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File: 25 KB, 465x413, ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27208182 No.27208182 [Reply] [Original]

Do you retards realize what you might cause? You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right? Full economic collapse.

Your grandparents, your parents, your aunts, uncles, friends, they keep their money in the banks. They will have no fucking idea what is going on and they will be broke, because they probably don't have silver. And you will be blamed for being a silver owner.

Unless all your friends and loved ones have silver, think twice. You might be fucking them over if you retards dream comes true and you bring our entire banking system collapsing down.

>> No.27208236
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>> No.27208311

Theya rea already fucked due to covid, so wahtever.

>> No.27208353

All the people I love and give a shit about are smart enough to own a stock of precious metals.

>> No.27208423


>> No.27208460


I bought two silver bars today. but after considering your postion, I will buy 2 more.

>> No.27208521
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> total economic collapse


>> No.27208555

Stop, I can only get so erect

>> No.27208557

And in 2008 when all the banks just kinda shrugged and said whoops because they didn't actually have any money did the economy collapse?
Or did (((they))) push the emergency stop button and take money from everyone to bail out the banks we relied on?

Nothing we do matters. The status quo is maintained at any cost.

>> No.27208558
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sorry moral fags, but we've already placed the call to the bogs. send it!

>> No.27208567

Don't worry bro, it'll trickle down.

>> No.27208615

dangerously based

>> No.27208628
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Based, fuck fiat and fuck the federal reserve bank

>> No.27208634

my thoughts exactly. strong buy signal here

>> No.27208641


>> No.27208644
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>> No.27208648

yea yea yea, that's the point retard, better to crash the banks now before we are trapped in the globalhomo communism

>> No.27208686

Lol fuck off silverbug precious metals will do nothing for you if the system collapses

>> No.27208702
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This is even less convincing than when you tried to make me buy your shitrocks in 2012. Stupid fucking insect silverbug

>> No.27208787

We need to send family + friends + society a clear picture of how broken their banking systems are and how they control society!

>> No.27208811

Total US index fund + Total Ex-US index fund.
Go have fun.
Who cares?

>> No.27208822

Silver is just as useful as USD. I would rather hoard yuan than some shiny coin.

>> No.27208941
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>due to covid

>> No.27208989

I started buying silver 8 years ago praying that the dollar would collapse eventually. I welcome the apocalypse and death of urbanite scum.

>> No.27209009

(((They))) are already planning a controlled collapse of the economy anyway. Might as well beat them to the punch. As for friends and family, just tell them to buy food and toilet paper. They got that message loud and clear last february

>> No.27209021

It won't be much fun being in the top 1% after the crash when you realize everyone hates you for it. You are screwing your own family over here. Is it really worth it?

>> No.27209039

>your parents
my dad bought 70oz last night and will be doing 1k info link eth and bitcoin shortly. i was at his house during doge and he watch me make a bunch.
he wants it all to crash. may be surprised how many do, especially the ones who value morals over their fake fiat and want a better future for their legacy, be it grandkids or their grandkids grandkids. a way to fight just became available for many old grunts who hate this kike system but had to participate

>> No.27209044

How underwater are you? Kek

>> No.27209153

Not only have you inspired me to double my initial silver investment, I am also going to purchase shares in silver mines

>> No.27209165

>And in 2008
we are not in 2008

>> No.27209205

Wrong for 20+ years, Peter Schiff.
Index funds win again. Buy and forget.

>> No.27209330

>implying I don't give physical silver as gifts for my loved ones

>> No.27209397
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lol, nice larp

>> No.27209416


Fuck the banks. They kiked our system, if it wasn’t for them being greedy ass holes we would never be in this place at all.

>> No.27209516
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>> No.27209677

Did you being a tranny faggot influence his hatres for the system? Or is he aware his dick penetrating your anus is what turned you into a monster.

>> No.27209813
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Ooooooooooh Nooooooo that sucks!

>> No.27209849

What if people who sell silver right now just refuse to sell that silver to WSB niggers and other retards?

>> No.27210062
File: 94 KB, 640x479, C9826FBF-DCA6-4E38-B07E-39DA82855D7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah r€ddit doomsday :3 anyone associated with that website will be the lolcow for the next 5 years.

>> No.27210112

>already got my stack last year

>> No.27210138
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>> No.27210169

kek already kvetching. the fire rises
110th is fast approaching

>> No.27210299

Mortgage your shit and buy silver. You won't have to pay it back since its all collapsing anyway. Ez SRS surgery money for you.

>> No.27210317
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>> No.27210351

Some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.27210366

good luck fucking spending your blocks of silver. It'll be fucking useless in a world where the U.S. FIAT currency is worthless. Everyone will be out of a job and you'll be the richest man in the world that can't spend it on anything because there is no system for goods and services.

>> No.27210561
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>> No.27210653

ITT: retards who think the government will allow their entire country to collapse over some metal because it’s ‘fair’ instead of doing things like making retail trading of PMs illegal or literally anything else to stop the literal destruction of the economy

>> No.27210689

>good luck fucking spending your blocks of silver. It'll be fucking useless

you ever heard the story of Venezuela?

>> No.27210802
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>Ben Garrison speech bubble

>> No.27210808
File: 79 KB, 800x531, mfw the crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: (You) don't understand that further governmental crackdowns are perfectly acceptable and even necessary, in order for this government to collapse.

>> No.27210907
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Literally everyone, everywhere has valued gold and silver for trade highly for forever.

