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27217290 No.27217290 [Reply] [Original]

Why is GRT being memed so hard? I own 44 shares, did I fuck up buying into this coin?

>> No.27217944

Just keep stacking and do not sell until 2023 earliest.

>> No.27218320

but why

>> No.27218437

please sir do the needful

>> No.27218486


Just fucking end your life you lereddit niggers

>> No.27218502

please fuck off

>> No.27218557


fuck off and die

>> No.27218571
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>> No.27218572

its a long hold with application down the line after eth2.0 gets going. if you want volatility go buy doge

>> No.27218975

What is it called then faggot?

I'm not sure what I want. I guess just most bang for buck.

>> No.27219062
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Because whales who got seed / private (and early Binance buyers) need a lot of liquidity to exit.

Don't baghold this 90% down by Q4 anon. Look at the total marketcap and imagine being dumb enough to think it'll even 10x. Ever.

Go read about DMG.

>> No.27219065

The AOL of myspace

>> No.27219107
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>> No.27219195

tourist and faggot

>> No.27219318

So what's the worst case if I don't sell?

What is it called then? Are you allowed to share this super serect information?

>> No.27219525


Just say you have 44 GRT

>> No.27219535

Guys I am over 9000 billion shares into dogecoin and have notified the internet police where is 4chan's support number to get my gains from the FDIC

>> No.27219615

You have 44 GRT? So like $20? Go buy a couple of packs of gum instead.

>> No.27219742

What the fuck is the difference?

Oh excuse me, mister big bucks over here. Are you gonna use all those big bucks to suck my dick?

>> No.27219757

It's a pretty new coin. It's not like doge which is old as dirt and useless. 44 is not that much so just hang on to it and see how it does. Maybe also google it, go to their website and read about it.

>> No.27219774
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The Google of crypto

>> No.27219805


>> No.27219837

I bought 99 suicide stack

>> No.27219846


>> No.27219893

Buy some MUSE

It's based on a game with a really good future. There are barely any coins in supply too. When they run out anyone who holds a significant amount is going to get rich

>> No.27219898

Fuck this pump!
I was still collecting, I have fuck all right now AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.27219958

>What is it called then faggot?
Please research crypto before you die terribly on maymay crypto with no use

>> No.27219963

>cucker my cuck b

>> No.27219986

Thanks for giving an actual answer

>> No.27220066

alright fag you seem to be both retarded and willing to learn so i'll spoonfeed you this once.
GRT, as it is dependent on the Ethereum system, is an ERC-20 token. Only representatives of stock ownership are called shares. Anything that is ERC-20 is called a token be it GRT, PRQ, RSR.

>> No.27220189

Fine I own 44 tokens of GRT. Wow what a huge difference. Happy now?

>> No.27220215
File: 14 KB, 307x164, kek dog 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright fag you seem to be both retarded and willing to learn so i'll spoonfeed you this once

kek'd and triple dub check'd

>> No.27220245

The Skyrim of guns

>> No.27220265

ungrateful. But as for the what now, buy more, if this goes to $10 EOY you'll be fucking pissed at that $440

>> No.27220356

>Build indexing service dependent on user delegation
>As gas fees climb so does the price of delegation
>No users wanna pay the gas fees so no delegation
What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.27220388

You didn't do your own research and now you're about to fomo in at an ath when you had literally a month to buy in at less than 50 cents. Yikes. Better late than never I guess.

>> No.27220397

You mind explaining to everyone who isn't a fucking dumbass what was "kek'd" about that?


I don't know if I'm going to buy more. I just want to know whether or not I'm throwing away money by buying into this coin.

>> No.27220470

What gas fees?

I brought in at like 60 cents. What are you going on about?

>> No.27220487

it pumps every once and a while, it'll be more valuable down the line with eth2.0. dont listen to the usual 4chan niggery that happens in these threads

>> No.27220540

Leave bitch

>> No.27220563
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>> No.27220592

Why is OP such a fucking faggot?

