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>> No.27139291

As much as I hate to say it, unless we can keep the racism and hate to a minimum we shan’t be having these threads any longer.

>> No.27139324
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Halal investing

>> No.27139367
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Anons dont leave you're my only frens

>> No.27139394
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t. 10 shares GME at 16.2 avg

>> No.27139442

You can never leave remember

>> No.27139475

Bought at 15 and sold at 320. What's the next 20x?

>> No.27139479

Fuck off redditor

>> No.27139498

Is this real?

>> No.27139506

No one cares, bro.

>> No.27139535
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am i going to make it?

>> No.27139540
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more like, when AM I gonna C a fucking green number

>> No.27139577


>> No.27139579


shoo shoo, shlomo shekelstein

>> No.27139627

Go back to Israel

>> No.27139655

Do you think if i open 10 shorts on monday at the opening price i will get rich? :D

Gme stock

>> No.27139721

Where the fuck is /cmg/? Even during the weekend this place is infested with leddit.

>> No.27139789

What shoudl a guy with $10k who missed GME do now?

>> No.27139802

AMC was the most retarded rollercoaster I have ever been a part of. Glad I got out without loss.

>> No.27139831

Got out with $1400 at 9am Thursday. (Sold at 14.88. Take that, jews.) Tried to get back in and couldn't buy, then share limits... It doesn't seem like a good idea anymore, and even my gain feels strangely unsatisfying even though I am thankful.
Good luck to everyone holding. I hope you do three times better than I did.

>> No.27139842

Buy guns and ammunition before they restrict buying them.

>> No.27139871

I sincerely congratulate everyone that got in early. unfortunately I was one (1) day late and it instantly fucking shot up, and now I'm holding bags at $15 each

>> No.27139937

become soap

>> No.27139952

Wait patiently for the right opportunity. I would think DFEN might be worth a look now that the uniparty is back in control of the White House.

>> No.27140055
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What is all this bullshit about brokers and clearing houses needing to mitigate their risk on GME, etc?

It's like blah, blah, blah, argument schamgument, reason bureezen, fin-nerd sparkly talk.
But then I remember, it's just a fucking short squeeze. These happen all the fucking time.
So when was the last short squeeze where brokers disallowed clients from buying shares?

I think the clearing house excuses are straight up shilling.
This hasn't happened before, ever, and Wall Street is desperately spinning excuses to cover for the fact that brokers just broke the rules and the law.

>> No.27140070

imagine being in the stock market right now lmao

>> No.27140109
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I'll remind them today...today they will HAVE to remember

>> No.27140148

I’ve got puts, not too worried

>> No.27140215

Jesus christ

>> No.27140278

What a retarded question, you file bankruptcy

>> No.27140290

That doesn’t make any sense, you can’t have negative money on options unless you sold calls or you bought on margin. If he was on margin he should have been liquidated above zero, since obviously the clearinghouse is not a collector. I don’t see how this could have happened.

>> No.27140322 [DELETED] 

Kek, they still try to tell about this trash on thread

I am not an idiot to go for it
>wanna get rewards? join stakenet and forget about cheap shit trash tokens
Join XSN! Listed on Bitfinex. Layer2 DEX!

>> No.27140342
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>> No.27140414
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>> No.27140419

I want to buy more GME. What's a brokerage I can sign up and transfer to right now to accomplish this? I have access to Crypto, $20k on Kraken, $10k on Uphold, and $16k in the bank. I have an Etrade account but I'd wait until the 4th to transfer cash into it.

>> No.27140445

Fuck you nigger

>> No.27140526

what investing podcast do you listen to anon

>> No.27140554

I think you can still win the trade. Monday premarket could put you in position to exit at 16, maybe 17, but I guess that depends on your broker.
The thing to this weekend is to weigh the pros and cons of holding a bag for a while. Some people think the public has a raging hard-on to go back to theatres. I will say this: I live by Ohio State, and AMC gave up the ghost on its 24-screen theater at the Lennox, a shopping center within spitting distance of campus. I was somewhat surprised by that and stopped swinging the stock until the business this week.

>> No.27140606

I added £2k to my account but my cash capital didn't update. I invested it and now I have -£2k in my cash capital.
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.27140613


>> No.27140659

>what are minimum capital requirements
>what is Bear Stearns

>> No.27140673

you're trading on margin until your bank sends the money. just ignore it and wait a day or two

>> No.27140674

Oldest trick in the book, you got played. Unrealized gains.

>> No.27140721
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damn, shit's getting real now, huh?

>> No.27140724

Any TD Ameritrade fags that can give me the quick pros and cons?

>> No.27140742

remember the NAKD shills? and tootsy roll? nobody actually fell for those right

>> No.27140769

anyone holding AMD?
thinking about selling it to enter crypto miners again
but on the other side i dont want to miss out on the AMD moon launch

>> No.27140786
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All you see are huge gains eh? No, I'll show you the real world

>> No.27140820
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KNEEL /smg/

>> No.27140831

CRBP faggot where are you? Why is going down always?

>> No.27140836
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What do you guys think the market will do next week? Seriously considering liquidating...

>> No.27140840
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and the bags too

>> No.27140853

Niggerfaggot kike

>> No.27140863

>it gud

but seriously think or swim is the best platform out there, their customer service is top notch and i didn't have any problems buying GME during the whole delisting fiasco (i daytraded it a bit after i made the big sell from 90 to 440 in the premarket when i heard the RH delisting news). but idk if that's because i have a margin account with 50k in it or not (now 100k lmao). i like them a lot i've been with them for 2 years now (as long as i've been trading).

>> No.27140907

I'm a mutt but I have access to an EU bank. Fidelity won't let me in tho.

>> No.27140910

>tfw you've entered the timeline where Reddit is fighting jews and you are cheering on from 4chan
2021 is going even better than 2020.

>> No.27140925
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current shortsellers are unironically alphas. Buying now is following the herd, believing in the herd. Shortselling now is looking down at people united.

>> No.27140934

Should I wait a couple weeks until the short squeeze is over before investing in more long term stock? In case it does cause a stock market crash?

I want to spread my savings across stock that will hopefully make money over 1-3 years, I heard semiconductors are a good choice but I want to do more DD.

I bought a GME share but don't want to put significant savings on something that volatile.