>> No.27211108
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Checked and erekt

>> No.27211540

I don't think you guys understand the gravity of the situation. If you properly squeeze silver, and its price goes to its actual inflation-adjusted amount, humanity is literally fucked. I'm not even talking about the 8 banks you delete. Fuck you can even forget about the economy for a second. I'm talking about electronics manufacturing.

You've been warned. You think phones are expensive now? You think solar is worth investing in? You want the fastest mouse for your FPS gaming. YOURE ABOUT TO FUCK EVERYTHING YOU PIECE OF SHIT DO NOT BUY ANY FUCING SILVER SSJDFHJSHFSJDHGSGSG

>> No.27211638
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Thats the idea, retard.

>> No.27211704

hebrew claws scratched out this post

>> No.27211738

Silver is a controlled market, like diamonds and deBeers.
Don't any of you rubes fall for this, ex got mixed up and lost a fortune on a similar pump in 2011.
Look at the graph she was caught on top of:


Years earlier on Kuta beach w differtt gf and a Madi or a Wayan was interrupting the basking shilling handmade jewellery and she said, 'fuck off, silver is cheap!'
Silver is cheap, dont be lured in. also google the cartels that prop up its commodity prices. Retards.

>> No.27211739

I already have enough physical silver, nice try. But I do want to fuck up the entire world. It's never been good to me, might as well return the favor.

>> No.27211747

Your entire premise is backwards. You should buy silver BECAUSE the USD is fucked. And that's not because of silver.

>> No.27211761

every generation needs a story, in the end, the government is just too powerful and will start to make things illegal for our "own safety". These people will be responsible for us losing our rights as we know them today.

>> No.27211891
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Why do you think we are here?

>> No.27211925

do you have the silver bars in your hands? or simply a note?

>> No.27211943


>> No.27212082

bring on the crash bud
t. small family of debt-free land owning stackers

>> No.27212126

Except DeBeers has vaults full of diamonds, they don't circulate "paper diamonds". So what does that imply?

>taking financial advice from a w*man

>> No.27212155

given that he said bars and not ounces i'm sure its the former; nobody pumping silver is dumb enough to not take physical delivery after all the (((trading restrictions))) last week

>> No.27212219

Don’t matter system still fucking sucks

>> No.27212299


>> No.27212329
File: 106 KB, 601x601, 1611978238741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i buy physical silver, is it a local thing or can i just buy it online and hope some nigger doesnt rob me through the mail system.

>> No.27212336

they should have listened

>> No.27212359

The economy is already on the verge of collapsing. This move could cause it, and the small hats will blame retail investors then confiscate their silver or freeze their accounts. They''ll be labeled financial terrorist, so the masses feel it was a smart move for their safety.

>> No.27212380

Fuck off. I have 1000 ounces and my brother probably has more than I do.

>> No.27212390

Check out /pmg/, the OP always has a list of reputable bullion dealers. Shipping is insured anyway.

>> No.27212418

I don’t care burn it all and rise from the ashes. No more corporate oligarchy controlling the government

>> No.27212463

>Your grandparents, your parents, your aunts, uncles, friends
fuck 'em

>> No.27212517

i bought gold and silver on ampex before.

follow up question. Is it worth it to ever buy silver / precious metal ETFs or should i just buy physical?

>> No.27212576

(((they))) were talking about a reset, weren't they?

>> No.27212590


>> No.27212599


>> No.27212613

Im not sure how badly you guys realize this could backfire.

>crash economy
>fuck everything
kek and based and all but if youre not careful
>leftists seize the opportunity to use this as proof capitalism is BS
>gain unprecedented support
>fail to gain requisite opposition support because were all insufferable autists regardless of PM stocks
>absolute gommunism

Youre walking a fine line. If you proceed, do it carefully and plan for the power vacuum. Act with care, anons.

>> No.27212717

Thanks OP, just told everyone I know to buy silver so no one gets mad at me.

>> No.27212726

Hey schlomo, its funny how none of you yids gave a fuck about families when you destroyed the country in 2008.

>> No.27212787

If it doesn’t happen now, the USA and the world will continue on a slow walk of entropic hell. If it DOES NOT happen, then we are truly FUCKED. This needs to happen for the well-being of the world. By Universal Law. It will be like ripping off a bandaid. Wake up.

>> No.27212822


Post nose

>> No.27212858

Cool Boomer would like to bbq with him

>> No.27212966

>Unless all your friends and loved ones have silver,

>> No.27213050

They are all already fucked by being your debt slaves.

It's better for them if there was such an economic catastrophe because then they could join in on class-action lawsuits and have their debts forgiven.

>> No.27213124


Edit: Grammar

>> No.27213178

okay andrew. you are and were wrong. its okay. apologize.

>> No.27213244

I just got off the phone with my grandmother I gave her the full rundown. Fractional reserve banking, the jews, moloch, she is letting me invest all of her money in Chainlink and constitutional silver

>> No.27213310

Would you fuck the shit out of that?

>> No.27213413

>Except DeBeers has vaults full of diamonds
you literally have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. zero. look up the difference between laboratory diamonds and the mined ones. check out the 'diamonds are forever' bullshit deBeers invented for engagement rings. look up the new diamond mines in Canada and the suppression of availability from them. They're not as rare as in Minecraft you fucking fool. and fools like you will rush into this silver bullshit too, that's what i was telling you about you spastic. 30 mins on any of the above on google rather than plunging in and getting ripped off. also w*men can be smart although you've prob never met one you closet fucking homo

>> No.27213507

just bought 500oz of silver

>> No.27213624

The do not buy post is conveniently next to buy post....I like how shiny it is .

