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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27223188 No.27223188 [Reply] [Original]

So with this information what you will

>> No.27223321

you can't even buy this or stake yet, no?

>> No.27223405

I'm not buying your scamshare which depends on fatboy's scamcoin which depends on skeleton's scamcoin

>> No.27223510

I don't understand.

>> No.27223559
File: 400 KB, 1080x2162, Screenshot_20210131_081632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy linkpool shares on that site
You are fucking retarded, multiple people from the linkpool team are also working in the chainlink team. Furthermore this project literally made me over 500k, what a nice scam.
What are you not understanding?

>> No.27223778

>What are you not understanding?
All of it.

>> No.27223898

why did they forbid Americanos from buying, me sad. but I congratulate the stakekings nonetheless, many rupees will be yours

>> No.27224034

Maybe just go back to plebbit then
Because their tokens would be seen as illegal security in the land of the jew

>> No.27224127

Makes me think of crippled children in iron lungs.

>> No.27224218


>> No.27224241
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>> No.27224304
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Brb selling my lp shares

>> No.27224511
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>> No.27224603

How can someone stake before staking is released?

>> No.27224895

There are plenty of possibilities to make money in defi without staking retard. Take a look at the yearn vaults for link for example. If i had to take a guess ut will be something like those vaults.

>> No.27225058

delete this post

>> No.27225788
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>> No.27225847
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>> No.27225857

what determines if a security is illegal in the United States?

>> No.27226296

If LP is so hot, so sought after and is going to make everyone who holds it so very wealthy; why are there constant threads on here, shilling it? Who exactly is selling? This bothers me. It's almost as though there's something missing from the picture. This is why I never bought LP, and it's why I don't intend to. Something about it smells funny. My suspicion is that it won;t generate as much as hoped, compared to other staking services which will appear. Cue the ad hominem attacks on me, which only compound the issue.

>> No.27226396
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>> No.27226469

Every security is illegal to hold for plebs in the us. Ask your jewish overlords why this is the case.
At least half of the linkpool threads on /biz/ are started by me. I partly do it to give back to /biz/ and partly do it to see normies seethe because they are utterly priced out.

>> No.27226900

Les to some quick maths.
If one LP gives a bi-weekly reward of 10 LINK (I think it's less?), and costs like 120k usd, then if one would be to sell his ~5k LINK stack today and buy a LP, he'd get his stack back in 500 weeks, or roughly 10 years.
I think LP might not be undervalued at all.

>> No.27226955

No, wait, the rewards are BI-weekly, so it would take 1000 weeks, or something like 19 years.

>> No.27226976

0.04LP suicide stack

>> No.27227015

>10 years to hit 0 NPV
I'll pass.

>> No.27227081

Their main services arent online yet you absolute mouthbreathers. The biweekly payouts currently come from the heartbeat of chainlink pricefeeds and are subsidized by big daddy bigmac. Payouts will be WAY higher in a few months/years.

>> No.27227145

Wow thanks for the info

>> No.27227208

>Link Polio
shit - I thought it only gave you diabeetus

>> No.27227262

And LINK hasn't actually corrected upwards to its actual price of $1000.
I'm still not convinced LP is more undervalued now than LINK is.

>> No.27227300

you think LINK is undervalued?

>> No.27227315

And you will never have an answer to this question until its too late. But you are right, if you dont have a 10k+ stack of link i would not advise you to buy linkpool

>> No.27227383

Yes, and at that point there will be many other staking services available. I wonder if the difference between the rewards they offer and the rewards LP offers will make us reflect with a wistful sigh and say "if only i'd sold 5000 of my linkies and bought 1LP". Seems highly improbable. We'll see, though.
>do it to give back to /biz/
what exactly are you 'giving back'? Just seems like you're shilling LP to drive the price up so you can offload it.

>> No.27227484

im pretty sure that is related to arbitrum

>> No.27227495

why not? I thought you should get an LP amount corresponding to your LINK stack, big or small

>> No.27227540
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>> No.27227551

If other staking platforms dont implement a token model like linkpool then rewards will be diluted. Furthermore other staking platforms will probably use linkpools staking contracts either way so linkpool holders will get a part of the profit from every staking platform. Linkpool will also offer eth staking btw. https://medium.com/linkpool/creating-trustless-pools-and-staking-for-all-266451277e3f

>> No.27227865

dosen't matter really, when link increase value and is over 300$ per link (81k realistically), the increase of link and usd value will be enough to make it per year eventually, also your link staking increases and more your get, more rewards plus added profit from all the revenue from all linkpools services, don't be brainlet ano. Having lp with good ratio with your link stack is exterlmy bullish

>> No.27227894

So 1LP=5000 Link atm
So if Link goes to let's say $500 (reasonable), you're suggesting 1LP is worth $2.5M?
Call me unimaginative, but I'm not seeing it.

>> No.27228059

Is there any way a burger can get in on this without breaking the law?

>> No.27228184

Just ignore the warning fren and keep your lp on a wallet away from your main holdings.
You really are unimaginative fren

>> No.27228699

Is this safe? if not, can UNN help you?

>> No.27228793

what does this even mean?