>> No.27140937

AMD is really low right now, this is probably where you'd want to be buying it not selling it. of course you have to be patient though and it'll probably drop a least a bit more next week due to the GME/AMC tulip mania. i can pretty much guarantee you'll make money with it if you hold and DCA down if possible, though. not gonna make as much as GME/AMC in the short term though. depends on your time horizon and risk/reward. all you really have to do is look at how stellar their recent ER was.

>> No.27140947

Return to lamp

>> No.27140955
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>> No.27140988

amd is over priced.

>> No.27141004

Nah, I read a lot about the crashes and potential crashes like Longterm, in most cases the Wallstreet guys did their shenanigans before the regulators could do anything against it. When they noticed that something was wrong it was way too late and they had no other choice than to bail them out.

The problem is that you can´t fucking do that with an open forum and Twitter, this gets way too much attention

>> No.27141066
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nonono they're not the jews they're the """""elites""""" :^)))))

note the language being used in the media now especially by our billionaire supporters like chamath, winklevoss twins, and mark cuban. honestly wouldn't be surprised in the least for big money to be coming in on the long side seeing this opportunity in front of them when it's so clearly obvious right now. someone bought that shit up from 250 to holding over 320 yesterday and it wasn't retail i can tell you that, it was someone with deep fucking pockets. they smell the blood in the water, jews are now jewing jews. it's hilarious.

>> No.27141082


How is your average price on that many shares equal to the 52 week high?

>> No.27141119

Now here's what actually happened
>be jew
>dump 500 million into a small cap and move the price up 50%
>convince reddit that they should buy to screw the hedge funds and that it's not about the money
>pull the rug and leave them holding the bag
You know the saying. A fool and his money...

>> No.27141122

yea, im up big with my AMD position, i entered at around 47$ last year
I held through the Corona dip and threw the massive pump in the summer, i know that AMD will lift off sooner or later
I have a long option on AMD that gets knocked out when AMD hits 75$ and i go out with 100% loss
whats your thought on AMD hitting 75$ ?

>> No.27141139
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>wake up
>grandma asks about "a toy store doing something on the stock market"
Uh oh I have nothing to do with that at all

>> No.27141165

The anon who took this screenshot said his broker fucked him (I think RH). It was a market order and bought the literal top

>> No.27141170

anyone got into apple yesterday?

>> No.27141169

I fucking hate these billionaires so much, but some people are just so stupid that they don´t realize that these people use the situation to promote their shit. These cunts are the real "suits" cause they play both sides.

>> No.27141216

I can't believe I fell for the AMC meme

>> No.27141228

Double nigger

>> No.27141231

> Bear Sterns
> Longterm
In either case, did brokers gate shares?

GME is just a regular short squeeze. The only difference is outsiders are making money this time.

>> No.27141241

it won't crash the market, its not that big of a deal But in the long run it wont make much difference whether you enter now or two weeks from now, so feel free to wait

>> No.27141286

you are being raped by robinhood
get that 25k back in a class action

>> No.27141303

Unironically going to turn into a huge store of value. Prices of ARs are up 50% from last year and all ammunition is up 100%, if you can find it

>> No.27141304

your mother is overpriced but i still fucked her ass for a dollar last night. the stock market is an auction.

>> No.27141310

there is literally nothing wrong with holding bags

>> No.27141363
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I fell for it to the tune of $5000 @ $15. What do we do?

>> No.27141372

Imagine this:
>Everybody owns Gamestop stock
>Make Gamestop the new Amazon
>Everything you buy now directly benefits your company and the stock
>People can consume and benefit

>> No.27141401
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Why i have a feeling that GME fiasco will be nothing burger next week?
Market crash won't happen, GME will be crabbing slowly around $450-$200 until hedge funds clear their shorts
People and media attention already directed to DOGE and Silvers.

>> No.27141412
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I lost about a grand on the NOK thing, what happened was I put in an order right before it pumped to that high, and the halt occurred.
They processed my purchase at $9 even though I saw it at $5, then did the halt
Everyone then immediately cancelled and put sell orders in during that halt and later RH et al banned NOK and fucked me over, but I ate the loss in stride because it was the same amount I made on the previous memestock pump
BUT I remember the manipulation during that shit and so I'm now holding GME out of spite, even it drops to $0. It's money I can burn, but I want to use it to squeeze every drop of blood I can out of WS for ruining the game when the plebs wanted to play.

>> No.27141468
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Ok, I admit it. I'm LARPing,

>> No.27141516
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idk, like i said it has already dropped a lot, like 15% now i think (almost 100 to around 85)? it certainly could drop that low though, who knows. really depends how much this GME/AMC/NOK/etc stuff continues to affect the rest of the market. i honestly believe that a lot of other stocks are going down because these hedge funds are literally going to go bankrupt and they're going to have to liquidate their normie positions in the rest of the market to pay for shorting the memes, if you see the market continuing to downtrend next week i'll bet you that's the reason, imho. this is just conjecture of course, but i just wouldn't be surprised to see that happen because of how many billions of dollars are involved with this shitshow if the hedgies really can't jew magic their way out of it.

my plan is to ride the meme wave and then when things settle down put my money into cheapies for shit like AMD and KO. this is not investment advice :^)

>> No.27141533

how can one anon be so based?

>> No.27141557

betting hedge gets bailout from govmt
online stock forums start getting censored en masse
individual stock brokers become even more of a pain in the ass to use

>> No.27141571

Thank you for the reply, and congratulations on your gain as well. That's fucking awesome. Very happy for you.

>> No.27141592

>FeMCposters buy the top
Based retard.

>> No.27141595

Might as well hold, since it's now worth everything hedgies and their subsidiaries have now in damages alone with all the naked market manipulation.

>> No.27141602
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>mfw I've been trolling all next weekend, saying "buy AMC", because I knew they will dilute and it would be funny to see ledditfags squeal
>mfw I FOMO'd into AMC at like Tuesday like an absolute idiot
I need to control my emotions better.

>> No.27141625

Slippage. GME was having 10% gaps during the highest volatility periods. Now combine that with high volume on a single option and I can see how it could end up horribly bad.
This is why the IB owner says a lot of brokers are at risk of default, because they didn't manage their risk and liquidate their clients orders soon enough or have enough cash balances to pony up the negative balances.

>> No.27141643
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>As much as I hate to say it, unless we can keep the racism and hate to a maximum we shan’t be having these threads any longer, nigger.

