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27254336 No.27254336 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some good financial youtubers? Pic semi related.

>> No.27254392

coin bureau

>> No.27254448

Who the fuck takes financial advice from Sam Hyde?

>> No.27254495

There are none
Your best bet is not being a brain-let goy and actually study the market yourself

>> No.27254531

>got his debt collectors to let him pay $3 a month
i do

>> No.27254621


>> No.27254643
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>> No.27254700

His advice is pretty decent for the burnout teenagers and manchildren who consume his content.

Live with mommy for as long as you possibly can.
Don't spend more than 6k on a car.
DCA into both crypto and meme ETFs

Which is unironically solid advice for someone who is a complete idiot.

>> No.27254766

financial update from the bankman

funny money loaded up on AMC calls... i think this thing is gonna rip to like 40 or 50 but that is my casino hunch only. not financial advice.

unfunny money safely tucked away in BTC. im not a financial advisor but if i was writing a movie about a financial advisor id have the main character talk about he's loaded up on BTC and how he thinks its gonna rip and be like over 100k this year.

NOK might go sicko mode with 5G braincontrol shit but i wouldnt buy while its being pumped

if TSLA corrects ill be buying a foikload of LEAPS on TSLA. If FSD actually shows up thats yr 5 trillion mkt cap company that you can treat like a savings account right there sonny...

have. fun.

i'll be keeping my mouth shut on the money topic from here on out but i would point you in two directions depending on your desires and retardation... if you want to go casino mode id say theres nothing better than WallStreetBets, and if u wanna go goldie mode (my opinion is that this is safe though i know that sounds insane) i would say check dese nuts:


I know youre probably thinking "i have less than $300 and know literally nothing except how to mod steam games" but the transfer of wealth from boomers to millenials/gen-z'ers is happening right now all at once and will continue for probably like 3 years before the musical chairs game is over. i don't want to encourage gambling but it's time for people to start thinking about what is wealth, how to attain it and how to preserve it. a week of hardcore youtube khole binge 'research' would serve you well.. here are some starting points for searches that would behoove you in my humble (rich) opinion:

>> No.27254843

raoul pal (dont go in on altcoins though) and Real Vision

robert kiyosaki

ark invest (get the newsletter) and follow all their ppl on twitter

anthony pompliano (get the newsletter)

winklevoss twins

chamath palihapitiya

willy woo (get the newsletter)

arjun balaji

michael saylor

lyn alden

Dave Lee


wall street bets

Nathaniel Whittemore


DoubleLine Capital/@TruthGundlach

Kitco but i dont think metals is the play, could very well be wrong

Gregory Mannarino (heavily trust weighting this guy to determine when stock market party is over)


my suggestion is make a new twitter sockpuppet and only follow accounts that have to do with money/stocks/crypto/etc... i have one where i follow a buncha ppl in this space, none of them are political or meme accounts.. get on the WallStreetBets discord or telegram

i know youre either butthurt and dejected over trump shit or ecstatic over AOC shit or whatever but im telling you for the next three years pretend like none of that matters. ive also talked to people who are like "check out the subaru i just bought, paid off all my debt".... guys. i have a gang o cars. i get to use none of these things. they bring me zero enjoyment. i wish i could travel back in time to when i was buying the H2 and piss in my own mouth at the dealership for being such a fucked up fag. fuck your subaru.

LINK is still in play. i dont put money in there that i cant lose but LINK and ETH are still in play. DeFi is where you can make 100x but only if you can play five poker games at once. You can also make 0x and get bufu'd instantly. I can't hang with these brainiacs so i dont fuck with defi.

>> No.27254933

fuck your college debt and paying it off. I have 200k in debt. if you think i have any intention of paying that off, EVER, you are on clown street in a dunce cap wearing the mayor of clowntown badge of honor. Debt collectors call me i tell them id piss in their mouth if i could. the US dollar is worth less and less every day. that big pride festival badge you got from paying down your debt is worth zero dollars. I'm going kinda crazy right now with the writing but this will be the last thing i say for a while, you *need* (this is not financial advice this isjust a standup comedy routine im working on so bear with me, this is for entertainment purposes only please seek immediate advice from multiple doctors and lawyers) you *need* to get out of the US dollar with a quickness.... end goal for me is stacking BTC and in the meantime im giving my dice hand a shot at the wall street casino. Currently down 40k on $AMC, ymmv

