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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 960x950, gme npcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27201517 No.27201517 [Reply] [Original]

this plus the fact brokers are blocking or limited you from buying is unironically the biggest bull signal and buy signal ever prove me wrong

>> No.27201640

Does this apply to AMC? Thinking of selling on Monday.

>> No.27201705

Hold AMC
It will go back up in the summer even if there’s no squeeze

>> No.27201765

you mean robinhood, the meme broker that's going bankrupt next week

>> No.27201795

yep. This is what made me beyond bullish even if price gets pushed a bit lower

>> No.27201817

Till summer? Fuck no, Biden's government will never lift covid restrictions. I bet you we will see the end of movie theaters during his administration

>> No.27201924


AMC is a failing company in a collapsing industry at large. The only thing that can save theatres is ending lockdowns and even THEN there is no gaurantees because so many normies prefer netlfix and disney plus these days. Plus its chink owned. Do you really trust them?

>> No.27201928

hey retard the GME moon mission is over its alt season now

>> No.27201968

>thinking of selling
absolute faggot

>> No.27201973
File: 23 KB, 680x369, gme scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple brokers have placed restrictions or bans

also forgot to mention in my OP the other main buy signal was when i saw they were running PAID GOOGLE ADVERTISEMENTS on youtube claiming melvin had exited their short positions

lmao, if you were a billion dollar firm that exited your shorts why would you spend millions on advertising telling people

>> No.27202004

My plan right now is to sell on Monday, I seriously doubt this will moon like GME

>> No.27202100

AMC doesnt have the technicals required for the massive squeeze that GME does but i think it will trail it a bit anyway especially because tons of people seem to believe it. its still a heavily shorted stock but not 240% tier like GME

>> No.27202174

Actually that's just Melvin making sure they won't get sued.
This squeeze staredown will last for months. No way all the retail investors will hold for that long. Come March there's the risk of GME issuing new shares and crater the whole thing.

>> No.27202178

amc price movement is tied to gme. Fucking atleast set your sell order to something based like 50 bucks. Fag

>> No.27202183
File: 14 KB, 307x447, gme broker fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can sell but you cant buy, goy!

>> No.27202275

the majority of the squeeze is being held by rival institutions, who are not going give away their shares and let up the pressure when they could just liquidate a rival fund and take all the assets and clients. retail is like 10% of float shares right now

>> No.27202377

gamma squeeze in play still.

>> No.27202422

They will not bankrupt each other because it'll spillover to the entire system. At most they'll negotiate stronger positions against their rivals. Game is rigged.

>> No.27202547

does that mean they will withhold stimulus checks for months too?

>> No.27202552

Stop the steal amirite

>> No.27202630

spilling over is the point. they want to buy up the cheapies to consolidate power and wealth. we are watching a battle of titans right now

>> No.27202747

There is NO reason someone would broadcast his positions like that if it were true. NO. FUCKING. REASON.

They PAID ads to announce that. It makes ZERO sense.

It's the strongest BUY&HOLD signal ever. Don't fall for this cheap shit, it's ridiculous

>> No.27203008

>They will not bankrupt each other because it'll spillover to the entire system
no, it won't rotfl
this larp is just dumb and naive. Only the fuckers who shorted GME will die, their competitors will be super happy. They can't wait for it to happen. There won't be any super fantasy damage to the economy, or to Wall Street, like the redditors fantasize about. Just some HF will suffer, and others HF will feast on that.

>> No.27203046
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>> No.27203129

Even your id is glowing

>> No.27203349

>the ppl you try to make fun of are making literal millions
>you post some drawing on an anonymous board to feel better about not being a part of it

>> No.27203424
File: 2.22 MB, 728x5606, suck it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27203635

Other instiutional whales are going long on GME, the numbers are there and they know the squeeze will happen because of them, just like the VW squeeze forced by Ford.

Emotional narratives and small fish have no impact in the market, just look for cold hard facts and numbers

>> No.27203723

you sound bitter

>> No.27203903
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>> No.27203999

If this is true why the liquidity problems? Why are they taking ads out on they sold their positions? Why did that billionaire cry on live tv? Why did steven cohen delete his twitter? You don't think opposing hedge funds jumped in when Citadel started bleeding? I dont think the boys in India, EU, and China would allow them to get out. This is FUD, and may be the only opportunity to make a Big player bleed in many peoples lifes Im holding until bust at the chance. At some time it's time to make a risky move and attempt to stand up even if you lose, but many of you 4 niggers only larp about doing anything at all always taking the opposite opinion. Sitting there always on the side lines but still losing. Pathetic.

>> No.27204215

>gets free therapy
>tries to project his bitterness on the therapist

>> No.27204431

Don't try to FOMO me. Anyone who is still here from before 2018 crash knows your cheap tricks.

>> No.27204446

the only people making millions were already in gme before all the media attention and the army of fomo reddit retards

>> No.27204585

that would be true if the final price was $350. Too bad the squeeze didn't happen yet, as proved by all the ads the HF paid to say otherwise

>> No.27204830
File: 365 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210130-212559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha guys seriously don't use your money to buy these 50 other stocks and get distracted from pumping gme and amc haha

>> No.27204934

Ngl great meme anon

>> No.27205119
File: 497 KB, 245x200, 1607981823348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you think you might feel FOMO now?

>> No.27205172

Bullish as fuck never selling

>> No.27205246

Retard. Trump is gone. Whether or not you like him doesn't matter, Biden is a faggot and his administration will crumble.
If you think in right/left man bad terms and not the policies they demonstrate you're a fool

>> No.27205288
File: 270 KB, 826x858, 1608996202540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the FUCK does this shit update?

Or do any anons here have an actual reliable way to get this information?

>> No.27205315

The vast majority of plebbitors are going to lose huge amounts of money. Expect to be mining salt in a week.

>> No.27205497
File: 1.14 MB, 1900x1510, 1598963408158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fucking
>implying retail even owns a sizable amount of shares

>> No.27205700

this is good news for the bulls, a squeeze can only happen by institutional pressure

>> No.27205771

The amount of shills who completely misunderstand 4chan posting etiquette is encouraging.

Remember these faggots have billions to spend on misleading us.

>> No.27205906

next week the price will probably go up enough for everyone to sell. And the best part is that they're not gonna steal that extra money from other retails, but from the people who shorted it

>> No.27206013

Except this is outdates. Scion left months ago. For all we know we could be holding all their bags.

>> No.27206159

I cant wait.

>> No.27206558


>> No.27206728
File: 125 KB, 1123x658, gme short 1-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 239 now

thats why its bullish. those institutions will hold to kill off the hedgefunds that shorted so they can scoop up their assets for cheap

>> No.27207626

>next week the price will probably go up enough for everyone to sell
dilated plebbit sjws will let that opportunity go right by them & get btfod

>> No.27207798

Sounds like a win to me, I can still cash in

>> No.27207864

That site has not updated in a week.