>> No.27213690

You can dig your own diamonds in Arkansas

>> No.27213698

DeBeers artifically inflates the price of diamonds.
JP Morgan artificially deflates the price of silver.

Do you understand the difference between those two scenarios or nah?

>also w*men can be smart
Just stop talking retard. jfc

>> No.27213857

good goys don't own silver or gold, and I want good goys to starve to death so yea I'm cool with all of that

>> No.27214357


>> No.27214533

>JP Morgan artificially deflates the price of silver.
says who? lonely guns & beans conspiritards like you? i posted the silver 2011/1980s silver bubble-dump graph above, what you got? rage and misdirected hope i'd say

>> No.27214621
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You got to be foolish to mess with JPM.

>> No.27214678

just buy physical. paper scam is paper scam.

>> No.27214745

jesus, jamie dimon again

>> No.27214829

>Do you retards realize what you might cause? You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right? Full economic collapse.
And when that happens, you'll be able to get a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her questionably underage daughter for a mercury dime.
Buy silver and survive the collapse you'll cause. It's the perfect play.

>> No.27214835

>ITT: (You) don't understand that further governmental crackdowns are perfectly acceptable and even necessary, in order for this government to collapse.
This lol

>> No.27214847

Implying we aren't already fucked with fake president China Joe and covid hoax. Sooner the gov't can't pay its soldiers the better.

>> No.27214959


US dollar is fucking shitcoin, burn it.

>> No.27215060

The dollar's been dead for years. Let us out of this hell already.

>> No.27215098

I just want an excuse to not finish college bro, if that means destroying the economy and then living with my family and girlfriends family while homesteading, I'm in. I want it all to end. I just want to LIVE FREE. Fuck ZOG.

>> No.27215144

It is noseman, it is. Unlike you we don't want it all.

>> No.27215150
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>> No.27215234

>It won't be much fun being in the top 1% after the crash when you realize everyone hates you for it.
Where does that leave you Jews?

>> No.27215242
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i took out a loan to buy PHYSICAL silver LOL

>> No.27215288

Dubs of truth. The longnose tribe is incapable of understanding this.

>> No.27215306

Buy coins. You can't easily redistribute bars. You'd need a mint.

>> No.27215320

Biden is not my president and I don't want to live in a world where he pretends to be. Burn it down.

>> No.27215384

if everything is fucked and lawless, we'd just kill authoritarian leftists and anyone else that needs to go with our guns. the only reason we haven't is because they're backed by every major institution in the world with full systemic power already;

>> No.27215387

>Do you retards realize what you might cause? You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right? Full economic collapse.
A rotten and collapsing system should not be propped up, but pushed over.

>> No.27215612

holy shit is that all you are basing this on? ALL banks are involved in all of this shit ALL the time. you think a fix on silver is a big deal, how about exchange rates, here:
you can do your own homework on investigations into Deutsche Bank, who everyone is investigating, everyone. if you think that you know that market rigging on such a small scale by JP Morgan is going to get you a silver house on a silver hill, then you are delusional and you are going to lose money.

>> No.27215674

the goverment is making this a reality anon do not be fooled

we just need to make sure they are handled during the chaos they cause

>> No.27215778

>implying a bunch of boomers don't hoard precious metals.
ultimate kek

>> No.27215827

Whatever you do, do NOT buy SILVER

>> No.27215895

All of my family and friends are maskers so whatever

>> No.27215908

i'm going all-in on aloe

>> No.27216041


>> No.27216102

>Do you retards realize what you might cause? You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right? Full economic collapse.
And then I will be one of the privileged few to own silver, a true currency as the fiat scheme crumbles under it's own diabetic, McDonald's Super Size Me weight.

>> No.27216231

Good. Load up. This is a global thing. Just fucking do it.

>> No.27216262


>> No.27216309

This is the energy we need right now

>> No.27216414

Silver has been close to the the same price for nearly a decade.

>> No.27216426

I'm going to lend stimulus money back to the government, this way we can create infinite debt loops.

>> No.27216488

thanks for motivating me to buy 3 bars

>> No.27216533

Hahaha whoops

>> No.27216541


>> No.27216616

Good. Fuck money. Give me something physical. Money is fake and printed whenever they need more. Everytime they print it we get poorer. So who cares.

>> No.27216638
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HAHAHAHAHAHA. dude. you are worthless. i am not going to lose money cuz i have more cheap silver than you have brain cells. of course this is more than JP but you literally asked for evidence for JP specific depressing price and I gave it to you. grow up, atj.

>> No.27216775

this and checked

>> No.27216836

Based, will buy more and tell friends to buy.

>> No.27216894

don't stop them, let them burn it down
they cash stonks & robinhood silver etfs
but loaf of bread is $3482
I already have my little self sufficient home in the woods
contentment is wealth

>> No.27216905

Hunt brothers. History repeats.

>> No.27216915

You seem to care an awful lot if some retard stranger loses money

>> No.27216918

The wouldn’t even allow gme/amc to go full psychopath what makes you think they would allow silver to do anything

>> No.27217063

You realize that the bailout of 2008 devalued the dollar to shit right? Any bailout now would devalue 10x what 2008 did. It was bad in 2008 it will be exponentially worse now.

