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File: 1.18 MB, 1534x1492, BTC KING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27184467 No.27184467 [Reply] [Original]

If California gets a new governor that hodls BTC and is one of the greatest forward thinkers of our generation will everyone that moved out get priced out of moving back in? It would become the blockchain innovation capital of the USA if he removes cap gains taxes from cryptos too right?

>> No.27184554

>he’s a streetshitter

Pls sir village needs new pump

>> No.27184574
File: 1021 KB, 788x856, king of Bitcoin investing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic to show his magnificent presence.

>> No.27184655

most of CA moved to TX, no income tax or capital gains tax.

>> No.27184778

a poo as governor, make sense for cali

>> No.27184944

weird, never seen the guy standing before - I always imagined he was a manlet

>> No.27184976


Pretty sure a man that can dress this elegantly >>27184574
owns or uses a bidet.

>> No.27185003


>> No.27185033

Looking for a career change because bitcoin going to zero
Smart move that man

>> No.27185115

(((Cultural Marxism))) in action.

>> No.27185159



>> No.27185253

isn't this some faggot who struck it rich off branding and marketing? OMG SO HYPE YALL

wake up me up when someone puts a gun to Michael Burry's head and makes him run for office

>> No.27185304

Jeet takeover is fine by me

>> No.27185394

Everyone in that picture is about 5'2 except he is about 5'5.

>> No.27185512

Apparently he's 1.85m

>> No.27185757

since he's a bitcoin og, he must be balls deep in ETH by now. california is a perfect candidate for decentralized infrastructure type shit, he'll pump all our bags

>> No.27185807

He's wearing a fucking clip bowtie. Elegant my ass.

>> No.27185840
File: 114 KB, 392x448, OoOOooOoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy kleros sirs

>> No.27185864

lanklets represent

>> No.27185976

this guy is extremely based. /pol/ could learn a thing or two from him.

>> No.27186115

I think he's 80/20 bitcoin/ETH

>> No.27186171


>> No.27186257

Honestly the dude is based. Id vote for him and I hate niggers.

>> No.27186274

He runs a super pac lobbying increased 3rd world immigration to the government, not based at all. Very smart though and knows how to pander to normies

>> No.27186337

He'll never be elected. Oligarchs hate him.

>> No.27186706


>> No.27186854

He smells like shit

>> No.27186867


>purity spiralling

He's a massive step up from what we have now

>> No.27186915

California is beyond saving

>> No.27187003

desu would be the best thing to happen to Cali in decades.

>> No.27187131

>greatest forward thinker

>> No.27187187

he slapped CNBC's (or whatever) shit on air over the gamestop stuff, pretty based

>> No.27187193

even if this pajeet wasn't a slimy cocksucker, name a single instance EVER of a candidate sticking to his guns and not buckling under the pressure of the forces around him? A SINGLE instance. EVER.
This fag is just some parasite who wants to enrich himself off the office, same as everyone else. Him pandering to you, quoting bitcorn won't change a thing.

>> No.27187278
File: 21 KB, 236x365, bikinistoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cali Bro here. California is still the greatest country in the world, despite the chud fud.
Newsom is trash. Our politics are trash. But that doesn't matter. The pandemic lockdown sucked, but it was a much needed shakeout of the kooks that only exist to jack up our rent.
We have the best lifestyle regardless. Best weed, best beer, best food, best beaches and most beautiful women.
I'd vote for Chamath, but I really don't care who runs this state. I'm just glad to see the kooks move back to Texas. I wouldn't want to go through all this shit, just for him to bring them back.
he's one of the good ones.

>> No.27187306



>> No.27187432

>Cali Bro here. California is still the greatest country in the world, despite the chud fud.

It is the ugliest place on this planet, a homeless paradise, and only a Cali Brainlet thinks otherwise.

>> No.27187481

I hate technologists, and that's really dishonest title to give the guy lol, another ultra wealthy politician.

