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File: 1.24 MB, 1242x2688, image0-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27211571 No.27211571 [Reply] [Original]

If you missed out on GME you still can make money on AMC is you buy and hold through Thursday. Bots and shills are working day and night to split us up between dumb shit like NOK, BB, Dogecoin etc. AMC is the ONLY target this week.

>> No.27213346

Pls I put so much into AMC I need it to get to $150

>> No.27213400


>> No.27213425

I got 13 shares of AMC at 16 a piece. I knew it was risky but the payoff is too great to miss.

>> No.27213612

Wouldnt the funds have already front run this stock after seeing what happened with GME?

I mean, there not that retarded are they? I mean the first thing people do when they hear about bad weather is check their insurance policy...wouldnt they do the same.?

>> No.27213743

the AMC and GME charts move perfectly together.
You're not going to make any more on this than you would on gme

>> No.27213932

Do I wait till Monday morning or buy after hours and hope it doesn’t explode from 14 Monday morning

>> No.27214331

Wait is everyone anonymous okay girlies love that for us

>> No.27214476

Uh oh did I fuck up? I know I lost on Nokia but only a little and Robinhood has all of my money hostage T-T

>> No.27214573
File: 202 KB, 888x535, amc-bb-nok-shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try hedgies

>> No.27214826

Can’t relate not a hedgie a very broke bitch who put in what I was willing to lose bc it’s worth it to me but whatever do hope to not lose it all that would be nice

>> No.27214956

If I have little previous investing background, can I still set up a Fidelity account? Robinhood is only letting me buy two stocks with AMC. TWO.

>> No.27215049

I’m new as well and set up fidelity today, but I’m lost about after hours buying and if it’s worth the risk

>> No.27215418

Yeah, but if you don’t already have it set up, it could take some time. Idk. I’ve had mine for years and it was set up via the phone. If you have a 401k already through fidelity, it’s painless and quick.

>> No.27215744

I hope yall AMC guys understand that it is a long and not a short squeeze like GME

>> No.27215832
File: 157 KB, 813x500, JOHN_BROWN_NEVER_SELLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry

I'm in it for eternity

>> No.27215883


>> No.27215964

Like are we holding until the theaters reopen?

>> No.27216801

Some people are. Pre-covid years AMC actually had a high of $30.

>> No.27216990

At least until a major film announces a release date for the blockbusters they've stashed from 2020. That will probably be the last big potential media hype event for AMC that could affect the share price.

With the vaccine rollout progressing and cases/hospitalizations coming down, I'm hoping to expect at least one studio announcement in February.

>> No.27217166
File: 50 KB, 720x720, 1610155439555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't missed out on GME at all, I'm buying $350 of stock tomorrow and going to hold for bare minimum one week.

Piss off and stop shilling for the kikes.


>> No.27217187

Even when everything was open it was trading below $6 lmfao. Its not worth even $10.

>> No.27217231

Like Godzilla vs Kong isn’t big enough.

>> No.27217288
File: 17 KB, 452x271, Screenshot from 2021-01-31 00-32-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking ADD brained zoomers.

>> No.27217301

The squeeze hasn't even begun. Anyone telling you to get into anything else other than GME is a shill trying to prevent what is about to happen with GME. GME is going to $50,000+. They are spending millions of dollars on disinformation campaigns in order to prevent what is about to happen. BUY GME ONLY.

>> No.27217781

Nah, hthe new Bond is the real bellwether, or anything from Marvel.

>> No.27218110

AMC is a fucking meme. There's not even the pretense of a squeeze it's just a pump-and-dump

>> No.27218144

>GME is going to 50k
Come on now. I would fucking love it if it got that high because I only have 1 share, but come on.

>> No.27218205

>gme is going to 50k+

this might actually be a sell signal

>> No.27218267

They are hyper focused on GME because that’s about to be a hundred trillion dollar dumpster fire.

They can make moves in AMC but remember we just have to hold. They have to pay interest daily on borrowed shares.

We can stay retarded longer than they can stay solvent.

>> No.27218334

Hundred billion but yeah

>> No.27218467

Which core position on Fidelity should I get?

