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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1024x576, DByNEdNUMAAE_3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2720353 No.2720353 [Reply] [Original]

Who wants to start an altcoin with me? There are some SERIOUS shit coins on coinmarketcap that have $20M+ marketcaps.

If we get like 20 guys together I bet we could clone a coin like litecoin, rename it, and then shill it to 15 satoshis and then sell our premined coins.

Plus we could mine them really early too when nobody knows about the coin yet.

I'm a developer, I can make the coin, but I still need people to shill it for me and stuff.

Anyone want to join?


Also, post a throwaway email to get your slack invite. Maybe include a blurb about your skills so we know who to pick.

>> No.2720364


>> No.2720373

i'm down to make an ICO killing!

>> No.2720375
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>> No.2720376

YSCoin, which stands for Your Success Coin

>> No.2720386


>> No.2720390
File: 78 KB, 600x750, 1495580578724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah nigga, lets cash in on that sweet ICO cash flying everywhere.


>> No.2720407

Why do I feel like the SEC might not like this one?

I can't wait for the movie to come out in 15 years, although 50% of the movie will just be you tards checking blockfolio.

>> No.2720410

just bought 100K

we finna be rich nigga!

>> No.2720413



im professional meme maker
shopping rare pepes is my skillset

>> No.2720423


All I do is win.

>> No.2720449


im finna send yall niggas an invite soon. keep your eyes open

>> No.2720484
File: 637 KB, 2400x3600, zCK8s9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invites sent

>> No.2720502

SEC aint gonna do shit, you know it

>> No.2720520

You can call it FAG. (Functional Algorithm Gold)

>Hey guys, I just bought 10k FAGS, it will moon soon
>/FAG/ Bagholders general
>if you arent into FAGs, you literally want to be poor.

>> No.2720612


I'm a dev, let's dooo it anon!!1

>> No.2720624

invite sent!

>> No.2720641

professional shitposter

>> No.2720660

Great idea. I'm in

>> No.2720663


Ready to shill. Also have some coding experience.

>> No.2720666

I actually kind of like this idea. It's memorable because of the trade symbol, but at first glance it sounds like a cool coin. Makes it memorable like shitcoin.

>> No.2720671


I don't see anything wrong with starting up an altcoin. I can be a very convincing poster that can make a convincing argument for almost anything. Hit me up, I've been wanting to help run a coin for a while.

>> No.2720678

I have a good idea and already own the domain. How can I reach you?

>> No.2720683
File: 1.45 MB, 3022x4394, 025_(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all just got invites.

>> No.2720684


>> No.2720691

post a throwaway email.

I'll invite you to the slack channel.

>> No.2720699

So you're saying you want to make 4CHN?

>> No.2720701

Professional digital marketer. Miner. Nerd. Can get messages out to a lot more nerds.

>> No.2720711

aight. invited.

you invite your nerd friends too

>> No.2720731
File: 668 KB, 693x720, 1487618901763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marketing, advertising, strategy and shill

>> No.2720735

Case in point. You can miss trains, yes. But there's always another one right around the corner.

Don't be the guy that missed out on joining the slack channel cuz you were too lazy to post a reply. If this thing actually gets on an exchange it could mean thousands of dollars.

>> No.2720752

>Who wants to start an altcoin with me?
>we could clone a coin like litecoin, rename it, and then shill it to 15 satoshis and then sell our premined coins
Oh you're just a scammer fuck, nevermind

We are literally in the boom of crypto, and you fucks cannot think of a creative way to utilize this tech in a productive way?

>> No.2720764

well look at mister smartie pants over here.

why don't you come over to the channel and school us all on what we should do? we're all ears.

>> No.2720778

invite sent ;)

>> No.2720799


>> No.2720819


I study CS in college. Don't go around posting name ideas otherwise someone will end up with a screen cap and post about how its a shill coin.