>> No.27220617
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either you're aggressively retarded, or this is some bait

>> No.27220889


>> No.27221019

Why is THE GOOGLE OF BLOCKCHAIN being memed so hard? I'll tell you why:
>literally the only coin listed everywhere on its first day
>literally already been long used by the entire crypto community long before it was listed on the market
the only fud the non-holders have is tokenomics: well, it's not even fud. okay faggots, say its circulating supply becomes its max supply of 10 billion GRT, who cares? even at 10 dollars each at 10 billion supply, that's just 100 billion market cap for THE GOOGLE OF BLOCKCHAIN.
The GRT of Stocks aka Google, is what, like a trillion dollars in market cap? You're in crypto, right? You do know that this asset class is our generation's financial revolution against the fragile system we have today and if obviously the cryptocurrency market cap will eventually be greater than that of stocks.
So let's say down the line that GRT has a market cap of 10x that of Google, that's 10 trillion dollars, even at the tokenomic 10B max supply fud, that's 1000 dollars per GRT.
That's right, 1000 dollars per GRT is a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. A conservative estimate for the true price of THE GOOGLE OF BLOCKCHAIN.

>> No.27221104

>>27217290 (OP)

>> No.27221102

Just trade it for Muse. This is the perfect time to buy. HODL until the great supply squeeze

>> No.27221304


lol you fucking tourists

>> No.27221451

lmao this OP is the most obviously leddit retard i've ever seen

Hold onto your tumblr noses faggots, we've got a live one

>> No.27221528


Once again, kys

>> No.27221554

thank for the hopium, when is the down the line timeframe for $1000? 10 years?

>> No.27221585

OP surely can’t be legit. He’s just hit way too many memes. If this cancerous cunt is legit, god help us all.

>> No.27221605

yeah 10 years is reasonable for that price.

>> No.27221710
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Oh daddy, please keep talking.

>> No.27221735

You have less than 80 GRT. With that pathetic of a stack you clearly didn't do your own research or you would have bought more.
t. 40k stacklette researching how to tie a noose because I could have bought in at 30 cents if I weren't wasting time with the meme election.

>> No.27221805

22 GRT lol why bother holding that little. You should get a job you fucking nigger.

>> No.27221898

I do have a job, I single handed support my wife and kid. I am doing crypto for long term investment but if I get REKT by a crash it won't destroy me, I'm doing this for the lulz. Maybe I am too optimistic but I'm thinking in a few years this will be very profitable if I decide to go in big.

>> No.27221987


44 shares is not even a suicide stack, honestly if you're not holding at least 10k it's not worth holding this coin. Just sell your shit and go buy yourself a nice meal at Mcdonalds.

>> No.27221993



>> No.27222019

>expecting a crypto newfag to foolishly dump thousands into video game money.

>> No.27222054

Take your mcdonalds money and fuck off out of here.
You need 5 digits worth of USD minimum to post on /biz/ (4 digit exceptions for our south american and eastern european bros)

>> No.27222100

>long term investment
Nigger you’re retarded.

>> No.27222129

you're an absolute newfag but you somehow chose the best for your needs

>> No.27222200

Will it dip so I can buy into it? I was on a work trip when this shit became available, its everything I've been waiting for in a make it coin

>> No.27222244

>Questions I don't like are memes
How's grade school going?

>> No.27222298

It's not in the rules faggot. Fuck you dude. I'm not going in blind on this shit, I don't want put a few thousand into this shit if it's gonna flop.

>> No.27222308

>I do have a job, I single handed support my wife and kid
Every coin you have there is decent. DCA with what you can. Try put a couple thousand in before this bull run if you can. Good luck anon.

>> No.27222333

nice, I want a freehold house so bad

>> No.27222385

I bought in at .42 and thought I fucked up.
Then it went back up
Then I bought again at .55 and thought I fucked up
We are now here

>> No.27222392

Are you a newfag too? OP just comes off as a complete retard that hasnt bothered lurking at all, much less done any research

>> No.27222419

Btw op here on my phone, I'm done with this dumbass thread. Hur dur don't invest unless you're rich. What the fuck kike shit is this? But I'm the one who's supposedly from reddit. Stupidest shit ever.