>> No.27229045

Yes its safe, we don't need your shitcoin
Think yearn vaults

>> No.27229513

that is like asking why people shilled link for 3 years straight. I know /biz/ looks like one giant pajeet pump and dump scheme but if you are autistic enough to read in between the lines you might find out that not all anons are pajeets and some want their fellow autists to make it.

>> No.27230282

It means youre a newfag

>> No.27230684

This is a blackpool. I was hoping staking was finally gonna drop in the next 2 weeks, but LP are saying they'll do this before staking is released. So there is at least a few weeks before staking if the LP team can confidently announce they'll implement a major feature in the meantime.

>> No.27230740

Fucking autocorrect. *Blackpill, though blackpool is arguably worse

>> No.27231021

Honestly i dont know if staking will drop before 2022

>> No.27231754

The linkpool team are selling, none of their shares are locked, and they own 75% of it. Now you understand why this security token is shilled so hard, Johnny needs it to pump so he can buy horses to replace the ones he's rimmed to death

>> No.27232001

This is a weak take. You’re essentially saying that because it has not mooned in this moment, it is going to be a scam? With your investing philosophy you would never stray away from mutual funds and savings accounts.

You then proceed to list hypotheticals with no real substance. “My suspicion is that it will be the leading staking service for chainlink” has equal merit to your statement.

If you get 9 women pregnant, a baby isn’t born in one month. Shit takes time. Buy before the others. Literally everything that integrates or is built around link has done very well. Link doing well will mean LP does

>> No.27232652


>> No.27232741

>Buy before the others
motherfucker people have literally 100xd on this already

>> No.27233027

You can check out the dex for yourself. There are like 3 LP shares up for sale in total, literally kill yourself.
Multiple people in the linkpool team are in the core chainlink team.

>> No.27233235

The burgers cant get into it meme started because LinkPool ICO had KYC which meant that you really were restricted from buying it. However now you can just buy it on the DEX.

>> No.27233718
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Almost guaranteed APY will be 10% of what I'm getting on Bancor already (3 linkies per day with 70k LINK, not to mention BNT rewards).

>> No.27234000

Tell us more fren, any risk of impermanent loss?

>> No.27234059

Linkpool is another Bitconnect

>> No.27234106

>The impermanent loss protection you have accrued. Impermanent loss protection starts 30 days after your deposit, at a rate of 30% and gradually increases 1% per day until you reach 100% protection.
Despite this scary statement, I've lost 0 link to impermanent loss since the beginning of bancor v2

>> No.27234310

Sounds not based, if im understanding this right then if you would deposit 10k link on bancor now and next week would have some major moves upwards then you get rekt by impermanent loss

>> No.27235290


>> No.27235345

>Nets you less than a suicide stack on fucking nexo
>Costs a fuck you money stack
Most irrational platform out there

>> No.27235389

All these retards think theybwill be able to pre stake without owning linkpool. Too bad im not selling only have 0.52 lp.

>> No.27235440

>16.5k link
>only 0.12 LP
I'm not going to make it am I?

>> No.27235517

I only have 4k link. I think you need more lp but it's very expensive now

>> No.27235554

I am betting on LP being able to pay for me to continue breathing after I waste all my money on buying an enormous truck I don't need to compensate for my average sized cock

>> No.27235925

.36 LP here, am i gonna make it?

>> No.27236220

Hi Linkpool thread anon. First off thanks for making these threads, I'm not on telegram and twitter so your my only source of info re Linkpool. What does this tweet mean? How can you make money with your linkies before staking? Is it yield farming a la yifi? If yes, will we keep custody or not? Thanks

>> No.27236293
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>still waiting on staking to showup

>> No.27236305

No. God you’re all retarded. I’ve been shilling Bancor for weeks. You keep your link in Bancor for 100 days, you’re golden. No impermanent loss. You also not only get the swap fee, but also LM rewards.

BNT gets a majority of the swap fees in the pool though + LM + admin fees from vBNT coming soon.

Also, not that anyone knows the alpha/ too retarded until their influencers shill it, but YAX will have LINK vaults soon as they were tired of waiting for the shitbricks on yaLINK.

Watch this post in 1 month lmao

>> No.27236533

My guess is vaults like yearn. And in that case the underlying contracts will be decentralized and you will be the only one who can withdraw them from the vault

>> No.27236959
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Sorry for being retarded ser, link is my only chsnce of making it and i dont want to lose my stack. It's either making it with link or kms

>> No.27237488


>> No.27238246


>> No.27239043

Linkpool will literally go to 5 million

>> No.27239233

Mcap of 1 million per LP would put it at the same mcap as uniswap
Do the math, it’s happening and you’re an autistic naysayer

>> No.27239585

While that's a fair concern. There are two types of Linkpool threads, and to be able to discern between one or the other you have to observe what does the OP do. If OP tries to educate and to fight misinformation, that's a good LP thread; on the other hand, if OP is trying to pajeet-seduce you and spout "stay poor", "don't miss it", that's a bad LP thread. I used to create the former threads back in 2018-2019. Now it doesn't make much sense. People is already aware of what LinkPool is at this point and the right people already went in during the last 3 years