>> No.27141657
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>> No.27141695
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whatever. it makes me money. that's the best attitude to have in the markets. the beautiful thing about them is that it actually allows you to do something politically, i think that's why this GME/AMC stuff blew up so much. everyone always saw the fuckery going on in government or with 2008 or whatever and it's like "but what can we do to stop them? they have all the power" NOW WE HAVE SOMETHING and people know it, people are coordinating through social media now, it's all over the news as the biggest story, and it's just snowballing out of control. many people aren't even in this for the money, they're just in it to "stick it to the man".

i don't really have a problem at all with other "suits" joining the fight against the shorts. we're doing the same thing, no? we're all just here to make money. we're using our knowledge of the situation to make bank, the political emotions just add significantly to our bull case. before you couldn't do anything about how fucked up politics are except despair, now you can at least make a bunch of money. that's the beauty of the stock market.

>> No.27141717
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I was gonna sell on Friday to the bigger retards!!! People who said they could've predicted Robinhood killing the stock by setting buy limits are liars.

>> No.27141725

sold at 15
rebought at 13.3

>> No.27141746

They don't have the money to clear them at these prices do you understand that?

They can't do it and it will go only higher.

>> No.27141759

It would've been easier to just up the spread to compensate for this.

>> No.27141766

sounds reasonable thank you

>> No.27141791

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.27141838

i bought amc at 7$
whats next?

>> No.27141854

Spreads go to the market makers. Brokers can't change or profit from the spreads. It's not the market makers who are at risk of default, it's the brokers and their intermediaries (the clearing houses).

>> No.27141887

Bought some 2022 leaps calls for it.

>> No.27141927

It was a good lesson tho. And turns out my risk management methods work, because at least I didn't lose any money.

That's a pretty idiotic arrangement then. They could call it "crunch time commission" or something.

>> No.27141942

What are the chances the SEC steps in and halts trading for GME and allows short sellers to just liquidate other assets and cover their shorts? Then end up opening up GME in a month once they've covered their shorts?

>> No.27141972

SPCE when they successfully complete their first commercial flight. That opens the door to many, many more space ports, new recreation, travel and research opportunities. May not be 20 times but it will probably go above 100. (I'm long over one year since back in the 11's. I rode through the last rise and fall. With more test flights coming up and a path to commercial flights, my thought is to buy any major plunges. Rocket travel is here but nobody knows it yet.)

>> No.27141984


>> No.27141989

Depends if they want hedgefunds to be beheaded

>> No.27142004
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they are not joining, that´s my point. If Musk,Chamath, the twins and Cuban really cared, why don´t they just pump 500 million into Gamestop calls?

Yes I agree with your point, people realized that you can fuck the elites with the stock market and they can´t do anything about it. In theory you can try to crash the market to force the elites to change their policies.

>> No.27142021
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A blue whales vagina is so big and deep that it could easily fit 5 to 6 full grown men, making it the second biggest pussy in the world behind people who sold GME stocks this week.

>> No.27142039

Can't buy back the shares if there's no market to buy them on

>> No.27142056



>> No.27142057

>What do we do?
Murder/suicide pact.

>> No.27142065

I think just being 235 can bankrupt

>> No.27142092

Imagine being put in a whale vagina and getting birthed again

>> No.27142100

Switch your liquor to beer. Realize the Jewish and white Good Goys in the Elite class are alienating their white Gentile enforcers who are most of their cops and soldiers, thus their darkies will over throw them before the 2040's.
Yes you can play this chaos. New tech is the risk you must take for long term gains.

>> No.27142108

There is a 50% chance of that happening. And if it does, there is a non-trivial chance that the market fucking crashes from the ensuing loss of trust in it. We are already seeing it cracking.

>> No.27142117
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it's going to break to new relative ATH's i don't know what you're worried about. it needed to close above $9 and it closed at $13.26 or some shit. just hodl nigger

>> No.27142126

The short interest is just owed to the brokerages though, no? They don't need to actually buy shares, they just need to pay back the money owed on shorts.

>> No.27142140

Kosher fable Chaim. I'm not buying your revisionist narrative. The short squeeze is the real holocaust and Reddit isn't stopping at six million or whatever unrealistic number you jews push now.

>> No.27142181

Don't understand why people buying anything other than GME and then try to shill other stocks. none of those are heavily over shorted like GME.

>don't enough capital to buy GME
you're too poor to gamble 350 bucks on 1 stock?

>> No.27142189

Shorts don't have an expiry date. They can wait as many days as necessary as long as they don't get margin called.

>> No.27142217

Short options don't expire though. Who is making these fucking infographics? Lol

>> No.27142244 [DELETED] 

Will I get another chance with the girl who blocked me? Could I make one?

>> No.27142248

I tried leaving so many times I just gave up now days.

>> No.27142263

>jews are now jewing jews. it's hilarious.
fucking kek

>> No.27142281

Some anon said that the 84% short and 16% long is bullshit as well... I do hold AMC around 7$ but I'd rather read some legit info rather than bullshit walls of text

>> No.27142316

What a fucking idiot. He doesn't know that MMs already bought all the shares necessary to excercise options.
>what is delta hedging
>what is gamma hedging

>> No.27142321


There is so much retardation in that post

>> No.27142322

NOK is almost back to where it was before the pump

>> No.27142350

TD Ameritrade instant or wire transfers.

>> No.27142365
File: 82 KB, 640x695, 91BDAD41-23AD-435B-AB11-8EA96EEEB6D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a couple of ITM calls out on them and Microsoft.
It’s Blue Chip season!

>> No.27142373

>many people aren't even in this for the money, they're just in it to "stick it to the man".
I have no idea what im talking about when it comes to stocks, but i know my shit when it comes to crypto
and if both things are in any way related then its just a bunch of smart money dumping on newfags
no sticking it to the man, no team, no nothing

it's all just a meme, big whales shilling gme to newfags, retards buy, then they dump

Might be wrong but that's my crypto centric viewpoint

>> No.27142390
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>> No.27142392


>> No.27142415

Why did it keep going up as if nothing had happened when RH, Webull and IB banned buying? That takes out like 90% of retail investors.
It's obvious this was mainly institutions buying to get rid of smaller illiquid funds while also profiting and putting the blame on retail. Sure some profited but most normies will lose their shirt on this trade.

>> No.27142424

They cannot wait forever as the interest will murder them
>10 million stocks need to be bought
>no one lets loose for less than 1k
>their lender will demand interest to cover the short, usually 20-30%
>that interest is daily per stock
>10m × 1k × .2
Thats two billion a DAY. They will get margin called and be forced to buy stocks sending it to the moon.

