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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27143400 No.27143400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come the Jews on average have so much wealth in this world? Can a simple goy like me learn some of their tips and tricks?

Help me /biz/

>> No.27143478
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because their gollums run the world

>> No.27143558

because they own the printing machine

>> No.27143573

Apart from being smart with money anyway they coordinate with each other to win and make other people lose.
So I guess, get some friends.

>> No.27143587

Because the parents shit-talk and shame their kids into picking a profitable career instead of following their dreams.

>> No.27143689

Because they were able to participate in usury because their religion conveniently doesn’t forbid it while (((Christianity))) does

>> No.27143709
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You seem antisemitic, OP. People who got rich from early times learned from Egyptian priest classes how to turn mercury and lead into gold through "philosopher stones" which were radioactive rocks. Sitting next to mercury or lead causes nuclear fission which converts to gold. This is why silver was eventually replaced and all over the world there started becoming "royal families" that had mountains of gold. Ruling the world through controlling the creation of currency is still happening today with fiat. Cryptocurrency decentralizes that so only nerds with computer mining farms introduce the currency removing this pyramid scheme.

>> No.27143747

Just have your ancestors work in the banking industry for generations anon

>> No.27143766

just pure coincidence.

>> No.27143788

>Can a simple goy like me learn some of their tips and tricks
It's called in-group preference, something whites have been brainwashed to not practice and in fact do the exact opposite.
Jews will help other jews, whites will do all they can to destroy other whites to the benefit of others.

>> No.27143854

When you're a Jew your extended family and local community are abhorrent so you have an incentive to be successful in order to not be dependent on them.
Regular Christian white people have nice families and likable neighbors which makes them content and lazy.

>> No.27143855

for the brainlets,

wealth is money passed down threw generations, you can say whatever you want about jews but they created wealth in the past and its still being passed down hence why they have so much money. your purpose here today is to create said wealth for your future generations. good luck

>> No.27143888

take your meds

>> No.27143906


>> No.27143969

>they created wealth
Yeah, out of thin air and then passed the debt for this service onto you
Now their generational wealth has turned into generational debt
You sound like a fucking boomer good goy

>> No.27143979
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>> No.27143996
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>> No.27144042
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It's all inherited, and they got their buddies and relatives set up to give their kids cushy jobs that rake in the (((usury)))
Only thing that can defeat kikes is a bullet to the head 1488 seig heil

>> No.27144081

this is more bullshit than not. The rich now are not rich because they ancestors got rich but because they themselves were able to generate value. Cope harder faggot
>inb4 jewish hands wrote this

>> No.27144097

this is absolutely true and my point still stands, they won in the past by working together to create a scam called money. you are all just mad jelly because your ancestors got outsmarted by a subsect of people who knew to work together and are still seething to this day.

>> No.27144193
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you want to take money from the jews?
>buy a discounted bag of $DONUT
>sell for a profit

>> No.27144198

Impossible to achieve it in one life time. You need ancestors or you should start your own community.

>> No.27144262

hard core version of nepotism though

>> No.27144263

Christians and Muslims didn't want to touch money so they let the Jews handle it

>> No.27144345


this is the only argument itt that makes sense

>> No.27144349

I guess they help alot of each other, it's not easy to become rich alone.

>> No.27144354

They get majik powers from sacrificing goyim toddlers at their rituals.

>> No.27144402
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>> No.27144639

The unironically created the finance World off of usury. They tried and tried and tried and tried while everyone called them out, killed them, banned them, kicked them out countries left right and center until lo and behold. They got their systems embedded.

>> No.27144752

You are not alowed to be part of the club goy.

>> No.27144795

invest with people you trust

>> No.27144849

>Can a simple goy like me learn some of their tips and tricks?
Yes but it requires reading a book. Unfortunately you're not prepared to do that.

>> No.27144865

Yes that's another apt word to describe it

>> No.27144864

>Buried deep under a hill in central China, surrounded by an underground moat of poisonous mercury, lies an entombed emperor who's been undisturbed for more than two millennia. The tomb holds the secrets of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who died on Sept. 10, 210 B.C., after conquering six warring states to create the first unified nation of China.


