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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27170246 No.27170246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This place could have been like or even outmatch r/wallstreetbets. We could have been the retards making waves and shitting on billionaires. But no. Instead all you people do is spam pepe pictures and random shit crypto coins no one cares about. Over and over the same shit for what, 3-4 years now? Imagine what we could do with the autism power potential in 4chan.

What a waste...

>> No.27170451

WSB will be shut down now and this place will still be here.
Go back and die with them

>> No.27170649

fuck kikes, fuck niggers, and over all, fuck jannies

>> No.27170710

This place is even more retarded than wsb. WTF am i wasting my time here, anyway ?

>> No.27170721


>> No.27170758

Good. Fuck off back to R*ddit.

>> No.27170783
File: 104 KB, 978x854, 1608238898395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you people do is spam pepe pictures

>> No.27170794


No u

>> No.27170861

We made much more money than the retards buying 5 shares of GME and 20 shares of AMC we just don't plaster it all over Twitter and try to turn us wanting money into some sort of moral crusade with badly shopped memes of Harry Potter and Marvel characters. Because we're not retarded manchildren.

>> No.27170885

AHAHAHA look at this niggas coping, we at reddit arent fucking pieces of shit like u

>> No.27170913

>We made much more money than the retards buying 5 shares of GME and 20 shares of AMC

>> No.27170958

I wish we could work together to pump things. We could actually all become rich if we got on the same page.

>> No.27171001

The reason we can't pull a WSB is because we would have to come together in support of one coin which is impossible. Reddit is filled with highly agreeable basedboys who can easily rally together for one cause. /biz/ has too many aggressive contrarians for us to pull off the same thing.

>> No.27171029

Wait, people are here looking to make money?
I thought everyone was here to laugh at the pink wojaks.

>> No.27171107

cope, gme from 2 to 500 is a measly 250x i've caught countless 250x coins from this board all on spot

>> No.27171112

I don't give a fuck now GO AWAY FOREVER YOU


>> No.27171206

For every retard on WSB that made more than a few grand off this meme there's two early Link holders who made triple. 90% of the people shilling this garbage and shitting up OUR board bought this shit at $200+. So don't act like you're superior.

>> No.27171255

Go back to r*ddit used to be an insult. Now it is advice. Because holy fucking shit 4chan has turned to shit since 2016

>> No.27171336


>> No.27171344

Jokes on you, I bought at $400+

>> No.27171381

bruh, 10x returns in a week is incomparable to 10x returns in 2 years. clown board

>> No.27171390

This board used to be decent until all the /v/, /a/, /pol/, and /b/ tourists flooded in. What is an active subchan where we can migrate to?

>> No.27171448

Lithium stocks are about to EXPLODE anon. Do not get left behind.

>> No.27171514

Why? It will only turn to another pseudo-/pol/ board like /int/

>> No.27171650

We're playing the long game. Everyone, and I mean everyone including WSB is going to kneel at the feet of DeFi.

>> No.27171739

The people making the real money have been holding GME for over a year. The odds of someone catching this the day before the pump are about as good as the people buying Donut a few days ago before it did a 1000x.

You can tell the OP is a retarded WSB tourist by his shitty GOT image. Fuck off retards I just wanted a place to be racist and talk about chuckie cheese tokens with fellow sociopaths.

>> No.27171825

This is exactly how I felt when all of this started. In a way it's really depressing seeing the quality of this website declining. Moot leaving really was the final coffin. All we can do is move on, man. These people have no idea how powerful 4chan really was. Times change, and we can't be left behind.

>> No.27171877

the cryptofags used to be a useful camouflage to keep newfags out of /smg/.

>> No.27171964
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pee pee
and also poo poo

>> No.27171970

Um sir this is 4channel

>> No.27172025
File: 85 KB, 750x536, 1611525277748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is easily one of the worst fucking boards on this site. it makes /pol/ look a ancient greek school of philosophy.

>> No.27172122

>browse biz for 4 years
>never read /smg/
The eternal meefag

>> No.27172389

There are /biz/raelis who bought LINK at 5c and made better gains. Just because you need to be spoonfed doesn't mean that other people here haven't hit it big.

>> No.27172534

non repeating digits of truth

>> No.27172594

I really love jewish people. They are naturally smarter and more predisposed to success.
I respect transexual people and am an ally to them as they struggle through a society that treats them with hate and scorn simply for expressing their true identities
I admire black people for fighting so hard in a society with systemic hatred for them. Their successes in this world are amazing and realize my own success is paltry in comparison
And finally, i love the janitors. Their unsung, unpaid labour keeps my board clean and happy. Without them it would be an unusable shithole
Thank you, jews, transexuals, Blacks, and janitors! Heroes, one and all!

>> No.27172648


>> No.27172675


tbf you're correct, it's just full of 15 year olds and pakis.

>> No.27172737

>mass replying
Found the real kike

>> No.27172777
File: 608 KB, 150x113, ahahahah-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not here to make big political waves.
I'm here to spam memes and earn an honest income from pumping penny stocks and be xomfy.

>> No.27172799

>we would have to come together
>in support of one coin

>> No.27172865
File: 109 KB, 805x586, DE6E9439-CE29-47C5-B524-E7338F3FD80D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag


Kalesee was a dumb bitch

>> No.27172963

The nature of 4chan makes giant waves of anon impossible. On WSB if they make a big post a bunch of normies not subscribed on reddit see it and join. No matter how big a biz thread gets, no other board will get notified.