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2719983 No.2719983 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things wageslaves say

>don't invest in X anon, you'll lose everything
>you just have to man up, go to work every morning and be happy about it
>my kids have no choice about going to college, we just took out our first loan
>quit my job? I've got a mortgage and car to pay for!
>just work every day for 40 years and save a few hundred every month, and you'll be a millionaire at 60!

>> No.2719988
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>money can't buy happiness

>> No.2719994
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In your heart you know what to do.

>> No.2720002

>boomer values: the picture
this larping faggot never worked a day in his life

>> No.2720004

Money gives you the freedom to do whatever it is you want to do. If you can't find happiness through money then your brain is broken.

>> No.2720021

ITT: high school and college drop outs trying to cope with their failure by pretending it's by decision

>> No.2720024

>If you can't find happiness through money then your brain is broken.
You just described all the depressed people

>> No.2720035
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>I live for my kids

It's like they bred some innocent soul into existence just to bring some kind of meaning to their worthless, meaningless slave lives.

>> No.2720062

While dooming themselves (and their spawn) into an even worse financial situation.

How the fuck do wagies operate?

>> No.2720085
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>you have HOW MUCH in savings?

>> No.2720112

>Why don't you use a credit card, anon? It's free money!
>I can't wait for my tax returns, I'm going to buy something sweet!
>I'm sorry I can't do anything today, but if you want I'm free next Friday. Let's just not do anything too late, I have work to catch up to
>Freelancing? Are you crazy? What if I make less money one month?
>I just took a loan for this new car, but it'll pay for itself when I sell it!

>> No.2720116


They don't.

The average wagecuck cannot fathom existence outside of the work environment, it is there only reason for being.

>> No.2720126
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Oh, and almost forgot, an actual quote from an American anon in a similar thread from last week

>Having savings is retarded, it's a good thing that your credit rating drops when you don't buy anything for a while

>> No.2720149

I'm American but so many of my countrymen are cucked retards. It's sad really.

>> No.2720154

But a credit card is free money if you aren't retarded.

>> No.2720210

>Well actually I like my job!

>> No.2720281
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>Hey, do you have the latest iphone CuckPlus+? I just bought mine for $799.99. What a deal, am i right? I'm so hyped for the new one that's gonna come out in 6 months so i'll preorder that one too lol :^)

>What do you mean you paid for your house out of pocket? You just sit at home trading krypt-o-curren-seas

>Can't hang out right now, working overtime

>I negotiated a 7.81% pay raise with my boss, starting after 4 years. That's the value of hard, honest work!

>I heard about this thing called bit-coin in the latest washington post article, but it's no replacement for an honest day's work.

*silently resents you because your 6 hour days of shitposting and looking at candles pay off more than their 9-5 job which "values hard work"*

>> No.2720473
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>if you aren't retarded.

That's the problem with most of the "Conveniences" of the American economy
It's full of things that sound like really good deals "as long as you're careful"
And then they're full of pitfalls made exactly to steal money from overconfident assholes who think "Heh, I'm not like THOSE low IQ poor people, I won't be cheated"

The entire credit rating system is based entirely on keeping the population poor and to encourage constant slavery by debt, yet there's people who actually think it's a good system and that they're not "like those poor people"

Then they end up needing money for an emergency just once, and their entire life is irreparably ruined

>> No.2720474

>>Having savings is retarded, it's a good thing that your credit rating drops when you don't buy anything for a while

Jesus christ why. I hate my fellow burgers sometimes

>> No.2720487

>M-Muh wife mufugga
>Muh 401k

>> No.2720531

hey wife! let's make some kids in to this already overpopulated planet!

>> No.2720547

do people actually believe the earth is overpopulated?

>> No.2720601

$200 for dinner
>it's nice to treat yourself once in a while
$200 for a shirt

>> No.2721063

As long as people aren't dying from hunger in the streets we're good, let's keep going. It's not like there's consequences that follow population increase.

>> No.2721598

>let's keep going.

Why? There's literally no reason to

>> No.2721813

>sorry I can't make it, I have to work tomorrow
>I make a ton of money, too bad I don't have any time to spend it
>a 9-5 job is something you just have to do, also it's respectable!
>hey look at all the money I made for Mr. Noseberg, I only had to sacrifice my health, my time, my dignity, and my soul to do it. Why don't you do it too? It's better than that funny internet money.

Let's face it, most people are just doomed to be worker ants.

>> No.2722185

working builds character, and it teaches you the value of money!

>> No.2722227

hey anon invest in the imaginary currency that lets people scam others out of their money legally

>> No.2722337

>anon you wanna come to the bar with us! You can buy us a round!!
>we could just go to my place with a five dollar bottle of wine and a fifteen dollar handle and get ten times as drunk with $30+ less
>that sounds boring!!! I want to go to a bar
>but you do it every weekend and you're spending stupid amounts of money for slight gratification
>you're such a downer

>yo dude you should buy this gaming console and play with us
>naw I already have a great computer with hundreds of free games on it maybe we could try a cross platform game and I don't really want to spend $1600 for a tv and a console
>$1600 isn't even that much come on man

>lets go out for lunch!
>that's okay I brought my lunch today
>what the hell why not
>I went with you guys yesterday and I already brought my food
>ugh whatever

I'm in hell

>> No.2722418


>he doesn't go out to lunch with work mates

Oh my god, Anon. You're that guy. A small $15 lunch per day with workmates will pay huge dividends down the road, as most industries are word of mouth referrals based. I haven't had to look for a job in 7 years because I've always been active in going out for grub or drinks with work buddies.

>> No.2722496

I go out but these fuckers want to go everyday. I go at least twice a week and that's pushing it for me

Not to mention there's two insufferable faggots that ruin the mood pretty much everytime

>> No.2722519

>this entire post

premium bait

>> No.2722521
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>I don't have any money
>You spent how much!?
>I'm still paying off my student loans

>> No.2722533


not even neccessarily drinks/lunch
but you gotta work the network my niggas

>tfw starving freelancer for years
>tfw start infiltrating industry by going to conferences and events
>tfw start shaking hands and building the network
>tfw more work than I can handle and never have to beg for contracts

feels pretty good senpai

>> No.2722589
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>tfw start infiltrating industry by going to conferences and events
>Walk into random events for free food and meet people to further yourself
>If you didn't meet anyone, you still gain experience
Holy shit, why haven't I though of this.

>> No.2722700

I can't fathom ever putting something on my credit cards because of an emergency. I'd sooner beg, or even take out a personal loan at an actually decent rate. But that won't happen, because I have significant savings and investments to pull from. When you have a good buffer, emergencies become normal expenses.

Literally if you aren't retarded it's just free money. ~2% back on everything. If you don't use a credit card then you're paying a hidden tax. My 2% has to come from somewhere of course!

>> No.2722792

We need more wageslaves.

>> No.2723227
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We are going to be inevitably rich while boomers and normies collapse.

>> No.2723238

Shhh, be quiet goyim.