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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27138588 No.27138588 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27138664

Mithril is at the first stages of a good pump.

>> No.27138693
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>> No.27138721

you fell for a pnd idiot

>> No.27138750
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>> No.27138787

Isn’t everything here a pump and dump?

>> No.27138835

this onions r*ddit avatar makes me seethe so hard. if r*ddit hates trump so much why did they model their avatar after him?

>> No.27138869

It's pumping. Just buyed some more of this memescamcoin.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Let's fucking go baby.

>> No.27138878

Kys you fucking scammer

>> No.27138896

Where would you even buy this?

>> No.27138993

already bought 10, but i believe it wont be enough.

>> No.27139055

Where can you even buy it

>> No.27139104

You're part of the problem kys faggot

>> No.27139150
File: 23 KB, 564x483, 1611313675502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for the redditors to wake up and buy in mass bros

>> No.27139184

Ib4: its a scam, its not. Its litterally lknked to reddit. Go to eherscan and look it up fags.


>> No.27139236


like all the shitcoin, on uniswap

>> No.27139276

I hope they don't. I want to accumulate another 2-5 depending on some payments due.

>> No.27139430

If it's not on robinhood it won't pump.

>> No.27139443
File: 57 KB, 890x365, gratis-png-4chan-yotsuba-y-pol-game-encyclopedia-dramatica-alice-yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wsb is the reddit side of 4chan, too much faggot to say faggot but retard enough to say retard
still, they should leave the board
its a middle ground between the two, at least it was when i went there some time ago

>> No.27139539

Nobody cares about your shitty explanations
Fucking LEAVE

>> No.27139571

If you don't have at least 10 WSB... you probably ngmi

>> No.27139630

crypto is more /g/ than /biz/ fuck you
how much money did you waste on that shitcoin + net fee?

>> No.27139720

/g/ is riddled with salty nocoiners, you can't have a talk about crypto there without the whole board jumping at your throat.

>> No.27139749

>pooled eth 15

lmao it's the coinowner buying himself

>> No.27139812

This made me laugh for like a minute straight

>> No.27139883

I bought 150 at $3 so my $2000 profit is sounding pretty good now huh. I'm not selling till $420.69 per coin though

>> No.27139932
File: 52 KB, 1800x1200, 1612001261009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your not buying shiba your a fucking idiot. it came back alive and has gained 3 mil overnight, it is doge with market cap and devs burned their half of tokens

>> No.27139982

supply cap*

>> No.27140065

This is how I know you are t from around here

>> No.27140135


SHIB fucking going to hit the fucking moon like DOGE

>> No.27140343
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ok, well played
how much was the gas tho? europoor here, wanted to buy rbc but metamask has a fucking 125 fee for 50. too afraid of using uniswap and going out of gas
stfu newfag you're kidding no one
go back and stay there

>> No.27140435

>already dumping

god I love watching these live

>> No.27140478

sirs, please continue the dump... USA are still asleep they will buy our cheap bags for big macs

>> No.27140705

where can I see it's value? I searched it on Dextools and CMC but it reads at <0

>> No.27140729

Would guess then uni swap is the closest thing to a real value

>> No.27140876

Thats because its so fucking cheap, it negates the 10th to a cent percentile.

If you buy now at 1/16th of a cent and it hits half a cent you could actually be a billionaire if you actually HODL for that long..

this is DOGE in 2015 but literally no one sees that

>> No.27140883
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Guys I'm losing my mind for real right now. I don't understand why the F*$!% shiba isn't continuing to moon like everyone said it would?? I have been sick to my stomach for the past 12 hours and have barely touched my food that has gone cold now.. I was one of the very first people to buy in after seeing that now viral tiktok video and my portfolio on Robin Hood was DOUBLING every half hour. I don't know how the fuck I can face my neighbors and coworkers now after the way I treated them this morning due to my new found confidence when I thought I was about to retire this week.

>> No.27141828

Reddit is gay. However, their format is better than 4chan for discussing finance. That’s the only positive.

>> No.27142715

>Isn’t everything here a pump and dump?
Basically. This board is daily nonstop scams and attempts at pnd.

>> No.27143394

down it goes

>> No.27143419

So the coin dumped. I might finally buy in kek

>> No.27143502

looks like its headed back down to -30k

>> No.27143528

Im still so confused about coinmarketcap and why they have this featured?

Are they in on the scam?
Was it paid for?
was it a lesson to not be retarded?

>> No.27143612

CMC as retarded as they are wouldn't shill a scam

>> No.27144774


>> No.27145022

That was simply epic anon

>> No.27145599

tried to buy at 7 uniswap still has my purchase pending.. wtf?

>> No.27145659

>missed the $5 dip
>now $12

>> No.27145732

dont it's a scam, they aren't letting you buy in until it's topped

>> No.27145801

$12? Wtf I sold at $7 FUCK maybe I should get back in before $25???

>> No.27145893

they aren't letting uniswaps through, it's a coordinated scam

>> No.27145984

What does this mean

>> No.27146113

Obvious scam

>> No.27146217

you can only buy in if you are in the pnd group

>> No.27146297

i bought by setting it to fast

>> No.27146399

I think anyone can buy it's pretty fucking easy dude and the number of holders keeps going up on ether scan

>> No.27146505

absolute STATE pf scamming pajeets on this board lmao

>> No.27146730

FUCK price is dumping fuck fuck fuck fuck I just got rugged

>> No.27147079

Thanks op FUCKING bastard I just lost all my eth on this SCAM

>> No.27148172

not a scam, buy now and be rich later

>> No.27148244

I hope you didn't fucking sell lmao

>> No.27148270

I got charged GAS three times and still waiting over 1 hour for the first transaction, it's either a broken app or a scam

>> No.27148333

You're doing something wrong then, make sure you set the slippage to 5%

>> No.27148395

it's too late now, already mooned

>> No.27148663



>> No.27148713

I'll try again if it dips back to 7

>> No.27148729


>> No.27148828

too late


>> No.27148874

Scam coin I'm selling before rug pull

>> No.27148927

what price did you get in at?

>> No.27149133
File: 174 KB, 650x601, 90CD3CE7-ACDF-4CC3-9FE1-1538EE3609D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys aren’t even talking about the actual Reddit coin

>> No.27149134

How do you know. Who is behind this