2048x1831, 1612119451442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad didnt buy the .07 dips last week.
Hope you do ok anon, we go to moon without you.

>> No.27264012

if it makes you feel better i got into rigel before they did and they took my bags kek

>> No.27264142

>Token has no use case
Read the whitepaper, bagholder.

>> No.27264399


Considering DEX, there are dozens of them
I mean, people have been repeating that for months, and I've read very few counter arguments (not that I did not look up for these)

>> No.27264758

sure but rubic,exchange is trying to have the cheapest swaps possible by implementing binance smart chain as an L2 solution. I also don't believe that boringdao is trying to go the route of allowing it's users to perform anonymous swaps. Different strokes for different folks i guess. :)

>> No.27265137

Right now, fees on rubic are similar as fees on uniswap.
'COIN' seem equally ambitious as Rubic.

>> No.27265206

i actually held some boringdao but was honestly sketched out by their team. i think that it could be a good hold.

>> No.27265336

coin doesn't have a working product at all. That is the very definition of vaporware which made me not invest in COIN. Also their name is a really poor choice.

>> No.27265538
File: 513 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210129-104900_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rubic literally has the potential to become the decentralized exchange that unites the cryptocurrency market as a whole.

That would be Orion Protocol, not your russian teen shitcoin

>> No.27265887

fucking putrid