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27192404 No.27192404 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the real black swan is coming. GME is the catalyst. Position your portfolios accordingly. You don't have long.

>> No.27192865

People will start selling and already have. A few firms will get BTFO and nothing else.

>> No.27193175

My question is which banks will survive this? Those will probably be the ones to invest in.

>> No.27193252

Keep your schizo essays to yourself, buddy.

>> No.27193322


>> No.27193391

So except for your fun-money in GME, keep it in crypto?

>> No.27193424


>> No.27193446

Usually posters like these know what the fuck they're talking about.
It's the "DOGE COIN TO THE MOOOOOON" pajeets that are shitting up the board.

>> No.27193451

None of that will happen.
Nothing will happen.
Nothing ever happens.

>> No.27193560

>corona will be the catalyst
now this, yea sure as if the feds wont step in

>> No.27193564

>falling for a r*ddit pump and dump
not buying your bags

>> No.27193582

Selling before a huge crash is a meme. Once your portfolio is over a couple hundred grand, it becomes next to impossible to sell it all into cash. Rack up $50k in capital gains taxes based on a rumor and risk losing out on a bull market? Fuck, I don't see how I could ever do it.

>> No.27193683

I'll take pajeets shilling shitcoins any day over normies

>> No.27193728

it would have been if they didn't print 35% of m2 supply in the last 10 months. can't stack these events forever

>> No.27193732

Yep. Cheaper to just buy deep OTM puts against your position for insurance

>> No.27193827

Retards. Cap gains is based on income. I’d eat 12.5% Lmao

>> No.27193858

so one idea would be to short the banks, right?
That said, even if I decided to short the banks via Fidelity or Webull or maybe even Robinhood if you're desperate, you might get into a 2008 situation where you can't even claim the value of your puts because the bank system is fucked?

>> No.27193892

So you're a poorfag... ok

>> No.27193951
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Can't take, won't take normie opinion even if it makes money, but is ok for pajeet shills. Retard, go back to /pol/.

>> No.27193956

GME is Q-larp for reddit users.

>> No.27193974

this means crypto gonna skyrocket boooois

>> No.27193976

Yeah go ahead and short the banks which have been stress tested all to fuck by the fed all year because of some r*ddit meme. You have to go back.

>> No.27193993


>> No.27194260

How should I position my Portfolio? Where should I put my dosh?
It's mostly in EV stocks at the moment.

>> No.27194551

>betting against mortgages? that’s crazy, it’s the safest investment in the world

>> No.27194687

I dont understand how you morons can be this stupid. Why in the world you think crypto is a hedge against a fiat crash? It is directly tied to fiat and you cant spend it. Even if it shoots to 200k with hyper inflation but a loaf of bread is 50k why would you think that is a win? Are you fucktards really this stupid you dont understand simple economic concepts like this?

>> No.27194826

Yea like when people stormed the capitol or when the democrats stole the election? (((They))) are done.

>> No.27194906

every chart looks the same.

>> No.27194969
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Are inverse ETFs a good idea? I saw some spikes the last few days.

>> No.27194991

This is wrong because in order to short a stock you need to post 102% collateral and pay fees for the time you have it borrowed. The banks are fine. The middlemen? Not so much.

>> No.27195731


is it "naked" shorting when they dont post that 102% collateral?

>> No.27195770

btw crypto is a fucking ponzi scheme and if fiat crashes digital 1 and 0's are gonna be worthless. No one is going to be buying into fucking tulips when they dont have anything to eat you fucking retard
>inb4 what are tulips
You deserve to lose every penny you have being this stupid

>> No.27195838

>Nothing will happen.
It happened on Nov 3.
We are Venezuela now, with nukes.

>> No.27195933

You need to go back.

>> No.27196303

Naked shorting wouldn’t involve a bank. Again, the middlemen/broker-dealers would be the ones involved in naked shorts, not banks. Banks have obligations to their depositors and investors not to fuck with their money post-2008. Brokers on the other hand can facilitate naked short trades.

>> No.27196498


>> No.27196496

I'm all-in gold and silver (physical) ETFs right now.

I think the markets will shit themselves in the coming weeks. We've already started seeing it.

>> No.27197008

USA's capitalism has been on gib life support at least since late 1970s. It's all a sham.

>> No.27198226
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>> No.27198330

i turned millionaire last week
maybe don't be such a defeatist cuck and something will start happening in your life?

>> No.27198580

didnt happen

>> No.27198657

I'm inclined to believe this. I checked the charts of Chase, BOA, and Wells Fargo and all have been down the last 5 days big sell orders right at close on Friday.

>> No.27198705
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That’s the exact reply i was waiting

>> No.27198838

Because it’s not centralized and can’t be shit down because some bankers started losing. Inb4 you write another profanity-laden shitpost

>> No.27198898

nothing ever happens

>> No.27198959

99% of crypto are garbace and will go to zero, btc included
the 1% will lead to the new world economy

>> No.27198969
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false, consecutive repeating numbers happen

>> No.27200201

Position yourself so you're now the 1%.

>> No.27200376

Tgey alreasy covered our shares.
It's already over anon.
Just sell already and don't get burnt to a crusp

>> No.27200660
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Who are these supposed copy cat firms? I am certain they exist but he doesn't point a finger at anyone else.
>it is likely every single bank who acts as a prime broker for these different s
hort sellers have exposure
Key word here is LIKELY, this kind of talk is highly speculative especially wit
h no knowledge of the other funds following suit to Melvin Capital. I have a hard time believing that a short squeeze on the order of tens of billions is enough to bring down every big bank in America.

>> No.27200829
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This guy gets it

>> No.27201263

"If people hold"

This is the fatal flaw of this entire scheme.

>> No.27201290

>It is directly tied to fiat and you cant spend it
Not it's not.

>> No.27201351

can you please move this fucking retard shit over to /POL

jannies are useless niggers, i swear.

>> No.27201491
File: 82 KB, 821x779, gme end game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been thinking about that old ROFSCHILD thread on that schizo GLP forum, 10 years ago...


