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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27248525 No.27248525 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah me either

>biz shills Oracle Q3 integration constantly
>spams Microsoft Cryptlets breadcrumbs
>Says staking would happen late 2020
>Posts constant breadcrumbs with ISDA/SWIFT
>Thinks Ari Juels joining the team was for anymore than a money grab
>Chainlink was supposed to go to $1000 because of BSN China alone, vaporware as suspected
>Korean banks spam
>Fidelity supposedly involved via IC3 and Labs
>End of January 2021: 0 Enterprise Adoption


>> No.27248776

>Salesforce crumbs disappeared
>PayPal never happened
>Insurance and shipping connections disappeared
>DeFi is all LINK has

It must hurt

>> No.27249215

We were all so fucking delusional

Chainlink will solely be for small defi projects. No enterprise will use it

>> No.27249298


>> No.27249311

Am I really the only one who sold at $25? I mean not all my link, but I literally cashed out $250k

>> No.27249414

scam coin very very bad don't buy

>> No.27249415

Link has mooned already, time to move on!

>> No.27249505

>Remember when Oracle was supposed to integrate Chainlink?
Chainlink OWNS Oracle you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.27249781

Apparently Q3 for oracle starts in January

>> No.27249845


>> No.27249891

>>27248525 >>27248776
>ID color

>> No.27249908

>Oracle market value: $177 billion
>LINK market value: $9.2 billion

Anon I...

Indeed, many saw this coming. LINK is used for niche non-enterprise use cases. If this was marketed at the beginning no one would care. But because they shilled and spammed SWIFT, PayPal, Bloomberg, Salesforce, etc. it opens them up for gigantic amounts of crow

>> No.27250072

chainlink is shit

>> No.27250175

>Not an argument
>Chainlink cultists as usual resort to digits and ID colors instead of refuting

The typical link shitter. Enjoy waiting for $1000

>> No.27250254

Is it coincidence that a developer in gravelcoin team has the last name Ribeiro?

>> No.27250304

Sergey said fuck legacy systems, they were taking too long to bend the knee. Defi will force them too.

>> No.27250437

Shouldn't you be fuding GME instead?
I don't think your master pay you for this.

>> No.27250487
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I’m still accumulating as well

>> No.27250529

Get out newfag

Very very coincidental, also coincidental Fernando completely disappeared from his tough talk early on right? Ian Keane as well. Both were shills paid a large sum of L--

This may be the most delusional post yet. Adding to my collection

>> No.27250615

We are way past the point of fudding. Its happening with or without you.

TLDR: not selling.

>> No.27250694

LINK is a giant fractal Wyckoff accumulation. Oh boy the crash will be glorious. I expect .019 dollar during the bear market 2021/22

>> No.27250741

Where else are you going to get that high% apy? No where

>> No.27250751

>Cayman Islands
Sergey Nazarov is actually a paid actor, there's actually no functioning product, I live in the cayman islands and drove by their office yesterday, it's a fucking nail salon.

>> No.27250796
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Who cares. We've got Tesla.
>Papacharissiou’s adapter, dubbed “Link My Ride,” was created with the help of Tesla’s feature-rich API that allows interacting with the e-car manufacturer’s vehicles and other devices such as Powerwall batteries.

>Prior to that, smart contract integration required plugging in a specific hardware device to obtain real-life data but a Chainlink oracle now significantly scales up the process.

>The adapter supports such API calls as authentication, locking/unlocking the vehicle, and honking the horn. Papacharissiou says that around 20 API endpoints are yet to be added.

>One of the possible applications of Link My Ride is decentralized car renting, which is demonstrated in Papacharissiou’s video. It could save up to 30 percent of revenue for car owners:

>“In traditional vehicle rental platforms, the vehicle renter relies on the 'brand power' of the company renting the vehicles, and trusts that the bond they submit will be returned if they adhered to the conditions. And as a vehicle owner/provider, going through a trusted centralized platform usually requires sacrificing approximately 30% of revenue earned.”


>> No.27250834

Keane is still around. Fernando found /gif and lost interest.