>> No.27218492
File: 5 KB, 199x251, 1610001307287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb shit like Nok

>> No.27218524

fucking tard ball shill post bobs and vagene

>> No.27219000

shorts already lost billions on gme so why not go for another gut punch and hit them with amc buys? Amc should be around 25-30 if wd didnt have this PANDEMIC and its the hedgies NEWS and other garbage media sources that are flushing these iconic american companies down the tubes so they can hype up gayflix and bollywood.

>> No.27219031

yah it was around 6 in feb 2020

>> No.27219113

I thought we were going to $500

>> No.27219185


>> No.27219214

Literally the same shares and buy price here too. I got cucked by Robinhood day 1 while it was about to moon and then they got rid of the buy option... had to watch the price go down, qnd simutaniously now be able to buy the dip.

>> No.27219262

AMC has been in the low teens since 2017

>> No.27219273

not selling my amc
i like movies

>> No.27219333

you could go all in on gme dont get me wrong but to turn a profit when your !ife savings is on the line is way too stressful.

>> No.27219682

Same here anon, I was watching closely but I wasn't able to purchase any stock until it was already at 16. So much for a 'free market' eh? Oh well, it's going to be way higher than 16 before this is all done, I think.

>> No.27220117

i have 334 shares at 10.95. I have 10 shares of GME at 235.

>> No.27220121

Top gun baby

>> No.27220277

Lmao like anyone can handle the deviant art shit I have going on

>> No.27220584

I’m holding

>> No.27220613

I really wonder what time it'll reach its peak. If it gets crazy high ill sell during market open.

>> No.27220688

So we’re just holding then??

>> No.27220858
File: 130 KB, 1036x500, JORDAN_BELFORT_NOT_SELLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27220869


>> No.27220909
File: 49 KB, 180x167, image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when you say $GME are you talking about https://gamestop.finance or the $GME on the NYSE

>> No.27221021

The sheer amount of fuckery they are throwing against gme is what makes it so obvious. Nuttin wrong wit a lil AMC but for shure the gme thing is beyond legit. I'm convinced the dogecoin pump is purely to tie up normie money to keep it out of gme too

>> No.27221051

I will never sell. Ever.

>> No.27221096

I was just going to say this myself

>> No.27221219

Id be happy if that happened but more realistically it will get to about 800-1000

>> No.27221313

Okay kings a question if we hold forever don’t they just not have to pay us?? I’m a dumb bitch but idk I’m curious

>> No.27221386

I wish I hadnt sold my 5 70 dollar shares the day before i have 2 at 300 now

>> No.27221407

Fuck AMC. GME makes the point clearly enough and I don't want AMC making money. Back when AMC was the only theater within 10 miles of me they'd charge their stupid prices for snacks but not fix a blown speaker for half a year. I realize the business has nothing to do with the point of all this, but I just hate them.

>> No.27221613

amc going to 500,000 monday

>> No.27221682

Dipshit GME hasn't happened yet. Thursday and Friday were headfakes. The first batch of stonks were due friday and the hedgefunds didn't deliver. They are paying lat fees and interest rather than buy from us. They hoped to wait us out but it costs us nothing to wait. It cost them big bucks to wait. The game hasn't even begun yet and you're asking people to refocus on AMC. AMC's stcks are due later in the week. GME is at 315 right now. Check it tomorrow night and tell me people have missed out yet. For fucks sake!

>> No.27221698

A bitch can’t afford GME but idk I have $830 in amc and I just sold $133 of NOK so I have $210 left should I just put all $1,040 in GME?

>> No.27221877
File: 321 KB, 1200x670, battleofgamestop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this buttlicks

>> No.27222434

I can't give you financial advise and I wouldn't conspire to manipulate the price of a stock, however I know one asslicker who says that they are buying GME and if your broker won't let you buy less than a whole share then you can always buy XRT fund which is 20% Gamestop, That can be bought in less than a full share. This particular asslicking faggot also told me that the Silver short push is bullshit. The price of silver isn't going up very much no matter what you nutticklers do, there's too many other factors. It's being pushed on you by minions of the hedgefunds along with many of these other stocks. AMC and all the others. Some of them are shorted pretty good, but all of that comes later. He picked his nose and looked at me and said "We win this one battle at a time. After GME is over, THEN and only then do we refocus on AMC. Why? Because every dollar you put in AMC or anything else right now, is one dollar less that's going into GME. Making it less likely to get a real win there." Then he farted and told me me to go fuck myself.