A lot of other hints were dropped there as well. Put the GME deal into context of the NEXT BIG THING and it kind of all adds up. Themes in that thread:
>Voluntary compliance with control out of fear (COVID? )
>The END OF FIAT (happening now?)
>New system of complete control (5g? big data + Blockchain?)
>Bankers will lose and the normies will cheer (GME into bubble crash?)
>Hidden in plain sight (WEF? Great Reset (tm)?)

What do think happens next?

>> No.27201675

Move to crypto and block chain technology. It fits. The GME shit was not planned or orchestrated that's not how the elite operates. They simply allow people to destroy themselves. They knew that the system would get arrogant and they have the wealth to bet against it, knowing that eventually it will collapse.

>> No.27201739

Why did you queer out like a coward at the end, anon. INFINITE MONEY DOES NOT EXIST! Bankruptcy and Debt Jubilee both do, though. You can't force the Jews to give you infinite money because they run all the everything you have ever used. You will have to kill them and take their everything, instead. Since you won't do that because you have a win limiter (conscience,) and they don't, you will get peanuts at best and they will get to issue as much more money as they wish. You have no media machine, much less a bloodied combat army, so you are at their mercy and you don't know it. But they do. So they call all those politicians who play fight with each other and say "Fix our money problem or we are moving to China, Russian, England, and everywhere else." The rules don't apply to the people who wrote the Torah and new testament (Jewish converts to Christianity.) Every religious idiot you know will kill their immediate family if the Jews asked them to. You don't disobey the chosen and do anything other than burn in Hell. (Seriously, fuck Jewish founded religions.) There is no infinite money. Not everybody can be paid from this. Get ready to slaughter anyone who smugs in your face after the fallout. Ripping off their face flesh ruins their smug.

>> No.27201805

this isnt peoples houses, this is fucking game stop, nobody will get bailed out

>> No.27201823
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>> No.27202202

No, you fucking moron. The collapse is priced in. This is the mechanism to force it. This whole thing was planned for.

>> No.27202395

What about the tail risk that Crypto mass exit scams everyone? Central node pulls in all assets and its gone.

>> No.27202635

It's not just the banks they own, it's the courts, the schools, the media, everything. Just call them what they really are. Jews.

>> No.27202694
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Rate my poorfolio plx

>> No.27202790

>Yea like when people stormed the capitol
walked calmly through the capital and took pics
>when the democrats stole the election?
that did happen yes

>> No.27202814



>> No.27202856

>What do think happens next?
new age

>> No.27202937

I know, it's probably tanking, but look at the sec filings, blackrock picked up a ton of it recently and I doubt it was to sell at a loss

>> No.27202996


>> No.27203007

It's not real until you sell

>> No.27203085

Virgin Galactic is about to jack up hard.

>> No.27203121

Shill me something, o wise one

>> No.27203209

Its not tens of billions, its infinite

>> No.27203215

kikes going long $ROPE

>> No.27203319


>> No.27203759

1) itis no longer at that price
2) you did not factor in taxes
You are not a millionaire

>> No.27203965

What the fuck is this?

>> No.27204284

its from that link I posted. An elaborate larp but might be worth skimming through although it will take a few hours.

Some takeaways for me were, bloodline survival, health, tesla wireless energy, fiat fraud, asset market fraud, population control, natural law, "the next big thing" which was never revealed but hinted at.
Some good book references also in there.

>> No.27204419

No banks will survive this. Havent you kept up? This is the end. Not being sarcastic either. This is literally it. Once all banks liquidate, no more cash flow, no more 401ks, no more bailouts, no more government, no more me, and no more you.

>> No.27204439

Literally the reason puts exist in the first place...

>> No.27204468

Guarantee there will be a bailout, and there is so much energy and vitriol from the peiole IDK if the USA will handle it

>> No.27204542


DONT b Lik schizo

>> No.27204589

Usdt is a scam and accounts for 90% of btc's value atm

>> No.27204622

Thanks for the analysis, Thanos

>> No.27204735


>> No.27204765

What is a 401k

>> No.27204783


You're gone.

>> No.27204844

If longs are borrowing against their position then you can have the reverse situation when/if the stock drops. The back and forth swing would be mental on the financial system, who knows what the fallout would be... maybe the death of FIAT currency.

>> No.27204889

I'm not selling.

>> No.27204933

It's like running a 5k, but you go 80.2x farther.

>> No.27204961


all in chainlink

>> No.27204977

temporarily take my roth ira funds in a meme index fund and place them temporarily into what

>> No.27205073

109 sleepwalking towards 110.

>> No.27205141

Nah I'm good on that

>> No.27205164

It's chilling and pretty much how I picture a Rothschild talking, probably why it's a larp
Also it lacks Judaism references
But holy shit it is so elaborated

>> No.27205218
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>the real black swan is coming
then how is it a black swan if you fucking know its coming retard?

>> No.27205223

The only safe crypto are the ISO compliant ones. Everyone else is going to get fucked via regulations/bans/etc. My plan is to dump GME gains into BTC, ride the massive pump it will get when the market crashes, and then bail that into XRP/XLM/ALGO/LINK/IOTA. I don't know the timing on when this shit is going to go down but it's definitely going down. Not advice just an opinion. But I think any smart person should look into the ISO coins and realize that they aren't trying to follow tokenomics or fundamentals: they are trying to be the fundamentals of an entirely new system.

>> No.27205360

What are the political implications of this? Does this mean NWO banking system is BTFO?

>> No.27205369
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>> No.27205377

hans... get ze gas

>> No.27205549

What are all the squiggly lines about in like a sentence?

>> No.27205696

Same. They are work than the rubic pieces of shit.

>> No.27205773


bracing myself

>> No.27205839

Doesn't BTC historically dip during market drops? Even though it doesn't dip as much or as hard, I'm wondering if it's better to wait and buy the dip.

>> No.27205869

You're a fucking fool if you don't at least have stop losses set up. Retail investors aren't the market. Blackrock owns 13.2% of GME, Ryan Cohen of chewy owns 13%. More than half the ownership is institutional and they will sell.