>> No.2720831


I study CS in college. Don't go around posting name ideas otherwise someone will end up with a screen cap and post about how its a shill coin.

>> No.2720844



please come back and bump the thread when you get the invite. I'm tired of identifying store fronts

>> No.2720855


I'm an expert shiller. hit me up.

>> No.2720858


>> No.2720876

graphic design and I'm good at shilling and making memes that involve shilling

>> No.2720908


invites sent. when you get the invite, come back here and bump the thread

>> No.2720909


Programmer, sysadmin, miner, trader and have plenty of free time.

>> No.2720928

good, we need more programmers.

invite sent but email bounced.

>> No.2720939

Sneks@protonmail.com typo at work on my phone

>> No.2720941


Berkeley CS Undergrad

>> No.2720948

Why go to all this trouble when we were very successfully shilling mooncoin, a coin already made, until we got bored and stopped.

Why waste the effort when we can shill the fuck out of something like mooncoin?

>> No.2720955

I'm a systems engineer and I always wanted to create a coin.

>> No.2720964


Mobile+desktop young programmer here.

>> No.2720974

pumpcoin? It says it right in the name

>> No.2720979

invites sent


then fuck off and go shill a coin, jew. we want to make an altcoin because reasons.

>> No.2720981


some programming, master shiller, marketing experience.

>> No.2720991


invites sent

>> No.2721007

Bump for solidarity. The coin we make has added value over shitcoins, we can support decent network strength if we have enough members.

>> No.2721009

Gold Token

>> No.2721017

You lack vision and do not appreciate ownership and collaboration.

>> No.2721020

was doing compeng in college
I'm also designing my own altcoin (which is not shit)
I would be on board to help formulate a plan and execute it, as well as programming if we need it

>> No.2721021

EE, can program and/or shill

>> No.2721031

t. jew

>> No.2721033

>t. schlomo shekelstein

>> No.2721036


>> No.2721039

>Yes goyim shill the moon coin

>> No.2721044

EE aren't real programmers but invite sent anyway

>> No.2721046
File: 14 KB, 320x299, 1498013561978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come on bru, you cant really be this dumb right

>> No.2721048


>> No.2721050


Professional C++ programmer with an eye for design

>> No.2721062

start an ico

>> No.2721071

yes very interested


>> No.2721072

no emails.
try with -> vuzara@bestvpn.top
then i''l change the email inside slack

>> No.2721082

we could call it NeetBux and play off the existing meme

>> No.2721087


Slack inv pls

>> No.2721095


invites sent

>> No.2721126


>> No.2721128

Haven't gotten an email, try this one instead.

>> No.2721131


ICO maybe?
Software Engineering student, and shilling expert

>> No.2721138

You really mean "someone else", but you want to profit off it.

>> No.2721146

GTFO. don't try to shill people literally plotting to shill other people...

>> No.2721148

Lol @ this. Scams popping up everywhere.

>> No.2721170

Programmer, c++, python, js etc
Can do basic graphic design and marketing materials

Would be nice to make something with some value though even if it's just as a solid memecoin

>> No.2721173

Shilling, strategy, creative, leadership. I'm in.


>> No.2721210


invites sent

>> No.2721220



>> No.2721230

Hello friend,

I'm willing to start on an alt-coin. I want to be particular about which team I end up committing to so there is no guaranteeing that I'll be involved. But, I'm interested to see the people we are getting on board and would also be willing to join in.

I'm a multi-company CEO, ran a hardware startup getting it off the ground before retiring to raise my first born, now involved in a real estate software start up that I'm excited about. I'm not a dev by any means, but I have a strong understanding of how to set up companies. I'm a big-picture guy and can lead and or guide an organization to success. I have quite a number of good ideas that we may be able to implement, and I'm also willing to cold call large corporations to get some sort of sponsorship.

Lastly, I have a deep understanding of consciousness and the reality we live in. I like to think from "first principles."