>> No.27142433

>I do hold AMC around 7$ but I'd rather read some legit info rather than bullshit walls of text
Well here’s a fact for you, AMC execs will dump their shares on you fags to keep paying off their monstrous debt. You want so bad to “stick it to the hedgies bro” when all you’re doing is pumping the bags of the elite assholes who ruined the theater experience

>> No.27142437

i can related with that pic

>> No.27142462

NAKD went up. So did TR,

>> No.27142482
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>> No.27142486

>many people aren't even in this for the money, they're just in it to "stick it to the man".
Top kek, wsb and biz were full of people waiting to get rich. Nobody who originally bought was in for anything else except for themselves.

This media narrative is just a way to rope in retards to buy bags. Squeeze already happened.

>> No.27142500

I think they will wait out the interest a few days though, which is why people need to HODL past monday. It was stupid of reddit to put a fixed date on the thing because all they have to do is squeak past that and then try to trigger a selloff when people feel disappointed.

>> No.27142502

>Why did it keep going up as if nothing had happened when RH, Webull and IB banned buying
This isn't accurate. It kept going up, but at a much lower rate. Before retail was frozen out, GME was briefly over 500.

>> No.27142519

Pay the Jizya or GTFO, Shlomo

>> No.27142550
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To be honest I only bought AMC because some anon shilled it here at 4$ then averaged up to 7 later. It's true that holding through the weekend may not have been the best idea, though. But yeah, better info than the wall of text

>> No.27142563

i mean who really knows, ultimately. but i've been following the news and social media very closely over this past week or so and this has a much bigger vibe to it imho. i don't think it's like crypto at all. i don't remember the white house calling in to brokerages to "shut it down" on people buying bitcoin ever like they're doing with this. calling for changing the laws, RH becoming insolvent, etc.

you go ahead and keep your conspiracy theories if you want, im just gonna keep making money here.

>> No.27142564
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I will unironically buy AMC at the bottom, they have enough cash to survive Covid now and people probably will visit their cinemas for the memes

>> No.27142566

Exactly. The market makers bought some useless paper at $20 two weeks ago and now they're dumping it on normalfags at $500. The whole racket is so obvious it's almost funny.

>> No.27142570

Idk how much time do you have. You can sell puts and short volatility spikes.

>> No.27142575

I don't understand the guys wording isn't making sense

>> No.27142636
File: 174 KB, 748x766, 1605924555982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone answer my retarded question
>Monday: price is at .0007; buy 100$ worth
>Tuesday: price goes up to .001; sell everything (142$)
>Wednesday: price goes back down to .0007; buy 142$ worth
>Thursday: price goes up back to .001; sell everything (202$)
>Friday: prices goes back down to .0007; buy 202$ worth
Is something like this allowed, as long as I'm not doing it all in the same day?

>> No.27142640

>Why did it keep going up as if nothing had happened when RH, Webull and IB banned buying?
Millennials and zoomers don't panic like boomers, and jews are catching on that squeezing a stock with more than 100% of available shares shorted means unlimited profits.

>> No.27142671
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What's in his portfolio?

>> No.27142675

I noticed this shit. I follow some Crypto people after the GME happening and all they do is shill their coins and try to dump the shit on newfags

>> No.27142677


Volume dropped by more than half

>> No.27142682

is there any hope for AMC at all at this point?

I bought in at 18....

>> No.27142706
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yeah just like GME executives did right when it hit 100 right

>> No.27142729
File: 57 KB, 432x520, 6590128314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's here charging up for the weekend and getting ready for another week of /nosleep/ ?

>> No.27142734

i dont think a selloff will trigger, the problem with your idea is that everyone knows to check out WSB to follow what's going on with "the fight against the Man" now and WSB is repeatedly memeing for everyone to hodl and "diamond hands".

why can't you understand that the biggest difference right now is that retail is actually coordinated in this? the same message to hodl is being repeated over and over. the front page of WSB is repeatedly telling people what to do in this situation, there have even been majorly upvoted posts saying to hold past friday, talking about the options like keeping it above 320, etc. PEOPLE ARE JUST FOLLOWING WHAT WSB SAYS AT THIS POINT AND WSB IS TELLING THEM TO HODL DONT YOU GET IT? it's not just randoms doing whatever they want. it's like when people come on here and go "hey guys when do i sell? idk what to do" but millions of times bigger.

>> No.27142744
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I shille amc at 4$, it unironically was worth that price bcs >>27142564

Just waiting for it to dump so I can buy in again

>> No.27142757

Woah anon...did you just invent day trading?

>> No.27142761
File: 333 KB, 1080x1082, nathalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling

>> No.27142774

I just want to get money

>> No.27142792

spotted the hedgie. you will pay what you owe next week, kike.

>> No.27142817
File: 31 KB, 359x474, 1520159854288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got it wrong, I wasn't saying its like the crypto MARKET, I said its like the crypto pumps/hype work
which should be the same in any market
It was pretty clear with dogecoin

people saw what happened with gme, think alright newfags are going to buy this if we shill it, they paid for a reddit campaign, you could see 2-3 day old accounts shilling in a bazaar fucking way
then you saw all the top 100 wallets dump massive amounts of coins
and newfags just buy it up

it was at this moment i realized this is the exact thing happening to stocks right now
maybe not on such a small scale, but the same nevertheless

the whole narrative came by later, at first it was just a plan to make money

glad my autism was right

>> No.27142818

>GOY in your ID

>> No.27142824
File: 34 KB, 300x300, BardockHealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rn

>> No.27142833

Correct 5-10%

>> No.27142847

So which brokers offer free trades and aren't kikes?

>> No.27142866

Here's whats going to happen

>(they) will crash the market
>narrative will be pushed that retail meme traders caused the crash
>pension funds/401ks/etc lose ton of value and everyone is fuming mad at memesters
>big boys scoop up cheap stocks

>> No.27142876

anon, I...

>> No.27142915

If you have long positions you want to enter sell puts or get LEAPS on discount

>> No.27142925

MM already had the shares to distribute for last week's weeklies. Monday will be flat, then laddered.

>> No.27142958

Ok but at the same time Blackrock and other smaller funds were dumping their bags and new shorts were coming in. Net short interest actually increased according to Ortex.

>> No.27142969

I guess I should specify as less kiked than RH. Fuck any broker that halted trades to "protect their customers".

>> No.27142979
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>> No.27142990

Not yet but in a week or two calls will be on sale

>> No.27143011

If a broker offers "free" trading you are the product retard.