For the love of every non-Jewish God at least make sure you have stop losses set up because this stock is going to tank just as quickly as it moons on Monday.

Hodling a $30 stock at a cost average of $300 isn't fucking over wailing wall street, it's fucking over yourself.

>> No.27205898

Paper value =/= 101010 value.
At most the infrastructure doesn't support widespread cyrpto purchases but this may force that finally.

>> No.27205901


You for real?

>> No.27205908
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Yeah, I'm thinking about it in terms of the bigger picture: The potential fallout from a GME and a meme stock crash would lead over-emotional and financially devastated normies to be ripe for manipulation. Any narrative can be spun up and latched onto.
>absurd capital gains taxes
>more restrictions on retail trading
>great reset
and people will cheer it on.

What should also be concerning is how the broader market indices started rolling over last week without anybody noticing. MASS media coverage of GME will bring in so much retail volume it will pop the bubble. Normies will be stuck holding the bags, at the ATHs of ALL TIME. It happens over and over! Then we will voluntarily accept changes that forfeit more personal control.

>> No.27205937

pajeets frens when normies around

>> No.27205956
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>> No.27205992

wait isn’t this all over like $12B of money? The Fed wipes it’s ass with that during its morning shit

>> No.27206009

In that case even their dumb larps are hugely more successful than anything you've ever been involved in.

>> No.27206019

Change that to ETH/ADA/LINK/XLM

>> No.27206079

oops miss, meant for >>27193956

>> No.27206105

lmao when gamers cause the Great Reset

>> No.27206142

what do you mean? AAHHH WHAT DO YOU MEEAAN?>!

>> No.27206197

it doesnt matter if "it cant be shut down." Wtf do you think there is to "shut down," sending them to other people who also cant do dick with them? You cant fucking buy anything with them idiot and can only buy them for fiat. They are absolutely worthless you fucking donkey. WTF is wrong with you that you cant process this?

>> No.27206243

Yes but we are dealing with an unprecedented event.
Yes. Research into what those coins are trying to do. They don't care about DeFi. They don't care about the ideal behind crypto. They are literally central banker backed coins for the new digital economy. It's not a conspiracy theory it's happening and you can watch it happen if you just FUCKING LOOK. You people are like the guys believing that the housing market couldn't fail, yet literally anyone that researched those mortgage backed securities KNEW IT WAS GOING TO.

Do your due diligence. You are an absolute fool if you can't at least entertain the idea without accepting it. All I'm asking is for you to entertain it and then decide after your research.

>> No.27206319

Up 400%, took profits to cover my initial investment, and got back in. GME could go to 0 and I'd laugh. I paid for a ride and I'm enjoying it. I'm not selling.

>> No.27206322

I believe Bank of America is going to be smited this year because of Terry Davis and TempleOS. smited Hymn = bank of america sell stocks

>> No.27206355

You have my full attention. Your concern sounds prophetic. May I ask, how do you intend to prepare for the coming events?

>> No.27206407

>The GME shit was not planned or orchestrated
yes it was

>> No.27206412

you people are absolutely fucking retarded. It is astounding. Why would any business ever accept you shit tokens as payment for goods and services? Why would you think they would set up a system to accept worthless ponzi scheme tokens as payment? How the fuck are you retards not bankrupt being this fucking stupid? You lack the ability to think abstractly about what it is it would actually entail for this to happen? You are a drooling fucktard and ngmi

>> No.27206445

Yes. Then they will roll out the new CBDC financial system. Everyone will gladly accept it, the current crop of bankers will get fed to the wolves, and what appears to be a new golden age will dawn. Nobody will recognize the shackles for another 100 years if ever again.

>> No.27206463

I've previously considered what you said Anon. It's a real threat. Still gauging how rapidly I think things could progress to that point. It's unsettling to say the least. Fuck these evil assholes.

>> No.27206473

Oh yah? What will someone accept as payment to sell you crypto then? You are a fucking moron

>> No.27206517

please fucking sell please

>> No.27206608

>They simply allow people to destroy themselves
What do you think is happening right now? These elites have all the excuse they'll ever need to regulate us into oblivion. I could have lived without this GME fiasco. Crypto was slowly but surely subverting it's way into dominance. Now it's an easy target. Thank you plebbit.

>> No.27206624

Agreed, I like the theory but once someone sees they turned 100 to 1000 they're cashing out

>> No.27206646

I want to _____ this clown.

>> No.27206664

>the middlemen/broker-dealers would be the ones involved in naked shorts, not banks
What if the bank (such as JP Morgan) is the one doing the shorting?

>> No.27206720

LMAO, this topic is full of jewish shit shilling
Don’t believe in this scam if you want to save your wallet
They still try to get new tards for their shit pools and bases projects
But I know one thing, only one top rebase project now - Base Protocol, so I don’t believe in fake shit

>> No.27206757

XRP was delisted in the US almost one month before the GME shit really started in earnest. If you were going to make a crypto currency the medium of exchange for a new digital economy, you would want to scare people away from holding it. You would want to convince people that it has zero value and isn't worth holding. You would want to make sure people can't buy it until they are completely priced out. How many people invest in crypto? How many of those people invest in ISO coins? Ever notice how those coins receive the most FUD? We can see obvious shill posts against GME right now, so why would anyone in the world think they haven't been doing the same thing in crypto?

>> No.27206882

banks are allowed to have high margin levels which would look absurd to any retail trader. you thought 5x was crazy? wait until you see 300x. hedge funds / banks "have" billions of dollars, but when they have to cash out they will quickly find out they don't.

>> No.27206892
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What an odd coincidence

>> No.27206902
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>> No.27206942

hello fellow patrician clown-fetishist

>> No.27206957

>>What do think happens next?
long short but... you take your meds?

>> No.27206958

bank of america shorted gamestop on Friday with at least 80,000 shares. why do you think we dropped from $380 to $300 within seconds of market open?

>> No.27206967
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>> No.27207089

Yeah, at that point pretty sure the government would say, they only x ammount. And to stop being a faggot thinking you can get infinite. This is some stupid thinking.

