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27170827 No.27170827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*taxes and regulates your gains for your own good*

>> No.27170936

i preferred when trump was in charge only because i didn't have to deal with as many seething poltards.
I'll give you a hint, when you stop being broke, politics doesn't matter any more. It's a cope sport for poor people.

>> No.27170996

Like Trump was any better...

>> No.27171290

He was

>> No.27171403

Shut up bitch and start bouncing that brown ass on my white cock

>> No.27171417

Slightly, but not too much. He was more left than Obama.

>> No.27171438

She’s Jewish

>> No.27171518

>takes your money because we should share money with the poor

>> No.27171559

I'd let her tax and regulate my gains.... If ya catch my drift

>> No.27171587

I wouldn't mind a progressive capital gains tax (same as income, basically) but a flat tax across the board is just creating more barriers for middle-class families to become upper-class.

>> No.27171604

*steals your money you made*

>> No.27171634

>politics doesn't matter anymore
It matters more in some cases. Like if Biden's administration repeals the step up in basis for estate taxes, won't make a difference to poorfags with nothing to pass on, but is a big deal for richers. Same with a lot of taxes.

>> No.27171700


>> No.27171727

I really really want to have sex with her. Commies turn me on so much.

>> No.27171804

He was; he was such a fucking retard that he blabbed out all the evil shit the government was trying to do quietly and he was too incompetent to start any new wars.

He also normalized right wing thought that wasn’t Republican.

>> No.27171929

lol you all are fucking incel fags and not better than any of the hedgies, I hope you all loose your money betting on some shitcoin

>> No.27171989

*4/5 were the "insurrectionists," 2 from health problems (heart attack), 1 shot, 1 got trampled like at a sports event

>> No.27171999

hehe got to tax you bro its the only way to solve the problems that these 80-year-olds made its part of the social contract you didn't sign nor ask for :^)

>> No.27172003

>I wouldn't mind a progressive capital gains tax
Because you're fucking stupid, we already have enough taxes and government spending. The government just wastes the money and makes us all poorer.
Just abolish the income tax and cut government spending so that money ends up producing more goods and services.

>> No.27172053

If you were rich you'd have nothing to worry about.
Not like Jews that grow up in gated communities in the richest places in the world are big on taxing eachother.

>> No.27172096
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>> No.27172126

how pathetic
how is this an argument at all?
We're calling a horrible authoritarian person what they are and you call us incel because she's a woman?
Simp harder.

>> No.27172155

>I wouldn't mind a progressive capital gains tax
Fuck you

>> No.27172285

Taxing the rich does not help the poor.
Increasing economic output helps the poor.
Economic illiterate bootlickers should not be allowed to vote.

Also people like Bernie and AOC think "rich" is anyone who makes over 70k a year

>> No.27172293
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fpbp, unimaginably based.

>> No.27172332
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If it's theft, you wouldn't be paying it in taxes. I don't consent that you have a back yard, that doesn't mean you stole it from me, that's not how property rights work in any sensible system.

She doesn't regulate me for my own good, she regulates other people for my good. And well she wants to regulate me so that we continue to have things like coral reefs.

And yeah I'd rather pay through taxes for health insurance have a guarantee of healthcare than pay a single penny to Cigna or whatever the fuck with their execs. The regular employees like call center workers are cool but their labor is more valuable elsewhere than a parasitic middleman industry.

>> No.27172457


>> No.27172471

lol, they stole her shoes.
Who knows what is happening to those shoes right now?
I personally do not find her attractive, but I know that there are a LOT of lame weird dudes in this country who exoticize and fetishize intelligent outspoken women.

Everytime I look at AOC, I can't stop thinking about what they might be doing to her shoes rn.

>> No.27172480

Americans pay less tax now than they have for most of the past two centuries. They are historically low, and you don't have to look far to see crumbling infrastructure, increasing wealth disparity, and economic unrest. If you actually care about American economic prosperity and aren't just looking to hide in a cabin in the woods 100 miles from the nearest person, you'd want a stronger tax system.

>> No.27172479
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>seethes online for attention

>> No.27172483
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>And yeah I'd rather pay through taxes for health insurance have a guarantee of healthcare
You ALREADY do this?
Why don't we just get government out of the picture so healthcare prices become cheap again like they used to be before the government got heavily involved?

>> No.27172493

All you fags are sucking the cock of cooperman and the likes. That's pretty pathetic honestly

>> No.27172511
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why are amerimutts trying so hard to turn every country including themself into a 3rd world shithole?

