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File: 94 KB, 623x432, BITCOIN 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27209612 No.27209612 [Reply] [Original]

how much will bitcoin be worth in 10 years?

>> No.27209844

in 10 years time there will be no amazon rainforest left, no polar bears, sea will be 1 metre higher, white people will be a minority in europe and america and you'll still be a kissless virgin

>> No.27209859

Unironically either over 1M or 0 with Quantum Computers on the rise.

>> No.27209880

1 bitcoin

>> No.27210000

100k (sat)

>> No.27210052
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>> No.27210091


>> No.27210176

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.27210195

ok ok ok I get all that but how much will bitcoin be worth?

>> No.27210217

I don't understand all the "muh quantum computer" fud. Surely there'd be a LOT bigger worries than BTC if quantum computers become a thing, and can actually crack such encryption.

If anything, BTC by it's nature is better placed to adapt and change to deal with such things, compared to how fucking slow everything else changes.

At my work the "mainframe" system they use is one of those horrible, text-based "Press F3 for next screen" sort of shite that looks like teletext. In 21, because it's too "big" and "core" to ever properly upgrade.

>> No.27210246

Quantum computers will only bring quantum encryption.

In 10 years 100k-1m

>> No.27210262

theoretically, a quantum computer could mine the remaining coins pretty fast, but could it break the crypto behind already claimed coins ?

>> No.27210378

If quantum computing becomes a thing, will all of my secrets be available to the world?

>> No.27210877

The mining algorithm adjusts the difficulty based on a number of factors, one odd which is time. Introducing faster processing would cause the algorithm to respond accordingly so the remaining unmined coins would still retain their degree of difficulty

>> No.27212220

>quantum computers
buy mochimo

>> No.27212681
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Why are banks and hedge funds short selling bitcoin? Why are they expecting it to tank?

>> No.27214105
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>> No.27214556

To spite le internet memesters that ass raped them even though said memesters have all abandoned it for doge, AMC, GME etc.

>> No.27214669

No, quantum-proof encryption will be one of the first things developed on quantum computers. Its already being worked on and planned for

>> No.27214711
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easily over 1million dollars. easily.

>> No.27214809

This seems legitimately inevitable. Can anyone argue against this prediction?

>> No.27214878

Wait, if this is accurate could bitcoin be another potential rocket? I'm allergic to soi so I haven't set foot near wallstbets, does anyone know if any of those faggots are discussing jumping into BTC?

>> No.27214923
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Had to go look.. You are right
Up 7% from yesterday

>> No.27214966
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>> No.27215165

why aren't we squeezing BCH and XMR those are actually useful function currencies.

>> No.27215269

either 0 or undefinable in dollar terms.

>> No.27215431

Overshadowed by Rubic (#1)($928,000) Chainlink(#2)($361,000)Ethereum(#3)($98,000)

>> No.27215493

They are going off previous peaks in BTC like in 2018 where it went up to ~$25000 and a year later it dropped all the way to ~$3000. Right now the hype around BTC is pretty high but will fade out after a couple months when the GME business is out of the news.

>> No.27215558

Because btc dumps when the djia does

>> No.27215566

BTC rose to 30k before GME went full normie

>> No.27215616

1 sneed bucket of gummy bears, Mr Gucchi Loafers
(someone respond to this post with 'based' please)

>> No.27215639

1. BTC is not bitcoin BSV is.
2. BTC was broken, and the double spend was simply swept under the rug to save face.
3. BTC cannot scale, it has been deliberately programmed into the molested code by blockstream/core.
4. Fees were a problem during the first major run, they are only getting worse.
5. BTC is engaged in illegal money laundering activities with the help of Tether.
6. BTC is about to lose its name and ticker.
7. Fuck you, it will be worth 0, at most.

>> No.27215675


>> No.27215799

Keeping my eyes on DASH a very underrated coin like XMR

>> No.27215850

I am on the fence about BSV. They do have some great points about the protocol being changed.
the price is definitely actively being suppressed by someone.

>> No.27215881

Do Brazilians care about bitcoin? No, because they're disgusting mutts.
America is ever muttening, so there you go, you know the future of Bitcoin

>> No.27215943

if I owned BCH in 2017, do I automatically own BSV today? how do I access it ?