>> No.27207111
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I understand, man. I'd be as angry as you if I were as stupid as you, too.

>> No.27207130



>> No.27207146

Because we won't pay anything else :)

>> No.27207208

whats a network kek

>> No.27207214

ok you will starve, I am sure no one will mind in the least idiot.

>> No.27207258
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Checked and I'm still coming up with a plan. In the short term my portfolio as of last wednesday is VIX calls, SPY + QQQ + IWM puts, UUP calls, and 1 call on TLT... March June and September expiries. This should deal with a deflationary market dump, and I will close on the way down or close out and reconfig by end of Feb.

I've been also thinking back to Nassim Alahu Ackbar Taleb's book "Black Swan". I have been SEVERELY discounting actual extreme tail risks:
>brokerage account exit scams
>fiat exit scam (hyperinflation)
>food shortage
Seems these are more likely than ever.

Another good takeaway from that schizo thread >>27201491 is that the pursuit of fiat is pointless. ITS FUCKING PAPER. The redpill was that the most valuable base asset is knowledge, self sustainment and DIY, so growing your own food, chickens, etc. Need to figure that out for the long term.

>> No.27207296

They're literally developing CBDC's that utilize blockchain tech. You can actually read about this yourself with some basic research. You won't look into CBDC's though. You'll continue to look dumbly at the meteor as it crashes to Earth.

>> No.27207313

k well I have stores of gold and silver. We will see who is eating when they cant shut down sending network packets of worthless tokens over the interwebz you stone cold retard

>> No.27207365

Unironically based. Good luck King.

>> No.27207430

you never really realize how stupid most people are until you discuss relatively simple things with them on the internet and see how truly fucking retarded they are actually are. I really really hate stupid people. You are the reason the kikes get away with they do. You tulip headed nigger

>> No.27207463

The collapse you have in your head is never coming. It's literally never going to happen. There will be an '08 style crash and then a transition to CBDCs and a digital economy. Your shiny tokens are a trap.

>> No.27207527
File: 247 KB, 780x438, daz1e2j-eb88ea5d-6711-4b98-bfa7-14fe7d87b79c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we, as autists on our own, do to prepare for this?

oh no no no...

>> No.27207543

Crypto had not proven resilient to any general market crash

>> No.27207559

I have been telling you idiots how all this shit really works while you were calling me schizo for years kiddo. You are too stupid to even understand the conversation we are having here.

If the fiat system crashes your shit tokens will be worthless. I know I have said this numerous times and you are too fucking stupid to understand it so w/e. Go wild with it buddy

>> No.27207609

Happy for you and want you to make more still. The price will moon and then crash. I'm not telling you to sell on the way up, I'm telling you set the stop loss for the the way down. The new shorts that were floated this week were puts being purchased not naked calls being sold. That means the price would have to hold above strike price for 30 days to fuck the puts and that's not gonna happen between institutional sales and normies panicking tomorrow. So just set up a stop loss so that the hedgies have to buy more bags at $600 or $800 or whatever you set it at instead of $60 or $80.

>> No.27207644

Sheesh, the members of that family even look like literal rats

You have a convincing argument. It is what these people would do. Sending me down another rabbit hole bro. Might make a stack.

>> No.27207646

you are stupid and should kys

>> No.27207765

I would hammer home on Fractional Reserve Banking and how banks are only required to keep 10% of the money they loan out.

from a shear prabmatic perspective it should be 50% at least

>> No.27207882

sure thing dino boomer, no gains for you. its zoom zoom millennial now babE

>> No.27207942

that pic
>all i wanted was a cute, loyal, loving clown gf and to play vidya
>they couldn't even give or let me do that
>now have to crash the entire financial economy
I didn't ask for this

>> No.27208069

>getting super mad in an internet conversation.
you seem like the kind of person who is easily manipulated, lol, seethe harder faggot.

>> No.27208096

sounds like a larp. Ive been deep in this shit since 2016 and I could have larped like that if i wanted. Yes yes this is a 100 year war starting in 1917 against international Bolsheviks and we are headed into the final act

>> No.27208146

I honestly think there's some dirty kike dealing going on behind the scenes to allow these guys to escape their short positions. The game is heavily rigged right now against us and there wasn't the mini squeeze on Friday that we all expected

>> No.27208160

Make America 110!!!!

>> No.27208298
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>> No.27208328

>the person who thinks he is smart because he invests in ponzi schemes and is too stupid to understand how ponzi schemes work and that his tulips are worthless are worthless in a fiat crash says I am the one easily manipulated
you cant make this shit up. The weirdest quirk in this reality is that stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are

>> No.27208368

I have good news anon, that pesky reserve requirement is gone now! It's officially at 0% for all banks and has been for like a year now.

>> No.27208426
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Fren, it gets even worse
>As of March 2020 the reserve requirement in the USA is 0%


It has been 0% for other western countries for decades! I did some thorough deep dives on central & commercial banking and QE if you want to steer the thread that way, I can drop them. Basically confirmed the financial system is complete and utter a fraud, existing to elaborately waste time, effort, and energy.

>> No.27208464

Why is gold and silver a hedge?

>> No.27208482

heres an alternative: the guvt shuts it down before any damage is done

guvt then pays people their share price before the squeeze

nothing happens in the end

>> No.27208518

It was a fisty, but mostly peaceful protest.

>> No.27208525



>> No.27208542

Lmao you think these people are bound by the rules?
These people make the rules.
If the rules don't fit them, they will just change them.

>> No.27208610

Own land capable of growing food, become self sufficient as best you can. I'm a bit weary since I think they might try to degrade property rights, but what choice is there?
Take care of your health.
Crypto, those projects that are required for their new world to operate.
Gold and silver (but with cash).
Find like minded people + start gradually redpilling those friends and family member with potential.
Download books and videos on farming, repairing/maintaining tools, houses etc, trades, science, any useful skill. Don't assume the internet will continue to provide everything on a silver platter. Buy silver platters.