>> No.27172540

While "secretly" trying to install himself as dictator

>> No.27172588

>Taxing the rich does not help the poor.
We need tax revenue, we have an enormous budget deficit and lots of things our country needs, like fixing public infrastructure. So many Americans have suffered economically, the folks who have been massively successful should contribute more. It'd be nice to have high speed rail and in general a country where public spaces in cities that don't look like shit.

>Increasing economic output helps the poor.
We're a knowledge economy. Knowledge economies run on creativity and innovation. Our people are freer to contribute their best when they can take creative risks. They can take creative risks when they have things like a guarantee of basic healthcare, education, and infrastructure

>Also people like Bernie and AOC think "rich" is anyone who makes over 70k a year
I don't care if I have to pay taxes, if I pay taxes and get the same or stronger guarantee of healthcare than paying a private insurer, then yeah I'd rather pay the tax.

>> No.27172627

jk you're right anon

>> No.27172673

Yes because the economy in florida and Texas is really mooning, retard

>> No.27172701

He did nothing of the sort. If he wanted to do that, COVID and the riots last year would've been a great opportunity.

>> No.27172711

>Americans pay less tax now than they have for most of the past two centuries.

In the 50s-60s the average person paid very little tax. In the 1800s there were no income taxes and we had free banking.
Eat shit.

>hey are historically low, and you don't have to look far to see crumbling infrastructure, increasing wealth disparity, and economic unrest.
You people are the most brainwashed idiots on the planet and believe whatever the media force feeds you.

>If you actually care about American economic prosperity and aren't just looking to hide in a cabin in the woods 100 miles from the nearest person, you'd want a stronger tax system.
No you faggot, we need more economic production, not printing, taxing and spending money, WASTING RESOURCES that could have gone to production(which is what actually makes our lives better)

>> No.27172819

He and you are dead wrong.
Taxes at historic lows? Are you retards fucking serious? Kill yourself, they were lower in the 50s and 60s. The high tax 50s is a myth.
The economy is booming in Texas you fucking retard. Also this is still in the USA, which has high taxes overall.
Even Sweden doesn't tax businesses as much as we do.

>> No.27172890

Who? What?
You're a fucking idiot.
Lick more boots you socialist tool.

>> No.27172941


>> No.27172995
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>there are actually people on this board who think AOC isn't a complete retard with retarded economic policies
Scary, honestly...

>> No.27173005

Me on the right except with “DA JOOZ AND BLAGGS” instead of “CAPIDULISM”.

>implying Cooperman didn’t fund this bitch’s campaign

>> No.27173014

The infrastructure isn't crumbling because the money isn't being collected, the infrastructure is crumbling because the money is being blown on welfare grifts and bailout grifts.

>> No.27173020

Everybody is fleeing from CA to Texas

>> No.27173069

You need to start hiring private security.
I'm out of that rat race hell and have finally defeated the odds and also escaped from the abusive narcissists expecting great things to come out of a pet rock. I save money and will continue to work hard, everyday.

But the capitol riots...from BOTH leftists and righties...y'know? Pelosi said they threatened her with guns. Not agreeing with war (far from it, I am an anti-war pacifist who wants to flee as soon as possible before the real nasty shit goes down), but maybe just take five steps back and see the ultimately mutually assured destruction that unbridled corruption and greed -always- results in. Always. Every goddamned time.

Congratulations on turning a once glorious nation into just another 3rd world hellhole. Ross Perot was right about the sucking noise, but even he never foresaw -this- as the true ending.
Marie Antoinettes get what they create.

>> No.27173146

Profits are OK and folks like AOC and Bernie aren't actually socialists. Well, they wanna socialize health insurance, which really isn't saying a lot relative to other modern countries. I get having market competition when it comes to making cars or pharmaceuticals, even Bernie admitted that was important. But what is the benefit of having a litany of small, private insurers each with their own administrative overhead and seeking to maximize their own profit? Just let the Medicare administration handle most of that, and give people a universal guarantee in the process. A single national insurance pool has way more price negotiating power, it can prioritize public health when negotiating prices and give people a universal guarantee of coverage in the process.

70 years ago someone's supervisor might make 3X more than them and the executive might make 10X or in extreme cases 100X more. And that's how the system is supposed to work, there's supposed to be some inequality. But I don't think anyone needs to be compensated 1000X or 1000000X their employees, just to have some incentive to do their job. We have too much other shit we need to address as a country to afford that.