>> No.27215979
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Bitcoin will be 10 Mil in 10 years

>> No.27215997

You seem like someone who doesn't own bitcoin and is angry that its going to be 7 figure coin

>> No.27216004

I saved some notes about it. I'm still thinking about it alot and researching. This is a really great article from BSV's perspective.


>> No.27216027

As long as it has sit idol, yes, but you will have to do some work to split it.

>> No.27216046

Trezor got me mine.
Got 21 and never selling.

>> No.27216131

i owned bitcoin from about 2013 until the BCH fork, then when BSV forked i got into BSV

>> No.27216223

>potential rocket
Bitcoin is a rocket. And you ain’t on it.

>> No.27216224


>> No.27216255

I’m 100% serious btw

>> No.27216270

How much is an ancient coin worth today?
How much is an original magic the gathering card worth today?

Bitcoin was the first use of blockchain technology, and the first use of decentralized currency in our history. ANd it has a limited supply, and every time someone dies with his passwords, sends btc to the wrong address, the available bitcoin dies permanently

now do the math

>> No.27216278

>10 years
>sea will be 1 meter higher
Delusional and gullible. Nice

>> No.27216296

More than a nigger.

>> No.27216342
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BTC is not Bitcoin

>> No.27216438

It seemed pointless by the time I started to take an interest in investing. That was well after all the hype around it. Since then I've always assumed it was the original zoomer meme and avoided it. But if hedge trannies are actually shorting it, it would be funny to troll them again and also make a little scratch.

>> No.27216582

There was a good post the other day on here that I copied. Lemme copy paste it.

>> No.27216614

The Satoshi white paper explains Bitcoin is intended to be a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system” that makes Internet commerce payments more cost efficient, including for “small casual transactions.”

Despite the clear intent of Bitcoin’s creator to scale the network and establish it as more efficient infrastructure for online payments, the Bitcoin Core protocol developers who assumed control of the Bitcoin project rejected scaling – limiting on-chain capacity to a maximum of 7 transactions per second, driving transaction fees sky-high; so now BTC is promoted as “digital gold” and a “store of value” reserve asset, rather than as the system of peer-to-peer electronic cash for daily use envisioned by Satoshi. The BTC network further strayed with the introduction of Segregated Witness (SegWit) which is a FORK!
Don't believe me ?

Bitcoin SV has almost entirely restored Satoshi’s Bitcoin protocol, with no default limit on the size of the blocks on its blockchain and thus its transaction capacity. It also restored many of Satoshi’s original technical functions—such as removing artificial limits on the size and capabilities of transactions, and restoring the full original functionality of Bitcoin Script (the programming language used within the Bitcoin protocol). With unbounded scaling, transaction fees remain minimal and predictable—the median transaction fee on the Bitcoin SV network in 2020 was generally less than 1/100 of a U.S. cent.

Read the original website and particularly Bullet 3
'Bitcoin transactions are practically free'

Bitcoin SV is doing a great thing for the block-space.
Bitcoin IS supposed to be peer-to-peer electronic cash and NOT digital gold.
The man gets 32 MB Block sizes moving all day long on the chain and 9,000 transaction per seconds and people call him a psycho and BSV a pump and dump.

>> No.27216633

ive supplied bitcoin fud last month and i admitted bitcoin is worthless, its useless as a currency when it doesn't have the privacy features, and it cant compete with other governance implemented in other coins, likewise it fails at its own governance but is largely at fail when it is chinese governed, but cant adapt and relies on 3rd party solutions or coins that share their hashpower with bitcoin as i guess bitcoins a central point in failure at that regard. but it cant change itself because the whitepaper is miniscule and futile and has been disregarded that past decade. now its success relies on wide spread adoption but thats it, if it doesnt reach widespread adoption, which starts with the cypherpunks leaving, then all the laggards, but then that adoption will seek coins as a better value like monero or dare i say xrp for transactions or else...

>> No.27216664

>those faggots

>> No.27216818

BSV had a 309MB block with 1.1 million transactions. It is lightyears ahead of any other crypto in the market.

>> No.27216963

imagine still desperately clinging to your dead bitcoin airdrop token. bitcoin is scarce, altcoins are not. you can't compete.