>Noooooo my family has a lot of gold saved up, you're a schizo, anon!!!! nooooo

>> No.27144906

hence why we philistines help eachother on here

>> No.27144919

What book?

>> No.27144976
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this is how to join them

>> No.27145008
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Because your ancestors were dumb and naive and let them take control of your money 1200 years ago.

>> No.27145027

Except countries that use Islamic finance. It would be a shame if someone destabilized the ME.

As other Anons said, Islamic finance does not have debt, or interest. It's just the Jewish finance system that we use that allows you to buy money using money, and make other people give you real shit for that fake money you made out of nothing

>> No.27145081

It's several books but I'm not going to waste my time typing for an illiterate to just skim the post.

What are the last five books you read to completion?

>> No.27145088
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nice try kike, it was illegal in every major religion except for judaism where it was only illegal against your fellow jew. literal fucking bloodsucking ratfaced leeches.

>> No.27145398
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>religious brainlet talks about bloodsucking demons and wants his opinion to be taken serious, and wonders why nobody likes him

>> No.27145441


>> No.27145462

usury, greed and anatocism

>> No.27145526

also nepotism

>> No.27145676
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>> No.27145742
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no, you.

>> No.27145804

sadly, this

>> No.27145988

Complete and utter coincidence. People just give them all their money for zero reasons. Now shut up and stop asking questions.

>> No.27146153

They own the banks, they print the money, they use extreme nepotism to get into positions of power and pass legislation that only benefits them and then act in the most greedy and amoral way possible. The stereotypes are wrong because they don't go far enough. Kikes are worse than you could possibly imagine.

>> No.27146200

dont buy silver goy its not for you

>> No.27146205
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it's an antisemitic canard

>> No.27146215

They bank since always

>> No.27146317

Have you ever received nuclear physics in a real setting?

>> No.27146602

>you seem like [thought teminating cliche]
>what really happened is all this bullshit I just made up

>> No.27146808

>oh btw goyim it says in this book that we're ywhws chosen people so we're justified in everything we do

>> No.27146959

Most generational wealth is squandered after 3 generations. Sure baron de rothschild might be old old money, but the truth is likely that they have a big club and promote eachothers interest to ensure there's always a nose at the top of various industries.

>> No.27147051

>Have you ever received nuclear physics in a real setting?
I'm not a Japanese man from the 1940s. I don't believe so.

>> No.27147296

Because their culture promotes excellence and high knowledge of the financial arts. Why? Because they have a sense of ethnic nationalism and see it as part of their duty in order to make jews the most powerful in the world. That is why jews take their mercantile skills to a level far above other ethnic groups that are good at business too.

>> No.27147336

It was handed down. They have been wealthy for almost a thousand years.

>> No.27147430
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>How come the Jews on average have so much wealth in this world?

It's called usury anon.
They have a deep held conviction amongst themselves that goy are cattle and to be used for (((their))) betterment in life.

>> No.27148311

Just make your enemies play by rules you blatantly ignore.
Then when you still start losing in the rigged game, flip the table and throw the game board away like they did in the last couple days.

>> No.27148416

cope kike

>> No.27149031

They prefer to hire only other jews, even if they have no experience. They keep the wealth within their own group.

>> No.27149917

All worthless jews posting
Unironically the correct answer i. e. Disney

>> No.27150132

I worked for jews, they have a secret network independent on state, public etc. and they can contact and help eachother through that.

>> No.27150253
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Because white insular families focused on education succeed in capitalism. Don't like jews and wasps circle jerking each other in banks? Regulate that shit like Adam Smith said to.

>> No.27150296



>> No.27150316

Nepotism. They pool their wealth together, hire each other, loan money to each other interest free while taking exorbitant amount of interest from goyim.

That's just the way it is.

>> No.27150394

This, plus they control everything

>> No.27150694
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Jews don't deny their white and class privilege as much as other whitoids

>> No.27150791

You realize muzzies and christcucks believe in the old testament too, right?