>> No.27187598


He's against parasitic old guard cunts leeching off humanity and providing zero value. Pretty much everything he says with is based. If he has one or two views I disagree with, I don't care, it's a huge leap from what we have now. Accusing him of being greedy like all other humans is not an argument.

>> No.27187788

You’ve never been to California but you should go so we can corral all the faggots in one place

>> No.27187833
File: 20 KB, 645x770, seethingchud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is the ugliest place on this planet, a homeless paradise, and only a Cali Brainlet thinks otherwise.

>> No.27187889
File: 233 KB, 541x458, 1529450732576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old bad, new good
he's a parasite cunt leeching off humanity and providing zero value, too, though. You only like him because he's triggering the pavlovian buzzwords your demographic has been programmed to respond to.

>Accusing him of being greedy like all other humans [citation needed!] is not an argument.
Yes, it is.

>> No.27187946
File: 87 KB, 1326x238, Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 5.56.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much everything he says with is based
He's one of these billionaires that try to appease the reddit crowd, clearly as an inferiority complex against whites. He'll get the same support astroturfed support Yang did for sure

>> No.27188174

>California is the greatest country in the world
yeah stay there thanks

>> No.27188766

>>It is the ugliest place on this planet, a homeless paradise, and only a Cali Brainlet thinks otherwise.

Oh no he hit me with the Wojak, how should I recover? Oh wait, I don't live in Cali, I don't have to cope with my existence.

>> No.27188819

Like how to shit in the street!

>> No.27189948

homeless in only certain pockets
snowy mountains look beautiful today
thinkin of going to the beach

>> No.27191567
File: 701 KB, 336x480, 1611850981673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving back in?

>> No.27191701


they wont let him win. democrats are in control of everything. institutional powers are in full force at the moment. they'll find a black-hispanic woman with big tits to beat him.
screencap me mfers

>> No.27191942
File: 7 KB, 247x250, 2770282F-FD43-473A-9F81-7E073680B216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in california. It's a shithole in every fucking way. Overpriced real estate. Shit wages. Retard taxes (i.e. an LLC has to pay 800 a year. Doesn't matter if no profits or losses are made. Hahaha what the FUCK are these down syndrome fucks thinking????).
basically california politics is revolved around helping the oligarchy class while pretending it's for the people. All the taxes are bleeding people into poverty. My city actually has a 30% poverty rate. It's retarded and government is mafia evil

>> No.27192067

I can live wherever I want (both my wife and I work fully remote), I live in Gold Country, looked for similar places in MT, ID, WY, CO (San Juan Mountains area), and Bend, OR, even with the ridiculous taxes for the price of the amount of land I have and considering the vastly superior weather, this made the most sense. You really aren't going to find a place like this (especially these days with all the CA tax dodgers snapping them up) in many places


>> No.27192210

I wish they'd all move back, but instead die on the way.

>> No.27192305

your english sucks

>> No.27192333



>> No.27192459

How the fuck do you even pronounce that

>> No.27192574

I'd rather have a streetshitter for governor here than the literal kike faggot we have right now. But nobody can save this shithole, the only hope is to get rich here asap and get out.

>> No.27192784

same i thought he was short asf

>> No.27193053

I moved from CA to [undisclosed] and it was the best decision of my life fuck that communist shithole

>> No.27193545

>The richest country on the planet
Massive cope faggot, you and your family are obv brainlets who didn't get the memo (only the smart people make money in paradise)

>> No.27193599

my thoughts exactly.

>> No.27193695

Quite possible, but the guy is still based

>> No.27194164

ITT: seething about not being able to live in the objectively best state
I will move there when /make it/

>> No.27194239

Tired of seeing this clout chasing faggot and Mark Cuban give their 'fellow kids' takes on every current event. I hope he's elected in CA and everyone turns on him like they do every politician.

>> No.27194454

>moved to TX for those reasons
>realized it's the worst place on the planet for pollen allergies
>spent years nearly dying of asphyxiation, blowing my nose every 10 seconds, and rubbing my red watery eyes as I lay awake unable to sleep
>moved back
Fml lol

>> No.27194501


>> No.27194636

>Brainlet doesn't understand
Oh no no no like pottery ahahahahhaahah
Thanks for fucking off of Cali btw!