>> No.27217019

I've been watching this guys channel

He really explains it all. There were deep pockets involved with the Segwit fork it seems.

>> No.27217068

$1 million by end of Harris' term

>> No.27217070

I have as many BTC as I have BSV and BCh and ALL the other forks.
Even the 2019 Bitcoin Core Coin.

>> No.27217072

scarcity is exactly why it would take doge 130 billion dollars to reach $1 per coin, scarcity is a feature, it makes it more like gold and less like the fed. even better than gold with negative inflation

>> No.27217093

bcash is the 1990s equivalent of thinking the future of the internet is everybody having 1000 phone lines so they can download faster

>> No.27217114

Worthless, too large for its own good.

>> No.27217197

i've followed the entire drama from the start, i bought into BTC when it was under $100, I even got some for $60, but when they refused to scale, i moved on to the forks that wanted to scale

>> No.27217253
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The cope is strong

>> No.27217271

The third party stuff with BTC does bother me.
BTC has LN network which is a 3rd party - it is not P2P as described in the Bitcoin White Paper

>> No.27217272

unlike the chinks that were spending hundreds of millions trying to keep their fork coin afloat? why any self respecting person would be obsessed with chink coins like bcash is beyond me.

if you dont like bitcoin go baghold ethereum instead, why cling to a compromised cheap chink clone of it?

>> No.27217349

i already got my truck and house out of BTC back in 2017, i just decided to follow the money, and BTC really fucked up with segwit

>> No.27217386
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I have them all. Just like Pokeman.
I've been wrong so many times in Crypto that I decided to horde everything lol

>> No.27217448

I wonder WHO exactly is shorting BSV. It's been at 80% short for over a year now.

>> No.27217533
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>> No.27217650

>Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency 2009
>Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network.
> * Transfer money easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.

Don't you have to trust the lightning network ?

> * Third parties can’t prevent or control your transactions.

Lightning ?

> * Bitcoin transactions are practically free, whereas credit cards and online payment systems typically cost 1-5% per transaction plus various other merchant fees up to hundreds of dollars.

1MB Blocks and 3-4 transactions per second killed that dream.

>> No.27217961

lighting node are actually required to be KYC compliant under US law, so it opened a can of worms, making BTC illegal. It centralized bullshit that sends profits to the private devs. its fucking garbage considering BSV can scale on chain, and has even had 300+MB blocks on the main chain. the only point of LN it to make the dev team rich of the back of the little man who wants to pay a sub penny fee to transfer the money the own

>> No.27218049

Does anyone here know that Bitcoin is supposed to be ZERO confirmation compatible ?

>> No.27218262

i have encountered very few people who understand Bitcoin, and even fewer who understand that BSV is fundamentaly Bitcoin as it was written by satoshi in the whitepaper. There are too many retards in this world, but im still buying BSV and only BSV.

>> No.27218630

Everyone needs to read the Whitepaper VERY VERY slowly.
We are supposed to be using Bitcoin to buy a can of Coke from the soda machine with 0 confirmations.
Instead we had $150 transactions in Dec.2018 and they were taking 6 hours to confirm.
So now we are supposed to offload everything to a side change and trust a 3rd party.
That's not peer to peer.

8 pages.
People have invested millions and haven't read 8 pages

>> No.27218977

About tree fitty.
>Screen me

>> No.27219269

2017 called they want their FUD back

>> No.27219323


>> No.27219359

bout tree fiddy

>> No.27219519

show me my errors, because these are facts, not fud. give me one shred of evidence that i am wrong by countering even a single point.

>> No.27219821

I don't know much about the technology behind it but it'll either hold legacy status and become the "gold standard" of crypto for no reason beyond being the first big thing everyone wanted, or a better more usable blockchain network will overpower it and it'll fade into obscurity since it was more like the first generation of crypto to see if such a thing could even catch on.