>> No.27222709

So you think they will eventually focus on AMC?

>> No.27222987

Bought 1000 shares at $25 am I gonna make it?

>> No.27223089

Are you fucking retarded? What the fuck did I just say? One battle at a time is what the cocksucker told me. If there were no future battles then he would've just said to forget about the others. He belched up a chickenbone and then told me he's buying GME which is gamestop in case you just got back from being stranded on a deserted island for five years. He scratched his ass and balls, sniffed his hand, recoiled from the smell and then said "We do AMC LATER. The hedgefunds stocks are not due on AMC just yet, but GME's are past due. We do GME now, AMC later." Then assfucked himself with his pinckey finger as he waddled away back into the bushes where he lives. It was just an acid trip. I'll never know if he was real or not. Do what you want. I'm not your god damned financial planner.

>> No.27223216
File: 97 KB, 435x435, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I had 4,425 shares of AMC and sold for a 28% gain about a week before the pump started

>> No.27223301

Dont worry I'll be dumping my bags on you

>> No.27223533
File: 314 KB, 746x687, wont you be my neighbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27223568

I’m retarded and autistic and what about it babe? From the sounds of it you are too difference is my ass is fat and so are my titties my body retarded too! I’m just here to refresh and leave comments same as you I don’t need your financial advice I’m holding bc im already poor and I don’t gaf anymore

>> No.27223606

LOL It's a Mandela Effect. His sweater was blue god damn it! What's this green shit?

>> No.27223643

Unlikely unless all the normies buy in

>> No.27223685

It was always green. Literally the fact that it is green is something bring up when talking about Mr. Rodgers.

>> No.27223701

That's cool. Don't take the name calling seriously. This is 4chan. It's all meant in good fun. Nothing personal. Best of luck to you in the market. :)

>> No.27223707

I cant sell my fractional share of gme so im fucked and I dont have the money to buy a full stock

>> No.27223754

If it crashes, just hold on till the summer when they open up movie theaters again. this is why it's smarter to invest in AMC, it's a hugely successful business and you have a more realistic chance of recouping your money than some meme stock like NOK

>> No.27223790

Great now I have to look up his old shows on you tube t verify. Even though I know you're pulling my leg. For fuck's sake. Thanks for wasting 45 of my future seconds.

>> No.27223802
File: 81 KB, 446x435, 1586576047348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously man, these bot threads are getting out of hand. jannies need to do their fucking jobs

Hey Melvin bots, start talking about jews if you want to make your bot raids more believable.

>> No.27223838

Actually i'm wrong. Red was the color most commonly associated with him. He wore a lot of colors though so i'm sure you'll find blue.

>> No.27223866

Bullshit. You can't BUY fractional shares on some brokers. You can always sell. They'll buy any bit of it they can get right now.

>> No.27223889

AMC isn't over 100% short. Please explain to a special needs person why this is a play at all. GMC is the only play or Silver if you masturbate to Mad Max.

>> No.27223944

He only ever wore blue. Fuckin red. WTF?

>> No.27223988

No i fucking cannot sell on Fidelity it is bulllshit

>> No.27223989

Aww I’m sorry my Aries rising Leo sun and Virgo moon have me waking up daily and choosing violence but I don’t take it personally Im genuinely retarded and autistic I’m a bimbo and don’t know anything but I’m just excited to be stonking

>> No.27224019

This might go up by alot.
If people sell, then even MORE people will buy in, because more gains.
If people hold, then they did it for the message, not the gains.
If we all hold, we could bail out lots of families.

And they are now resorting to doxxing threats, false accusations of terrorism, etc. Even the pro-them outlets aren't denying who is really hurting: the bankers and the rigged govt.

This does not look good for them.
They -are- scared. Please be careful guys as we hold strong!!! Log and publish all threats and harassment, if it comes to that.

>> No.27224035


>> No.27224036
File: 94 KB, 1050x700, rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically trying to tell me this isn't the most iconic image of Rodgers on the internet?

