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27118308 No.27118308 [Reply] [Original]

is 11$ a hour a good wage in louisiana i don’t pay any bills currently except 40$ a month for phone im 21

>> No.27118496

11$ an hour is a good wage in India. For America its peanuts, but then I barely make more than that.

>> No.27118848

i mean here 7.25 is still minimum and most jobs only want to pay 8 or 9 so i was super surprised and thought i was set when i saw they were gonna pay me $11 but ive been looking into financials recently and with the $15 min wage shit everyone says $11 isnt shit so idk

>> No.27118881
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If your expenses are only $40/mo that's not bad at all fren

>> No.27119138

I mean you are getting paid 3.75 over the minimum so its nothing to complain about as a fresh hire wagie but its not going to make you rich. Save while you can and invest in long term stocks and crypto.

>> No.27119262

Learn a trade and move, not necessarily in that order.

>> No.27119360

if you're living with your parents they'll make you pay rent eventually, bud. Try to get some actually marketable skills.

>> No.27119505

How do you do a job without wanting to kill yourself for the entire time? Genuinely curious as I'll be eligible for employment soon once my piss is clean again.

>> No.27119624

I almost quit when I only got a .50 raise to 18/hr. Work fucking sucks but I have a mortgage

>> No.27119998

yeah true im just worried ill be stuck here forever
ive had a few jobs before but this is def the highest paying one im working on saving up and soon want to start investing in accounts
Ive been looking into learning a trade but all the apprenticeships in the area say you need years of experience or you buy your own van and shit so i dony know
I live with my mom and my great grandma and help take care of her, my mom tries to pay rent but grandma wont let her but she pays most bills once great grandma passes i told my mom i want to pay a chunk of mortgage for whatever house she ends up getting but she said no
it makes me want to a lot of the time but mostly because i feel like a loser, the customers i interact with for the most part help out a lot since theyre usually nice and sometimes old vietnam vets and stuff that are friendly and just happy someone even tries to be nice and respect them, also coworkers are usually nice and i can lift big things which makes the girls like me

>> No.27120142

Get mint mobile 4gb/month for$15.
Fucken best deal

>> No.27120216

When I was 21 I was making like $140k a year and that was nearly two decades ago. Nigger you poor.

>> No.27120237

you sound like a good son anon, ygmi

>> No.27120252

ooo will note but the 40$ is to pay off the actual phone because last one broke, i dont pay anything for data or service

>> No.27120339

oof just barely missed that get, what a shame. I was going to go into the military for a bit and then reap the benefits, but with all this fuckin nonsense going on I'm not sure what to think anymore. At the very least, the preparation for it has helped me turn things around a bit.

>> No.27120389

;-; id be happy with 40k a year im not going to lie
thank you anon i try my moms a nurse but my whole life weve either been living with grandma or great grandma because she couldnt afford to move out with me while in school and everything so i just want to not be a mooch while im living with her and help out

>> No.27120474

you can save on your mobile phone get Mint Mobile you can get 12GB data unlimited text/call a month for like 300 a year

>> No.27120501

same, i was going to go into navy but i have a few bad health problems that if i lied would almost certainly come back to bite me eventually or at least get me put out long before i could make anything worthwhile so idk

>> No.27120675

wow $11 an hour is absolute trash. what is wrong with you Americans? how can you stand for that??

>> No.27120861

military is not bad if you can't get into the trades. once you get out, you could transition into working in the law, govt job. vets do have benefits. get the most out of your time and keep looking. military is huge

>> No.27120967

;-; because most people will only pay 7.25-9.25$

>> No.27121027

you're a good son anon. Keep saving till you get a big capital for crypto and stocks. I hope your family well.

>> No.27121144

Ah the fuckin sucks. I believe you can get waivers for certain things if you show enough initiative and/or do well on the asvab but of course that's a case to case thing.
Yeah I'm definitely looking at getting into some flashy like law, sort of wanted to do something cool like intelligence but just the thought of doing intel for an illegitimate administration turns my stomach. Until I figure it out I'm sticking with commissions and dumping the profits into crypto with fingers crossed.

>> No.27121217

get a new mobile plan unless you're stuck with the one you have right now.
Also learn some fucking skills. If you have a patch of land to use then make a garden.
Thats what i did 10 years ago and it saved me a lot of food expenses.

>> No.27121333

You will get there bro. Best work advice I can give is be the guy who says yes.
>anything else you need me to do boss
>can I help with that boss
>I don't mind staying late boss
That's literally all you need to do, be the guy who says Yes and it will stand you out.

>> No.27121350

Same OP but I make $14.50 at a car parts warehouse. Ngl it's pretty comfy since social interaction is minimal.

>> No.27121447

i made $12.50/hr in the NYC area when i was 22.... i think $11 is okay for Louisiana just don't get too comfy and settle for it

>> No.27121523

holy fucking shit. Did you even eat at that time anon?

>> No.27121546

Thank you friend
that’s what im trying to be, officially im a cashier but since ive been at rhis job ive basically become the guy who will clear the lot of carts, clean up every department, do pretty much any other job they need and ive been making friends with the different managers a few days ago i let the main one know i applied for a few internal positions so i could hopefully move to full time and maybe get a bump in pay so heres hoping

>> No.27121593

You poor thing.

>> No.27121860

sounds like a pretty comfy life desu.

>> No.27122107
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dude, yes. Louisiana is the literally the 2nd poorest state in the entire union. the cost of living is EXTREMELY cheap. you're fucking set earning $11/hr; i mean, fuck, you could even be set earning even $8-9/hr if you're working full time. just don't spend it like a fucking retard and save a portion out of every paycheck

>> No.27122286

i lived with mommy. still do actually.
hilariously enough now minimum wage here is above that. i got shafted. 18 year olds make $15/hour when I worked for less than half that when I was there age a decade ago.