>> No.27222459

this so much. no idea why all these replies to a rather rude tourist.

>> No.27222505

Next time just larp like the rest of these faggots and say you have 4444 GRT. Also don't call them shares newfaggot.

>> No.27222515

Crypto in general is going to be riskier than most investments. Just because it's still new. I put 1/3 of my cash into this. Because in my eyes. It's worth it to get out of wage cuckery. If not. I tried.

>> No.27222539

Thanks, frens.
Maybe I get my tax return (which is being on the 1st) I'll dump 1k into GRT and XLM. Should I round up to one ETH while I'm doing that?

>mfw I replaced my alternator on my car today myself to save money
>mfw my wife stays at home and raises my daughter while I work
>mfw my wife's car needs a new transmission
It's stressful tho

>> No.27222544

research is for fags.
GRT to the Moon in <10 years 3rd in line behind btc and eth

>> No.27222631


>> No.27222676

as long as you won't shoot yourself if that 1k disappears

>> No.27222690

I'm not telling you to not invest
I'm telling you to fuck off
You're complaining about shills which means you're probably an r/thedonald refugee and you have about $30 invested
No one is shilling a 500 million dollar marketcap project and if they are its not to attack plankton like you

>> No.27222717

I'll call it whatever the fuck I want. If you wanna buy that shit for me, pay the rest of my bills and give me fucking money then we can talk. Otherwise you can suck my dick

>> No.27222747

buy muse dude. GRT is not safe

>> No.27222812
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>all these retards falling for the obvious bait
and if it really isn't how the fuck are you gonna stress about $20 for a shitcoin, kek

>> No.27222836

Hello Internet board friends. I bought one share in the doggy stock the other day. Will I get rich?

>> No.27222889

This coin is making me want to kill myself. If I had been around, I would have bought in before it hit .10

>> No.27222916

$30 worth
i hope you die slowly in a burning building
>leave now & never come back

>> No.27222997

>implying I'd ever go there without a VPN or TOR

Dude I've been on 4chan since I /i/ was Invade.
Keep telling yourself lies.

>> No.27223003

low iq nigger

>> No.27223009
File: 65 KB, 320x320, f656e032e40b1760c10745d4cf8f41df-7090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i just sold all my GRT

>> No.27223040

I'd go 50/25/25 ETH/GRT/XLM with however much works for you.
I'd think about BTC and LINK but it's up to you. Don't want to diversify too much with too little.
You have time, the more you learn the more you'll feel comfortable. Don't rush into shit, there will be new projects in the future to profit from. You'll be better positioned then if you be smart now.
I'm a neet so don't have issues saving, consider a plan to split each pay check and set a 10% aside for investing maybe.

>> No.27223123

Muse is so much better an investment than this shitcoin

>> No.27223248

It's not 2012 anymore grandpa.
You aren't going to make it big with 100 dollars of shitcoins.
If you're wildly lucky you might find a 50x but realistically the best you'll ever do on one coin in the medium term is a 10x.
We say this because the only person you'll be mad at when you check one day and see you have 1000 dollars is yourself, because if you sold your car and ate ramen for months, you'd be a six figure nigger instead.

>> No.27223259

You are wasting your time with such a small portfolio anon.

If you only want to spend $122 on crypto at least put it in something with 10x potential.

>> No.27223266

will it dip from .70?
I don't wanna buy unless its like .60 again

>> No.27223307

>he's been on 4chan before /biz/ existed
>doesn't even have one (1) bitcoin stock (ticker: BTC)

>> No.27223402

you did if you only bought 44 and you bought today.

>> No.27223422

LGCY did 20x since November

>> No.27223437

.55-58 best deal in 4 days

>> No.27223654

i sold @ $0.70 and waiting for it to dip to 60ish but it's possible this rocket will just keep on going..

quality hopium i like that

>> No.27223741

Why is that retard?

