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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27175225 No.27175225 [Reply] [Original]

BLOCKROCK 333,048,530 shares on NOKIA.

Nokia is literally going to the fukin moon.

>> No.27175474

Monday is going to be amazing. I hope RH has taken their restrictions off by then. Earnings report on the 4th.

>> No.27176701

nokia going to build network on the moon its actually going to the moon lmfao

>> No.27177039


>> No.27177093

post link plz

>> No.27177146

>>27175225 much sauce for that nigga?

>> No.27177170

was this just discoverd yesterday?

>> No.27177201

link: https://fintel.io/so/us/nok/blackrock

>> No.27177256

They are gong to suppress the market AGAIN like Thursday and Friday

NOK is going no where but down or crab

>> No.27177261

is this shorted? Why was everyone connecting nokia to gme and amc?

>> No.27177341
File: 122 KB, 946x504, nok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YES , the hedge funds shorted NOK

>> No.27177351
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>> No.27177359

i hate RH and these EBroker fags so much

>> No.27177417

Hope you are right, got 34 shares.

>> No.27177460

Smells like a shill thread

>> No.27177643


>> No.27177684

based server

>> No.27177732

How many shares, have to be held by non-shorters to screw these people?
as a percentage?

Why did these firms think NOK will fall?

>> No.27177789
File: 666 KB, 1029x788, original_280846128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully RH will remove their restrictions

>> No.27177808

This doesnt even say that its nokia

>> No.27178082
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Happy now?

>> No.27178297
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Oh god fucking yes.

>> No.27178442

47 here. We're going to take cell coverage to the moon.

>> No.27178619

Is it worth it to get around 1k NOK shares on Monday?

What are the pro and cons?

>> No.27178637

240 reporting in for a long investment. NOK will be higher then 3310 era

>> No.27178809

>Why did these firms think NOK will fall?
genuinely no idea
retards that think nokia = consumer phones and have no idea what they're actually investing in?
there's no way they're actually that fucking stupid though.

>> No.27178819


They wont let you buy NOK NYSE shares they are restricted all over

>> No.27178870


well one pro is that nok's price probably wont go below 4.50 so now is a safe time to buy

>> No.27178950


>> No.27179045

>retards that think nokia = consumer phones and have no idea what they're actually investing in?

They can't be that stupid surely?
Have their number crunchers picked up on any key dates or news or company fundamentals?

What is NOKs debts and liabilities?

>> No.27179137

Waht do you realistically meme aside, see it rise to and why?
I know about the 4th of feb

>> No.27179286

RH will not take anything off retard. RH is literally the main way they were able to hold the price down.

>> No.27179333

also I have to reiterate to everyone on this board;
$NOK is ---NOT--- a pump and dump like everyone seems to be doing with $GME and to a lesser extent $AMC (though I expect a boost with $AMC now that there's been a tangible effect on their debt from all of this shit and theaters are reopening soon)
$NOK is a long term investment. I know zoomers have fried reward circuits and want results immediately but Nokia has been doing some critical work in providing cell network tech, taking up the vacancy left by Huawei being banned basically everywhere.

>> No.27179350

why shouldn't go the price under 4.5?

I tought only for burgers on "robinhood"?

What will happen then?

>> No.27179412

Bought 5 shares yesterday, or put in an order for it, I guess I'll see Monday morning. RH wouldn't let me buy more.

>> No.27179422

of course this faggotry happens the day after my NOK calls expire

>> No.27179432

>NOK is going no where but down or crab
What a pessimistic bitch.

>> No.27179504

Earnings reports favourable so causing a spoke of interest
Many of us investing on teh back of WSB showing good company foundations but because of institutional short positions being due soon

NOK has been highest at 50 odd around 2000 and 2007

>> No.27179591

this. get the FUCK off robinhood

>> No.27179665

feels good to be early

>> No.27179689

45.50B active assets
27.66B passive
21.04B total valuation
7.86B debt

>> No.27179765

Just before the market opened on Thursday NOK was above $5.20 and climbing , 20 minutes before the market opened RH shut down all trade of NOK

NOK tanked and never recovered then they opened Friday with limited share buying

Those fuckers at RH got paid buy the hedge funds back in September for all the users DATA

FUCK RH they are crooks

>> No.27179824

This. NOK is undervalued and a good investment as a company. I hope they bring dividends back.

>> No.27179841


>> No.27179885

Just buy the shares outright

Debts a little high but if managed, ok

>> No.27179893

NOK's share circulation is ridiculous, its not going anywhere you fucking morons.

>> No.27179960

What NOK strategy do you see paying them high earnings over a longer period?
Have ther been recent contracts signed?
Heard they are due some big infrastructure contracts in Europe for 5g etc

>> No.27180032

>Debts a little high but if managed, ok
Really? Compared to its size or to what?


New report coming on Feb 4.

>> No.27180045


>> No.27180149


>> No.27180159

As Vs valuation
Vs Assets is ok but those assets may be inflated

Earnings is interesting and bodes well, but all stock and assets are currently over-valued in general across the board.

>> No.27180181

They received a $14 million contract from NASA to build systems on the moon.

>> No.27180275
File: 34 KB, 427x300, heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first x100.

>> No.27180282

Reckon the shorters got sum info on lesss that good report due on 4th?
Long Term, Nok, seems fine with it's infrastructure plans

>> No.27180292

what website is that?

>> No.27180770
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>> No.27181212

They are leading the race towards 6g. If they really manage to become the first 6g company all of us will finally make it.

>> No.27181315

At 6G implantation, would their stock ever go beyond their 50 peaks in 2007 and 2000?

>> No.27181439

I don't fucking know, but it sure as hell will go past the current 4.5$

>> No.27181699

It's real:

>> No.27182442

>Robinhood won't let me buy more than 5
>Fidelity won't let you transfer money FROM an account, you have to go to the bank, link the account, and wait for that to happen.
Holy god.
Why does Robinhood have to be such a piece of shit for trading and why does Fidelity look like it was made in the fucking 2ks.

>> No.27183040

You get used to it, once you realize that Fidelity's shit 2000s UI actually gives you more information/control and is laid out more logically than Robinhood's

>> No.27183277

The info seems better but getting an account up and going with cash is a pain in the ass.
Hopefully the stock doesn't move too quickly in the short term as I'm hoping to grab some more stock in it for long holding.
So far I'm only sitting on 5 shares.

>> No.27183933

nok has been on a downtrend for 6 years. The last pump to 9 was just a sympathy play from gme hype. Lots of other stocks went up because of it too.