my main point: theyre printing USD like crazy. this has lead to and will continue to lead to extreme stock market euphoria and insane gains in many cases. it will eventually lead to (in my opinion) a flight into BTC which will become a black hole of money and be worth a megafuckload in ten years. People who do the typical shit-- pay off debt, go to college, buy a house for personal use, pay off their car, save money in the bank account, will be Punished. In three years you go ahead and worry about whatever political thing again, worry about whatever stupid fucking thing you want, in 2023 go play steam games until your cock falls off, great idea, but in the meantime it is time to get 2 hours less sleep per night and start voraciously equipping yourself with the knowledge you need not to get bufu'd in the currency crisis that is headed YOUR WAY

remember to factor in capital gains taxes. i owe infinity dollars of taxes and am using a IRS deferred payment plan to pay 600 a month (cant believe this is legal)... any large chunk i get of USD

>> No.27255022

immediately goes into BTC or stocks and i get routinely overdrawn at bank and dont care.

and remember. *This isn't about money.* It's about every american's RIGHT to go to the MOVIES, to enjoy a big tub of popcorn, and experience cinema, the american dream $AMC

>> No.27255034

Trick question. If you're good, you're banned.

>> No.27255079
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>Live with mommy for as long as you possibly can.
>pretty decent advise

>> No.27255110

Quickfingers Luc

>> No.27255170

Mr. Adam khoo only asians

>> No.27255173

how's your credit score?

>> No.27255198

You seem mentally ill, here, take some attention

>> No.27255417
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i hate MTG shit, and i wish he'd talk more about his broker days, but he's all in with pokeman cards.

>> No.27255511

They're all dogshit, they are basically:
>muh minimalism
>wageslave and live like shit till u have 1 mil by the time 1 mil is worth 50k
Watching sam and reading biz is leagues better than basedtubers

>> No.27255572

Take some reddit gold and fuck off nigger

>> No.27255684

>2 hours less sleep per night
sleeping less is such a meme. One learns slower on no sleep. Best thing to do is get on a sleep schedule, between 7-9 hours depending on the person and just stick with it. I think John Carmack talks about he's gotten a solid 8 hours every day for his entire life, no matter what, and he thinks it works out.

But whatever, to each his own. I mean, there've been weeks when I've been on the crunch and had to got without sleep, but sleep deprivation is a bad longterm solution if you have serious mental work to be doing imo.

>> No.27255721

I was just thinking about this. I remember like a year ago he was saying "get a skill. if you fuck around with the stock market you're gonna make some gains and then lose more money than youve ever had in your life and want to kill yourself."

Now he's saying "put everything in to stocks, the next three years are pure gains."

Which is it faggot

>> No.27255738

good financial advice

>> No.27255820


>> No.27255835

what was the secret of this whole thing anyway? It refered to a future episode of hydewars or something but what was the SECRET

>> No.27255897

Rudy is cool. He doesn't peddle bullshit and is all about 'get rich slow'. Anyone saying otherwise is a faggot like the shitcoin shills we have here. Everyone wants to do 3 months worth of hard work to make it...I'm fine with it taking 10 years. Just buy and hold BTC idiots. That's all you need to do. There are no shortcuts

>> No.27255971

At this point everything is rigged. There is zero price discovery. It’s all basically insiders and gambling.

>> No.27256017

hi sam

>> No.27256019

unironically this. he has a great video on this too somewhere. fucking priusposter

>> No.27256078

coinbureau is the only decent one AFAIK. Everyone else is a moonboy shill

>> No.27256103

Yeah but it's terrible life advise. Sure you might safe $1000 a month, but honestly a lot of manchildren don't need that, what they need is some fire under their ass to enable them to grow the fuck up. Don't speak on things you don't understand zoomer.

>> No.27256258

What the fuck even is this guys comedy anymore? It used to be semi-coherent but now it’s just slapstick gags and gross out humour. Have you looked at his Instagram recently? All the short skits he posts there just feel like a bad acid trip.

>> No.27256269

caring about your (((credit score))) as long as its 740+ you get all the benefits

>> No.27256329

check what board and thread you are in buddy

>> No.27256446

>living rent free
>not a great idea

>> No.27256473

For micro or macro?