Brokers halt their trades because of costs and risk retard.

>> No.27143029
File: 73 KB, 738x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are literally shilling this absolute scam pi coin thing

>> No.27143030

20% is per year, anon. They are only looking at something like 2M a day at this price. And that is only if the lending fee does not decrease.

>> No.27143059

There's a huge liquidity problem in the market. Enjoy the month long sale anon, you really want to fuck the big funds don't buy gme buy appl at 110 a share

>> No.27143073

The old shorts have already been covered, new shorts were put on at higher levels (currently profitable)

You are not going to outlast tens of billions of dollars, safe to say.

>> No.27143082
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Me charging up to strike a blow at Tel Aviv

>> No.27143086



>> No.27143090

>Robinhood IPO soon
>they decide to fuck with retail investors
How fucked are they going to be?

>> No.27143096
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>> No.27143100
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>want to 10x my money
>didn't buy gme a month ago

>> No.27143120

I have the feeling this is the last pump before the dump, I will sell my shitcoins as soon as I can

>> No.27143130

I’m so sick of this GME and other memestonks shit bros. My mind just cant take the shilling anymore. Im losing my mind, finding it harder to differentiate between shills and bots and actual retards. I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore and it sucks because I only started stocks 2 months ago.

>> No.27143145

I know I'm the product. I don't give a shit so long as I make money. I liquidated all my TQQQ, and MOON yesterday. I only left $100 in some meme as stock on RH. Fuck it, I'm throwing it all into crypto.
They're fucked. Almost everyone I know that used RH, including myself liquidated everything yesterday. Fuck them.

>> No.27143156

they wont, there is big money involved on both sides.

>> No.27143157

I'm unironically waiting for this.

>> No.27143177

They fucked up big time with that. At the same time, they might've gone bankrupt out of all this faggotry too, so there was no winning for them.

>> No.27143184

Vanguard, Fidelity, a smaller one I heard about that I don't remember

>> No.27143224

Looking into them now, thanks.

>> No.27143235

Buy good stocks silently.
Growth- apple
Safe strat- S&P 500
Divvies - KO
etc. Only this way you win

>> No.27143238

This whole thing seems weird because ive always traded with the idea in the back of my mind that retail has never made any significant impact on stock price, someone explain how big the impact really is

>> No.27143239

So we changed from "We have too much liquidity in the markets" to "We don´t have enough liquidity in the markets" in less than a week?

>> No.27143278

I don't care if hedgefunds know I'm buying their shorted stocks. What I did care about are brokerages like Robinhood that took $1 billion in "investments" to halt purchasing of GME and AMC. If the SEC doesn't do shit, and they're incompetent so they probably won't, I don't want to trade on any platform that performs this type of price manipulation.

>> No.27143317

There hasn't been enough volume to do so. Also you dont run ads that you covered your shorts.

>> No.27143316

Don´t go into crypto right now, the whales realized that the RH newfags will go to crypto and pump their bags

>> No.27143320

It's not big at all. It's institutions vs institutions.

Let's just say it's not retail buying 800 strike calls for a $80 premium.

It's also not retail buying massive blocks at these price levels.

>> No.27143340

So who is ready to all in SOXL and TQQQ when this bottoms out in a month?

>> No.27143345

1K by EOW, guaranteed

>> No.27143347

>Divvies - KO
Look at corn futures and tell me KO is a good dividend stock.

>> No.27143367

Haha, sure thing buddy, enjoy your -30% on that boomer shit by MArch and recovery around 2025.

>> No.27143371

Robinhood trades on margin, which means they must post collateral for all their trades. Larger brokers that clear in-house with several billions in reserves also halted trading because of the implied risk.

The volume spiked on Wednesday and has died down since, aka the old shorts are covered already and new are put on.

>> No.27143382
File: 25 KB, 720x543, 1611843706233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has the market ever been in a more retarded place? 1929? this is just all so comically unsustainable.

>> No.27143383

There is going to be a massive focus to frame the hedgies as rich white men, ignoring the seething jews that have been all over tv so far

Cats out of the bag, the only thing they can do is try to redirect the attention away from (((themselves))) and their pawns

>> No.27143390

Yeah, pretty much. Hense the selling off of otherwise solid stocks.

>> No.27143416

200 in on AMC at 15.3. I can trade premarket because I have superpowers. Think I should sell? Sell some overpriced calls to shore myself up? What's my best exit strategy at this point? I'm pretty convinced the peak shit is QAnon BS.

>> No.27143435
File: 174 KB, 604x517, dabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I dab on corn futures
boo hoo

>> No.27143437

I'm not just starting in crypto, I know how it works friendo. It just seems at this point there is no reason to put anything in stocks. May as well just swing shit coins and keep pumping my ETH.

>> No.27143441

It's miniscule. Every financial advisor steers retail investors towards low risk options because the average person is a moron. Up until recently, retail investors were not even involved in the stock market. That changes on the past few decades with index funds because you can just tell people to put money in ETFs and "stonks go up".
I would love for more active day trading like this to have an impact but the whole "internet activism" part of it is such bullshit. Just admit you want to make money and let's work together to move markets towards companies the people want to succeed.

>> No.27143449
File: 16 KB, 720x263, weabeae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop FUDDING faggots. Last year Gamestop was worth even less than AMC now. Wait till the theaters open up and this covid bullshit blows over. Everyone and their mother will want to see the latest capeshit and eat popcorn and milkballs. Just hold your bags. The only thing I regret about purchasing AMC is using Robinhood instead of my vanguard account.

>> No.27143472

>put money in Gamestop
>now 150,000 euros in the green
I'm just going to cash on Monday, screw you all

>> No.27143479
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>> No.27143481

The dotcom shit in 2000 was way more retarded. We are far from the top yet, especially with the Fed being such a faggot this time around.

>> No.27143504
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>> No.27143515

What can you do about it?
Place a bet on your horse and watch the race.

>> No.27143520

Based enjoy those gains

>> No.27143535

>retail has never made any significant impact on stock price, someone explain how big the impact really is
retail is big, really big
what is happening right now is the ultimate proof anyone who thinks retail is just a meme was wrong

>> No.27143539

not fudding i sold at 15 and bought the dip i got 22 shares for free

>> No.27143543

GME is not a shill, AMC might be

don't listen to the bot shilled stocks like BB, BBBY, NOK, etc.