>> No.27194787

he had a couple good talks he gave where he essentially said no one's political opinions are worth shit until they've achieved something.

However it seems he's moved on from that to more grifting. Agreed, all these faggots like Cuban and that Portnoy fag just clout chase all day and everyone things "nooo they're on our side!1!! lel!"

>> No.27194861

more billionnaire worship by bootlickers

>> No.27194925

>dude weed lmao
stopped reading there

>> No.27195319

San Bernardino?

>> No.27195504

bell gardens

>> No.27195584

You stupid dumb bitch. Look at my ID. You're replying to the wrong person

>> No.27195735

no college
got in a trade union
six figs
dirt bikes,trucks,3bed 2bath 12years left
great school district
no homeless(visible)on the streets
great weather
little bit of $$ in GME

>> No.27195844
File: 74 KB, 1117x820, chamath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27196079

I did actually get in a union (electrical), but the people were insufferable so I left.

>> No.27196172

The fuck is your point? California is dumb as fuck and GE classes provide 0 value in the real world. You get taxed to death too.

>> No.27196209

he doesn't know what defi is.

>> No.27196217

I wouldn't go as far as to call you that now would I!

>> No.27196338

You are illiterate. That's all you have to know.

>> No.27196367

subtle kek

>> No.27196392

>lol imagine writing it and replaced minorities with whites
People still think we are in a “white suprmacist” country

>> No.27196448

He knows, he just got confused and thought it was "Delhi"

>> No.27196482

At least I'm not poor faggot sike
Thanks for leaving Cali btw!

>> No.27196520

My point?... huh?
Why do you think I'm making a point or even talking to you at all?
This thread is about Chamath, I posted what was on the front page of his campaign site

>> No.27196680

this guy tries too hard to be cool like elon

>> No.27196721
File: 2.10 MB, 1536x2048, EsXxAhQU0AA6V2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has math in his name, that's pretty based.

>> No.27196739

It would have been ok if they LEARNED from their experience in calishit hole, but Nooooo, instead they try to IMPLEMENT SAME politics in Texas.
It’s like Muslim immigrants.
>escape origin country because of isis and sharia law
>trying to implement their SAME ideology that destroyed their nation into their Host nation
>expecting a different out come
Immigration is ALWAYS A MISTAKE

>> No.27196743

keep coping over your inability to read

You know what, nevermind. You posted a pic that implied was a good thing and I was simply saying why it's not and that is because more money thrown into schools that teach nothing useful (random GE classes) won't do any good

>> No.27196828

>Immigration is ALWAYS A MISTAKE
this is implying the people that immigrated affected the politics of texas. Why would you think that's what happened? What's your basis to this besides speculation?

>> No.27196852

Keep coping over your inability to make money!

>> No.27196919

I don’t get this.
This is as bizarre and unrealistic as communism and VIABLE anarchy

>> No.27197132

>comes to taxes after 10-20 years of SEVERE brainwashing in California
>realize Texas is not Cali
>start to support the same political parties that made Cali into a shithole that cause you to escape
Not all Cali are retarded.
They actually vote no on affirmative action.
But still

>> No.27197247

IBEW îs where its at
shouldve sacked up and stayed

>> No.27197364

I have 35kish, dumb bitch. Would have had double had I never traded during the bear market. I have more than your poor ass

>> No.27197440

I think it's funny how your retarded down syndrome ass commented to the wrong person (because your bitch ass doesn't know how yo differentiate between IDs) and then latch unto something else and STILL lose. What a fucking failure hahahahahaha

>> No.27197519
File: 345 KB, 750x983, F0279F75-63B6-425B-B1A2-4EB015DED9C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he lowers taxes he has my vote. We pay the most taxes of anyone and still have to Allen Iverson step over homeless people to walk down the street. But real estate interests get to do whatever they want, gentrifying the whole city wholesale. I love my life here overall but we have been completely betrayed by our state and local governments. Gavin Newsom is only the first person who needs to be removed from office.