Send me an email and let's discuss:


>> No.2721236

have 2 mining rigs!

>> No.2721245


>> No.2721249
File: 690 KB, 2197x3500, 0ql6xvwrhmxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no invite


2 mining rigs? shieeet. invite sent my nigga!

>> No.2721270

It's going to be a junk Litecoin copypasta.
Forgotten weeks after its inception.

>> No.2721337
File: 270 KB, 1080x1080, 1499295737300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fuck all programming experience, but I have charisma and I'm a totally normie, even after 4 years of daily 4chan use. Let's make some money, I got some good ideas for names. Patrickbateman@mailinator.com

>> No.2721339
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2721366

you have my sword

>> No.2721370


somehow prove you're OP in the email, i can contribute however ya want me to

>basic coding knowledge, great bullshitter

>> No.2721408

It says my account to was disabled stzfgxmw@sharklasers.com
Could I get another invite?

>> No.2721447

i believe you were lurking too much

invite sent

>> No.2721457

Sorry, I am at work right now, I was going to get into this when I got home

>> No.2721466

Aglannol@protonmail.com; can do marketing, shilling, a little graphic design, know PM basics.

>> No.2721550


Programming experience and a general interest in designing an actual coin in the future. This would be good experience.

>> No.2721565

>Plus we could mine them really early too when nobody knows about the coin yet.
I want to make a altcoin kaliasgoldman@gmail.com lets buy like a island in dubai or something after we raise money and then put like a sign or some shit like that

>> No.2721672

Graphic designers needed

>> No.2721690


Full time shill at your service

>> No.2721701

Designer and video editor


>> No.2721731
File: 42 KB, 640x640, IMG_1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can do design

>> No.2721753


>> No.2721868


Shill expert here. Really excited about this idea. If it works we should keep doing it. I would love an invite if it is still open. I have experience in shilling and more formal marketing, if we need to seem more legit.

>> No.2722021

Why don't you try to revive a dead one that has already been mined? IFC, USDe, the original Lemoncoin (LMC)?

>> No.2722032

CS undergrad, high level shill


>> No.2722048
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invites sent

>> No.2722049
File: 24 KB, 292x322, 1499105554596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme that invite familia.

>> No.2722063

I have some coding experience and a meme crafting bachelor. Rather build something useful and not a P&D. friedpotato@protonmail.com

>> No.2722076
File: 385 KB, 2000x3000, 0MJFjhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no normies allowed

>> No.2722098


I sit in front of my computer 18 hrs a day looking at cryptos. Ample pumpposting and shilling services included.

>> No.2722109


>> No.2722130

Anyone familiar with website creation and design welcome

>> No.2722136


ill do the logo

>> No.2722217

Sure why the hell not?
Self-taught python, make basic web apps/telegram bots for fun.

>> No.2722235


>> No.2722238

Will do shilling

>> No.2722240
File: 45 KB, 500x641, 1494495589944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expert in shilling, could make you buy DGB bags.

>> No.2722246

I have coding experience

>> No.2722258


invite sent. come back and bump the thread when you receive your invite.

or i'll rescind the invite.

>> No.2722265
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>> No.2722296

Invite received

>> No.2722297


got my invite

>> No.2722310


Community management experience in the crypto world, would like to help if you've got room for me!

>> No.2722315


t. Veteran crypto trader / Bitcoin spiritual guru and LTC shaman

>> No.2722327

Let's call it diversity coin, since we should be investing in diversity

>> No.2722339


internet marketing
video advertising experience

interested to see where this goes op

>> No.2722341

I have no computer skills in general, but I can shill the fuck out of the coin once we are at that stage.


>> No.2722365

Received invite

>> No.2722376

I've got $20,000 to invest, too. Please send invite.

>> No.2722389

Best thing about Ethereum is the cool name. Let's don't use a stupid name ok guys? Like ByteBall or Confound.it or pile of steem.shit.

