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2704216 No.2704216 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for other money making schemes after this whole crypto thing crashes.

>> No.2704224

Rare Earth Minerals

>> No.2704238

The start up cost on that has to be astronomical. How are chinks affording this?

Even if I had 1 mil saved which is pretty rich by american standards, I don't see how that would be enough

>> No.2704269

They keep the Africans employed, give them income and sell them their goods, securing their future consumer base.

The African market is still largely untapped and up-for-grabs.
The Japanese/Korean/American/European MNCs do not have a stable
established foothold in the region nor the brand reputation that they have
in the rest of the world.

By going in, the Chinese are building a stable foundation for themselves.
There is also the added bonus of food/resource security.

>> No.2704273

Because they sold out their own people to do the same already in China, so they just take their profits somewhere else, rice and repeat.

>> No.2704278

rape murder human trafficking sex with animals

>> No.2704284

TONS of resources, but importantly: food production
the population of china cannot be sustained by their own landmass in terms of food growth (with current tech)
so they need somewhere new, somewhere not polluted, and somewhere rich enough to grow enough food to not have their shitty country fall due to starvation (aka the classic commie ending)

>> No.2704285

>wah wah
/leftypol/, please go.

>> No.2704290

There's a reason why nobody's "tapped into" the African market
Fortune 500s just setup shop to pull resources from the land and move on
Jesus fucking Christ dude

>> No.2704911

South african here. Chinese are running out of land, they plan on settling here. I really hope they do, the first thing they'll do is genocide these damn kaffers.

I can't wait, blacks here hates whites yet we were the nicest to them. Chinaman comes in and wipes them out. Top kek

>> No.2705170


Contrary to popular opinion, Africa is absolutely loaded with natural resources which have yet to be capitalized on. Whoah, wait a minute. There is free money in the ground! Why wouldn't Africans come together and harvest them to make some money and better their own lives? I'll let you figure that one out. Naturally, the Chinese saw the opportunity and are now going to do it instead.

>> No.2705479

The Chinese are buying all the ports because they're in a central location. It's easy to make money passively just owning ports. Also rare earth minerals as others are saying. But you probably need billions to take advantage of anything Africa can offer and come out on top.

>> No.2705488

ding ding ding ding

>> No.2705493

what about mining the ocean floor for rare earths?
you don't have to worry about political shit, and it's international waters and there by "owned by everyone"?

>> No.2705512

Afghanistan had the richest deposits of Lithium globally. no body seemed to mind that besides the locals

>> No.2705548

>Contrary to popular opinion, Africa is absolutely loaded with natural resources which have yet to be capitalized on
>contrary to popilar opinion

Is there anyone who doesnt know this?

>> No.2705998

Try 99% of millenials and 95% of all western population. They all think "ooh africa is so poor, theres only deserts and heat there, thats why everyone is dying of hunger there, thats why we need to help them all and send billions of dollars every year!!!"
Never overestimate the intelligence of western idiots

>> No.2706165

What city are you in and are American expats welcome?

>> No.2706177


>> No.2706671

This. Can you imagine how good it would feel to conquer a city and enslave the populace? And take all the nubile qt slaves for your own?

>> No.2706720

Lol literally everyone thinks Africa is some barren wasteland when the reality is that they have literal diamonds, oil, and gold overflowing from the ground. It's just blacks are too stupid genetically to know what to do with it

>> No.2706741


Kenya is the size of Texas but has a population of almost 200 million.

Even if it takes 10 dumb brownies to do the work of one regular chink, you pay each fractions of a penny and you're well in the green.

>> No.2706761


you underestimate just how dumb and incompetent those niggers are


>> No.2706772

I meant Nigeria, I get that shit mixed up.

>> No.2706791

they develop in africa to build factories to move their pollution away from china
and cheap labor

>> No.2706796

I've seen this doc, but really, telling a monkey to hit some rocks with a pickaxe and put the rocks in a box isn't beyond their limits.

>> No.2707506

what is this??

>> No.2707550

>what are things China already has in abundance

>> No.2707571


Kenya has electronic money, dude. Also, a breand new Chinese railroad built on top of European ruins, Elephants and Tigers.