>> No.27197541

>Immigration is ALWAYS A MISTAKE
Dumb take. We have effectively brain drained China and India completely through H1Bs and are reaping the benefits. Illegal immigration drives the cost of food way down.

>> No.27197549

Anyone is better than faggot newsom.

>> No.27197589

>I have 35k
ahahahhahaha not only does this poor Non-Cali have less than 500k, he also includes the pennies lmaoooooo.
Brooo make sure you count it right maybe you break to 35.1k-ish ahahahhahahahahaha
Thanks for leaving Cali btw!

>> No.27197626

shit hole tier
try Downey or Lakewood
better yet gtfo of LA

>> No.27197633

Ehh.. I was in the ibew. The work is not the issue. It's the people. Everyone there is a bootlicker with no spine. They suck off the idea of prestige and complain to hr about anything. Trades aren't worth the money. I should have just finished my last year of university to become a useless teacher. Easy money if teaching in elementary school

>> No.27197717


>> No.27197763

from california here. hate it. but this brown shit is calling for abolishing state income taxes. this pajeet has my vote and a $100 donation

>> No.27197775

I live in the center point that leads to many cities all around me. Downey is my neighbor for instance. California as a whole is shit.

>> No.27197787

then those people have 10 kids each, all vote for more gibs, driving up the tax

fuck off you retard.

>> No.27197818

I would actually consider moving there if he was elected over Newsom

>> No.27197849

Thanks for leaving Cali btw!

>> No.27197871

Post pic of your assets "brooooooooo" :). Larping poorfag.
>I have 500k!!!
Okay I guess I change my mind and have a mil now. Stupid retard

>> No.27197876

>asians vote for gibs

>> No.27197936

Having a crypto-friendly governor would be great but his policies legit sucks other than 0% tax.

>> No.27197956

you son of a cunt I laughed my azz off

>> No.27197957

I'm in cali. Once again probing how illiterate you are. Why do you choose to sniff mercury?

>> No.27198048

asians vote left

>> No.27198063

Successful H1Bs, who are FAR smarter than you, typically act the same as anyone else in that position, waiting to have kids til their 30s, and having middle of the road politics. Illegals, sure second/third generations do end up affecting voting/tax structures.

>> No.27198105
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, I have to go now, but honestly thanks for taking the bait and giving me this. You will learn in time newfag, cya.
Obligatory: Thanks for leaving Cali btw!

>> No.27198135
File: 62 KB, 878x704, Ethic_California_Organized_Pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and like 5% of the non-hispanic "whites" are actually jews

>> No.27198210

hope you make it in whatever you decide
to sink your teeth into
u quit UNI
u quit the trades
just saying.

>> No.27198212

>I have to go now
What a larping bitch. And now you're relying on peoe images as a crutch too Lmao.

You are poor. You don't even have 1 bitcoin. You don't have 500k. Death to low IQ scum like you

>> No.27198278

Depends dude the Vietnam restaurants here have Trump dollar bills at the register counter

>> No.27198293

california is full of these 'smart' immigrant. they all vote the same way. left.

>> No.27198304

Not Irvine

>> No.27198362

I know how to use the toilet. This pajeet needs to go back.

>> No.27198363
File: 374 KB, 4333x3333, AAVS2020-Pres-Vote[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vietnamese might be the exception

>> No.27198462

College was too expensive. I was paying 500 dollars per unit (literal 10x from community college). I just felt like I was getting ripped off (because I was) and it left a bad taste in my mouth. If schools actually become cheap, I'll finish the last year. Man.. imagine all that money into bitcoin.. (I wanted to buy at 3k, but went the school route instead. Hugest mistake of my life. Could have had about 3ish more bitcoin).
Tbh another reason is due to bitcoin. I fee l this year will allow me to get needed capital to start a wholesaling business anyways. End goal isn't to be owned by an employer. I have a rebel personality which is why I hate working under people to begin with.