>> No.2722394


>> No.2722417


>> No.2722420


invite sent. come back and bump the thread when you receive your invite.

or i'll rescind the invite.

>> No.2722437

Joined the slack group.

>> No.2722441

bumped as ordered

>> No.2722460

Let's call the coin Ethereum Plus. Seriously. Think about it, dudes. There's a bitcoin plus, I own 61 of them.

>> No.2722470


invites rescinded for not bumping thread after getting invite

>> No.2722471
File: 62 KB, 792x594, 1492721374801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is you after selling this coin.

>> No.2722484


thanks for invite op

>> No.2722488

thanks for the invite op

>> No.2722503

Good keep the weak hands out

>> No.2722507

too late vergecoin and ubiq already did this

>> No.2722510


Got a BS in comp sci - not a developer, but could probably help with a whitepaper and research.

Been interested in btc for about 4 years and other cryptos 1.5 years now.

work in internet marketing currently, so im also familiar with that side of things as well.

>> No.2722511

Or ETH Plus sounds like ethical

>> No.2722587

Software engineer here
I'm down

>> No.2722610

I'm a software engineer too and want to contribute.

>> No.2722622

you guys should just wait for Ark's push button deployable blockchain to release so you can make your coin instantly and add any features in whatever language you want

>> No.2722629

Or we make a shitcoin that we can deploy multiple times with different skins for profit now instead of later

>> No.2722634

Call it renaiscents, logo can be the vitruvian man

>> No.2722652

got it.

>> No.2722660

Been following BTC since 2011-2012 and would love to help out whether it be shilling or whatever is needed.


>> No.2722677

My throw away email is fwwhitedragon@gmail.com

>> No.2722680


/biz/ making its own coin is something I would love to be part of if it's legitimate. Just please tell me if you intend to commit fraud. I'm no scammer.

>> No.2722684


I can do the writing for the site, graphic design, and produce ads for the coin.

>> No.2722708
File: 88 KB, 800x838, 1460181439591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine bro. Have fun when all the chads and stacies don't buy your coin

>> No.2722710

sounds like a good idea.

here's my temp: tujunel@garage46.com

>> No.2722725

all invited. if i missed anyone tell me

>> No.2722730

got my inv thx

>> No.2722746


i can photoshop and shill

>> No.2722753

Got it, thanks. Dzul here

>> No.2722771


name it after some meme like gangnamcoin rickrollcoin etc.

>> No.2722776


Pajeet/dolphin/nocoiner wrangler, Master of business webinars, shiller of alternative financial planning.

>> No.2722778

Also i'm a web developer

>> No.2722787

got mine

>> No.2722789

thanks, will get to the email when i get home

>> No.2722806

Hi OP, would love to help


>> No.2722815

sent invites

>> No.2722840


smart guy and current software developer who works from home, so i have all day everyday to contribute in any way. Not above shilling.

lets fuggindoothis

>> No.2722854

Please add me. I genuinely want to help in any way I can. >>2722684

Also, ETH Plus is a great name.

>> No.2722868

Professional EN>ES translator. Recruiting more linguistic pairs to translate your website should give the coin more credibility.

Also, an avid shiller and memer.


>> No.2722875

Me me me

>> No.2722883

Bruh, let's do BBC (Big Balls Coin). Think of how many searches there are daily for BBC (fat white women from the mid West and skinny fags from Cali search like 20 times a day). With proper seo you can organically shill big balls coin. $1 per coin and make like 50 million coins and people thinking they are buying a big black cock something. Nigga, show your dick to this trucker. I mean, nigga, we going to the moon in a flying Lambo.

>> No.2722893

sent. anyone else want in say so

>> No.2722895


work in marketing

>> No.2722899

Listen it needs to strike wit the masses

Either Alex Jones coin

BLM coin

Or something like jet fuel can't melt steel beams coin

Or JFCMSB coin

>> No.2722900


>> No.2722901

BBC poster - you better not try without me. Have a marketing campaign that the shit icos of lately would wet their pussies over.