>> No.27219873

They hate each other this shit is so fake
Trump is my president forever
Actually military is the CiC right now

>> No.27220040

$160,000 or $0

>> No.27220109
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No less than 10^5 USD, no more than 10^6 USD :^)

>> No.27220145

It’s going to crab until the end of time as bagholders become increasingly unhinged

>> No.27220258
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>in 10 years time there will be no amazon rainforest left, no polar bears, sea will be 1 metre higher, white people will be a minority in europe and america and you'll still be a kissless virgin

>> No.27220311

Fuck warren buffet is based as fuck

>> No.27220376


>> No.27220616

x 10 x 10

>> No.27220787

Fine fag
The double spend was not a double spend, it was misunderstood, if you want me to care point me to the ledger entry.
To what? The $600Bn it's at now? What? There is no reason why it NEEDS to be a starbucks payment token.
Fees are pretty reasonable for what it does. Opinion.
Every currency to ever exist has been used in illicit transactions.
Wrong, and Craig Wright is fake satoshi.
Craig will never be satoshi. Twenty thousand fucking base wallets. Not a single signed transaction. Ever.

>> No.27221246

That's completely wrong. Most critical services aren't even connected to the internet so it doesn't matter. Centralized services can upgrade to post-quantum encryption no problem, Bitcoin cannot, it would would make the transaction size too large. That's not even considering millions of old coins could be instantly stolen because old addresses are not quantum secure.

>> No.27221850
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1. So i am correct.

2. "A transaction from one set of addresses showed in both blocks with outputs of 0.00062063 and 0.00014499 BTC (total 0.00076562 BTC). The sending addresses had a total of 0.00071095 BTC only.

Hence, the input address received more Bitcoin than the sender held in the wallets. "

3. To be a peer to peer cash system Bitcoin by definition in the whitepaper does need to be a small amount payment ledger, if you don’t like that, then use a different name, like shittystorageofvaluecoin

4. $40 fee for a $.02 TX, which is common on twetch? how is that reasonable?

5. BSV is operating under law, because it doesn’t require the KYC shit that BTC does.

6. When did I mention Craig Wright? I don't care who satoshi is, i just know that the whitepaper is BSV now, and it is a strange coincidence.

7. You just proved it by changing the subject

>> No.27221893


>> No.27221930

I mean there's no way it's gonna make that many people rich. Right?

>> No.27222077

by then we will all by using either digidollars or digiyuan

>> No.27222195
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>> No.27222427

I've been hearing that story for 25 years.

>> No.27222444

The old addresses would be secure because the public key is only revealed when a transaction is made. There would be no way to inverse a hash into a public key with a quantum computer. The problem would come with signing future transactions.

As for the transaction size.... I guess we'd have to increase the blocksize.

>> No.27222513

>in 10 years time there will be no amazon rainforest left, no polar bears, sea will be 1 metre higher
Lol they've been saying this for the last 20 years

>> No.27222754

>I guess we'd have to increase the blocksize.

>> No.27223091

Are all unironically shitcoins.
You guys Will baghold forever, stay delusional

>> No.27223166

name a better coin than BSV, and tell me why. I dare you.

>> No.27223193

Bitcoin was introduced by the powers that be. Look at what we have just a decade later. WE dont know the endgame, they do.

>> No.27223285

retard. give me names, who are the "powers that be"?

>> No.27223349


>> No.27223360
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>> No.27223425

No but the Bildeburgers gave them 150 million to instate Segwit, thus making sure that Bitcoin never becomes digital peer-to-peer cash.

>> No.27223542

$100k by end of year. $1M by end of decade.

>> No.27223678

Greg Maxwell who is paid by paid by AXA, whose CEO is head of the Bilderberg Group
The too-big-to-fail insurance giant AXA is one of the main owners of Blockstream - and they're throwing around millions of dollars to any dev / troll / censor who opposes Satoshi's simple and safe roadmap for on-chain scaling (ie: bigger blocks via hard forking).

The insurance company with the biggest exposure to the 1.2 quadrillion dollar (ie, 1200 TRILLION dollar) derivatives casino is AXA. Yeah, that AXA, the company whose CEO is head of the Bilderberg Group, and whose "venture capital" arm bought out Bitcoin development by "investing" in Blockstream

>> No.27223881

Everyone eventually loses most of their coins and it becomes worthless.

>> No.27224193

my dude, btc is not the best, but it is the most famous, just like gold. people don't like effort, they are lazy, sheep like and go after what is easily accessible, established or familiar. that is why btc will probably always be the main store of value in crypto.

that being said, you got me interested in bsv, which is at an atl in satoshis, which could be a nice entry point. any advice for a fren?