>> No.27223755
File: 44 KB, 511x496, 6xcFSQ2g5nlYZ2-dUWoWD62ACxG4qXELiIrewXwUilc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like clockwork
>i sold
>it pumps
you're welcome guys ;-)

>> No.27223779


>> No.27223843

I expected someone to say LINK.
The point is, nobody knows how much or which coin or when.
Sitting on shit and DCAing for months or years while you run up to 20x is still less efficient than winning shitcoin roulette twice in a few weeks and making off with x5 both times in PnDs.
For a retard, the obvious entry point is the reliable x5 and x10s, like ETH and BTC.
Anything else is gambling, high-volume richfag investment, or being memed on like Reddit was with DOGE.

>> No.27223909

I think this was said unironically, the level of fresh blood stupidity here is off the charts


>> No.27223928

kys newfaggot

Then what's the best approach?

>> No.27223948

>LGCY Network (LGCY)

>> No.27224094

do you have any other investments besides GRT? what platform you trading?
i mean if you go to coinbase you can get like $40 from airdrops. I managed to swing that into $400 by buying GRT early, selling at first ATH and putting it all into BTC before big pump

i wish i did that with the rest of my folio.. id be in the 6 digits hell by now

>> No.27224274

Why so you can make fun of me? Nice try retard. Has nothing to do with investing in GRT anyway

>> No.27224291

>literally wsb tourist calling anyone a newfaggot
slit your throat and get off my board subhuman nigger
you will never make it

>> No.27224549

>Why so you can make fun of me?
are you really that insecure?
literally was just trying to help you to get free 40 bucks if 20 bucks is such a big deal of an investment

>> No.27224780

>Money you work for is a big deal
Yea, it is. If you don't get it prehaps you should kys?

>> No.27224916

10 GRT will unironically be worth more than one share of gamestonk by end of week.

Do w that info what you will.

>> No.27225010

Bump for buying a coin that's actually going to 100x

>> No.27225073

I doubt it will rise that much in less than a day

>> No.27225105

if you live in america $20 is 1 hour wage
if you live in eastern europe it might be 1 day wage

>> No.27225152

I live in eastern europe and $20 is 2 hours of wageslaving

>> No.27225220 [DELETED] 

Okay so you can send me the $20 and then I'll buy whatever meme coin you're pushing, otherwise my dick is right here ready for you to suck

>> No.27225242

I fucked up and sold Link too early and OMG never fully came through for me. Im tired of missing on winners so i went hard on GRT. Whats 40k graph gonna be worth eoy frens? Am I gonna finally make it frens?

>> No.27225283

sell now or cry tomorrow

>> No.27225298

I'd laugh at you for falling for THIS low tier bait, but at this point it's not even bait anymore just a meme.

>> No.27225307


Kill me

>> No.27225388
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Gladly non fren

>> No.27225392


Go back to plebbit

>> No.27225430

Bump for MUSE

>> No.27225447

"Before this bullrun" we have been in a bullrun since at least october.

>> No.27225492

BTC will be overthrown and this will be #2 behind ETH. LINK has some of the worst tokenomics I have ever seen with Sergey owning 60% of the supply.

>> No.27225620

bull run hasn't even started yet wait until these dems start printing this money brah

>> No.27225699

>being extremely cocky and aggressive towards people trying to help you
okay im not going to argue with a 15 y.o that just discovered 4chan and is trying to make some gains with some pocket money grandma gave him

>> No.27225754

Yooooo my GRT shares doin a lil sum sum

>> No.27225764
File: 70 KB, 852x944, 1611119147956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't help him. He's a newfag tourist. He doesn't deserve help and the more we call him a nigger the faster he will fuck off

>> No.27225816

literally just bought a thousand.


>> No.27225859
File: 12 KB, 602x342, chrome_aGIOZUT1GL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptokek is wheres it at right now brother

>250k marketcap
>price below .01

See you on the moon anon


>> No.27226081

Gtfo scammer

>> No.27226359








>> No.27226464


>> No.27226598

How are you trying to help me?

>> No.27226695

Normies truly have discovered crypto currencies and stocks

>> No.27226828

The variable here isn’t GRT rising.

>> No.27227458

He is right. Don‘t even try to swing. Just accumulate it and be happy in the future.

>> No.27227492
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