>> No.27143550

We're already in dot com territory, with shit stocks being pumped & dumped all over the place.

>> No.27143564

I'm ruined

>> No.27143565
File: 182 KB, 508x508, ffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW my bank guy told me to put my $10k in savings into REITs
>mfw I actually held my money in them for like 2 years for a juicy 3% year on year growth
>mfw I'm up 100% since I found out I can actually trade stocks instead
Man, fuck passive investing. "You can't beat the market consistently" is so fukcing bullshit it's laughable.

>> No.27143567

I put $50k into FANG on Friday. How fucked am I?

>> No.27143568

Tulipmania, 1929, maybe the .com bubble? This is in the top 5 for sure though...

>> No.27143582


>> No.27143586
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>> No.27143593

They are gonna realize this once they check RL IDs and see that the GMC and AMC traders are full of lefties and right wingers, they cannot spin this into “white supremacists break market”, it's too diverse for it, they are gonna go into slander with terrorism, calling it.

>> No.27143603

I kinda of agree with this but you also have to consider this time around the real economy went to shit long ago, unemployment is at ATH etc.

>> No.27143609
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Yes, but it looks like they did some shady shit and changed all account types to margin accounts, so they can use this shit as an explanation.

Btw: The RH CEO removed "partner in crime" from his Twitter

>> No.27143626
File: 489 KB, 750x797, 1BA21F14-4E31-4926-8BCD-26D30550595A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s cool that a teen made around $1000, but why the fuck is this news? It’s not like they made $1 million.

>> No.27143635

The AMC squeeze is not happening dude. SI is too low and there are still tons of stocks availabel for dilution.
Drop your bags and rotate into GME if you want shortmeme exposure.
AMC was a failing business before the coof and that did not change.

>> No.27143644

I don't think anyone is arguing about AMC being a long position after all this meme market crap. AMC is a 20-30$ stock in the long run, that's fine
However if you think this is "the next GME, just HODL!" then you are sorely mistaken. A lot of people will be left as bored bag holders when this thing doesn't moon.

>> No.27143670
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Despite how retarded this whole situation is, I am full of admiration, having seen some Level 2 data people were posting, of how FEW people were selling GME last week. It's pretty amazing. Millions of retards all around the world actually not selling

>> No.27143683

Thats fine, another batch of redpilled recruits

>> No.27143693

>A kid makes 200% of his Christmas gift
Happier now?

>> No.27143696

4Chan autists and Reddit retards can't read financial advice, these are not gonna work, everyone is getting news from their respective idiotic website, only Twitter fags and Boomers read that shit.

>> No.27143729

>Link for Bulls
genuine kek

>> No.27143732

The fact that nothing like this has happened shows though that retail didn't have an impact before. I'm not saying they can't have an impact, this just clearly shows they never have in the past.

>> No.27143738

level 2 is all bullshit spoofed data

>> No.27143746

Apes can't play the long game what will happen is
>Pull the rug
>People will held shares for the memes
I am gonna invest in redditor tears that shit is gonna be flooding ina bout 2 - 3 weeks

>> No.27143756

what a retard

>> No.27143761

And that's despite for a few days a huge portion of retail, and most GME traders, not being able to buy. Only being able to sell. And yet no one was selling

>> No.27143768

>real economy went to shit long ago
Not really. IT and the service sector is booming. Manufacturing is OK too. The only thing went to bust was frills and luxuries.
>unemployment is at ATH etc.
Maybe those people did not contribute much to the economy.

>> No.27143775

Weaponized autism was ALWAYS the answer.

>> No.27143785

Agree 100%. I only made this quick to highlight the most recent kvetching.

>> No.27143790
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Just received this bros, they're still trying to shut it down.

>> No.27143793

RH was always trading on margin, that's how these newbie brokers work. That's why they take an even larger hit when volume spikes unprecedently like it has with some of these stocks. Trades don't clear until 2 days after (T+2) which means collateral needs to be posted during that period. Then you have increased margin costs as well, it's an untenable situation. They would basically have to borrow a billion to be in the clear today, only to borrow another billion tomorrow and then another billion the day after that, constantly just borrowing billions to stay afloat.

>> No.27143810

exactly, because in the past we didnt have platforms like robin hood
this is where the big money lies

>> No.27143820

timing the market is all there is. if you dont want this, then just buy nasdaq and etf world

>> No.27143826
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I can tell this is based, but based on what? We shall never know..

>> No.27143846

this is worse than dotcom, almost no one from retail traded with options back then. Look at the fucking call option volume, the whole stock market is a huge gamma squeeze.

Back in 2000 the US economy was healthy, now it is absolutely fucked.

>> No.27143852
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>can't sell if/when you want
>can't buy at all
HAHA guys we got em right where we want em!!

>> No.27143853

Nah, they'll just have the cops kill another nigger on TV again and drown this shit out in MM.
That's how they destroyed the original Occupy Wall Street.

>> No.27143864

>Maybe those people did not contribute much to the economy.
Yeah I'm sure all the restaurants, plumbers, hotel staff etc didn't contribute anything to the economy.

>> No.27143868

You could have bought as late as monday or tuesday for that

>> No.27143876

Tulip mania is bullshit, never happened as described today.

>> No.27143896

Hi /smg/! Retard here. Do I want to be in cash right now? Is the market about to go to Auschwitz? Any oldfags with some wisdom for a 25 year old retard with several hundred thousand in cash rn

>> No.27143917

Also superinflation is gonna show up some time later but that's a story worth of /Biz/ attention but only when it breaks and boy oh boy, it's gonna break HARD

>> No.27143918

nah they all go bankrupt and we win the meme war thats how it ends

>> No.27143922
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1541744064125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're already in dot com territory
If you are equating Gamestop to all those literal scam companies, then actually go and read up on your history. But if this is a dotcom bubble for the hedgies, I agree.

>> No.27143923

Does anyone here do options trading. If so how well have you done and how much money do you play with?

>> No.27143985

GME notwithstanding, we're in dot com territory, worse actually.

It's a clown market, thanks to a clown federal reserve.

>> No.27143999

>not mirin his gains

>> No.27144004

Those stupid media fucks don't realize they are pushing more normies into GME by reporting on that little blackie buying GME with his 50 dollar gift

>> No.27144016

Restaurants and hotels, no. At least not in the long term. Those are worthless luxuries.
Plumbers on the other hand are not unemployed at all, where did you get that from?
Or are you just one of those people who lump these very different people into the "Lol poor uneducated workers" bag?