>> No.2722910

Says I already invited you mate. check your email

>> No.2722915


i'm a professional /biz/ shitposter
you can't succeed without me

>> No.2722921


Can make propaganda

>> No.2722927

both sent.

>> No.2722930



>> No.2722936

ShillyWilly bumping.

>> No.2722942

typo, please resend


>> No.2722951


>> No.2722962

Thanks senpai

>> No.2722976

Email is thesmartinvestor@outlook.com

I work in accounting and have a strong financial background. Studied math as an undergraduate, thoroughly versed in cryptocurrency and the underlying tecchnology behind it.

>> No.2722988


shilling, trading, and creative with plenty of free time.

>> No.2723002


>> No.2723057

Lamboland awaits anons, get the fuck in here

>> No.2723062

bumping. anyone else want in better post their emails

>> No.2723063

Just bought 100k

>> No.2723180

expert shiller, lots of free time

>> No.2723190

Count me in

>> No.2723199

something cool like xyz coin?

>> No.2723209 [DELETED] 


>> No.2723258


>> No.2723275

sent. lets make this big

>> No.2723431

Uiuc cs undergrad

>> No.2723517

I have a degree in economics (don't laugh)


>> No.2723520


Digital Education and UI for k-12 school distance learning environments.
Can barely code, however can create videos and lessons to teach people about the coin.
Godspeed you freaks!

>> No.2723561

invites sent. if you're serious about making this lets go emails guys

>> No.2723603

Received invite.

>> No.2723632
File: 68 KB, 488x311, 1499372603901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I made a discord for us to discuss ICO DEV work, not direct linking in case of ban.


>> No.2723647

Comp sci major

>> No.2723660

make sure to be active everyone. this group was just made so lurkers get purged

>> No.2723663


I don't wanna be a poorfag anymore. I can offer lulz and handjobs

>> No.2723675



>> No.2723703


Got cash to invest and plenty groups to shill it to.

>> No.2724045

dev with exchange connections

>> No.2724056


I have 30 bitcoin I am willing to put towards a pump

Also I have great photoshop skills

>> No.2724079


I can pump and shill, add me

>> No.2724122

Can Photoshop/ edit videos, and build sites and shit

My throwaway

>> No.2724123 [DELETED] 

Tell me a little about the basics of socket programming. What pitfalls are there with using raw sockets?

>> No.2724134

Hi pascalemondoux@gmail.com

>> No.2724234


>> No.2724242

Forgot the 21 been up since last night

>> No.2724251
File: 20 KB, 399x388, 1498609885277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so down.

Shitposter and graphic design expert here. I make memes and can easily work the web -- spread info far and wide.

add me to the mailing list:


>> No.2724294

Anyone else get a mail?

>> No.2724305

Not yet

>> No.2724308

I have a background in graphic design

>> No.2724344

It's just pajeetcoin.slack.com

>> No.2724355
File: 1.03 MB, 390x600, 1483594010055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not kidding

I will be a 3rd year computer engineering student who currently works full time as a computer programmer.

My technical knowledge may or may not be enough to contribute to the programmatic development of the coin, but I can sure as hell shill.

>> No.2724365


This is the invite link, just join easier than sending emails. Rakesh is the Admin

>> No.2724469

I'm down.

>> No.2724473

Oh come on read the post right above yours you watermelon head

>> No.2724484

I'm interested.

>> No.2724582


>> No.2724608

If interested, I have written a white paper for a crypto before. I can make websites too. Will post email if intereted.

>> No.2725016

Programmer, philosopher, compsci masters degree, crypto investor.

>> No.2725400


> I have a deep understanding of consciousness and the reality we live in. I like to think from "first principles."

Imagine saying this shit in a real interview.