>> No.27217065

We're all fucked, the only choice is how we take it

>> No.27217134

Jokes on you, I'm out that shit
don’t think such projects can show you anything except for poor wallet
I better will listen to my bro and follow Cascade system on base protocol
best overall volume on uniswap and top results among other protocols for last months

>> No.27217221
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I can't wait to tell boomers to pull their self up by the boot straps as they wave a tin can in my direction expecting a silver coin.

>> No.27217405

They should have done something in 1933 to keep Americans from becoming fiat debt slaves.

The dollar is dying no matter what.

>> No.27217423
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what if they shoot you in the face and take your coin?

>> No.27217429

ive told close family and friends to load up before covid hit if they didnt listen its on them

>> No.27217502

The system needs to fail.

They can print bailouts

They can’t print silver

>> No.27217504

just look at the weekly COMEX commitment of traders report, if you are even capable of understanding it

>> No.27217720

can you think back more than 1 post ago, brainlet?


you know what? invest away and that's not financial advice and i'm not a financial advisor and all these decisions are yours as a moron

>> No.27217765
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>> No.27217930

thanks, at least that's data

>> No.27217941
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>> No.27218045

My grandparents are dead and my dad is a based gen x goldbug. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. Burn it to the ground.

>> No.27218149

fiat is doomed to fail by design. elites just keep putting it off by printing more worthless money.
it is time.

>> No.27218233

as dumb as people have proven to be over the last few months especially, i might emerge king of the world in the event of a full collapse

>> No.27218254

>You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right?

OP you are such a fucking retard. BUYING PHYSICAL SILVER WILL NOT INCREASE ITS PRICE. ONLY SCHIZO /PMG/ RETARDS BELIEVE THIS. What will increase the price of silver is the US dollar fucking itself, which is what all those money printers are doing already. DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU MORON? YOU BUY PRECIOUS METALS TO HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION

>> No.27218355

... ooohhhhhhh

but it's still so expensive

>> No.27218438

Because (((brokers))) control the flow of stocks but the free market controls the flow of silver, which is just a metal.

>> No.27218447
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>> No.27218507

Then they should not have turned covid into a political weapon. They exploited the pandemic to make money and hurt trump, they did this to themselves. You reap what you sow. Let it fall, we had our chance to change in 2008, no one listened.

>> No.27218506
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>buy shiny rock
>crash jew world

>> No.27218551

One schizo retard buying physical silver won't increase it's price. Several million schizo retards buying up all the physical silver will.

>> No.27218649
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schizo retard reporting in

>> No.27218735
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>you might destroy the economy goy!!11!
I'm thinking based

>> No.27218746

Unfathomably based

>> No.27218766
File: 22 KB, 169x216, A5E51FCA-3FEF-452A-BC16-203A37B80676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the one gold app
It’s backed by APMEX and is supposed to be 100 backed in a vault.
Best premiums and easiest way to buy and sell-avoiding shipping fees etc.
That said, I have a safe with physical for long term savings

>> No.27218806

Please stop posting this, I need to keep a few lesser known bullion dealers in my back pocket once the more popular ones are sold out.

>> No.27218955

Just wait until the media starts reporting that millions of schizo retards are buying all the silver, then hundreds of millions of normies will jump onto the run on silver. It's going to be interesting few weeks.

>> No.27218956

Your post with that name is a work of art

>> No.27219014
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>> No.27219112
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>> No.27219191
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I can't wait to be getting blow jobs by formerly well-to-do housewives.

>> No.27219196

nice, will bought another $500 worth of silver.

>> No.27219200
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>> No.27219255

Heres what all you reddit scum and 4chan scum are missing. Did you ever think you would witness something crazy like 9/11. How about the 2004 tsunami. Whether its angles and demons or reptilians and annunaki that the bible is talking about. Shit is going to go down. Revelations is real and its worst tuen you can imagine. So whats it going to be.....silver. Gold. Bitcoin. Eth. Xrp.

>> No.27219260
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Just bought a literal bag

>> No.27219321
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Post nose faggot

>> No.27219347

Correct but in the time you'll finally have clearance to do so they will organize in ways you cant compete with. tread carefully.

>> No.27219351

When it crashes EVERYONE will be a wage slave. You will own next to nothing if not nothing. And you will be happy.

>uh, materialism bad, get jesus, get tradwife. own nothing. be happy.
Congrats you cucked yourself. Next up, you return to monke.

>> No.27219414
File: 31 KB, 555x682, dollar_USD_Purchasing_Power-753629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you retards realize what you might cause? You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right? Full economic collapse.

The US Dollar is dead. And you'd better believe the Chinks are pushing even harder to bury it.

Your only chance is to break the system and make yourselves rich with Silver while doing it.

>> No.27219428
File: 784 KB, 800x600, 1606494665924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you own silver while the system melts around you

>> No.27219472

"The Market Capitalization of Silver is currently arround $1.479 T."

how the fuck do you plan on even creating a budge, let alone anything else?

>> No.27219506

>When it crashes EVERYONE will be a wage slave
... to me... I hope you enjoy tilling my fields for... let's say 1/10th an ounce of silver. Turns out your MBA won't be worth much of anything, boy

>> No.27219520

the rest of it was good but lol XRP hahahahhaha

>> No.27219629

eurotard here at least i still have a foreskin, dumbass

>> No.27219784

No, to THEM. Who already has land? Who already has men? Who has not only guns, but the deadliest guns? The jews, dipshit. When money goes out the window, land, men, and weapons rule again and they have spend the last century stripping these things from you.

