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27132874 No.27132874 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a coinmetro thread without it dying before 10 replies?
Gotta believe than Kevin will bring xcm to 1€ by eoy

>> No.27133281

I guess not :(
I'll enjoy bagholding alone

>> No.27133488

Will 8th of february make bagholding DNA finally worth it? I pray it does. My plan has been to put all yet to come gains from DNA to XCM. Based or cringe?

>> No.27133598

There's too many people with the same idea, I doubt we'll see any good price movement in the first weeks

>t. 200k DNA bagholder

>> No.27133808
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>tfw also 200k DNA bagholder
Uneventful times. All I can do is baghold and /biz/ is overrun with newfrens and ledditors. Going to try to forget about crypto for a week and hoping comfy threads return by then. We are gonna make it fren

>> No.27134348

I'm here fren.

The DNA bond opened up to other investors than the USA.
Did DNA announce this already?
It was at a measily 20 euro, but now it's upped a bit.
Think all DNA bagholders should get some and hype it.
I'm just thinking, will they do a flash sale too at some point?

>> No.27134616

I would say highly unlikely, but seeing how well the coinmetro one turned out they might convince them

>> No.27134724

The flash sale was so successfull I think encrypgen will have one too inevitably. Good to hear they got it opened up, might put some into it, but will see how the DNA token performs before that.

>> No.27134790

>xcm to 1€ by eoy
b-but bitcoin will crash next week, $500 eoy I've been told

>> No.27135147

Someone told me to try coinmetro, but it's shit. Webcam verification isn't working on desktop and doesn't seem possible via mobile
Should I just use coinbase?

>> No.27135232

Dead exchange

>> No.27135321

If you're serious, just contact support or whine on Telegram and they'll get back to you really fast.
Way easier and faster to use than Coinbase with 1/10 of the fees.
If you're larping to bump the thread like >>27135232
then thank you fren

>> No.27135935

This was a long time ago but they gave me a qr code, just scan on mobile snap some pics and I was verified.
I thought they disabled desktop kyc

>> No.27136374

Xcm is the comfiest hold no doubt. I have been slowly cashing out my other cryptos but I will not touch xcm. Doesn't matter if the entire market crashes 90% when we get the new price floor next week

>> No.27136657

Now that the bond is sold out can we talk about how stupid people who didn't sell any XCM to by some were. For just fifty grand you could have owned 0.1% of the best cryptocurrency exchange. That will probably go down as one of the best investments this decade.

>> No.27136952

Depends on how much you were willing to put in. Any small sum will not give you enough returns to make the investment interesting, it's way better to keep gambling on shitcoins and jump on the train when it starts to leave the station.
As a whale with lots of cash to store in a safe place? Golden opportunity.
As a degenerate gambler still trying to hit 5/6 digits? Waste of time

>> No.27137128

You needed to have a million in the bank to participate

>> No.27137144

I don't know dude. Trading autistic funny money burnable fee paying tokens for a percentage share of the cornerstone of Ignium seems like a no brainer to me. I still have over a million XCM but I am honestly wondering did I make the right call not fomoing 100% of my XCM stack into bonds.

>> No.27137225

In Europe our overlords haven't bothered making (((accreddited investor))) laws to protect people from becoming rich because people here are too dumb to invest in the first place.

>> No.27137261

I'm so mad, I bought some xcm and I was going to put my next 2 paychecks in it and then it pumped to 20c out of nowhere. If it had taken a extra month id have 25k
Now I don't even have 10k

>> No.27137415

You can still buy more on the secondary market

>> No.27137512

The growth tokes will be tradable on secondary markets. See the bond offering more like an ICO, and seeing that it's a really long term situation you'll have plenty of time to go all in.
And desu it's it being long term that put me off of it, I still think we're at the beginning of the bull run and not at the end of it. There are plenty of gains to be made all around if you're willing to risk it.
Plus we could see a repeat of the coinmetro ICO with them pushing out the tokens after everything crashed so we could but them for way cheaper

>> No.27137542

Assuming it doesn't moon. Secondary trading won't start for a while and when it does people are going to start using their daily interest to buy more bonds because it's "free money."