>> No.27150968


Worse. They larp as whites when it's time to blame "all whites" for privilege and wealth but then hide behind their Jewish plot armor when people accost them in particular. The attempt to push "white privilege" is very deliberate, now nobody is going to notice that there's a sub-class of whites that are far and away more privileged than everyone else and pulling all the strings. There is no such thing as Jews as poor as whites in Appalachia

>> No.27151031

>be me
>open photoshop
>draw some shit
>print 1000 copies of my drawing
>muh why do I have the most of these drawings?
The kikes made the fed, the fed makes the paper dollars and the computer dollars, it's literally the definition of the dollar, something they make...
The jews at the fed give those dollars to the jews in wallstreet, the jews in the media and the jews in Israel.

>> No.27151456

They look after their tribesmen while at the same time promoting the idea that other peoples doing the same is somehow nazism.

>> No.27151637
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Nailed it.

>> No.27151701


>> No.27151717

Mix of in-group wins + extremely strict religious upbringing. Why do the Jews circumcise? Arguably both for tribe bonding reasons and so that you and your partner don't enjoy sex as much. It has also been said that the Jewish religion is one in which forgiveness is absent. With the Father so hyper critical and Jesus absent from the dynamic, Jews are left neurotic and incapable of enjoying a pleasant, leisurely life. Instead they work and work to amass wealth.

>> No.27152049
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based and transmutepilled

>> No.27152107

*GOLEM dumbass

>> No.27152255


>> No.27152508

based and /x/pilled

>> No.27152750

They routinely got btfo-ed during the middle ages in most of Europe. After achieving the critical mass the debt was always wiped out with along them, but then the Reformation came, with kiked out concept of wealth as a sign of virtue and grace of God. Then the Dutch and English are to blame for allowing them to participate in banking and merchant activities as a way to say fuck you to the Habsburgs. Crommwell got them back to England and they just spread out, gradually attaching themselves to influential gentile families and public offices across the world. Now they own the US and gullible protestants are still shilling for usury. Stupid fucks worshipping literal golden calf.

>> No.27153007
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Oy vey.

>> No.27153143

wrong. jews solved transmutation through fractional reserve banking, then levered with paper notes backed by gold, then IOUs. there is no need to create gold. use your IOUs to buy all the gold and other assets in the world.

>> No.27153151


They're very lucky Christians in the US basically suck their cock, rather than the usual society-wide resentment they get in other countries. Ironically enough, rad-left Jews are killing off Christian Americans for good, and this new generation of agnostic Americans are going to turn on them, just wait.

>> No.27153214

just to be clear there are obvious benefits to do this and the benefits outweigh the negatives.

>> No.27153683

they help each other, in the sense of family units and in the sense of the greater jewish community. look at how many jewish fortunes are passed down through cash/property/business inheritance or trust funds. look at how many jewish parents set up their children with college fully paid for, down payment assistance on buying their first home, etc. look at how readily jewish parents will appeal to their local networks of fellow jews to set up their children with high paying careers. look at how, in general, jews understand money and personal/business finances.

now look at how it works in the goyim world. boomers with reverse mortgage on $750k mansion with no intent to leave anything for an estate, other than debt obligations to be settled against life insurance payouts or what's left of the estate. they kick out their children the instant they turn 18 and tell them to take out a $50k student loan if they want to graduate college. if boomers run a business, they sell it in retirement and they don't pass it down to their children. if their children need a job they don't appeal to their networks, they hand out weak platitudes like "give a firm handshake and ask for a job." in general, goyim are foolish and ignorant of money and finances, and they do not make an attempt at passing down wealth or setting up their children for success.

>> No.27153733
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i will give u all the secrets anon, pay heed or perish. this is why jews win

>go into high income/high power careers like finance & law
>be very frugal. see how the rothschilds lived and saved before they became big
>use family and network to scheme
>be very immoral. if you can break the law and get away with it for certain, then do it

>> No.27153981

they value education and preserve history though relentless deep multilingual education in yeshivas. intelligence can only be passed via culture.