>> No.27208732


What would be the best crypto to own? I just started and there's way too many projects and scams to know. How is BTC, ETH, LINK and maybe XRP? I see these constantly talked about on /biz/

>> No.27208777

because no matter how bad an economy gets you will still need something to trade with people will accept as payment. In the event of a catastrophic economic meltdown there will still be platy of comfortable and wealthy people and they will always take gold and silver as payment because they know they can also spend it. The whole point of a hedge is to have something that no matter what, will always have value. Land, commodities, precious metals, water, hell even bullets. Everything else is bullshit that morons will find out they cant eat or trade when the shtf.

>> No.27208900
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>steer the thread that way

Please do anon

>> No.27209103

at this point there's no fucking way hedge funds are holding open short positions. they literally shut down the brokerages so these fuckers could get out.
at this point its just a good old fashioned pump and dump with retail buying in, wall street front running and being the first to dump. average joe will be left holding the bag.
and at the end of it all the wall street fucks will get off scot free, because, it was reddit responsible for the manipulation right? (lol)
"we told you so," they'll say

>> No.27209168

also you can use crypto as a hedge against stocks, you can't however use it as hedge against fiat because it has no value outside of fiat. Everything else still have value even if hyper infaltion made fiat worthless. For something to have to value it needs to be something people will actually trade other commodities for whether it be barter or for precious metals as money. No one will give a fuck about internet tokens during a hyperinflation fait meltdown, they dont even give a fuck about them now other than buying them low to to stick someone even dumber than them with the bags when the price goes up ie a tulip ponzi scheme

>> No.27209174

>As of March 2020 the reserve requirement in the USA is 0%
That timing is rather odd.
What if they WANT the system to collapse for their great reset?
Robinhood's clearing house being owned by the Rothschilds is also odd.
Also: it starts with a company called GAME STOP
These people love giving cryptic hints, according to schizos. Maybe this is one.

They want to crash the system (reset it):
1) astro-turf a short squeeze on GME
2) plant the idea of the silver squeeze, which will... collapse the system if successful
Who's blamed? The average person, NOT the elites. The elites are the victim. The normie is out of control and now new draconian measures are even more justified. No more chances at economic/class mobility. You own nothing (and you'll be happy).

How much silver do the elites own I wonder..
>Around the same time silver bullion was hitting its near $50 high in late April 2011, JPMorgan began stockpiling silver bullion in its COMEX warehouse.

>> No.27209241

the only question is how long can it pump for before the normies notice

>> No.27209335

>Does this mean NWO banking system is BTFO?
it would imply the christian bible is wrong and it was made by omniscient and benevolent being

>But why the bible can't be wrong
because their plans are literally there at the bible, like creating a new fake god to people believe at, or the mark of the beast digital money that each person has its own unique wallet that is a chip

>> No.27209451

>You're a fucking fool if you don't at least have stop losses set up.
They are doing it to fuck with the hedgefund, to make it go bankrupt.
So they are only spending the amount of money they can lose to make the thing go bankrupt.

>> No.27209459

I mean it is quite hilarious to me that idiots who have something that is worthless rn in a comfortable situation will have worth when teh SHTF. Like how fucking retarded do you have to be to think if people are starving and homeless all of a sudden they will want something that was worthless when they had a place to live and food to eat? The level of idiocy required to believe this is nothing short of astounding

>> No.27209507

Will crypto absolutely boom over this?

>> No.27209514


>> No.27209687

What value will gold have if your SHTF fantasy comes true? Shouldn't you be buying ammo, instead?

>> No.27209782

Is there nobody on /biz/ who actually understands how finance works now, or is this all just a board to post irrelevant shitcoin scams?
Pic related in OP actually raised a good point about the copycat hedge funds. Gabe Plotkin is a big name and there are actually a lot of people who just copy what the big boys do on wall street, so there could potentially be a large problem with much more than Melvin being tied up in this.
I would actually bet that this signals government intervention is on the way to protect the banks.

>> No.27209840

Now if we get a catastrophe, how do you think it will play out?

>> No.27209914


The people saying it won't don't understand the implication of mass institutions hoarding BTC and shorting the crypto market right now kek

>> No.27210106

Oh god that awful cringy boomer style of writing, disgusting

>> No.27210174

I already answered this buddy

“Gold Is Money, Everything Else Is Credit” - JP Morgan

Besides you are talking about two different things. A FIAT meltdown does not necessarily mean a zombie apocalypse. There have been countless fiat meltdowns. Why don't you do a search of all the different moneys the US has hd in just the last 200 years.

Do you think you can spend a 100 year old fiat bill at burger king? How about a pre WWII yen in China? FIAT becomes worthless on a fairly regular basis and they simply throw the old FIAT out and start new FIAT. The problem is you lose all your savings in the process if you didn't have it invested in tangible commodities that will always retain value.

A FIAT meltdown like in Russia bullets would have been quite valuable to have when people were starving to death by the 10's of millions but in the 20's US FIAT meltdown it didnt get zpoc levels. There is no way to know how bad it will actually get, it depends on how insane the kikes get the golem riled up in the process. Also I have plenty of ammo

>> No.27210236

read the grapes of wrath and watch the greatest story never told. It is literally happening beat for beat

>> No.27210333

We already trade shit coins anon, they're just called dollars.

>> No.27210386

Gold will dump in a crash just like it did in 2008 and 2020. You want to be holding cash during the dump, then start buying hard assets after the initial blow. Gold, Silver, Crypto.

>> No.27210398

bruh they are literal retards investing in ponzi schemes they have no clue wtf they are doing or how anything works on even a basic level

>> No.27210519

Sure but you can trade those shitcoins for commodities. You think you can buy a cheeseburger with link? Come on dude, think for a minute.

Here is how it works. Imagine you get dumped into a foreign country int he middle of nowhere. What do you think you could have on you that you could trade for things you need to survive? This is what a real hedge is

>> No.27210705

pic related is fucking retarded. whoever wrote this has no clue about the stock market or how it works.