>> No.27122366

Good work bro. It really is that fucking easy, most people are such fucking resentful retards that its very easy to stand out.

>> No.27122770

thank you frens and everyone else youve given me some hope and better perspective thank you

>> No.27123055

Anything less than $30/hr puts you on a collision course with a real bad time unless you decide to never get married, have kids, or have any unfortunate or unexpected event befall you. Sick parent that you have to care for? You break a bone? Heavy winds fuck up your roof? Life happens and it costs money. $25/hr might be like the bare minimum you can scrape by, but at $30 you can pretty much tackle anything comfortably as long as you aren't irresponsible with your money.

>> No.27123218

Find a community college near you that has a manufacturing degree, or something similar. Machinists are in absolutely insane demand nowadays. Up here in WI the place I got hired at in Nov couldn't find a non-retard for YEARS. And I'm talking like 10 years. I don't understand how, maybe not looking in the right place, but take that for what you will. Also, I'm still signed up for ziprecruiter and shit like that, so I see NEW positions of 24/hr like daily. And that's manufacturing in general, welding, machine building, machine operation (you won't necessarily get 24 doing operation, but depends on what you're actually doing), etc.

>> No.27123318

Anon, if you're looking to build up savings quickly, you could try to find construction work. It's in high demand even during the pandemic, and pays fairly well compared to Louisiana's cost of living. You may need to network a bit and see if anyone in your family knows someone who needs helpers.
t. getting paid $20 an hour to paint houses outside New Orleans

>> No.27123342


its not good but its more than min wage. i was making 12/hr in 2011 living with my parents with no bills and it was nice spending money but i still blew through it. you need to set your sights higher though. you could hire on as an apprentice hvac or electrician or plumber and make 15-20/hr if you're able. fun and rewarding work and pays a shit load more years in. i'm in oklahoma and those numbers should be pretty similar to louisiana.

>> No.27123435

will look into it thank you friends
the only people ive met that make anywhere near that have been in my family that seems so far out of reach but ill keep that number in mind

>> No.27123474
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If you live a hermit ish lifestyle and save like a motherfucker its liveable. You dont even have to be super frugal either as long as you arent a shopaholic. Especially if you have no other major expenses. I have a decent amount saved, invested, PMs, run side hustle, and plenty left over to spend on what I want.
>t. live on 1300 a month in commiefornia

>> No.27123556

Only suckers and bitches who have no skills stand for it. How do you offer more than that for unskilled labor in your shithole country? You’re taxing capable workers for it.

>> No.27123628

I’m also from Louisiana, what city are you in

>> No.27123798

yeah i really want to live a simple life, my biggest dream to eventually find a really affordable place and be able to just buy it completely or enough to the point where ill never have to worry in case i lose job or something, i dont want a fancy car or to go on vacations i just want to live
Ive been looking into those but every listing i can find online is saying it needs minimum 2 years of experience for an apprenticeship and is only saying like 12-13$ but a coworker told me the plumber union building is near work so i figure if i get fired for some reason or really want to do it ill go to the union building and see if i can get in

>> No.27123844

metairie currently, one day id like to move to lafayette if possible but ye

>> No.27124415

I make on average 20 bucks factoring in gas with Waitr and DoorDash. But I’m from Baton Rouge do the money might be better here

>> No.27124855


don't let that stop you from applying anyway. they are flooded with tons of low quality applicants and if you arent a dirt bag you're already a leg up.

the plumbing union isnt a bad idea. i signed the electric union book when i was your age and actually got some offers. I ended up at a utility. if you are physically able and think you could handle it then look into your gas or electric utility entry level spots. might have to start as a temp. comfy stable living with benefits and can retire with over a mil. don't wait until you're fired to pursue other options.

>> No.27125029

yeah once i get my car im def gonna look into doing that on the side since it seems like a good gig
Will look into thanks, i guess im not waiting till im fired i just want to see if theres any room for advancement because i figure the more experience i can squeeze out of this place the better its a hardware store so i figure hey i could say i have years of experience working with plumbing stuff and kind of tell the truth

>> No.27125078

To OP -

Learn how to do basic IT work and look for remote work. IT jobs are everywhere.

Basic 45k-50k a year IT job:
>help dolts reset password and save passwords to browser
>write up documentation
>learn basic instructions on how to manage SSO and directory systems (Okta and Google workspace for most mac environments, or Active Directory [azure] for windows.
>jump on youtube for 2 hours on learning shortcuts for basic functions on macs and PCs.

Boom, you're now a level 1 or 2 IT personnel. Look at remote jobs for IT. I promise you that you can find a job this way - just state on your resume your previous jobs were tech oriented.

my last job was literally sales and i just stated i was good at selling routers and troubleshooting.

best of luck

>> No.27125150

why are you living in shitholes

>> No.27125213

Get in that Cagie, wagie.

>> No.27125321

Just the place I was born, I have no skills so it would just seem like too much

>> No.27125368

To move I mean

>> No.27125488
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18ys old

I make 17 an hour working gate services in a heated 2 room gatehouse w minifridge and bathroom and watch anime all night while at work

>> No.27125803


if truly aimless anything plumbing related could help get on at a gas utility. i'm 29 non union at 30/hr base.

>> No.27125930

Where? Nolafag here
That ain’t shit in New Orleans or BR but could be in Denham or Shreveport

>> No.27126059

i am completely fucking useless with a computer and math like ive done classes ive done youtube videos i cant barely use microsoft word without having to look stuff up if i was good with computers id be set
its home and its got its perks
based fren congrats