>> No.2725581

I am a Business Major of a leading European Business School. I'm experienced in marketing of several start ups and two major companies. Now I intern in an Venture Capital Fund on the Investment side.
So I would have the experience you need and I would gladly join your coin.

Hit me up at


>> No.2725593

The link is no longer active

>> No.2725595

gimme a hint, i might be pretty handful, it/marketing/high tech/startups/cash/nonfaggotry
>prohibitdw (at) gmail.com

>> No.2725808

What happened to the bizcoin team?

>> No.2726011


Capable programmer, I have worked with smart contracts before

>> No.2726052

invite sent

>> No.2726095

Copy/Editor marketing speil and shill.
Non-US timezone.

>> No.2726111

aight invite sent. you'll need to produce some copy to demonstrate your skills

>> No.2726137

Goes without saying -nothing that can ID me in normie world. My best is micro campaign ideas/spin. I'll fish around for something unique.

>> No.2726165


Ready to shill my captain!

>> No.2726965
File: 85 KB, 1104x803, C8l2CYUXsAEctDc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a professional web developer & designer, with some influence.


>> No.2726972

FYI OP is a jew. He's going to put you in a slack and farm your ideas, while him and his friends actually make the coin in the real slack. You will get nothing.

>t. Got jewed by OP yesterday

>> No.2726982

We got jewed. OP was a giga-kike and had no intention of actually keeping us involved in the coin.

>> No.2726989

invite sent


we already have the idea and the coin is already under development. we're looking for people with useful skills. sorry you didn't make the cut man.

>> No.2727013

T. Kike

If he jewed me, what makes you think he won't jew you? Even if you have "useful skills". Once he gets his coin you will have nothing. Or waste your time for him and get scammed. I don't care anymore.

>> No.2727028

Not trustworthy at all, cover all your bases before "partnering" with someone like that.

>> No.2727035

Hey op what happened to the slack group.

>> No.2727038
File: 12 KB, 200x254, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


butthurt losers that can't make the cut confirmed mad as fuck lmao

>> No.2727051


we found some skilled people and deleted the old channel. some people are anally devastated that they weren't sent an invite.

you think we're gonna let just anyone join? naw man. we want people who can actually contribute to the coin.

>> No.2727066

Why not help some autistic poorfags out?
Does 40 people seem like a lot to you?

>> No.2727071

props to the spies in here that will spoil it and let everyone know how horseshit it is

>> No.2727074

OP was a kike.

Sad thing is he could have made it a lot further just being straight up and honest with us, but decided to go the route of kikery instead.

>> No.2727107


>> No.2727123

So basically OP is a "developer" that "can make the coin himself" but somehow hasn't managed to get anything going for at least a month.

>> No.2727126

The possibility and risk of being jewed was calculated. Still, feel like it's my responsibility to warn the rest of you.

>> No.2727144


yeah except a wallet, white paper and forum in 2 weeks.

>> No.2727149

>still stuck at POST NAME IDEAS !

>> No.2727155


Post name ideas gets free bumps. Kept the thread alive and on the front page all night long.

Antagonizing butthurt losers gets free bumps as well.

>> No.2727176

so what happened the to the people you invited from
jewed them as well i assume

>> No.2727187


I believe we got 2-3 people from that thread including a designer and a senior developer. can't remember which thread specifically since we've made a few.

>> No.2727353

Call the coin "thanks, just bought 100k"

>> No.2727405

It's going to be shit.

>> No.2727433

Post screenshots of wallet then.

>> No.2727479

posting a wallet screenshot, even if blacking out the logo, still links the coin to this thread.

there's also no need to convince you since you don't matter.

>> No.2727752

I'm all in, tell me what to do

>> No.2727764

I'm in, CS undergrad
Hit me up at srikarjuly@gmail.com

>> No.2727783

Killer designer with great ui/ux skills and a cs undergrad who can code in c++ and Java, count me in at blockchains@zoho.com

>> No.2727953

obvious pajeet scam, if you want to make a coin then don't work for free on 4chan...

