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2714094 No.2714094 [Reply] [Original]

Do girls in real life strip too when I throw coins at them?

>> No.2714346

I hear bills might do that trick for ya

>> No.2714674

Make it hail on a bitch

>> No.2714688
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quarters or dollars pls

>> No.2714715


> throw coins

You're doing it wrong anon.

Do like me and print multiple paper wallets containing 0.0004 BTC.
Fold them up into paper airplanes.
Aim for the butty-hole.

Bitches love paper wallet airplanes.

>> No.2715099

When I was in canada I put a 2 dollar coin in my mouth and laid on the stage.

I was then kicked off stage. After my first warning, I sat on next to stage and laid them out side by side, all $6 worth.

They then kicked me out. I tipped the bouncer a $.25 USD for being nice.

>> No.2715216

in the future strippers will have their QR codes tattooed on them so you just scan the code on their ass and tip their bitcoin wallet directly.

>> No.2715302

if you can knock her out with a sock of coins sure you can strip her