>People born after the 90s often report 0 close friends
>Land? a double lot in a city is considered impressive
>Guns? You haven't been allowed to own a relevant weapon since the 30s and it is only getting worse
You are fucked. The jews are not. They have more silver than you, too.

>Tfw you own silver while the system melts around you
>-the jew
>tfw its just a new system
>-anon who spent $40k on silver bars

Go die in a blaze of glory if you don't like the fact that you will become a feudal slave in a much more direct manner than you already are. Because that's your other option, save for tucking your tail and running to China.

>> No.27219798

>Not physical

>> No.27219870


>> No.27219928

She about to get Moo'd.

>> No.27219935

>crying defeat before the battle even begun
>citing metropolitan property ownership
peak zoomer. I have one word for you. Weimar

>> No.27220041
File: 60 KB, 491x491, TrueJoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot them first. You're the spawn of criminal scum, you should know how this works.

>> No.27220091

If you think your farm is great, just wait until the jews seize it. They have land, men, guns, and more metals than you. You will own nothing, the new state will own everything.

You won't think the fascist taking over this shitshow is based. He won't favor your race. He won't favor your religion or your morals. He'll be a total fucking degenerate set out for white genocide in your eyes. And he'll stand with israel.

>> No.27220124

>Everyone will be a wageslave
How? If you aren't paying a wage, people aren't going to work for you.
>I'll just pay them in my worthless Weimar money!
Gold luck with that

>> No.27220175

stop projecting your jewish power fantasy, jew.

>> No.27220231

You will be paid in coin, food, and the privilege of being "free". Like people always were before fiat currency.

I'm just warning you, you're doing something that will give the jews absolute power because they have a monopoly of the means of absolute power. You're supposed to remove the jews before you do this, idiot.

>> No.27220268

>You're supposed to remove the jews before you do this, idiot.

>> No.27220308

Too late bro, just bought 25oz of silver today. Will buy 100oz next paycheck

>> No.27220383

I'm not worried, JPM will continue to manipulate the market regardless of how much people buy and nothing will happen
Hell, JPM is probably getting cash injections to keep shitting on PMs lol

>> No.27220471

stock as in stockpile, retard.

>> No.27220473

>Homogenous white germany
>chai latte america

>> No.27220493


Yep, banks are the enemy. They're the control mechanism. They craft humanity in unnatural ways for their benefit. Their failure will hurt a little now but save humanity and the future from much worse. I'm not going to boomer future generations with my problems, my uncomfort now means a better world for my children and grandchildren.

>> No.27220860
File: 62 KB, 640x550, 100oz-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck do you plan on even creating a budge, let alone anything else?

I'm not sure what these folks plan. But I can tell you this: We currently consume 16x more silver each day than we can mine. And none of the Silver consumed by manufacturing (Silver is a critical component of all modern electronics) is deemed recoverable. It's also the first metal to be predicted (By the USGS) to go extinct within just three or four years. That's a big deal. Just three or four years from now and there won't be any more silver coming out of the ground (it's a surface metal, unlike gold).

I think that people could seriously fuck with Silver since it's currently being shorted. The price of Silver has already started rising against gold at an unreasonable (unusual) rate in the last 72 hours. Looks like you folks have started something.

>> No.27220904
File: 83 KB, 600x867, 1609295613035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please help me, should I pull the trigger? the price is moving!

>> No.27220946

What the fuck are you talking about? The markets are closed for another ~14 hours

>> No.27220964

What the fuck is with all the silver shilling these days? Silver isn't even rare, you can just dig more out of the ground, and plenty of mining companies will do just that if it actually increases significantly.

>> No.27220975

Im talking physical bricks anon

>> No.27221020


That's a lot of BJ's

>> No.27221052

>You will be paid in coin, food, and the privilege of being "free". Like people always were before fiat currency.
During the colonial days, the only reason governments in New England started printing Fiat is because they had no real money to pay their sailors every time they failed to rob French Canada.
Every time they continued printing fiat, the price of everyday goods doubled.
Why the hell do you think you're somehow more "free" with fiat money?

>> No.27221089

>It's also the first metal to be predicted (By the USGS) to go extinct within just three or four years.
That's almost nonsensical considering how relatively common it is
How are the prices moving then?

>> No.27221144
File: 476 KB, 200x199, 45CAE9B3-1976-4C07-8892-1046227C3B9C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigger bought digital precious metals

>> No.27221186
File: 180 KB, 840x473, silver-bullion-dealers-whos-best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just warning you, you're doing something that will give the jews absolute power because they have a monopoly of the means of absolute power. You're supposed to remove the jews before you do this, idiot.

Remove their money by bankrupting them through their own system. Without money, they have no power. Isn't removing their power the first prerequisite before removing the entity that ails you?

>> No.27221203

Unless you're using a meme website that's exploiting demand the price won't change when the market is closed
Jew'd again I guess

>> No.27221244

According to a banking dictionary “real money” is precious metals alone.

USD is “monetized debt”

>> No.27221265

if you have the money....then hell yes....APMEX has already run out.

>> No.27221274
File: 103 KB, 600x600, block_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not worried, JPM will continue to manipulate the market regardless of how much people buy and nothing will happen
>Hell, JPM is probably getting cash injections to keep shitting on PMs lol

Physical Silver is being Shorted. The demand exceeds actual supply. How is this a foolish thing?