>> No.2728418

What skills do you still need?

I am an expert in marketing (Graduated from a top of the line European Business School) with experience with the marketing of start ups and two major companies.
Currently I intern at a venture capital fund.

Can you use someone like me?

If you can:


>> No.2728452

Can do graphic design work

throw away/spam email: trunks31350@yahoo.com

Also, could always think of doing a Fivr shill program. $5 from every member (can pay for it themselves) just hire some marketing FB/Reddit/Insta shills to make moves quickly and coordinate.

>> No.2728458

I was in #dev for c++ but invite seems to have expired


>> No.2728491

new fone who dis

>> No.2728504


invites sent. you'll need to provide some kind of examples to convince us that you really have skills in your areas.

>> No.2728520


the guy who suggested raiblocks, and CEF over electron

>> No.2728555

drop me an invite maybe i could help


im CS undergrad, diving in cryptocurrencies since may

>> No.2728580

what kind of languages and frameworks you know ?

>> No.2728600

I can do 101010110 in .net

>> No.2728648

c/c++, python, soon java
i dont have much experience but i just read a few book and started writing an own coin a few weeks ago in python, its pretty new for me, i was mostly interested in machine learning, also i dont have much time im in a few other projects , but i hope i can help and learn

>> No.2728768

>no experience
>no time to contribute
>hope i can help and learn tho! :^)

lol no thanks

>> No.2728848

sry mr. big balller i just wanted to help
good luck with your elite club tho
next stop is the forbes 500, huh?

>> No.2728927


Some coding experience and am willing to shill

>> No.2728928

watch out you talking u mr vitalik 2.0
next stop: u have to pay to be part of the secret team
also dont worry op, saged :^)

>> No.2728934
File: 37 KB, 400x710, MzI4NjM3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2729111
File: 318 KB, 500x278, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-autistic computer engineer
Already have connections with money for shit I'm doing on the side
Sent me up bois

>> No.2729152


I am already doing this. Want in on the ride?

hl. capdis

>> No.2729177

15 years experience in C++/C, also know Python, JavaScript/React and other things. Competent at graphic design and copywriting. Self employed and comfy so have all day to do whatever the fuck I want.

...but apparently you're just going to delete the slack when you get bored. Too bad, it could have been fun. Why so serious OP?

>> No.2729225

Well if you can prove your skills you won't be in the bamboozle slack that gets deleted. You'll be in the real slack team for the real coin which has all the good people in it.

>> No.2729268

so why are you in it?

>> No.2729310

Gimme. 15+ year backend dev experience (C/C++/Erlang/Go/Python)

>> No.2729324


>> No.2729337


what frameworks? what kind of applications have you been a part of building?

>> No.2729429

Tend to shy away from most frameworks. But I've built on Qt & GTK for desktop apps. I've done a lot of database work (postgres/as well as column-store stuff), ad-networks, binary reversing, pretty much anything.

I've made some extremely popular open-source projects but don't want to doxx myself.

>> No.2729455

aight invite sent

>> No.2729508

not a programmer but a graphic designer I will create the logo and shill the coin 24/7.


let me get in.

>> No.2729519


literally all we need to do is copy bitcoin but with bigger blocks, there's a growing market for that.

we just need to advertise the coin as the libertarian solution to bitcoin's socialist roadmap and it will get hype.

>> No.2729592



>> No.2729606

how bout you hit up deez nuts

>> No.2729620


>> No.2729631

post some examples of your work

>> No.2729866

No hard feelings. It isn't like I was expecting a big chunk of the gains. So, if you guys decide translating your website is a good idea, you can always throw me a bone.

>> No.2730203


Work dayjob agency side with large brands marketing - currently helping another coin with marketing efforts in exchange for currency.

Also I'm a whale.


>> No.2730400


>> No.2730562


>> No.2730659