>> No.27210807

I mean desu gold isnt even real hedge in a zpoc type scenario but this is next to impossible to occur and would only be temporary until people could set up markets and trade again. A real hedge for zpoc is as I said, if you are int eh jungle and need to trade for shit to survive what will people be willing to trade for? Once you have a functioning society again and markets then precious metals will be used again. There are very few situations where it would get so bad even precious metals are worthless. You are talking a worldwide catastrophe for that to happen

>> No.27210810

only non-psycho comment here

>> No.27210990

if what youre talking happened, would it stay in USA or it would be a global thing?

>> No.27211016

the ones which are partnered with Ripple.



>> No.27211430

Post another time when it happens. Seems like a coincidence to me.

>> No.27211583

So the free market doesn't actually exist?

>> No.27211806
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>when people stormed the capitol
Next time, they will be shot on sight because (((they))) own the military, and most military officers are jewish. You can't do nothing about this. Thanks to the consequence of WW2. :^)

>> No.27212211

Biden will bail them all out and chastise racist Trump supporters for harming hardworking bankers, CNN will do a full hour special on the "Gamestop Greed" that radicalized uneducated white men in klan hoods against the firms that make america work. The Netflix movie will have a black guy as the lead Melvin Capital investor who is just trying to save granny's pension fund.

>> No.27212256
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Only recently has the thought of extreme tail risk in crypto come to my mind. What stops a massive exit scam from taking place? Isn't it suspicious that Bitcoin was created by some "mystery genius"? One day all crypto in all wallets is sucked into the central node. Everything is gone.

I also thought about the GAME STOP significance.
"Hidden in plain sight" was a theme in that schizo thread.

>> No.27212285

I don't get how people can still say nothing ever happens after the last year
>well my home isn't on fire right this second so nothing is happening

>> No.27212311
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The silence speaks volumes. They don't respect the fib.

>> No.27212371

Couldn't the lender just say. Hey we'll extend your loan terms due to these crazy circumstances and we're waving the interest as well. Just get us the shares in the next year.

>> No.27212449

Is there a leveraged inverse financials ETF? Ideally with options?

>> No.27212481
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>The Netflix movie will have a black guy as the lead Melvin Capital investor who is just trying to save granny's pension fund.
Thank you for providing a great idea for free! Goy!

>> No.27212485

I'm newfag who cashed in on doge and babbys first robin hood virginity lost. made money. no not from reddit, from /pol/

anyway I'm stuck on the 2nd paragraph first sentence. How did those two know that that was going on? Did they just make an educated guess after studying the market, or did they use those listings of shorts online, or something else?

>> No.27212512

>central node

Plz tell me this is newafg bait. I haven't lurked much the past few months

>> No.27212571

Look man you wanna talk end of the world shit, buy antibiotics and start a fuckin garden, gold is great and all but it ain't worth a fucking thing when you and everyone around you is starving to death. If anything it's more likely to get that ass robbed than saved.

>> No.27212935

alright i finished reading. um this sounds like currency is going to go bye and stonks are all going to crash and idk

But I just can't see the US government allowing this to happen. They'll change the rules, return everyone's money, cite a matter of national security to preemptively cockblock all possible lawsuits. Or if they do allow this to happen, then it'll be because something else is up their sleeve after this timed period of chaos. Not that this helps the average joe in that situation, but nobody would allow this nuclear situation to happen. Nobody cares about the rules when it's about keeping the country itself afloat. Right?

>> No.27212971

Magical Pension Mystery Box that Boomers like buying because it makes them feel sophisticated.

>> No.27213030
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100% in BTC.

>> No.27213068

excuse for your job not to pay you everything

>> No.27213116
File: 140 KB, 1446x695, gibs on reserves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your point.
Despite reserve requirements being 0%, commercial banks are holding the highest balance of reserves of all times. This is probably because M2 is also super high and they have to backstop runs on deposits, but what about the other reason?

>Commercial banks earn 0.1% interest on their reserve balances. This adds up to about $30+ BILLION per year, every year, since 2016.
>The interest is paid for by the US Taxpayercucks. It counts as a budget expense of the US government...

People will try to tell you (why I don't know): "but anon, the Fed remits $50 billion back to the Treasury every year from the interest it earns on its bond holdings.

Fantastic, but who pays the interest on the bonds?
>US Taxpayercucks
We give the Fed $80 billion every year and get $50 back. In plain sight!

>> No.27213155

This. I'm pretty much just going to keep what I have and add more money as we go down.

>> No.27213160

I'm not sure if Gamespot will be the end of the US economy but it's coming and there's not much the goverment can do about it.

In 08 they did QE and zero interest rates, in the next crash they don't have any options, hyperinflation is coming

>> No.27213228

Some of us have high incomes already.

>> No.27213254

this seems like next level shilling.

>> No.27213256


>> No.27213309

idk man, what happened after 9/11?

>> No.27213357
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>Nothing ever happens
This must be heaven, then.

>> No.27213489
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Unfortunately for >>27208777 holding gold makes a you a guaranteed target. The minute it gets around that you traded for anything with gold, you're fucked and going to get robbed. Unless you have a small army, you're getting raider'd and that's that. I lol at all these boomers n shiet who think they're magic shiny metal, 10K rounds of 5.56 and million pounds of rice is going to make them kings of the wasteland and not raider fuckmeat. mega kek

>> No.27213551

>in the next crash they don't have any options
Some obvious ones:
- Fed can buy stocks outright like BOJ do in Japan
- negative interest rates
- legislation that forces funds to buy and hold negative yielding bonds
Countering hyperinflation is easier
- higher taxes
- more lockdowns
- restrict lending activity

I agree that its pretty much the end of a free market economy, assuming we ever had one.

>> No.27213759
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>makes a you a

>> No.27213860

What the fuck happened to 6 trillion dollars the fed printed in 2020.

>> No.27213970
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>> No.27214192

anon wtf do you mean about the bible

>> No.27214195

The thing is so widespread that this would be the ultimate redpill on this soft manipulation

>> No.27214521

Excellent observation anon. Also look at the game changing deals the Ripple just signed. Also look up the G30 Glowing report recommending ripple.net.
Then look at who sits a senior member of the G30. WOW it’s Janet Yellen, hmm what a fucking coincidence.
Christ, the bankers are literally laughing in your face.