>> No.27256545

Sam is cheating because his credit score will forever be high because his father is a millionaire

>> No.27256567

thanks sam

>> No.27256669

I unironically wouldn’t listen to anything Sam Hyde has to say

He’s the product of divorce and autism

>> No.27256757
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His channel looks like dogshit what are you talking about?

>> No.27256810

>His advice is pretty decent for the burnout teenagers and manchildren who consume his content
It's really weird to think about too. He started out being a "shock" comedian, but now he realized who makes up most of his fanbase and changed his thing to giving out the type of advice his fans' dads would give them if they were around. I remember he mentioned that he was trying to quit cigars because too many of his followers started copying him and he didn't want kids getting cancer because of him.

>Don't spend more than 6k on a car
I watched his and Nick's Ecstacy of Car clips on YouTube when he said this, I agree with their reasoning but I still say $6K is too little and would suggest $10K instead, otherwise you're gonna be repairing your shitbox every weekend. Maybe it's fine if it's a Honda or Toyota, but otherwise I'd be very nervous about buying a car whose odometer has a six figure reading

>> No.27256881

i got this email from him too and its a huge fucking sell signal for crypto. honestly hes retarded as shit man. god has doomed him to make bad financial decisions, there is no way he's not buying the top of this crypto bubble. massive sell signal, the whole thing reads like a textbook emotional investor. this dude should have a lot more money than he currently does due to his rabid weird fanbase but he's unable to fully capitalize on it because again, his brain has been created by god to be retarded financially. im still not selling tho

>> No.27256884

why are almost all crypto channels like this? literally frauds every single one of them and they all have like 100k views too

>> No.27257450

Crypto has such a long way to go, selling anything before btc is 150k is retarded.

>> No.27257529
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Why this dude looks like he aging 5 years for every 1

>> No.27257755

This guy makes me feel like such an out of touch boomer because despite seeing him in memes all the time I have no idea who he is and I don't even know how to find out more. His Wikipedia page is just a transparent hit piece about how *problematic* he is. I can't even tell if he has a YouTube channel or if it got nuked for aforementioned problematicness because most of the videos seem to be out of context clips. I don't even have Instagram because I'm not a normie and I barely know what it is. Is this guy worth paying attention to and if so, how do I do so?

>> No.27257860

yeah i mean im not selling, it just makes me nervous about where we are in the market cycle seeing an email like this from sam. prob all good. hopefully he makes some money on this run up and becomes more powerful, i love sam

>> No.27257950

samil al-hayyid isn't some normalfag FOMOing into crypto though. He's been in this shit for a while. I remember him talking about ETH very early on back before the 2017 bull run, for example.

>> No.27258324
File: 17 KB, 812x460, 120262170_1768375283318277_5626392272061939082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was part and main guy of the MDE milliondollarextreme comedy sketch group. They used to be on youtube with a big audience (500k-1mil views on some videos) but got shut down. After years of doing indie comedy shit they landed a show on adult swim called World Peace, it got cancelled for several reasons, mainly because they were pro Trump and it was 2016. Ever since he was more underground again and now is just on instagram and gumroad where you can pay 5$ a month for his vlogs/sketches. Most of the good old stuff is still on youtube. Here are some of my favs

Kickstarter TV
williamsburg fashion 1-3
2070 paradigm shift tedx talk
college cunts
john oliver shooting video
ideas man
basically all mirror cell phone videos, those are hilarious
how I survived high school
boston paul standup
rutgers art school talk
all hydewars clips are pretty fun

Idk just click yourself through, I really like it. Not even the political stuff but just the funny stuff and vlog type videos. He was also more influential than most people would think just judging by his views. This postmodern/trash art/y2k style and experimental videomaking was pretty new and edgy when it came around. The art style was really unique and they were a step ahead of typical millenial college student humor by alot. He was also probably one of the only comedians really stepping out of line. Sam Hyde probably was never a real influencer but rather a person that influences the influencers, which is more powerful even I think.

>> No.27258468


>> No.27258785
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>So you tell them a story, okay, and make it painful, you're trying to waste this person's time deliberately, and um, at the end of it, they're gonna say "oh, I understand sir, so you can't do $350 a month, what can you do? How much can you do?"

>This is Nick's tactic, this changed my life.

>You go like this, you go: "ah jeez, I dunno, uh, three dollas???"

