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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 752x488, SHIB !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27138915 No.27138915 [Reply] [Original]

You missed DOGE

Don't miss this, buy a bag and get ready for lambos

Even if its a few bucks, put in now and make stupid money, this is DOGE back in 2015. Spread the word, lets make /biz/ #1 again!!

>> No.27138961

Pump and dump, already pumped

>> No.27138981

How to Buy SHIB:

>Buy Etherieum with whatever platform you want/prefer

>Create a metamask wallet (it takes two minutes)

>Transfer your ETH to your Metamask wallet

>Go to Uniswap, and click "Launch App" (direct link: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap))

>Connect your Metamask wallet to Uniswap (there's a big blue button, you just click it)

>The token that you choose is 0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce (It's the Shiba's contract. You can go check it on Coingecko if you don't trust me https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/shiba-inu))

>Choose amount you want to buy etc.


>> No.27139001

Scam discord pump and dump DO NOT BUY!

>> No.27139020

How to buy SHIB

>open wallet
>remove bill from wallet
>acquire lighter
>apply flame to corner of bill

>> No.27139063

Sorry anons, just want you to aqcuire success

>> No.27139089
File: 14 KB, 249x249, 1439063544949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you can put in $1 for a billion coins or some shit. just do it

>> No.27139114

Shiba has a website and an active team. It also did a +50% in the last minute. How does that feel >>27138961? You're missing out, AGAIN.

>> No.27139134

but the little dog graphic is cute

>> No.27139136

you just want idiots to pump
unfortunately for you,

>> No.27139204
File: 68 KB, 1141x897, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit still has room to grow. lose $10 or get $10k, seems like an easy risk to take

>> No.27139226
File: 503 KB, 451x605, booba_shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right, retards

Itll be nice to retire early. I was here for DOGE back in 2016 and missed out HUGE when it was only .0002$

not this time, in fact this has a better community and team behind it then DOGE does

>> No.27139280

that's why this shit will fail
at least doge is an actual chain

you pajeets just copy paste a random erc-20 contract and call it a day, expecting normies to go through this shit and spend 60 usd on fees

>> No.27139333


>> No.27139406

Literally one of the first 100 to buy this, team was anon to start and has totally abandoned project. ‘Official’ discord and tg filled with scams and spam. There are maybe a dozen people trying to pump this rn

>> No.27139421

k seeya on the moon i guess anons

>> No.27139527

kek you are wrong

>> No.27139774

Lmao I'm dumping right along with them. I lost almost everything. Fuck crypto and fuck this board.

>> No.27139909

Takes about 10 seconds to verify

t dot me slash shibainuthedogecoinkiller

>> No.27139965

stay poor lmao

>> No.27140053

Not buying your quick copy paste job pajeet

>> No.27140063

Newfags, take note. Left with nothing else, this is the type of stuff shills will resort to. Do not buy this rn, it has already been pumped and the bid dump is incoming

>> No.27140182

>Can't put a few dollars in
>calls others poor
Anon the test results came in today hate to be the bearer of bad news but your a faggot

>> No.27140350


I rreally want you guys to have success but youre actively against it, im so sorry

>> No.27140448

>stay poor lmao
>I really want you guys to have success

See how the shill vacillates? He will say ANYTHING to try to get you to buy before he dumps on you

>> No.27140462

I would rather get some DONUT while it's cheap. We're going places over the weekend. We'll see 1 USD per DONUT because there's only 120m of them, not 120b tokens like this dog stuff.

>> No.27140500

>down 300%

>> No.27140522



this is DONUT when it was 0.00000001 cents

>> No.27140774

I don't think so. Or has DOGE any real use case? DONUT is used by reddit. And as much as I don't like reddit, that IS a use case and it's still a meme. Wait till all the guys who slept on it yesterday see what can happen with only 120m tokens and mcap under 3m. And how fast it can happen.

>> No.27142078

Already pumped, already dumped, save your bags for next time.

>> No.27142525

That's how I see it too. And next time would be DONUT today. Lots of people haven't even seen what it did in the last 12 hours.

>> No.27142726

How can someone fall for obvious scam