>> No.27221318

It will be more fun than being in the starving 99%

>> No.27221333

You mean I’m gonna fuck over the “fuck you I got mine” generation

Ahahaha oh no no no

>> No.27221346

Unless you are samefagging, you can't be sure that's what he meant. If he did, then good.

>> No.27221350

Going long on sliver, ammunition and guillotines.

>> No.27221368

If it is still being shorted it means that hedgies have info that encourages them to do that, regardless of the demand

>> No.27221404

Haven't seen my parents in 8 years. I don't have a family to care for. What I do have is some mf silver baby. Hope you have a spare room for your boomer parents when this shit goes down.

>> No.27221415

Silver is actually more rare than gold due to industrial use.

>> No.27221426
File: 54 KB, 1552x1098, metals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It's also the first metal to be predicted (By the USGS) to go extinct within just three or four years.
>That's almost nonsensical considering how relatively common it is

>> No.27221460

How much silver do I need to make it ?

>> No.27221525

it'd probably be good for the dickskin too

>> No.27221526

>About 70% of silver gets mined as a byproduct of other industrial and precious metal mining efforts. Only a tiny amount of silver bullion comes from ‘silver-only’ mining efforts.
In fact it's a byproduct of copper too iirc

>> No.27221539
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 286DFBCE-4012-4DA2-AA90-94C3D0B33A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad and grandad both hold gold & silver
I don’t care about your family or the pooesdee

>> No.27221610

That's not true, and only half of the production is actually used in industry.

>> No.27221612

eBay is okay too but be sure you are buying from an established buyer with decent feedback.

I have bought a lot of pm on eBay and have had a fraudulent experience maybe three times- eBay made me whole every time too.

>> No.27221650
File: 793 KB, 1376x825, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 4.09.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver is actually more rare than gold due to industrial use.


>> No.27221666

* three times out of maybe 500

>> No.27221672

I'm lost in the lore of silver. What's going on with it?

>> No.27221727

newest pump

>> No.27221750
File: 26 KB, 900x750, marcus-licinius-crassus-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 million sesterces

>> No.27221759

that's a really neat image.

>> No.27221816


>> No.27221951

Gold/Silver is a religion
a religion you can debunk

>gold has been used for thousands of years dude

so were horses, and how is the horse market now?

>gold is a great hedge against inflation

not really, stocks beat gold

gold is a commodity, it produces nothing

>buy 100 acres of farmland
receive 100 acres worth of crop every year
can use money from the sales of said crops to buy more land and expand the farm

>buy $100,000 worth of gold, it sits their and does nothing , no return on investment, it does not make me any money

>yo bro when the economy collapses ...

mate their has been numerous economic collapses in recent years

hyperinflation happened in Venezuela, did Venezuelans with Silver survive?


when shit hits the fan did the economy revert to the standard?


what happened?

DOLLARS! (not joking here, when the people in Venezuela lost trust in their currency people started to either barter or use dollars, no one used gold)

if American currency collapses we will use digital yuan, not gold

the economy in new orleons during hurricane Katrina collapsed, was it a gold using city? no, the economy reverted into a barter economy until law and order was restored, and when it was what did the people of new orlens switch to Gold? no they went back to using dollars

the iraq economy collapsed with the fall of Saddam, all the old money lost it's value, did the chaldeans switch to gold? no, a new government was installed and the new government printed money became the standard, all the chaldeans now use the new government fiat

if the economy collapses in America they can just start over with a new currency, or they can lop of some zeros (has happened many times in the past anon, the government declares that 1 new dollar = 100 old dollars)

also you can recover from hyper inflation anon

and America has had currency resets in the past under 10 years everything will go back to normal

>> No.27221965

They didn’t listen to me when I told them about covid. They didn’t listen to me when I told them there would be riots if Trump lost. They didn’t listen when I said Pelosi and Biden would shaft us on stimulus. They didn’t listen to me when I told them to buy a share of GME. At some point, it’s their fault. Not mine.

>> No.27221967

>implying the USA will be able to do anything
Who do you think holds the largest silver reserves? China

>> No.27221971

OH NOES no muh RGBTQ+ gayming mice. How will I become famous like Fortnite Ninja now?

You do realise that there are other metals that they'd use instead of silver right? Silver is just the most cost effective right now.

>> No.27221988
File: 33 KB, 284x284, CBIAX56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that there's a pump going on, but why now? What started this meme for it all? I can't buy any, but my dad does. He's mad at me because he fuds about GME and such, but I want him to at least buy something to get ahead and silver is the one thing he LOVES to talk about.

>> No.27222061
File: 629 KB, 784x2230, Screenshot_2021-01-31 USGS “Worldwide silver supplies will be depleted by 2025” - 401kRollover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27222149

Presumably more people trying to fuck short sellers

>> No.27222150
File: 329 KB, 857x1168, Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 5.49.00 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Up until the 1600s, they didn't have the means to separate Silver from Copper ore. Nor gold. So when you find copper ballast bricks from old ship wrecks, they can contain up to 20% gold.

Silver is from the Platinum Group Metals and is often a byproduct of copper and gold smelting. However, Silver mining usually takes place near known gold reserves. This falls into place with the notion that silver was deposited (along with gold) onto the Earth's surface with asteroid bombardment during the early formation of the planet.

Either way, virtually all known sources of Silver have been mined to the point of exhaustion. Gold has been detected at greater depth (kilometers) below the surface but Silver is just about ready to run out.

>> No.27222153
File: 68 KB, 585x530, silver bullion dealer shortages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, supply is running dry and it hasn't even been a week. Protect your wealth!