>They'll fuckin' let you pay $3 a month, I still owe thousands of dollars.

>> No.27258948

>2070 paradigm shift tedx talk
Extremely based

>> No.27259231


His advice here is solid I think. At the very least he's making young edgy white guys financially concious and prevents zoomers from owning literally nothing between 18 and 25.

>> No.27259272


>> No.27259492

>Gregory Mannarino
>Francis Hunt aka "TheMarketSniper"

>> No.27259723

Depending on where you live that could be $2-3k/month.

Not bad advice if that saved money is going towards something like a business, down payment on a house, etc, but if you're fucking around and playing vidya you're just fast forwarding to your death.

>> No.27259816


>> No.27259910


>> No.27259998


Why does he looks like some fucking overweight Trotskiy now?

He was in a much better shape four years ago

>> No.27260045

Check out his instagram @leroy and get back to me

You’re just gonna be even more confused

>> No.27260588
File: 9 KB, 250x166, 4B6A11EE-FB1B-4C9B-B4BA-BE52A1B8C1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why haven't you taken the DEBTMAXXX pill? want to own a house? easy. just apply for a mortgage. want a new car? you're qualified, just go to a $0 down, buy here pay here lot. need a new phone? finance it. student loans? just stop paying them and let them garnish your wages, they can't garnish >25%. owe money on your debt? just get a new credit card and do a balance transfer. if corporations can perpetually refinance billions in debt, why can't you? really, if you aren't living the DEBTMAXXX lifestyle you aren't living. it's simply a matter of showing up, speaking with the loan officer, looking him in the eye, giving him a firm handshake, and telling him that you want MORE DEBT.


>> No.27260859
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one of the funnier ones

>> No.27260977

Yeah idk about that either. He looked pretty cool during KSTV with the blonde hair, not too much BF, good style. Now he looks like homeless trotskiy wearing nigger clothes lol

>> No.27260991

I remember the dude buying name coin and mining litecoin back in 2015. I think hes actually a good litmus for what the old heads in crypto are thinking. I do see your point when it comes to him and equities, besides the basics of economics and rudimentary understanding of inflation, he doesnt really have the clout or knowledge to be giving advice in that asset class.

>> No.27261177

>but I still say $6K is too little and would suggest $10K instead, otherwise you're gonna be repairing your shitbox every weekend. Maybe it's fine if it's a Honda or Toyota, but otherwise I'd be very nervous about buying a car whose odometer has a six figure reading
You're an idiot.

>> No.27261370

>Broooo.... ah bro my back.

>> No.27261589

He shilled ARK stocks a few weeks ago on instagram, interesting

>> No.27261688

He's actually well off financially. He invested into bitcoin and eth early.

>> No.27261947

Sam Hyde fucks kids and fucks over all his friends. He also didn't write his best content such as 2077 paradigm shift. Check the lolcow farm about him

>> No.27262020

He also bet alot of money on Trump winning in 2016. Crypto wise he was mining, got into ETH and LINK (I think) pretty early... the guy obviously isn't a finance academic expert or even knows important terms etc. but he does have a good nose for those kind of upcoming things. Maybe he just follows the right people on the internet but still.

>> No.27262131

I'm pretty sure that was a comedy bit

>> No.27262134

Lmfao are you one of those faggots spreading diaper fetish and CP allegations about him on the internet? You people are literally insane, some guy in a thread on 4+4 even admitted he's spamming interracial and blacked cuck stuff on 4chan.

>> No.27262315


>> No.27262459

Fuck off retard
Who wants a "fire under their ass" + -$1000/month?

>> No.27262766

>lolcow farm

>> No.27263054

the gumroad sub is worth it
t. not sam

>> No.27263239

They got me on these PILLZ DOOD

>> No.27263982

I do lol, he told me to sell GRT just before it dumped, made some nice profit there.

>> No.27264384
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>Kickstarter TV
>williamsburg fashion 1-3
>college cunts
>john oliver shooting video
>ideas man
>boston paul standup
>rutgers art school talk
absolutely patrician taste brother

>> No.27265808

DataDash is the only true answer to this thread.

>> No.27266091
File: 1.34 MB, 1300x2724, 1496805443776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam's business rant from how to bomb

>> No.27267008

I love the gumroad shit
t. hate all the movies they make but love all vlogs and sketches