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File: 231 KB, 2400x1257, citadel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27101892 No.27101892 [Reply] [Original]


OK, so I've come across https://mobile.twitter.com/toxic/status/1353890766800621569 this post here, which has given me something of a revelation.

Citadel, with stake in Melvin and Citron, also owns Robinhood. But here's the thing, Robinhood remains free by sending trade data TO hedgies, mainly Citadel. Which means that CITADEL KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING FROM THE WORD "GO".

What's most likely is that Citadel has JOINED THE SQUEEZE. They likely BOUGHT SHARES AGAINST CITRON/MELVIN. What I suspect is their strat here is to ride the bull up to the peak and dump the share all at once, leave Melvin/Citron to rot, while making a profit at the retail investor's expense.

The less likely scenario is that the whole thing was orchestrated from the beginning as a short against Melvin and Citron themselves and Citadel was frontrunning shares.

Either way, the way we win is the same - hold until the squeeze, then keep a REALLLY SHARP EYE ON THE MARKET. When Citadel sells, it's going to collapse HARD. Sell partway up the curve if you're concerned about losing your investment. If you're more risk accepting, you may want to try and ride a little higher up the curve before selling. BUT KEEP YOUR EYES GLUED TO THE STOCK. If you're on Robinhood, you may want to set a "sell by" price(not even sure if that's possible, I used an actual brick and mortar brokerage to buy my GME, so I really wouldn't know).

This might have benefits and disadvantages. If too many of you set a similar price, Citadel is going to try and sell just short of it to screw you guys. At the same time, they may do this during hours when trading is restricted, so who knows.

Make sure that when the squeeze happens, you sell BEFORE public trading is restricted. Because THAT'S when Citadel will sell off their stock.

>> No.27101922



I doubt they'll be so brazen as to restrict trade on the day of the squeeze and THEN sell their shares. That would CERTAINLY lead to jail time, there's no way they'd get out of that one.

They ALSO might sell during the day, but it would make more sense for them to sell during the restriction. Just keep your bloody eyes on the thing, yeah?
I'd love to be wrong, so if you have any reasons to suspect what I'm saying is misguided, for the love of God share it below.

Also, you guys are bloody legends. Keep it up, you beautiful autists.
I am not a financial advisor, nor is this legally financial advise. This should be taken only as on-topic conversation about the stock market, nothing more. I do not claim to have knowledge or even that much experience with the stock market, so what I say here is not rooted in extensive prior knowledge or wisdom, it is based upon my personal suspicions and conversations with others.

>> No.27101958

Kill yourself

>> No.27101997

They will restrict trading long before Citadel bails

>> No.27102029


>> No.27102036

didn’t read not selling

>> No.27102061
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>> No.27102070

Robin does allow you to set sell limits, I have some at 850, 950 and 1488. I also have two shares in fidelity but you cant set limits over 50% of the last price.

>> No.27102086

Many big boys too are pushing for the squeeze of course, you silly faggot.

But maybe you don't understand what a squeeze is and why it's happening, and it's not about dumping bags

>> No.27102294

My dad is a CFO for a pretty big company (not memeing here) and I would say he is an expert on these matters.
He said it’s impossible for them to have closed out if we’re still HODLING and that they must be lying, which gives me confidence. I was starting to doubt my choice

>> No.27102562

>the day of the squeeze
yeah like Citadel bought up more shares than the VW debacle lol
you mean the months of the squeeze.

>> No.27102823

are we gonna be able to sell for $34k a share like they did with VW?

>> No.27102942

so you're telling me not only is melvin competing against biz, reddit, and elon musk the richest person on the planet, but also another big hedge fund? this squeeze is gonna be neat.

>> No.27103220

VW had 58% float,
this one has 128% that doubled down to 250%
they had to buy VW shares are 34k a share because those were the only shares available.

>this time there aren't enough shares available
>this can theoretically go on forever
>GME becomes the new bitcoin with Vanguard eventually getting stuck with the bomb at the end making all the paper and digital money you made worthless

This is about collapse now. Imagine if your country had zero debt.

>> No.27103237

There will be a movie about this
The Big Short Squeeze

>> No.27103333

And they’ll blame us instead of the parasites who made the short in the first place

>> No.27103418

If you hold long enough 109 becomes 110+

>> No.27103539
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>> No.27103606
File: 122 KB, 1024x682, 1585871151408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR - Melvin and other shitty hedge funds sold their positions to bigger funds that could afford to finance positions that far underwater.
The shorts are still there, just in stronger hands.

What does this mean? Two things:
>We have a chance to fuck up bigger players
>Don't sell - it's really that easy. Just don't sell.

>> No.27103630

what would an accountant necessarily know about securities?