>> No.27137632

If this doesn't touch €1 this year there is no justice in this world

>> No.27137740

lass have you fucking seen the exchange thread yesterday
people got fucking redpilled hard on cm.. yet some of them still didn't even bother to listen

can anyone explain what's wrong with normies

>> No.27137834

Did you buyed bondies?
What % of your portfolio?

>> No.27137860

this should have stopped me, yet i keep staying up late talking to retards on biz
i feel like i shouldn't put my health on the line like that..

>> No.27138233

Only 2 ways it will go
- they'll get raped on fees, lousy support and bad UX overall and give up
- they'll get raped on fees, lousy support and bad UX overall and cope into CoinMetro eventually

>> No.27138337

very shit exchange. they leaked my kyc data info. including a pic of my face and my id. when i asked originally in 2018 about the leak, they said nothing just emails, but now i they sent me a pdf and this shit has everything.

fuck coinmetro, fuck kevin

dont use this shit exchange

>> No.27138346

I did not because I wanted to put in a pitiful sum like 1/2k. Got a bit salty when they announced that they would rerun it with a higher evaluation, meaning that people who bought in are already in profit.
But then I remembered that I put that money into DNA instead and with the magic of shitcoin swinging I tripled it.
So I probably made more money this way that I would have with the bond, with the upside that I can use it for even more shitcoin gambling as it's not locked it like it would have been with the bond.
When the secondary market opens up, I will 100% buy. Super bullish on it long term.

Brand recognition matters on things like these, with how "dangerous" the crypto space is, no normie will trust unknown exchanges.

I try to limit myself to interesting threads + 10 minutes now and then to see potential pump and dumps. Try counting the time you spend on biz like it were a full-time job. It worked for me as I was disgusted by how much time I was throwing away here.

>> No.27138348

you seem to be putting a lot of faith in them
are you not worried something better is going to show up?

>> No.27138459

yes agreed, because some bugperson stole your data 3 years ago people should do to a different exchange to pay ((them)) some nice ((fees))

>> No.27138619

Like what? All the other exchanges that launched at the same time as them went nowhere and they have at least a two year headstart on the legal side over any other new exchange. The time to doubt them has passed.

>> No.27138795

they have nothing to offer, they dont even have acceptable liquidity. if you believe in cm youre retarded. theyve been open for years and still havent finished making the product better. the only reason anyone mentions them is because retard cultists like you thinking theyre the shit. unjustifiably so.

>> No.27138898

You can say that about any project though.
Personally, I'm bullish about their ideas of being a friendly link between stores and customers. In Kevin's mind, customers will not even know they are using crypto when they use a Coinetro-supported service.
To be really honest, I still don't really believe in crypto as a whole, so the idea of selling shovels to desperate gold diggers is the only use case I can see working

>> No.27138900

you're right, not really sure why i even asked, guess just wanted to hear your thoughts
you're not really saying anything, how about you explain in detail how other exchanges are better
look I'll even help you start the list
>bad ui
>bad liquidity

>> No.27139043

Care to give any proof about the leaked data? I've tried interacting with the scammer but got ghosted

>> No.27139176

also I've heard they want to start pumping some liquidity into minors and im all here for that

>> No.27139305

yes but with a huge premium. next round of class b share sale will pump the bond big time. bonds were sold at a company valuation of only €50m. Class b sale will be a lot higher company valuation.

>> No.27139856
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I too want to pump minors with my massive liquidity.

>> No.27140323
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>> No.27141276

I saw this https://medium.com/kadena-io/kadena-roadmap-for-q1-2021-c511f8d95579
and almost wanted to buy some but im still not sure about kda
kev said its pretty much priced in