>> No.27144021
File: 115 KB, 700x489, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite all the arguments i decided that i will not sell anyway

>> No.27144029
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I made 110% with my Nokia calls.

>> No.27144033

I know it wasn't big enough to crash the market, but it was big enough for the rampant speculation to be remembered to this day.

>> No.27144053


>> No.27144058

I'm not saying they're winning or going to "win" this, whatever winning would even mean anyway. A lot of retail are going to get truly fucked even if a squeeze happens because of shit happening with brokers

But my point is that people ARE holding, and at least one hedge fund is getting fucked and losing billions. It's impressive despite everything, you have to admit

>> No.27144083

>Those are worthless luxuries.
According to whom? You don't like hotels and restaurants so they are "worthless luxuries", in the real economy they aren't, hence why they were so popular in the first place.

Worthless luxuries are $3000 gucci t-shirts, that's worthless """luxury"""".

>> No.27144089

yeah bro a 20 year old retailer trading at 10x its ATH in two days is totally normal bro

>> No.27144110

>can't sell if/when you want
That's wrong you retarded niggerfaggot. Anyone on the kiked platforms could sell whenever they want, buy orders were banned.

>> No.27144128

Buy Monday anon. This is your last fucking chance.

>> No.27144139

You can't jsut look at graphs and say "yup, this is EXACLTY like 2000". Because it isn't. The only similar thing are the EV and Green energy companies propping out like mushrooms, but it's a small drop in the ocean.

In 2000, all the money went into absolutely idiotic non-workable companies. Now the money mainly goes into SP500, which is arguably somewhat non-scam.

>> No.27144152
File: 64 KB, 960x548, 1wxqln62ade61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone bag holding BB like me, holding since $7 feel bad about not selling at 22.
Is there still a slim chance of it going to $30?

>> No.27144173

Among the set of facts that Falcone and Harbinger admitted to in settlement papers filed with the court:

During the summer of 2006, Falcone heard rumors that a Financial Services Firm was shorting the bonds of the Canadian manufacturer, and encouraging its customers to do the same.
In September and October 2006, Falcone retaliated against the Financial Services Firm for shorting the bonds by causing the Harbinger funds to purchase all of the remaining outstanding bonds in the open market.
Falcone and the other Defendants then demanded that the Financial Services Firm settle its outstanding transactions in the bonds and deliver the bonds that it owed. Defendants did not disclose at the time that it would be virtually impossible for the Financial Services Firm to acquire any bonds to deliver, as nearly the entire supply was locked up in the Harbinger funds’ custodial account and the Harbinger funds were not offering them for sale.
Due to Falcone’s and the other Defendants’ improper interference with the normal interplay of supply and demand in the bonds, the bonds more than doubled in price during this period.

>> No.27144192

Are expecting the market to crash. Should I close my entire position Monday?

And since the only reason crypto is doing well rn is because of free easy money from the fed, I should sell that too, right?

100% into a hedge? Gold?

>> No.27144194

kek, look at the Goldman graph about unprofitable IT firms, the IT sector was booming becomes people pumped every tech meme. Only the really big tech companies are really profitable and pump the market and the sector.

Also everybody is in on the reflation trade and this huge demand after they reopen the economy. So everybody tries to produce as much as they can. We will see if they can actually sell the stuff they produce.

The stock market is the economy of the US

>> No.27144221
File: 44 KB, 725x626, D1fm5D6X4AEuE7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sugar and I like tea,
But I dont like Niggers;
No siree.
There are two lone things thatll make me puke,
Thats a hog eating slop and a big black spook.

And you know it, cause I show it.
Like a barn yard rooster I crow it!

And the NAACP
Would sure like to get a hold of nigger haten me.

Roses are red and violets are blue,
And niggers are black.
You know thats true.
But they dont mind, cause What the heck?!
You gotta be black to get a welfare check!

>> No.27144220

A single PnD based on what is basically an activist movement does not make into "The top of the big 2021 Crash (tm)".

Well turns out the economy is just fine without them once we survived the withdrawal effects.

>> No.27144225

My dude, there's a lot of blacks in this trying to make it big, if they pull stunts on them even the BLM crowd is gonna roll with the MAGAtards under a single directive:

Destroy the system, but unlike the LARPing shit both political spectrums pulled last year and this one on the capitol, this one could legit cause civil unrest like never seen before, remember that a lot of communism sympathizers are into it because they got fucked by Wall Street back in 2008 and through the 2010s, they hate Wall Street and big shots for different reasons than the MAGAtards but they want the same, to see them burn at the stake.

>> No.27144245
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It's so strange. I'm usually a cautious investor. I should sell my 5 GME shares for a 50% profit on Monday. But I irrationally want to hold, and not sell, just so I can say I was part of this and I was there until the end. It's stupid though

>> No.27144259

Is this your first correction?
Just buy the dip and hold.
Crypto is going up, might buy some MARA.

>> No.27144260

mijn weifoe

>> No.27144265

I’m bagholding NOK, mostly as a ‘fuck you’ to hedge funds.

>> No.27144293

300$ for gme? nah

>> No.27144295

>which is arguably somewhat non-scam.
The index is completely dominated by 5 stocks, and half of those are already zombie companies.

Just look at Tesla that is really all you need to know about todays market.

>> No.27144329
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>> No.27144347

>turns out the economy is just fine with record level unemployment and permanent foreclosures of small businesses who also happen to be the biggest employers

Yeah, you can just hit the pause button on a global scale and then press play again when ready.

Will be a rough wake up call for you.

>> No.27144348

Same here. This isn't about money this week.

>> No.27144353

Niggers arent black people. Niggers are niggers and they can be any race.

>> No.27144364

You could sell perfectly fine, dumb nigger

>> No.27144366

just look at:
1. nonprofitable tech firms
2. spacs
3. EVs and hydrogen stocks
4. scam stocks (Nikola, Luckin Coffee, chink stocks in general)

There is enough to worry about

>> No.27144367

You'd be 40x
I bought last Monday and I would have cashed out for 14x this week if I didnt think its going closer to 1k before this is over

>> No.27144379
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BB got lumped in with all these other meme stocks when it's not a meme stock. BB is a legitimate good prospect with solid DD out there for the next couple years. Cybersecurity, EVs, etc.
People are "short squeeze" hungry thinking everything is the next GME and they can get it now while it's 10-20 dollars and it'll go up to thousands when that isn't the case. BB is a good buy to hold for a while and end up 50 dollars. I just don't think it's fair to think it'll moon in the next week and then be 100 bucks.