>> No.27222211

thats 7.9 million ounces anon..... a bit excessive.

>> No.27222343

>cadillac converters
top kek

>> No.27222350
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>> No.27222464
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>> No.27222467

Fuck the system. Trump couldn't clean out the swamp but we probably can. And fuck our ancestors who allowed these Jew rats to infiltrate into every fucking sector within our country and place spiritual shackles on all of us. What matters is we do well for ourselves and our own future. What ever happens to the economy we'll cross that bridge with our riches when we get there. Fuck you!

>> No.27222498

You can short silver commodities? I know they had puts and calls but damn.

>> No.27222545

You can short anything homie

>> No.27222549
File: 318 KB, 1200x800, the family that gives footjobs together stays together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the original for posterity


>> No.27222558
File: 101 KB, 870x954, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right
Of course I do.

>> No.27222592
File: 21 KB, 413x309, JPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mines will expand ofc and mine more.

It's naive to think that we will run out of a surplus, it may get much smaller. But we won't have a complete lack of silver supply.

>> No.27222598

>so were horses, and how is the horse market now?

not an argument. horses have been replaced by superior means of travel. gold has not been replaced with a superior store of value, because there ins't one.

>not really, stocks beat gold
>gold is a commodity, it produces nothing

not an argument. commodities have intrinsic value, paper ponzi scheme assets only have value as long as people continue to believe that they do.

>did venexuelans with silver survive?


You are either a literal retard or a JPM shill. kill yourself fiat fag.

>> No.27222693
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>> No.27222956
File: 24 KB, 311x325, 18714090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroying civilization because a few retards bought some kilos of silver

>> No.27223016

This is doom mongering. The economy will rebound very fast as all the bad debt is dissolved since the underlying economy and infrastructure is all still there. Currency will once again be pegged to precious metals, people will quickly gain an unprecedented level of buying power.

>> No.27223087

You're telling me I can fuck people that's not me just for buying silver? Thanks anon, I'm going to buy some now.

>> No.27223155

>dont stop shooting heroin, think of how bad the withdrawal will be

>> No.27223184

Gonna deboonk this gay post. Keep in mind I know literally nothing about precious metals and don't own any myself
>so were horses, and how is the horse market now?
It would pick up a lot if, for some reason, cars stopped being viable like an oil shortage or the end of the world. Besides you are ignoring the inherent industrial value of gold/silver

>gold is a commodity, it produces nothing
Gold/Silver will always be useful to an industrial society, they will maintain their value even if the entire economy goes tits up. You cannot say the same about stonks. If complete economic collapse occurs Gold/Silver will be a useful in the same ways they were to our ancestors.

>DOLLARS! (not joking here, when the people in Venezuela lost trust in their currency people started to either barter or use dollars, no one used gold)
Dollars will be completely worthless when the US collapses. If the collapse is global, trade will revert to barter/gold/silver and all currency will be worthless

>the economy in new orleons during hurricane Katrina collapsed, was it a gold using city? no, the economy reverted into a barter economy until law and order was restored, and when it was what did the people of new orlens switch to Gold? no they went back to using dollars
This is idiotic. Why don't we just barter for things now? I'll tell you why, it's inefficient. If the apocalypse happened, the new kings of the wasteland (i.e. preppers, psychos and /pmg/ posters) would be able to pay for all kinds of abstract services while you'd be sitting in your mud hut trading eggs for water and your wife's pussy for protection.

>if American currency collapses we will use digital yuan, not gold
Oh yeah, you and what internet

Global economic collapse is so much different to local collapse it's not funny. Think about it, would you rather have precious metals or a stock in a Venezuelan company? Now apply that same principle to the entire world.

>> No.27223221

fuck that, the sooner USD is dead, the better. We can finally focus on Bitcoin and other digital currency that isn't manipulated by the federalist.

>> No.27223276

We won't run out of silver as long as we keep mining other industrial metals.
It's a by-product.

>> No.27223279
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1597687464241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fellow Euro here as well. Get fucked faggot.

>> No.27223288

I'm tired of playing pretend, Anon.

I'm done pretending that this Civilization of ours should continue and that there is some "destiny" for it. Let it fall so a better one can replace it.

>> No.27223290

>not an argument. horses have been replaced by superior means of travel
Wrong, cars are far more dangerous and degenerate. The reason why you have to drive a car is because of oligarchs and governmental corruption

>> No.27223330

Fuck off Elizabeth Warren, go play in your TeePee with your peace pipe. You aren't fooling anybody.

>> No.27223397

Consumption is growing, too. Just imagine how much silver will go to solar panels once the retard in charge starts throwing money at the "renewables" lobbyists.

>> No.27223444

Thread was made by:

>> No.27223482
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1556548435910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dollar is already dead. It's only a matter of time.
Fuck fiat currency. Store wealth in something with intrisic value.

>> No.27223508

we should be fine. housing market hasn't crash.

>> No.27223545

So what you're saying is I should buy silver and collapse the economy?

>> No.27223580
File: 2 KB, 351x166, trending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this post glows
>why now?
decades of money printing & raping retail investors and consumers, people waking up to the system being rigged by the elite, wallstreetbets

>> No.27223594

it had to happen eventually

>> No.27223696
File: 206 KB, 846x1174, USGS Silver Depleted 2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You don't understand.

Silver ore deposits are all around the world and are now mined to the point of exhaustion. But some small amounts of silver are extracted from gold and platinum during the smelting process.