>> No.27224086

ill go you two, its 13 bucks,
ill go two

>> No.27224101
File: 545 KB, 1437x1921, 1593909407673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few ty pes of people buying AMC.

1. people who can't afford GME

2. people that feel like the missed out on GME and think AMC will be the "next" GME, despite short interest being nothing compare to GME (you know, the whole reason people are buying GME in the first place)

3. Hedgie bots/propaganda to divert capital from GME.
>inb4 conspiracy
look when you're losing billions of dollars every day, paying a few million to a marketing firm to fuck with forums is literal pennies

>> No.27224111
File: 10 KB, 240x388, seeater colors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual answer is this though. Depends when you were growing up I guess.

>> No.27224205

>short squeeze still hasn't happened
>pls goyim, don't despair over missing out on GME, because you did miss out, GME is over, that's the important bit, GME is over, but just focus on other stock pls
My GME shares are for sale.
10 billion dollars a pop hedgie.

>> No.27224254

I got news for ya buddy. A fairy told me the theaters are never coming back. Unless Q is legit, the current ballsniffers in control of this earth are going to keep on driving the Covid bus permanently. That means no more concerts and movies. You can still go and sit alone watching some B rate flick with three people per row. That ain't gonna bring the stock back in the opinion of this particular fairy I was talking to about it.

>> No.27224260

Go blog somewhere else, autistic faggot

>> No.27224307

That's awesome. I like it.

>> No.27224366

That fucking sucks. I bet when the crunch comes they'll let you sell.

>> No.27224409


I sold them at a loss back in december, I was a legit investor before all the hype....got back in at 4 dollars.

>> No.27224413


>> No.27224488

Yeah, :((((((((((((

>> No.27224701

If you look close enough into the reflection in her eyes you can see the cameraman masturbating.

>> No.27224784

All of my money is stuck in Robinhood and I really think they’re gonna have an app bug when people start selling

>> No.27224794
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1280_pkg_closet_tour_mr_rogers_111819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he had a bunch of colors

>> No.27225593

Post tits. Retard.

>> No.27225640
File: 705 KB, 576x720, closet holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you see his OTHER closet?

>> No.27225809

bought 1 stock of amc on cashapp should i buy more? idk what im doing

>> No.27225871
File: 466 KB, 1256x706, gamestopAMC-bailey knows what's doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27225917

you're all mentally ill, Mr. Rogers wore a red sweater

>> No.27225940

Awww bedtime for me gn kings<3 hold!!!

>> No.27226018
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>missed out on GME

>> No.27226060
File: 70 KB, 976x549, elliot rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You unironically trying to tell me this isn't the most iconic image of Rodgers on the internet?
no, that's the most iconic image of Mr. Rogers.

picrel is the most iconic image of Rodgers

>> No.27226150

I bought 1 share at 150, then I realized Im canadian and retarded, maxxed out my margin, fuck it all. Death gambit.

>> No.27226621

It still had an ~80% short on the stocks so while not as much of a rocket as GME it still has potential especially with fomo.

>> No.27226686

Boy the GME shills sure are sensitive about other stocks

>> No.27227528

i just logged onto facebook that i had deactivated for years to see retards from my hometown who've never touched a stonk or crypto in their life going hurr durr i got my doge :D i though about making fun of them for getting pumped and dumped by people with nerves of steel who've been doing it this year but I remembered that you can never win an argument with a stupid person. hope you guys make some money off of them. doge is literally just meme hype because most people are to financially irresponsible to even buy one gme.

>> No.27227873
File: 441 KB, 1024x769, 1611956846102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maxxed out my margin
Trading on margin actually hurts the short squeeze, but whatever, you will be rich right?

>> No.27228094

gme is still going to the moon retard

>> No.27228170
File: 186 KB, 812x587, amcshortlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason number one to buy and hold AMC


>> No.27228313
File: 121 KB, 1163x429, high volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason number to to buy and hold AMC


>> No.27228355

Theres almost no way for the funds to recover from their stupidity without government intervention which will be fun.

>> No.27228391

I lucked out and got 36 shares at 11.80 right before they restricted it to two shares only

>> No.27228411
File: 307 KB, 561x650, 1611915057900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason number three to buy and hold AMC


>> No.27228438

Get off of robinhood anon run far away from it if you can