>> No.27173170

>The infrastructure isn't crumbling because the money isn't being collected, the infrastructure is crumbling because the money is being blown on welfare grifts and bailout grifts.
This. America has the most debt than every country combined. We just keep spending money.

>> No.27173208

I would fuck the shit out of her with the force of a thousand suns while in paris on top of the money I just made from gme

>> No.27173312
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>> No.27173375

Yes, unironically.

>> No.27173470

>folks like AOC and Bernie aren't actually socialists.
They're not, they're socdem idiots that support policies that already tried and failed in Scandinavia that Scandinavia already moved on from.

>Well, they wanna socialize health insurance, which really isn't saying a lot relative to other modern countries.
So other countries made that foolish mistake and we should make it here?
Why don't we just remove government from healthcare completely so the price falls to the floor? See >>27172483

>Just let the Medicare administration handle most of that,
They're already responsible for jacking up the price of healthcare in the first place lmao

70 years ago someone's supervisor might make 3X more than them and the executive might make 10X or in extreme cases 100X more.
This is due to central banking, the SAME SYSTEM people like Bernie and AOC militantly support, see: >>27172995

Also money is not resources, if you taxed the rich, the money spent doesn't create anything new. The workers are just as poor as before, you're just robbing the workers.

>> No.27173687

>poltard instead of /pol/tard

You came here with the rest of the redditors in the past week. Fuck off.

FPWP and you're clearly a tourist, fuck off

>> No.27173703
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>> No.27173788

Imagine being this much of a cuck retard.

>> No.27173859

What the fuck

>> No.27173916

*buys monero and bails to the greener pastures"

>> No.27173949

>then lets adopt those polices
Why they're constantly failed and Scandinavia has moved away from them.
MANY COUNTRIES STILL HAVE THESE POLICIES and they are shitholes like Greece and Spain.

It would be better if we were a free market like Switzerland or Singapore.

>> No.27173982

Should I just move to Switzerland?

>> No.27173986

yes it must be so annoying to hear people complain about their money being stolen in fact its more annoying than losing 20% everytime you win

>> No.27174013

only works in white countries

>> No.27174036

Wait for the next 4 years
Worst time to be just getting into the stonk market

>> No.27174068

It doesn't even work in white countries.

>> No.27174071

switzerland literally has a wealth tax you dingus
singapore most people own their homes in 100 year leases that are government owned property
you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.27174097

In regards to stocks he literally is, AOC isnt a friend to stocks lmao

>> No.27174145

>We need tax revenue
no we don't the government doesn't do shit lol. Anything over a 100 billion dollars for the military is too much and the states already take care of everything else

>> No.27174171

actually the best time to get into stocks is when they stay low

>> No.27174179
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>implying biden isn't going to BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR more than Trump did.

>> No.27174213

>Scandinavia has moved away from them
LMAO you have no clue what you're talking about anon.

>> No.27174380
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Someone please post her deepfakes

>> No.27174390

>switzerland literally has a wealth tax you dingus
No they don't. They have the lowest taxes in Europe, are well known for their banking sector, extremely low government spending, private healthcare, very non-interventionist central banks.
Sorry mate, you're just wrong here.
The freer the market, the freer and more prosperous the people.
Lichtenstein, Singapore and Hong Kong are also examples of free market success stories.

>singapore most people own their homes in 100 year leases that are government owned property
So? Owning home is not how you generate wealth. They could have been richer if the country didn't do these things. Also this is like one of the ONLY interventions in the singapore economy, everything else is really free market.

>> No.27174456

ugly fucking donkey

>> No.27174481

Please read a book you bootlicking moron.
Sweden had extremely high tax rates and drastically cut them in the 80s/90s. They also privatized a bunch of shit and deregulated their economy.

>> No.27174521

this twat is going to hit the stocks market in a way we didnt want

>> No.27174546

Is it too much to ask that my money goes to shit like infustructure and education instead of bailing out failing business that those "elected to represent" have special interests in... If you force me to pay you that money better go somewhere that helps people not fucking in your pocket.

>> No.27174565
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>> No.27174587

in our system if you start your negotiation by asking for a chunky wealth tax on the rich then maybe you'll end up with a small income tax increase on 1M+ earners.

if you start negotiating by asking for a modest tax increase on the rich you'll somehow end up with a tax cut for amazon and tax increase for working class

>> No.27174821


>> No.27174828

people who make up these purity tests should be rounded up and shot in the back of the head. It reeks of underaged insecure newfaggotry

>> No.27174832

Yeah but the low hasn't even started yet

>> No.27174837

They're welfare state is still enormous and guess what it works. Just like it works in germany, norway, austria, you name it. Stop being such a dumb fag

>> No.27174877


>> No.27174968

>Americans pay less tax now than they have for most of the past two centuries
complete opposite

>> No.27175106
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yikes, just abolish the income tax and government spending so society can produce goods and services for each other again.