>> No.27224695

Yeah get 21 BSV anyway you can and read this and click all the links and read for a few hours.

Watch his guys videos

Look the problem is this. No one cares what BTC does with their blockchain. It's NOT Bitcoin.
The whitepaper is clear on what Bitcoin is and is not.
It is peer to peer. The entire purpose was to have a system that could never have a double spend on it. 1% fees from banks were considered ridiculous. It was supposed to be able to handle zero confirmation and there was never supposed to be ANY third party involved. That means no Lightning Network EVER. The fact that the 2nd most powerful company on planet earth is part owners of Blockstream should make you raise your eyebrows.

Who owns the world? (1) Barclays, (2) AXA, (3) State Street Bank
For the people right ?

>> No.27224889

as for entry point into BSV. Today is the best price it has ever been.

>> No.27225041

there's more rain forest than ever retard

>> No.27225301
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>2. "A transaction from one set of addresses showed in both blocks with outputs of 0.00062063 and 0.00014499 BTC (total 0.00076562 BTC). The sending addresses had a total of 0.00071095 BTC only.

It's all very spooky. People need to understand this from the Bitcoin whitepaper.

"What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust,allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trustedthird party. Transactions that are computationally impractical to reverse would protect sellersfrom fraud, and routine escrow mechanisms could easily be implemented to protect buyers. Inthis paper, we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributedtimestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions"
--Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)

>> No.27225451

thanks for the effort fren, however, my gut still tells me this is a bad investment. it's not that i don't believe in bsv, i don't believe that people will change their habits (btc)

>> No.27225498

>Forests fine goy
Shut up forest jew

>> No.27225538
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meme bump, because you want real bitcoin

>> No.27225644

Using a third party (Lightning)
Having a Double spend
Not raising the block size all equal it IS not Bitcoin.

>Quote from satoshi:
>It can be phased in, like:
>if (blocknumber > 115000)
> maxblocksize = largerlimit

>It can start being in versions way ahead, so by the time it reaches that block number and goes into effect, the older versions that don't have it are already obsolete.
> When we're near the cutoff block number, I can put an alert to old versions to make sure they know they have to upgrade.

> Satoshi Nakamoto, on bitcointalk.org, October 04, 2010, 07:48:40 PM

That means raise the fucking block size

>> No.27225810
File: 3.40 MB, 3428x2378, cswgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no blocksize restrictions on BSV, the only limit is in the hardware, and not the code, the code concrete, godlike in what is accomplishes

>> No.27225852

>Double spend bug found
>China owns the majority of hash so can 51% at any time
>Energy hog
>Can only do 7 transactions per second
>Tether lawsuit facing 1.3t payout
>Vulnerable to Quantum Computer Attacks

>> No.27225913

Yeap. The change of the original protocol in 2017 made BTC NOT Bitcoin.
BSV isn't a fork. BTC is.
Segwit IS a FORK

Large Blocks - 100% peer to peer and zero confirmations.
That's Bitcoin. Digital cash we can use day to day.

but no we get Bildeberger "store of value"
pisses me off so much really.

>> No.27226152

So what coin are you thinking ?

>> No.27227011

ding ding ding

>> No.27227021

ISO20022 coins

International coins

>> No.27227042

Gtfo redditor

>> No.27227050

Also BSV for thousands of transactions per second.

>> No.27227201

checked and confirmed for truth, OP is a fag

>> No.27227275

Hopefully with the GME debacle wall street will stop speculating with shorts. Although the jews have got their claws deep into the stock market. Time for the whyte man to rise up and reclaim what is his

>> No.27227294

Metamask timing out when swapping for anyone else?

>> No.27227537

>Even the 2019 Bitcoin Core Coin
What's that?

>> No.27227656

Looks like they switched the name again

It's the shittest of the shiity BTC forks.
I have like 2000 of them lol

>> No.27227832

cope seethe
the market has clearly chosen BTC, deal with it

>> No.27227858

>n 10 years time there will be no amazon rainforest left, no polar bears, sea will be 1 metre higher
I've been hearing this since the 70s, anon
Commies just want an excuse for government to seize industry

>> No.27227891

Not the point at all.
We own a ton of BTC.
It's just not Bitcoin.