>> No.27214543

if there's a bunch of money in stocks the government can't touch and it actually gets siphoned by the normies, wouldn't government be excited to tax all those profits?

>> No.27214614


>> No.27214645

Unironically this.

>> No.27214670

It's almost impossible to know what to keep your money in. I've got Cash (my weakest position), crypto, and physical PM's. ALL will likely take a hit, it's just how fast they bounce back.

>> No.27214802

>crypto tail risk
I don't think anything is immune really. Only thing that makes sense is diversifying into things that.. make sense and hope some of it works out.
Anything that has a market can be messed with. Physical goods you own that give you utility (like a shovel) are beyond their reach.
>US tax payer
I also recently realized this: tax brackets don't move. By causing inflation, you effectively tax everyone below the highest bracket more by bumping them up.

>> No.27214855

Q-larp was about 80% off from resulting in the mass execution of congres. Not close in objective terms but if a few things went south all at once...

>> No.27214870

Wrong. NGMI.

>> No.27215075

Congrats. Fuck these haters.

>> No.27215152

It's in Israel

>> No.27215168
File: 344 KB, 979x743, qe mindfuckery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We might as well get into some deep dive pills.
QE trades a bank's bonds for a reserve balance. A popular unchecked claim was that Reserve Balances can't be used on anything: "they just sit there and DON'T make it into the real economy so NO INFLATION". Bullshit on several levels:
>Reserve balances at Federal Reserve accounts are convertible at par with cash.
Banks can and do convert a portion of reserve balances into bank-investable securities. Basically all types of debt securities:

>Investments permissible for commercial banks to invest in Types 1-5, all debt-based

>OCC at one point permitted commercial banks to underwrite equities (stonks)

>National commercial banks can invest in cash-settled DERIVATIVES!! for their own accounts

>Full list of nonbanking investment activities for commercial banks: includes GOLD and equities under certain conditions.

>Cash goes out, reserves go down, and a good explanation of reserve balance functions.

>Cash and reserve balances are the same thing.

The TLDR of this should be that commercial banks use reserve balances from QE to invest in all classes of assets. The rules get even fuzzier when including permissible investments of subsidiaries of com banks... So the money DOES get into the real economy.

>> No.27215308

I'm not selling.
I'm not putting up stop losses.

>> No.27215375

I'm telling you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.27215613

Why not?

>> No.27216474

just tell me what to buy anon

>> No.27216487
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>you effectively tax everyone below the highest bracket more by bumping them up
Damn, now we're taking this thread down the blackpill aisle.
Our taxes go to pay interest to commercial banks,
to pay for QE that shovels money towards the wealthy,
to pay for departments like the SEC that awarded an exclusive monopoly on providing clearing and settlement to a private company called the DTC that can restrict trading on meme tickers as they need...

How the fuck do we opt out of this?

>> No.27216526

He needs to take his meds

>> No.27217622

I never thought biz would get shilled harder than
/pol/ but holy shit, this is living proof, its shillcon 1 up in this thread, even this late at night, bots are working overtime to make paper hands sell, do not fucking sell, fuck these people, just look what they're doing to this board, I hope they die a painful death.


>> No.27218096

I'm laughing. Never. Fucking. Selling.

>> No.27218256
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love David Lynch. we're truly living in one of his films right now desu.

>> No.27218358

>WEF? Great Reset (tm)?
Chainlink is the de facto NWO crypto. Klaus Schwab shilling it and Sergey harder recently confirmed that for me

>> No.27218444
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everyone in banking and finance is overleveraged

>> No.27218605


>> No.27219083

>Now you might ask, if the funds who were short gamestop can't cover, what happens.

They will call their Jewish friend who runs Gamestop to issue new shares?

>> No.27219503

He often talks about the importance of words.
The word most used in that AMA?
The second most?

CTL-F and see for yourself.

>> No.27219657


>> No.27219775
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Checked but look at banks' reserve balances >>27213116 . Also look at CASH on the H.8
Banks are prepping for pretty big happenings.

At the same time, there is this thread >>27194460 where RH is preventing withdrawals!
Really need to take my meds now. Next week we're all get exit scammed across all platforms and brokerages. Biden probably issues capital controls, money can't leave the country (think Argentina, Lebanon, etc.), banks hold your deposits hostage for bail-ins (think Cyprus, Spain, Italy, UK in 2022 etc.), financial repression hits in full swing.

>> No.27220002 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1217x609, fiat scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet I only see 7x IOTA in there. The thread is from 2011.

Still, a centralized cryptocurrency. Really makes you think! I wish one of those boomers would have asked about crypto.

>> No.27220138
File: 58 KB, 797x627, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Pajeet I see 7x IOTA in there. The thread is from 2011.

Still, a centralized cryptocurrency. Really makes you think! I found this when one boomer asked about crypto...

>> No.27220520

you're absolutely retarded if you think this leads to even a single bank being "liqudate"

the GME stock, if it really is a 'money printer' will be frozen, forcefully corrected, and the banks will never even pay a fucking dime. if you think otherwise, you're one stupid goyim.

>> No.27220558

>How the fuck do we opt out of this?
French revolution 2.0?
Maybe crypto will do it. Who knows. Defi and dexes are genuinely amazing and really are removing legacy finance from the equation.
Guess it's harder to opt out of taxes but who know what can happen if these new systems manage to take the power away from the elites.

>> No.27221237

so are they expecting a big run on the banks? impending hyperinflation?

>> No.27221384
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>> No.27221892


>> No.27221958

All metals, gold silver and lead. I prefer lead and silver a 1oz. Silver round is easy to carry and trade, gold is too valuable for everyday trade needs. With the coming inflation every can of food is a good investment. Also alcohol cheapest vodka you can find for bartering. Even if you can’t plant a garden get some pots and have a few plants.