And your money is probably enough to live like a Kang

>> No.2707703

Diamonds are worthless and owned by the west anyway. Oil producing countries are divided between rival groups who obstruct each other. KYS.

t. Nigerian

>> No.2707773

>Get paid cash money to build up billions worth of infrastructure.
>Build it cheaply

Also gives the young Chinese men something to do other then cause problems at home due to lack of local women, and they can find an African wife.

>> No.2708949

until you're robbed by the corrupt government demanding 'donations' to continue being 'protected'.

t. james mcafee circa belize

>> No.2708970

Pretoria. Sure if you don't mind being openly discriminated against because you're white, an 8% minority and a 2nd class citizen

>> No.2709079

I was looking at real estate in Pretoria, South Africa on a whim and holy shit you can live like a goddamn king for dirt cheap. I knew there had to be a catch, the Africans there.

>> No.2709381

Empire of Dust

>> No.2709385

An entire continent full of antique farm equipment, absolutely bizarre.

>> No.2709392

Nigger coins that WAVES exchange stole from us.

>> No.2709393
File: 26 KB, 450x260, chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese are literally re-colonizing Africa and "employing" local Africans as indentured servitude 2.0

>> No.2709570

Buy uncivilized sell civilized

>> No.2709757

Yes you can live like a king in what has become the rape and murder capital of the world. Also, do some research on land reform / distribution. They've already started taking property owned by whites and giving it to blacks without payment.

The beginning of the end has arrived.
Google hout bay protests or any other protests.

>> No.2709827

>land reform / distribution
jesus christ, I hope you make it out alive. That land distribution shit is scary.

>> No.2709861

>They've already started taking property owned by whites and giving it to blacks without payment.


>> No.2709877

If China gets Africa under control maybe Europe won't be overrun with niggers. Maybe.

>> No.2709879

I'm leaving for good in November, it's hard to get out, no one wants our passport or trusts our qualifications since the blacks took over.

Good luck to those left behind

>> No.2709900

HAHAHAHAHA holy shit this chink is literally just telling the nig how it is ahahahaha

>> No.2711041

My Kenyan friend told me that the Chinese rarely hire locals and prefer bringing on their own slaves.

>> No.2711469

It'll be too late by that point.

>> No.2711527

Literally everything is a business opportunity in Africa. African countries are averaging 8-9% economic growth per annum. That's huge. You could invest in say, a bakery or a shoe shop in Mombasa or Addis Ababa or Lagos and you will have garrunteed 8% growth year in year.

>> No.2711539

>Force Segregation
>Nicest to them

You can say that the Apartheid government was the most stable, but you're crazy if you think that they were the nicest.

>> No.2711548

Im also from Pretoria.
nice to know Im not the only one on /biz

>> No.2711554

where are you going?
I would like to go but I have a good job and a nice house here which would be worth shit anywhere else.

>> No.2711559

Not that simple. You have to understand the African and realise there is risk here that does not exist any where else.

>> No.2711566

Their life expectency was higher, their GDP per capita was higher and their hospitals, roads, schools, etc was better. I think they are just better being told what to do than letting them make their own minds up.

>> No.2712567

>actively being genocided by marxists
>advocates genocide by marxists

>> No.2712767

Canada. They're cucked as hell, but still safer than SA. You're nice house won't save you when they come for you. And it won't protect your children from being treaded on.

>> No.2712779

Africa is kill or be killed. Democracy was the biggest mistake. Don't worry, all of the western world will understand soon enough.

>> No.2712807

When bitland and other property ownership technologies start taking ahold I'm buying all the real estate I can in african capital cities.

>> No.2712852

If I had money to throw around, I'd buy as much land in the largest city of the region formerly known as Biafra. If it ever successfully becomes independent, it'll become major financial center of the continent, between the Ibo minority there dominating the nation's finances/business as well as the amount of oil it has.

>> No.2712964


lmfao who'd want to rape niggeresses

>> No.2714062

Maybe they're waiting for them to infect Europe before cleansing their new land.

>> No.2714183

All of the answers here are wrong. China doesn't want them as slaves they have automation. They aren't going to kill them off because China is an aging country with an absurdly low birth rate. They don't need any more land and if they did they could always build inwards. China is investing for the same reason Bill Gates invests in Africa. Even if Africa only reaches basketball America levels of civility it would be absurdly profitable in terms of industry and capital.

>> No.2714232
File: 65 KB, 680x652, 0f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tf Wen the dumb amurikans figure out you plan