Gold and copper and platinum are now in short supply. Silver is even scarcer. We will run out of silver before we run out of gold and copper.

We currently consume silver at a rate of 16x the volume we can pull out of the ground on any one day. And with new Silver demands for Solar panels and flat screen televisions and smartphones, we're going to burn through what reserves are left within just another year or two... After that, we'll use whatever silver reserves are left to try and keep up for another 2 years. Beyond this, we have no viable alternative and silver will shoot to $10,000+ per troy ounce.

Silver is literally the hot ticket because it will be depleted by 2025. You can't extract enough silver from other metals to make up the demand and Silver will become extinct in just a few years (source: USGS).

>> No.27223716

Fuck it. I'm going to max out my credit cards on silver. Fuck it.

>> No.27223729
File: 161 KB, 1886x856, silber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I gonna make it

>> No.27223731


Or you shake up shit enough to expose workings in the system. You don't need to dethrone anyone, just show the average person how their food is made.

>> No.27223736

Should I buy a whole bar or smaller quantities?
1 want to buy 2kg, so it is obviously cheaper to buy 2x1kg than 8x250g or so. But I am thinking about the future. If I need to trade it. Should I just melt it myself into smaller bars?

>> No.27223743
File: 474 KB, 675x539, ao96gbqehge51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27223757

You look at this backward like most apes. He is not underwater if he holds the metal. You determine the value by determining the amt of goods and services he can purchase with said metal. Fuck fiat you filthy slut.

>> No.27223764

buy stinks you faggot. have some silver but also have your ticket to escape wage cucking

>> No.27223781

Would you buy some special coins? Why not just bars? It's cheaper and has if shtf the same worth.

>> No.27223816

So you're saying the entire market crashes but my crypto will survive in the long term and I'll be part of the 1% with my 2 btc? Sounds based.

>> No.27223822
File: 239 KB, 1440x1802, EtCrdL0XEAMpZc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27223825

Where did you buy from?

>> No.27223858

You really think I won't take care of my friends and family?
Someone is going to have to build my castle and farm my land. I'll give them all 2 dimes a day to work for me.

>> No.27223924

Fuck man

>> No.27223947

Spent everything I could on GME silver and rubic memes

>> No.27223975

Guys what's the make it and suicide stack for silver?

>> No.27223976

you're literally retarded

>> No.27224001
File: 243 KB, 1000x1000, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the coins were the cheapest per ounce and they looked pretty :)

>> No.27224002


Constitutional for buying groceries, large bars to protect wealth.

>> No.27224045

Think who long silver the most?

>> No.27224129

these zombies are coming on /pol/ (mpbup) and shilling silver. as a well educated man with a degree in engineering and geology, I have to say I am very confused about this idea that pumping up silver is going to have any effect. Stick with AMC, find another business that's headed south and being shorted. you're pumping the price up for a bunch of billionaires to dump their cheap products on your lap. I'm convinced it's a revenge ploy. I've seen nothing to suggest holding silver will do anything to banks. lmfao. I'm here, ready to listen to your wisdom on this /biz/

>> No.27224173
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>> No.27224214

Oh cool.
So where can I buy physical silver then?

>> No.27224232

>dude just buy precious metals
nah famalam I am here to make money

>> No.27224236
File: 292 KB, 999x1024, to a better place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. So, silver is almost completely mined off the face of the earth and it is a byproduct of other mining (mostly) so once it's gone, it's gone. Tomorrow I'm calling all my relatives and having a heart to heart with them and begging them to buy silver, at least 10% of their savings and retirement accounts. I don't care if I seem crazy, this is the biggest opportunity in planet earth's history.

>> No.27224245
File: 128 KB, 470x528, 1611997493582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will economic collapse create the next Hitler?

>> No.27224373

>implying memestonksfags care about the dollar

>> No.27224458

If "making it" is $5 million in current USD purchasing power, then probably like 5000 oz, and I'm being generous. If you really want to "make it" with a moon mission, then get some shitcoin silver mining stocks that will go 100x if this silver bullrun is the real deal.

>> No.27224473

Someone gets it. If there is a true collapse its about pure survival at that point. Will get nasty

>> No.27224501

>You realize if precious metals moon, the US dollar is fucking dead, right?
Woah holy based. Let’s do it.

>> No.27224562
File: 82 KB, 500x656, 18m9en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27224584

If silver is supposed to be so scarce and about to face global depletion, why would the banks short it? That seems highly counterintuitive and self destructive.

>> No.27224602

Pretend silver is traded on paper so I don't think that's a realistic worry unless the entire derivatives market collapses.

>> No.27225104

because they didn't forsee the goy getting wise to the fraud

>> No.27225148

After the chaos XRP will rise out of the ashes as a bridging coin between international national digital currencies

>> No.27225261

I unironically gave 5oz of silver to all of my family members and friends as christmas presents. Based or what?

>> No.27225460

Hand in picrel looks strong. Please confirm.

>> No.27225475

>US dollar is fucking dead, right?
Good thing I'm not a burger

>> No.27225505
File: 1.63 MB, 2048x1536, AmericanSilverEagles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27225570


>> No.27225767

I frequented PMG for quite some time. I also bought silver. No one ever showed me this info. Gonna buy some more and talk to my friends again about it.

>> No.27226005
File: 16 KB, 263x263, 1610976085051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my first 22 silver eagles

>> No.27226049

So the r/wsb jannies went out of their way to delete a 3 day old post shilling Silver with 14k upvotes