>> No.27198505

>california is full of these 'smart' immigrant
Correct, we have to import them to get the work done because the average American, you, has a room temp IQ and complains all day about people thousands of miles away from them. Your greatest accomplishment in life is being born somewhere and not leaving. If you don't want immigrants, be the change you want to see and do the job yourself.

>> No.27198585

stop projecting retard

>> No.27198611

also.. primexbt can give me a free .5btc to trade with. WHO KNOWS?? Maybe I can find the perfect entry with it and leave it alone for the most part for the rest of the bull market giving me a shitton of money.. I'm waiting though. First week of feb I think will be crazy with all the institutions saylor is bringing in

>> No.27198719

Does this survey say how many people took it the survey? I know a lot of the immigrant asians do not fucking vote at all and don't even care about US politics even if they are naturalized.

>> No.27198807

I will say one thing. Had I manned up and stuck with that union, I would have had an easy 6 digit net worth rn by dcaing into bitcoin since that was 2 years ago.

>> No.27198812

he's one of us!!!

>> No.27199138

Wait nvm it doesn't matter, its 2020, rigged election.

>> No.27199308

it doesnt matter, asians always vote left. 2016, 2012, 2008. a quick google search will tell you this.
these 'smart' minorities vote the same way as sub 80 iq niggers.

>> No.27199354
File: 15 KB, 640x619, 1475642421187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude would unironically be good for California and it's nice to see someone talking about zero taxes and subsidizing having babies for once.

>> No.27199421
File: 180 KB, 1536x2048, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he know how to do this?

>> No.27199676

>man from street shitting country becomes governor of street shitting state
fuckin pottery

>> No.27199809


1 this seems pretty self-serving, chamath
2 learning is already free online, fuck paying for retarded socialists
3 if the ocean rose 25 feet, it wouldn't even make the list of the top 100 human problems
4 learning is already free online, fuck paying for retarded socialists
5 learning is already free online, fuck paying for retarded socialists
6 500 billion to mexicans, WORSE than trump, nice try to buy votes though, retard,

i suspect he will end up with tax breaks for himself, smart people will still leave because its the anti-gun laws and climate-change/smog laws, and housing laws, that are driving people away. And when california is much poorer, mexicans are raking cash in, schools are even more corrupt and the cost per kid per year is 25k, then Chamath and his family will be killed in the streets, which will be unfortunate

>> No.27200054

>Like every politician
California has some of the longest running fucks.

>> No.27200074

Doesn't matter in general anymore. Been rigged before we were born.

>> No.27200332

God Speed, Anon.

>> No.27200816
File: 6 KB, 225x225, hoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another fucking commie, what a surprise

>> No.27201165

Viets are based. Just avoid those that identify as "Asian American" which tend to be leftist

>> No.27201390

yeah in gerrymandered districts while the majority hates them

>> No.27201424

wonder what this could be

>> No.27201581

As someone who knows 10+ H1B Tech support Indians they only come here for school and work long enough to save enough money to be well off in India and move back. They also send money back home to their family. Or they work here to make more money waiting for their parents to arrange their marriage back in India. This has been the case for every single H1B Indian I have known which is over 10. They are very nice people but assholes like you have been telling Americans to "get into tech" and "learn to code" instead of learning trades or something else and then fucking imported foreigners to take all those fucking jobs.

>> No.27201645

>implying that once he gets into power he wouldn't instantly shit on normal people
These people are all part of the same fucking club.

>> No.27201714

Literally takes over the most poo in street state in America.

>> No.27201858

He won't win, his policies are too conservative. Doesn't matter that he's brown.

>> No.27202062

Kek cope

>> No.27202365
File: 511 KB, 840x488, 1531850253989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I cope? I care about my country and question about how long has it been illegitimate for, now that the faith and confidence of government has been destroyed. Shits all being exposed, just like the stonk market. I'm actually excited since I'm strapped in with cryptos and metals.