>> No.27144390
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I fear a bear market anons... If I kept my current rate of returns I could retire a millionaire in 6 years...

I know doubling my portfolio isn't going to remain a trend.

>> No.27144411

No I bought the dip in March after telling my parents to liquidate their positions in late january/early feb 2020. They didn't listen to me unfortunately, they could have retired a year earlier.

>> No.27144416

Dunno man, they've found ways to absolutely derail stuff in the past and divide people, so I'm convinced they will do it again. Maybe with something more creative this time.

>> No.27144452

BB is long term as far as im aware.

>> No.27144501

not selling plug or pltr would be smart

>> No.27144575

If we really have a liquidity crisis, crypto is the first thing to really crash. The exchanges are not regulated and if people try to withdraw their money, there will be a huge problem.

>> No.27144592

we have to buy more options

>> No.27144601

BB is a failing company that has purportedly "reinvented itself" by selling half of itself.
It's still the same management that failed to capitalize on the smartphone market, and lost Automotive OS market share to fucking linux.

They've put out some nice PR recently, and got propped up by hype, but it's just that. It's all fucking lies and marketing.

>t. automotive sw engineer.

>> No.27144613

With volume being so low these last 2 days they might be able to get shit sorted by next week.
Would t+2 be tuesday?

>> No.27144629
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Alright I will hold longterm then, I bought Plug at 20 and sold at 28 not gonna let that shit happen to me again.
When is earnings tho?

>> No.27144640

It's one of the manipulated trade on Robinhood along with NOK
You can only buy like... 5 shares,

>> No.27144645
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I agree it has a ways to go but look at the spike in volume... exactly like the 2000s

>> No.27144653
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Ok listen up if you don't wanna be a bagholder. If you have gme and sold above 300 when you went in at or below 100 your solid. If you didn't wait for the next squeeze or two then pull the trigger before 500. If you hodl amc hodl that shit. Dump it when it gets above 30 or play the risks up to 50. Do not fall for the silver squeeze meme or the dogcoins or donuts. Silver especially or jpmorgan will waco your house and claim you were necromancing hitler back to life and preaching bin laden teachings to elementary school children.

>> No.27144673
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Just FYI, PLTR and NIO seem to have reversed downtrend. I bought PLTR yesterday and will buy NIO on Monday

>> No.27144672


>> No.27144780

t+2 is just the settlement date, so if you sold shares on monday it wouldn't be settled until 2 days after, so on wednesday, during which robinhood would have to post collateral to make sure it actually gets settled

>> No.27144818
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there are fantastic value companies that dodge all those zoomer hype shit.
Min volatility S&P 500, Russel jimmies 2000, individual stocks.
There is no perfect time to buy. Just search for some value yourselves.
Peace out

>> No.27144850
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I think that spike is mainly because of JPow and his trusty brrrr machine, which makes this situation uniquely different.

>> No.27144893

This is blatantly fake. So many people trying to sympathy scam.

>> No.27144895
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>> No.27144903

got in 39 avg for plug. got in pltr at 37..

>> No.27144916

Zoom out.

>> No.27144930

Fucking this, I can't wait to see the redditards catch on to what's happening with SPCE. Imma be rich

>> No.27144945

Wait I don't own my stocks? But then I have to sell in order to move them to another accoun. I don't want to do that...

>> No.27144965

> he thinks anyone actually owns stocks

>> No.27145031

retail wasn't coordinated before. this shows the power of retail when it is coordinated towards one common goal, don't you see that?

>> No.27145034
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Just saw Louis Rossmann video
No clue if I should buy more or just keep my bags.

>> No.27145042

I see a rug pull in the future which is why I already wrote of my investment as a loss.
Not selling till 0.

>> No.27145063
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Next step. Take your gains when the reddit army is bagholding in two weeks and put it in tesla. Every mutant zombie 100 year old in government wants musk dick up their ass and would rub their naked bodies on a tesla hallucinating about their hippy days in the 60s and how this car is saving the universe and earth. Also every top gunner on reddit that started the gme push is a muskfag in reality. They do not give a fuck about fighting da man and will blow it on a stupid ass tesla to post on plebbit for upboats in a month.

>> No.27145122




>> No.27145213
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>> No.27145264

that's just the "growth" (momentum) vs value stocks performance and massive divergence between the two strategies with growth stocks on top is a sign of being in a bubble

>> No.27145388

Actually yes

>> No.27145460

I didn't know you could have a portfolio with instagram

>> No.27145478

rh is shit and no one should stay with them at this point but they were having serious capital issues with all the new accounts trading with unsettled funds
sure the game is rigged but rh was literally out of money and needed this insane influx of newbies to stop buying meme shit with money that hasnt settled

>> No.27145519

Shills are fudding up the board. Seems like the sentiment has changed overnight and coincidentally rubic threads are minimal. The team of pajeets must have gotten a better offer or something.

You can tell it's a real panic as the kvetching is the same as GG or Trump 2016.

>> No.27145724

I really doubt it this time.

They cannot smear it onto White supremacists nor MAGA.

They cannot call muslim terror or any one of those orgs on this because of the political climate being pro-inmigration

They cannot even call domestic on this one, too much people on their payrolls or who once were are into it.

If they smear the poor they instantly kill their credibility too, because everyone is getting poor with Rona by the day.

I actually wanna see what galaxy brain they pull this time NGL, this seems like a very complicated problem.

>> No.27145745

10x within a week
$39 to $399 lmaoooo

>> No.27145768
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I think that's a good reason to just hold it. I'll be honest I'm just a retard who hopped on the memetrain (maybe just in time for GME and possibly too late for AMC) and have never done trading before.
At this point I have no idea what to believe but I only invested money that I was willing to lose every penny of, so I'm just going to sit tight here and see what happens. If the stocks end up being losers then oh well, I guess I learned a lesson, but even now I'm up over 2k with GME, and hoping the squeeze really happens.

>> No.27145847

Maybe should have waited to see if there's gonna be a GME hysteria induced crash in the next couple of weeks

>> No.27145889

Big time

>> No.27145903

thats really what its all about if they wont give us our proper stimmy like other countries who are paying people monthly get we have to go out and get it ourselves and what better way than to rip it right out of the hands of the rich motherfuckers who live in their castles and dont give two shits about the society thats allowed them to be in their position for way too long