>> No.27250924


>> No.27251143

Chainlink will never amount to anything outside of crypto DeFi literalwhos, but it won't matter much because by end of 2022 LINK will hit triple digits on the basis of BTC boom alone and that will be enough for people who have "make it" stacks to make it while suicide stacks will be able to buy some property but still have to go to work.

>> No.27251313

What do you gain by posting these threads? Are you a secret link supporter looking to buy when it gets low? At least shill a better coin then fucking retard

>> No.27251482

He just cares about anons finances

>> No.27251515

its called being an attention whore fren

>> No.27252045


Wolfram Alpha will anally rape Chainstink bagholders in association with the chad Charles Hoskinson and Cardano.

You've been warned.

>> No.27252088

Buy LINK and live rent free.
It's that fucking easy.
Your FUD is shit OP.
When LINK goes quiet you buy, when this dumpster board is hysterical, you halt your buying until the pink wojaks appear.

>> No.27252130

this is what people who bought ada nano and Iota at the top believe

>> No.27252667

I don't see LINK above $25 because BTC domination will be at 95% and vacuum up all sats of shitcoins

No that's just more shitcoins

>> No.27252734

fuuuuck I put 1k in it I wish this works out I’ll at least try to believe so I can finally sleep comfy at night. Would make all my dreams come true. I’m trying to put 5k more on alts but this is so fucking hard to do. My friend use new poolz finance and seems like he has sweet dreams while I try to stay alive. Does someone use it? Good or not?

>> No.27252826
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BTC will be at 5% market dominance one day.

>> No.27252928
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ze oraglez

>> No.27253021

This thread is hilarious. I'm already rich and going to be ridiculously wealthy and there is nothing you can ever do to get me to sell. Look how hard the first 7-8 replies are trying to foment negative feelings towards the project. It gets me rock fucking hard seeing this threads ROCK HARD

>> No.27253192

Be patient desu the real storm is not yet upon us. If you made out with profits from last cycle, then right now is a great entry point for the future bull run

>> No.27253360

This is the kind of advice that some people will just never understand. And frankly I think it is better that they wont

>> No.27253744

Remember when link when from 1.5 to 25 in less then a year? Oh wait that was last year

>> No.27253871


Arbitrum will x10 Links prices next week.

>> No.27254035

You are fucking delusional. Added to the compilation

>> No.27254062
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Shut up will you? We KNOW it will be with 4th Industrial Revolution and us Link Marines will be the new global Elites. We're already ready, HODL THE LINE!

>> No.27254176

>link will never been 10 dollars
>link will never be 20 dollars
>link will never be 20 dollars again
>link just dumped to 22 dollars
>its literally dumping
>you're delusional
You're a shortsighted faggot

>> No.27254180

>even harder for poorfags to get in which is who you want to keep pumping your shitty non use coin
Do you have a point?

>> No.27254338

Easy goalposts to move when the 2017-2019 price target was $1000. You are cucking yourself

>> No.27254423

Just got some on the dip. High hopes.

>> No.27254498
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, ò┌Æ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So LINK can still do something down the road if I just sit on it?

>> No.27254527
File: 86 KB, 512x512, oooooooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to the outerspace!

>> No.27255345

I believe that some of the autists on this board have a true hatred of the new redditor bro's and have started a new wave of FUD to keep them out for good. They don't even want them buying in at $25. It's pretty amusing because if you read this thread not knowing you would think it's a total scam.

>> No.27255716


>> No.27255774

1000 is inevitable. Just because EOY is a meme doesnt change that. All I have to do is let it sit in cold storage for a few years and wait. Then I'll be replying to you again calling you a faggot. Nobody is going to keep spoonfeeding you at this point. You either understand where link is going or you dont.
Link isnt a PnD. I dont give a shit about people and their lunch money to spend being priced out. They're out there being retarded and buying Doge

>> No.27257165

>All i have to do is let it sit in cold storage for a few years and wait: 2017
>All i have to do is let it sit in cold storage for a few years and wait: 2021
