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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27148339 No.27148339 [Reply] [Original]

NO MORE PAJEETS!! /biz/ is saved

>> No.27148402

How does I buy street shitcoin?

>> No.27148460

this law will not pass in kleros court

>> No.27148471

You have brain damage if you think this is a good thing for crypto's future.

>> No.27148504

I think most shill groups are eastern european.

>> No.27148506

Nothing can save /biz/. Go to Reddit if you want useful information

>> No.27148577

you got to the streetshitter bank in india and tell them you want to invest in $POO

>> No.27148579


>> No.27148596

Good riddance

>> No.27148625
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Cue shidding and farting noises from the BTC general

>100k by end of year
>35k? This is the dip!

>> No.27148632

Pajeet is a funny bogeyman but most shills are eastern Europeans (including ex-soviets, excluding Russia)

>> No.27148641


>> No.27148709

Never gonna happen

>> No.27148714

how do I buy e-rupee pls sirs?

>> No.27148763

>tfw pajeet government won't stop shitcoin shilling to their own people

>> No.27148780

This will happen in every first world country

>> No.27148797

How do you ban Bitcoin? Isn’t this the point? That government can’t fuck with it?

>> No.27148821

Cryptocurrencies will be banned in a full-Jewish world where goys are supposed to be slaves. And you know what? Slaves are not supposed to have property as shown in the Jewish communism.

>> No.27148844

Satoshi will be summoned by the suprmeme court

>> No.27148930
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>Load the Pajeet FUD

>> No.27148954
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Solution: buy Jewish shitcoins

>> No.27148965

Declaring it illegal and preventing businesses from accepting it as currency would be enough to destroy it, even if the state cannot ban it.
That was always the main reason keeping me from bitcoins. I don't expect the state to give up being able to steal from people with the money printing press.

>> No.27149005

You can't really turn off the network but you can make it so hard to convert your fiat money into bitcoin that the average normie will never bother with it.

>> No.27149011

>You have brain damage if you think this is a good thing for crypto's future.
t. Rakesh

>> No.27149170
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Good. Now ban these guys next

>> No.27149189

Over a billion people getting cut off from cryptocurrency is incredibly bad for what's supposed to be a global borderless currency.

>> No.27149243

10 years in jail prison sentence if you are found to have it. That's enough of a deterrent for most people.

>> No.27149284

you know what else is banned in india? shitting in the street.

>> No.27149303

Oh thank god, finally some good news

>> No.27149312

might not be a good thing for crypto but it is undeniably a good thing for /biz/
there's so much less shitcoin shilling already

>> No.27149377

easily worth it to take care of the pajeet problem

>> No.27149419

This will happen in the west before long.

>> No.27149521


>> No.27149531

if only they could keep their streets clean enough to shit on

>> No.27149661

And how do you think the Indian government is going to cut them off from crypto? A magic wand?

>> No.27149688

aren't cryptos designed specifically to ensure that governments have no control over them, making the ban pointless? you don't pay with them at the grocery store anyway.

>> No.27149718

revoking curry privileges for everyone with a crypto wallet. crypto in india will be dead in 12 hours.

>> No.27149808

Absolutely devious. Cryptoshitters.

>> No.27149840

Fiat on / off ramps. Jail for people found using it.

>> No.27149873

I mean what exactly stops the U.S from doing this? Does anyone believe they're just going to sit by and watch a third party overtake their 250 year old currency?

>> No.27149876

Felony to hold it. Block all traffic from it in the clear. China's great firewall was a beta test for the rest of the world. You will get in the pod, you will eat the bugs, you will have a social credit score, you will only used state approved currency.

>> No.27149968

You won't even be able to buy them. There is no more crypto when the government bans it.

>> No.27149975


>India banning crypto!!

Did we take a time machine back to 2018 here?

>> No.27149976

>Ban Vitalik
>Ban Sergey
>Ban Sminem
>Ban Bogdanoffs

Are you retarded?

>> No.27150001

This is bad for the future of BTC.

No banning, non censorship, none of that shit.

>Pajeets can still die tho.

>> No.27150142

it's not like the government has perfect control over that. as soon as it's in circulation, good luck getting rid of it again. and if it comes down to me having to trade in some smokes for shitcoins, they can't prevent it anymore at that point.
there's lots of stuff that is banned and yet still easily available.

>> No.27150167

its all fake news fud..... the hedgefunds you screwed in the stock market saw you all came from crypto markets so they are coming for your markets now to kill your things because you killed theirs.... you have started this fight and brought it to crypto. the big billionaires are here now, not to invest, but to beat crypto into the ground. you should have stayed away from the stock market biz....

>> No.27150200

>You will get in the pod, you will eat the bugs, you will have a social credit score, you will only used state approved currency.
I think people are forgetting that even being worth trillions doesn't make you bulletproof.

>> No.27150216

They can ban it but they can't stop it. It's like banning weed and hoping it would end well. Banning things simply doesn't work.

>> No.27150233

OK so they can still trade and use it, that's the point LOL

>> No.27150246

This board has ruined me, I have dreams about fucking numbers and graphs. And last night I met an Indian dude who told me he would tell me all his secrets for trading crypto.