>> No.27222027

if i buy in more monday should i go AMC or GME

>> No.27222330

if it becomes illegal to short a stock 100+ percent, whats that mean for my possible future squeeze gains?

>> No.27222415

Agreed, however BTC will recover at LIGHTSPEED and if it goes below 10k it's a must buy

>> No.27222822

Based ACTUAL schizoposter

>> No.27223620

The fiat system is coming to an end, i think we all agree on that. Your advice is, well you don't have any. You just want to sound like a retarded child, screaming and crying. It really only makes you look rather stupid.
If you think that a controlled collapse of fiat will be the end of something like chainlink, then you're free to think that, but i think you're certainly wrong. No one is saying the process will be a pleasant one, but the end of fiat is coming, and you wailing and doing nothing isn't going to help anyone, least yourself. Grow up some, anon.

>> No.27223864

t. demoralised faggot

>> No.27223907

Why didnt they just close their shorts and take that loss? its fiat anyways

>> No.27224335

I'm glad I picked up a bag of 10k just before it delisted. If this continues to develop in the way I think it is, I know where I'm parking my gainz.

>> No.27224567

It's coming. IOTA is an ISO coin.

>> No.27224685

They're actually fucking retarded anon. Go watch The Big Short to understand exactly how fucking stupid these people actually are. These aren't the elites, they're the fucking greedy stooges of them. They have no problem letting them self-destruct so that they can reap a fresh harvest in a new system.

>> No.27225236
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this is obvious. Banks that partnered with ripple ofc

>> No.27225553

Also, watch the netflix documentary "Insider Job" it is actually fucking stupid and enraging what they did

>> No.27225749

shouldnt link be on this graph somewhere?

>> No.27225968

this is an incredibly thorough rebuttal and conclusive argument. thank you so much for this post of substantial quality which has in no doubt forever silenced your critics and rendered any further discussion of the topic useless.

>> No.27225975

they do this and we go log them into minecraft.

>> No.27226046

Good! Altho, I'd suspect BTC goes to $50K and we have a mini ALT SZN first, then BTC drags everything like 2018 BELOW the levels they pumped at.

I will just use Kleros regardless.

>> No.27226071


Gamestop dosn't just stop at one hedgefund, it goes all the way to the Whitehouse.

>> No.27226139
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Also get redpilled on 9/11 short sellers.

>> No.27226218
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Tell me where you can short assets you don't own nor backup with collateral with crypto. In DeFi this cannot be done. Cope and seethe

>> No.27226234

I can't wait to see these flocks of freshmeat get btfo. NEVER SELLING gamestop $1000000 eoy gonna buy a porsche!

>> No.27226405
File: 8 KB, 270x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a fucking cuck

>> No.27226498

I think you convinced me.

>Next week we're all get exit scammed across all platforms and brokerages. Biden probably issues capital controls, money can't leave the country (think Argentina, Lebanon, etc.), banks hold your deposits hostage for bail-ins (think Cyprus, Spain, Italy, UK in 2022 etc.), financial repression hits in full swing.

They will never payout, its too much, looking at fridays trades compared to earlier in the week - the volume was fraudulently limited directly, the price was manipulated alongside the volume and they managed to knock down the short % by picking very selective stocks.

Rigged game. I only have 1k in that i want to hold just to play the game though.

>> No.27226514

your a stupid fucking retard, that is probably some 60 year old boomer.

Crypto is going to tokenize everything and hte traditional stock market will not exist, it will all be tokenized on crypto such as xrp.

>> No.27226869

Learn to read.
Upcoming changes to information systems and computational power will make the Conceptual platform(bitcoin) MOOT anyway.

He’s telling you what’s going to happen.
Will become irrelevant.
Likely due to quantum computing

The changes in information systems?
Iso20022 messaging.

>> No.27227619

There is only one thing that will survive this shit storm:

smart contracts

reno mayor was the first sign you should notice.

prepare accordingly.

>> No.27227698

>said a Jew in 1938

>> No.27228208

Pump your coins in @satoshistreetbetz telegram group

>> No.27228619

didnt read

>> No.27229011

Suck my dick later anon but pop in on FIZ. I got me some 8$ strikes at .20

>> No.27229049

Guns, ammo, land, seeds, livestock, and frens.

>> No.27229112
File: 143 KB, 1484x939, stonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that hanging on your wall Anon?

That is just a reminder of when I made the billionaires cry,
oh sorry, I meant to say ex-billionaires

>> No.27229209

Honestly considering getting one of these printed out

>> No.27229359

I fucking dare the fed to bailout legitimate business losers.
I DARE them.

>> No.27230083


>> No.27230157

are inverse tickers a good play? ive had my eye on DRIP ever since march when it spiked last march

>> No.27230463

please dont.

your kind won't be allowed into the citadel.

>> No.27230582
File: 64 KB, 680x940, 1597293706007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230909
File: 121 KB, 1389x784, primebrokers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP Morgan
JP Morgan is one of Melvin Capital's prime brokers

>> No.27231385

I dreamt I woke up to GME being 4k(€, which is a lot more in $).
Take that as you will. It's just a dream.
I also dream earlier in the week it was back to $99.98

>> No.27231474

What do you think about buying the BTC dip when the market crashes, riding the pump, and then swapping for XRP? I know Blackrock is acquiring BTC so I imagine they have a similar idea.

>> No.27232491
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1611833263194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.27232559

THIS. The ability to print money is way too powerfull for states to simply give up without a fight. That is exactly why crypto is never going to be anything more than it is at this point.

>> No.27232858

There’s already rumors that Biden’s administration wants to regulate crypto and if that happens all of it goes to shit. Throw in a media smear campaign for good measure and normies would touch crypto with ten foot pole

>> No.27233193

Isn't RSR intended to become iso compliant?

>> No.27233222

But why does nothing happen? Can you explain that?

>> No.27234368

As time goes bigger players give out bigger loans as collateral to protect their jewish partner.
This will go on until they all go bankrupt in the process or reddit gives up and loses their focus while going after too many different things instead of focusing on only one.