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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 688 KB, 1489x2042, 1612071225011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27217847 No.27217847 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow Rubichads. This is how we all get rich. Rubic is quality and does not need this BUT. Here is what will bring guaranteed success to Rubic holders. We all use game theory and collectively hold every damn token and never sell one till $5. The reason we can do this is there is no team tokens afaik. So if we all hold it has to moon..If anyone decides to sell then it all falls down. The fact is you cheat then you hurt yourself. Or you will get left behind by the majority that sticks to the plan..Pure game theory...we all benefit by keeping the line.

Send it.

>> No.27217940

buy the dips bros

>> No.27218127


>> No.27218279

I'm in. Spread this message to the tg.

>> No.27218680

Damn this uptrend got me HARD lads

>> No.27218744

Top 20 holder, I'm holding till 20, if I'm making it I'm making it big and not lookin back.

>> No.27218798

You could do this far more easily with MUSE

There are only 400k coins. The coin will skyrocket if everyone buys some.

If you have 1,000 you have 1/400 of the total wealth in MUSE

>> No.27218875

no one's gonna buy your in game app currency

>> No.27218988

Literally biz holds this token. We do just have to hold and it goes as high as we want. Hold the line and don't trade. We all win.

>> No.27219139

I really can see how Rubic could be the biggest crypto exchange in the world. I haven't used a CEX in 12 months. If I can do everything on Rubic I will never go back.

>> No.27219164

Rubic is a scam
Pajeet Pump and Dump
Going nowhere
No usecase and anonymous team
Dumb new fags

DOGE and LCX are the real deal
Moon Mission

>> No.27219348

You won't be part of this moon. Move aside noob.

>> No.27219388

That sure is a green check you got there. Sure would be a shame if someone were to send it to the moon.

>> No.27219529

it's too late pajeet, sorry you're priced out

>> No.27219592

checked & based

>> No.27219634
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thats another reason why we need to not sell lol

>> No.27219708

Nigga you must be joking. I just sold that trash. Best decision I’ve made lately

>> No.27219943

God i hope we can break 20c

>> No.27220322

Read the OP. We all hold the line. We all break $2. Then we can think about taking small profits.

>> No.27220917

you know you can make your own threads, right?
if the project has merit and you do a good enough job describing it you'll get genuine interest. but since you've been shitting up other threads with your spam I'm now going to make a point of never looking into the particular token you're shilling.

>> No.27221034
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Fellow rubichad, you have done me well but we are loaded and time is short.

the green field await.

>> No.27221305

we already would have if the fucking whale would stop dumping right when we get close

>> No.27221485
File: 162 KB, 680x717, 1610939321654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not selling one single token until AT LEAST $10 desu
fuck swingies and fuck fudders

>> No.27221593


Not selling til 100$ min
Then 1k$

>> No.27221772

stfu already I seen your shitty comment on every thread so far

no one cares about a fucking gaming token, rubic is where it's at

big dick style

>> No.27222480

It's not whales it's swingies, watch etherscan

>> No.27222514


>> No.27222581

Your "coin" is a shitty coin for a fucking game you damn idiot.

>> No.27222704

>First off fuck that shit coin MUSE
Now that we have that out of the way..
>This coin is FOR FRENS ONLY
Quit enriching faggots who don't deserve it. This was for /pol.
This was for /biz.
Let is grow ORGANICALLY so we can keep it and control it ourselves.
>spam it to WHITE WOMEN only.
We have this boys, this is OURS!

>> No.27222735

Dat drip doe...

>> No.27222824

fuck /pol/. theyre retarded newfags trying to apply nazi imagery to it. it's bad optics

>> No.27223403

Fuck you guys I need 2 more paychecks.

>> No.27223577
File: 417 KB, 1242x1635, reddit retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to >>>/r/eddit you fucking faggot

>> No.27223593
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>it's bad optics
It's perfect optics to scare normies.

>> No.27223595

You fuckers are taking a solid investment and making it look like some joke pump. Nobody in their right mind fucking believes that RBC can hit $5 without the technology itself. Just be patient and wait for the rollout of roadmapped features. Hell we're not even on Binance yet.

And none of it even matters because if you hold through 2021 and beyond, you're gonna be set for life.
>>27219139 has more sense than anyone else in this thread. Take a look at the value proposition and decide for yourselves. Stop relying on the hivemind to pump for you and just be patient.

>> No.27224061

Just buy MUSE and HODL until the big supply squeeze

>> No.27225284
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>it's bad optics
No one is going to share the NSDAP memes outside of /biz/. This is our place to have fun. Don't like the memes? Eat shit, you fucking kike.
Imagine caring about optics on some mongolian cunny farm.

>> No.27225549

stop shitting the board up with your shitcoin noone will use

>> No.27226436

> almost 4000 wallets. Probably 40% /biz. It’s our coin!
We are counting on you. Godspeed.
MUSE is shit. That’s why you shit up Rubic and REEF threads with your video game coin. Nobody will see it unless you come to REAL coin threads.
Based and checked

>> No.27226437

What does op mean with there are no "team token"? Team token?