>> No.27150265

Before some fag says
>muh tor
>muh encryption
They will just throw you in jail for that to. Soon there is going to be a white list in every country. Everyone will be behind their country or regional firewall. All traffic sniffed, saved forever, and monitored by AI. Did you really think your traffic was encrypted? Did you think it mattered when they control all the networks, when they control tor, when cloudflare holds all the keys to the kingdoms?

Anyone holding bitcoin is probably already on the list of bad goyim. They're building camps soon and if you don't take the shot you won't be able to buy food. Vaccine is the first roll out of the mark of the beast. Not even a christfag I'm just smart enough to know the elite like LARPing as satan worshipers. They don't hide it. Look up the scarlet whore then take a look at what Harris was wearing on the 20th. Read about the owl they bow down to at their orgy every year. Read the patent where they describe a system of tying the blockchain to the activities of everyone's body movements and brainwaves.

Over the next decade they will move from USD to a digital currency tied to your social networking profile and various data points scraped directly from your body and mind. Don't think any bad thoughts if you want to eat the bugs tomorrow.

>> No.27150301


>> No.27150357

t. Venkatesh

>> No.27150615

Realistically I think it's not possible to get at one of these people. They have not come out in public for over a year now. Every elite has been using zoom from a bunker somewhere for the last year when they do interviews. Zuckerberg and that fag that own twitter were obviously in bunkers when they spoke to congress. Biden, Obama, Bush, and Trump have been using greenscreens since this time last year. Trump did some rallies but since they all have body doubles and stand behind bullet proof glass it doesn't really matter. Common people aren't going to be able to do anything about them.
>Capitol "riots"
They never got close and were let in. There are tunnels all around DC. Any congress critter that stuck around was just there for the photo op.

They've been trying to spark mass rioting for over a year. Nothing has worked because the sheep are very docile. They've done nothing but attempt to piss every person on the planet off for 12 months. They won't stop until it happens. When it happens they'll all be underground comfy with their families. That's their big brained plan to cut down the population. They're just going to let the sheep kill each other. They'll probably sit down in the bunkers and watch. It'll be the best show on television.

>> No.27150631
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>> No.27150634

didn't read not selling

>> No.27150909

This will be true for all crypto eventually. Do you really think Governments and central banks worldwide will put up with increased power and wealth which they do not control?

>> No.27150940

China banned crypto too and yet the CCP owns like 80% of BTC. It wont' change much.

>> No.27151042

>yet the CCP owns like 80% of BTC.
Can the common bug hold it? I don't think so. They can't even leave their neighborhood if their social credit score is low.

>> No.27151122
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>> No.27151138

The cattle fight themselves.

>> No.27151194

Great, we traded indian streetshitters for reddit faggots, unironically buying high and selling low.

>> No.27151247

I think you're forgetting that nobody will do shit.

>> No.27151899

The ccp (and not their citizens) owns it so they can make money off of you, which is exactly why america would ban it.

>> No.27152068

>implying anyone will buy poocoins instead of bitcoins

>> No.27152708

Based Indian government doing what the jannies refused to do.

>> No.27152829

just ban exchanges in your country so people can't buy it nor sell it

>> No.27153895

lol who cares. Fuck crypto

>> No.27154682


>> No.27156580


>> No.27156654

>link is ded for good
finally good news

>> No.27156836

poor pajeets can't catch a break... there is like zero social or economic mobility in their society

>> No.27156866


>> No.27157132
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>> No.27157203


>> No.27157325

A week ago these cunts were saying they're going to legalize it with 18% flat tax on cashing out. Well /biz/, thats one less pajeet for you to deal with. It was good while it lasted.

>> No.27158476

Aren't people going to protest? Few dollars worth of Bitcoin is all pajeets have.

>> No.27158808

nothing is going to happen. all the politicians are holding untraceable cryptos.
this is just FUD to rattle paper hands.

t. jeet

>> No.27158919
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Oh nononononono

>> No.27159071

Please be true.

>> No.27159487

They are like souless husks. Smart but conniving, they will lie to your face if think it will benefit them.

>> No.27159680

Lol the government will do what, ban exchanges from their network? Block apps in their reigon? All ranjeet will have to do is save up for a VPN and nobody can stop him.

>> No.27159751


>> No.27159884

They blacklist foreign exchanges and if they see any transactions from your bank account to the blacklisted services they lock you out of your account and all the accounts attached to your national identity. It has happened before.

>> No.27159991

t. Pajeet

>> No.27160155

And f2f is not feasible because my fellow pajeets will cut your wrist off just to get your $20 watch.

>> No.27160323

Good for /biz/ Hope those who brake the Indian law there will be hanged.

>> No.27160327

However will we survive without the hundreds of rupees that Indians contribute

>> No.27160366

Do this retarded lawmakers don't understand what crypto is?

>> No.27160471
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>> No.27160501
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Yes sirs

>> No.27160574

>Finally a real shitcoin

>> No.27160670
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I lost

>> No.27160845
