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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2726063 No.2726063 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2726076

I've been wage cucking 3 years.
I've saved up 30 K.
I really hate my job and it's killing me slowly.

What can I possibly do to gtfo of wage cucking. I've only recently discovered /biz/.

Any advice would help me.

>> No.2726087

ask for a raise

>> No.2726091

Quit your job and put it all into crypto. It's the trendy thing to do these days.

>> No.2726093

15k into crypto

>> No.2726113


Is there a guide on how to get in crypto? I've just read a few threads on here..but I can't make out which are memes and which aren't.

I'd genuinely happily put at least 10 K into these coins if I knew wtf I was doing.

>> No.2726123


>> No.2726298
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Before you waste all your money following advices from anonymous users of buthanese basket waving forum you should educate yourself. Read books on investing for example.

You're sick of your job - good. You decided you want to create some form of income that wouldn't require you to work for someone. You can achieve it in 2 ways:

-Buissness; you create company (or buy existing franchise) and set it in motion to make money for you. (Just keep in mind if you're gonna sit there from 8 to 6 managing everything you're still a wagecuck. You aim to create system that will work for you.)

-Investing; choose a market and invest, you've got stocks, bonds, forex, cryptos, real estate, etc. You simply put money in and get more money out, simple as that. Alternatively you choose securities that pays you a dividend or rent real estate for stable income.

Choose your path, look for books on the subject, look for people that are successful in these ares so you can teach from them.
"Inteligent Investor" is good starting point if you're interested in stock market. Other than that I don't have any solid recommendations, you need to look for yourself.

Good luck anon.

>> No.2726384

Depending on your living expenses you could probably stop working for an entire year. Use that time to sort yourself and your priorities out, and figure out what you want out of life.

>> No.2726388

Go onto local bitcoins and buy 5 BTC off there. Find a seller with tons of feedback and it will say on there profile how to do the trade

>> No.2726458

Invest the 30k in energy stocks or some other good dividend paying ETF. Buy a van and live in the van and travel on your passive income. Or live at home and reinvest the passive income.

>> No.2726499

>do this
>get put on the "fire first" list
nice going, what you should do is ask for more skills training so you can do more for the company
once you get the training, leave, join a non shit company.

>> No.2726551

This pepe is literally me all day.

God i fucking hate wagecuckery. Better than being at home all day i guess and at least im in a high paying trade. i wish there was some fucking way i could make an easy, at least 30k a year. that would be fantastic.

Is dropshipping legit? there must be something i can do.

>> No.2726979

Just get yourself a job that you like, it's that simple. Finding it on the other hand...

>> No.2727041

Fuck, I just want to have enough saved that I can quit my "high-paying" job which I fucking hate and kills me for one that doesn't pay well but which I like.

Also i don't know how that guy only saved 30k in 3 years, I finished college last December, started working in January, and I'm at 40k currently saved now. But this fucking sucks.

>> No.2727047

Don't listen to these shitcoin kids, don't put in more than 1 or 2k into crypto, and only into the well-known ones. Everything is down.

>> No.2727295

>mfw I like my job
>mfw hard work gets rewarded
>mfw moving up the ranks, can make a lot of money in the next cpl of years
>mfw its satisyfing, company pays for business travels and a bunch of goodies
>mfw go on 4chins and everybodys whining about wagecucks

I cant be the only one who actually likes his job?

>> No.2727524

What's your job?

I want to be a pilot, I think I'll enjoy it.

>> No.2727561

I'm happy with my job, but it doesn't pay much and i all i do is browse 4chins all day, it gets kinda boring

>> No.2727626

Get the fuck out from this website! for real.
Most of the people here are poor and dont know what they are talking about.
Crypto is gambling.
This website is a meme.

>> No.2727675
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I like the money. Hate the people.

>> No.2727706


You're definitely under 30 and an entitled little bitch.

>> No.2727807

Good advice man, it's just a pity so few will take it.
One has to first know what a bucket shop is, before they know to get out.
>huge returns
>zero regulation
>everyone will profit, r-right?

>> No.2727954

Just got paid

4k in a week

Tell me again how I'm the cuck

>> No.2728224

how do i become a pornstar that doesnt show face and only does pov?

how do I become an instagramer that posts pics and gets compliments his dick sucked by hot hs girls and money by doing so?

how do i become a normie youtuber with a mansion and hot gfs?

everything else is a defacto scam

>> No.2728233
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i know im going to loss
and gambling is for fools
but thats the way i like it baby iii dont want to wagecuck forever

and dont forget the laam bo

>> No.2728270

I like my job, it just doesn't pay enough.

>> No.2728309

What job is this and how can I get it?

>> No.2728949

>You aim to create system that will work for you
How feasible would an internet business be in this day and age?

>> No.2728967

>What job is this
ILWU Cuckshoreman

>how can I get it?
YOU can't.

>> No.2728986

Of course, buy when it's high amirite?

>> No.2729014

First of all, you need to save MORE. Do this by being extremely frugal with your money and discard habits you waste money WITH NO GAIN on (smoking/drinking/drugs/gambling). Believe me, most wagecucks wouldn't be where they are if they stopped spending money on useless shit.

One of the biggest drains on a working man is child support / alimony. If you don't have this, then take all precautions to not get it. If you do, then good luck.


>> No.2729041
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I was wagecucking for too long without direction in life.

It would be nice to not have to, but it could be a lot worse, so I remind myself every day to be thankful for what I have.

I'm thankful that my job isn't too hard, and that it gives me funds that I can put into crypto.

>> No.2729062

fuck i didnt realise my post would be this small ill try to write more per post

Anyway, as I mentioned before, paying child support/alimony can and WILL cuck you into a lifetime of submission, especially if you have debt to go along with it.

Second: Again, as i mentioned before, you really need more than 30k to really go anywhere. Sure, you can put a couple thousand into crypto but the gains from it are NOT consistent. I'd suggest wagecucking for one more year but this time saving all the money you have except for your taxes / debts / mortgage. Seriously, you can't live outside of your mom's basement for more than a year on 30k alone.

Third: i wouldn't suggest getting a gf / long term relationship because like it or not, women are mainly liabilities, instead of assets.

my advice is probably shit though, im just another anon


>> No.2729101


another post

What you need to do is find yourself a goal though. All work is meaningless if it has no goal. whether that goal is to earn more money, or to pay off mortgage / debts , you need to set one. A focused person who knows what they're doing and why they're doing it will be infinitely more successful than a person who doesn't.

As for your job, if it's just a mundane, shitty job that you show up to and repeat the same shit over and over, you should consider AUTOMATING it

3 / ?

>> No.2729136


This isn't a joke. putting 3 or 4 months of time into learning a good coding language (which fits what you're doing) , you can consider writing a script which will do it!
A lot of people's jobs (especially dead end shit ones basically center around TRANSFERING, MODIFYING, or MOVING data from one medium to another (i.e. making excel spreadsheets).
What the script would ideally do for you is basically automate your job, but still give you pay for it provided you don't tell anyone.
Of course, you can sell it to your company for a quick buck if it's effective enough and they show interest on it. Hell, they might even be willing to fork over a million or more for some shitty script you spent an afternoon writing because it would eliminate the need to pay an entire branch of the work force.

Also, know what you're worth. EVERYONE will try low balling you and underpaying you for the amount/quality of work you're doing, because you simply don't know any better.