>> No.27226740

rubic bump

>> No.27226797

They did it to Trump and he became President
Just keep the plausible deniability up, the team can't share it but we can

>> No.27226919

I would like to thank the anon who shilled it at .001 my only regret is i only had $300 and $12 went to gas

>> No.27226983

>a coin for a literal who game or a coin with potential in becoming one of the best decentralized exchanges.. rivaling uniswap (5.5B MC..

>> No.27227110

Respond, what's a team token? Does OP mean if any rbc belong to the team? 10% of the total rbc supply belong to the rubic devs

>> No.27227147

holy shit please go the fuck back or lurk more before you ever make another post

>> No.27227531
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kys kike
Heil Hilter

>> No.27227600
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Lets go! I'm in the for the long haul frens

>> No.27228433

>metamask denied my ETH purchase
>Coinbase doesn't support my bank (credit union) and gave me a $0 debit card limit, applied for limit increase and now I have to wait

I want to kms

>> No.27229875

Respond, what did OP mean when he said
>The reason we can do this is there is no team tokens afaik.
What is a team token? Does he mean tokens that belong to the team? 10% of RBC are belong to devs

>> No.27231621

rubic is now sent...

>> No.27232072

why does this keep getting supressed at 20 cents?

>> No.27232149

Nigger whale and swingies

>> No.27232235

Go look at the trades. The whales are dumping at that point. Guys like OP, preaching for you to HODL while they harvest your investment.
>Rubics good but the assholes keep dumping
Get in with REEF, at least your not getting fucked by the 20% stakeholder.

>> No.27232497
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>> No.27232623

That's not game theory you fucking cretin, that's basic manipulation and broadcasting it is even fucking dumber

>> No.27233586

im not selling until $15 you pussys can sell at $5 but im happy to wait 1 year

>> No.27233745

Its the fucking definition of cooperative game theory you spastic.

>> No.27234066

Why isn't Binance acknowledging the work of Rubic and pumping the uttergarbageshit Reef?

>> No.27234136


>> No.27234286
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Rubic is the future! Very exciting project.

$0.20 EOD
$0.50 EOM (Feb)
$10 EOY

Let's gooooooooo!!!!!

>> No.27234641

this is exactly how you defeat the bogs

>> No.27235009

What are the suicide and make-it stacks?

>> No.27235584

Yeah, op is retarded. There's a total of 124m tokens and we have access to 84m atm. Dyor on their website, everything is on there

>> No.27236369

10k and 50k.

>> No.27236392

10k suicide
100k make it

>> No.27236585
File: 488 KB, 900x1600, rubicbuying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread this to normies

>> No.27236629

There are some team tokens but there are no future unlocked tokens causing dilution..if team sell cheap then they get left behind too on their own token..lol. I heard they are actually buying not selling anyway.

>> No.27236783

Rubic has the best character arch of any coin this year

>Enters the scene as a total no name new kid on the block

>Immediately attacked on all fronts by /biz/, called a pajeet coin. Pumped and Dumped several times by whales

>Constant FUD

>But a handful of /biz/raelies saw through the doubt and took RBC under their wing

>Slowly the FUD began to dissipate, the term "LINK vibes" even floated around

>one day anon realised at only a couple thousand wallets that this coin must be primarily held by /biz/

>now the tables have turned, RBC is a coin with unfathomable potential and constant steady and healthy growth

>The team is delivering

>The FUDers are now the ones mocked and called pajeets, while they seeth at being priced out at 17c (lol)

WAGMI bros 2021 Is RUBICs year!

Remain cubic guys

>> No.27236840

I guess I might as well

>> No.27237177

Rubic is /OURCOIN/

>> No.27237407

Do I exchange this on rubic.exchange or uniswap?

>> No.27237540

Rubic.exchange for lower fees

>> No.27237783

i used rubic.exchange its the same fucking price too

>> No.27237882

being a top 150 holder feels comfy

>> No.27237953

I’m so far behind :(
I hope I’ve got enough to make it.

>> No.27238108

How many do you need to be a top 150 holder?

>> No.27238187

answer to this

>> No.27238261

Why can't I find Rubic on MetaMask?

>> No.27238371



>> No.27238418

add it manually

>> No.27238432

Let's fucking go. Pumped for rubic

>> No.27238455

I'd like to, what is the address?

>> No.27238471

Actual pnd
Bunch of jeets

>> No.27238511

copy contract Address from Etherscan or Coingecko

>> No.27238540

look at coingecko

>> No.27238755

>Rubic is quality and does not need this BUT.

Defeats his argument with his own logic. NGMI

>> No.27239268

Brown id confirmed nigger. Team is open you fucking streetshitter.

>> No.27239477

great only made it to page 14, it's over for me

>> No.27239479
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>Rubic is pajeet scam
>Buy lcx the lead dev is Sameep, India's best blockchain dev

>> No.27239493

what is top 100? I have 160k

>> No.27239691

You don't understand gametheory. If I expect someone to fuck the group over, then selling has a higher payoff

>> No.27240623
File: 1.00 MB, 733x1123, 1612066159974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I get some of the spam but posts like this are stupid.
The product is good, its in beta.
Want to get rich with rubic?
Hold it. Buy more. Wait.