>> No.27103795

wouldn't matter if they sold or not. The call is a contract that their parent company would have to cover, ad infinitum

>> No.27103917

This entire thing was suspect from the start. It sounds more like hedge funds screwing hedge funds with useful idiots and some people smart enough to profit

>> No.27104170

>hedgefunds screwing hedgefunds
they're all tied up in each other and they're all going to have to liquidate.
Last post I'm making in this thread, I'm not paid to inform or argue with shills. Just know what can and can't happen

>> No.27104407
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do people seriously not know that you are getting fucked over if you use those "free" products

>> No.27104421
File: 60 KB, 715x463, 5B05CA3D-F0A9-4D02-B021-8F5957BE99A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads. Whatever happens, never, EVER, apologize for what you’ve done to the hedgies. They deserve all of it and more.

>> No.27104996

so all this time the msm has been blaming reddit but the actual graph movements have been caused by the companies behind these trading apps

>> No.27105280


>> No.27105346

Right, the short interest changed hands. Still needs to be covered. It's just in stronger hands now, meaning we have the potential to break a bigger fund. Just don't sell. I'm buying on Monday with all the money I don't need and will write it off as a total loss as soon as I buy it.

>> No.27105430

Again this point its not even just reddit. It's all sorts of Norman's that are even more normie that wsb. I have mine set to sell at 5k. Is that realistic?

>> No.27105444

yeah it actually is extremely sketch and hedgies are front running and setting up calls for 3 months from now
t. clearing house bro

>> No.27106540


>> No.27106966

strike price?

>> No.27107277

robinhood will gray out the sell button? then what?

>> No.27108588
File: 238 KB, 700x876, 1589400405007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you gotta say that shit and not substantiate?

Whatever. Assuming everyone in this thread is not full of shit, it sounds like wallstreet will back the bulls and squeeze the shit out of a shell company to bankrupt it while leveraging itself to the bull side of the equation. If this is true then they like the narrative of "power to the people" and are going to coopt it and give us a real blow off top.

If I wrote this strategy, I would pump the shit out of this to destroy the shell company, give the people some bread+circus to cheer about, and dump the fucking shit out of it in a classic blowoff top with retail trapped in the pump.

If any of the bullshit above is true, then hold your GME. In fact, buy more. Be ready to let go once you hit the stratosphere though.

>> No.27108765

Just put money in that you can afford to lose to stick it to the elite kikes. You know they are rattled, all the jews on CNBC are spouting off bullshit to protect their jewish buddies.

Even if this theory is right, that means Citadel run by a gentile comes out on top of two jewish hedge funds.

>> No.27109449

Uh.. wrong thread

>> No.27109461

That went up to $1000 wtf are you talking about nigger

>> No.27109660

Then the financial revolution becomes a bloody one

>> No.27109703
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>> No.27109710

Not in relation to market cap

>> No.27110003

OP is not terribly wrong. Pretty easy to figure out where the major sell walls are. Take a browse through WSB and Twitter and you'll see where a huge amount of people are setting their sell limits.

Theoretically the whole system could come down if it gets even past 5k a share. Citadel won't let it happen. They'll tank the price before it hits the herd's sell limits.

I'm setting conservative and realistic sell limits to 1) recoup initial investment and 2) get out before the chaos

>> No.27110035

>Robinhood sells trade data
What the fuck are you taking about?

>> No.27110331

Does he work for NTDOY?

>> No.27110343

This is bullshit.

There are ways to make money off of this phenomenon that does not involve shorting GME. Just short the long positions (with low short interest) of Melvin and Citron, and you make money.

There is no need to enter the crowded GME trade which is overbought right now, might as well frontrun the inevitable bond rally and stock crash. Just buy TLT call options and force the Hedge funds out of another massively short position.

Do you really think we're that stupid?

>> No.27110479

The question is whether Citadel has been able to shore up enough capital to push the price down, and if so, which Investment Bank risked their capital to help Citadel?

>> No.27110567

The zogs will never reveal that information. Just know that they are drinking champagne and sacrificing lambs to yahweh right now.

>> No.27110764

payment for order flow.

tl;dr a hedge fund pays a trading app for the right to scalp the stocks on the market. They know the direction retailers make before their competition, so they can change their investment strategies and get a leg up.

>> No.27111716

You don’t understand their business model. They don’t hold shares for more than a millisecond or so at a time. HFT has its problems and can defiantly manipulate markets but it actually helps all of us with liquidity and tight markets having HFTs and they aren’t holding stocks to dump, they make money on order flow by changing pennies between the bid and ask spread. When you buy a stock citadel sees the order, buys it a penny lower and sells it to you at your price. This all happens within a couple milliseconds. It happens at literally the speed of light cause it’s all automated. They aren’t fucking you, you set the price you got your price, it didn’t fuck the seller, they set their price, they got their price. Everyone got what they wanted and citadel only “held” the stock for a fraction of a millisecond.

>> No.27113482

>Imagine if your country had zero debt
it would have zero debt if not for that magic jewish thing called INTEREST

>> No.27114167

Managing the finance department at a publicly traded company is not accounting

>> No.27114467