>They're welfare state is still enormous and guess what it works.
It doesn't fucking work, they literally cut a massive amount of it in the 90s because it was stagnating their economy. It's still stagnating their economy. The only reason it hasn't completely collapsed is the fact that almost nobody USES this welfare system. People work for a living.
All these immigrants coming into the country are what will bankrupt their welfare system.

>Just like it works in germany, norway, austria, you name it.
It doesn't work in those countries and it especially doesn't work in greece and spain.
Switzerland has no welfare state and workers there have the highest living standards, you cuck.

> Stop being such a dumb fag
Lick more boots and stop defending poverty creation.

>> No.27175157

You're gonna lose it all on GME, thank god. I will short the fuck out of your shitty hijacking political retardation. I will make money off of you. I probably won't regret it.

>> No.27175205

Leftists are so brainwashed it's unreal, they will believe anything the media tell them.

>> No.27175247

Fucking who?

>> No.27175410

>The main current user of wealth taxes, and therefore in some respects the most propitious laboratory for studying their effects, is Switzerland. Swiss wealth taxes account for 3.6% of tax revenue, by far the highest level in the OECD.

>> No.27175440

Its a frigging Epin Heckin class war woooo! Trannies, niggers, jews poor fags of all backgrounds, we have nothing to lose in joining arms and singing kumbaya

>> No.27175488

OMG, it's almost like the government is never on your side and the market should be as free as possible. OMG, wow.

>> No.27175500

and looks good doing it

>> No.27175609

Yo, if they can't understand that creating things with maximum reward = incentive/better society; they're beyond help.

>> No.27175762

Wow, 3.6% lmao
It's completely irrelevant because other taxes on the wealthy are much much lower than the rest of the world. Overall tax rates are low, their economy is much less regulated than elsewhere, the government spends a LOT less than elsewhere else. They even have private healthcare.
This wealth tax was only recently implemented.

>> No.27176031

Thank you mommy good lips

>> No.27176041

>The healthcare in Switzerland is universal[3] and is regulated by the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance. There are no free state-provided health services, but private health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland (within three months of taking up residence or being born in the country).[4][5][6]
very cool privatized, but regulated federally.

>> No.27176571

You don't need to live in a rap video, you faggot. The bottom eating the top using the same framework that the top used to eat the bottom is fine. It just means a couple thousand more millionaires who might start new businesses and invest in shit that isn't curated by moneyed interests. We might even get back into space because of this.

Robber barons did way more damage to human thought and advancement before regulations were in. There need to be enough so that pieces of shit can't use their power level by doing dumb shit like stopping all retail Buy transactions on brokerages.

>> No.27176641

>>The healthcare in Switzerland is universal
Are you the same faggot I debated on this point before?
Universal does not mean socialized. Free market healthcare in USA in the 1950s could have been called "universal" since nobody went without care.
Healthcare in Switzerland is complete privatized, but people are forced to buy insurance. They only have to buy insurance for the bare minimum of care. The state does not force you to pay for the majority of healthcare services.

>very cool privatized, but regulated federally.
Yes, they have fewer regulations on healthcare than USA. See: >>27172483

Any more leftist cope you want to throw at me? You're scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.

>> No.27176815

the US tax system is the biggest load of jewish tricks i've ever seen in my life. Get this (for you non burgers), let's say you completely avoid the system by avoiding to use currency and decide to trade goods with people.. guess what? You get taxed on bartering. Even if you go your entire life without using money and manage to trade for everything, youll get taxed on money you don't have or make.

I really hope a civil war breaks out (unironically) and destablizes everything.

>> No.27176845

>We might even get back into space because of this.
Going into space in the first place was a massive waste of resources that could have been spent on producing more food and healthcare.
99% of government spending needs to be cut so those resources can go back into the actual productive economy.

>Robber barons did way more damage to human thought and advancement before regulations were in.
Read a book. The "robber barons" were literally responsible for creating the middle class. There were massive increases in living standards in that era and the government did not regulate this whatsoever, it just happened.
Also unions weren't responsible either, they were only 5% of the workforce.