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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27090117
File: 734 KB, 720x751, 1611963245004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO can they actually do this

>> No.27090141

Who here now /cashgang/ waiting for the market crash?

>> No.27090162


>> No.27090181

gake and fay

>> No.27090250

SQQQ on open Monday? Would robin hood going under actually crash the nasdaq?

>> No.27090254
File: 1.42 MB, 1080x1307, uW5atjv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rona isn't forever.

>> No.27090271
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This gme dump is gonna be so fucking hilarious. Pulled out of my boomer shit trying to get my meme shit out in a pump

>> No.27090278

My calls expired worthless today. I'm financially ruined. My life is over.

>> No.27090331

No one ever like you. Lum autist.

>> No.27090332
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>> No.27090355

read thread for the real China
posting in this thread is a crime against capitalism and democracy

>> No.27090362

Why can't newfags accept this is peak market mania

>> No.27090395


Can and have

>> No.27090423

>My life is over.
Yet here you are.

>> No.27090456

No it isn't you dumb niggers

>> No.27090464

Is robinhood actually going under? Fuck me I should've withdrawn today shouldn't I. Can we agree to RIOT in Congress if they don't bail them out?

>> No.27090498

sorry new
do you mean sqqq calls? would you also do tqqq puts?

>> No.27090533

I'm going to buy some kneepads and suck dick until I have $10k and then buy more calls, I can still make it.

>> No.27090562

Coming soon for poorfags with under 25k:

No option trading,
Max 5 shares per company,
Cant sell within 3 months

You will trade like the Boomer,
And you will be happy.

>> No.27090570

Where have they done this before?

>> No.27090585

t. doomer

>> No.27090595
File: 41 KB, 624x480, 1505666820063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gamergate killed /v/
>2016 election killed /pol/
>Gamestop Market rally will kill /biz/

god fucking damn it will reddit ever stop ruining this fucking website. can I just have 1 nice thing without these retards shitting on it.

>> No.27090649

No because we’re not morons with a zoomer game app stock broker lmao

>> No.27090711

spent most of my portfolio on calls today, hoping things go back to normal next week

but the last couple of times VIX spiked this high, markets were down for a week or two after

h-how much should i worry?

>> No.27090720
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How fucked is it that this is a likely scenario.

>> No.27090754

Link or fuck off

>> No.27090779

Yeah bro I'm gonna get me and my 500,000 closest reddit buddies and crash your stonks if you don't support my game apps bailout nigger

>> No.27090784

>in this market
buy the dip

>> No.27090815


After the flash crash of 2010, trades were reversed in multiple stocks with trading anomalies

>> No.27090847

Probably not likely. At most the sec will look into genuine manipulation on either side, more likely retail, but not change anything. The Jews will win.

>> No.27090864
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>> No.27090862

Lots lmao VIX gonna hit 50-60 easily

>> No.27090881

They'll just force brokers to add trading fees, that's more than enough to stop normies from ever trading again

>> No.27090914

When is the Robinhood DR so I can start shorting it?

>> No.27090974
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Noob here, do I need to watch the markets and news on the weekend for gamestop fuckery or can I finally regain sanity and lost sleep

>> No.27091078

Bro you don't get to leave until you have 9 digits retard LMAO thinking you can leave.

>> No.27091094

Hi, what kind of stock platforms should I avoid? What kind do you people use?

I've set up an etoro account before reading what people said about it, to be fair I haven't used it much but I think I wasted my time. Some people on the PlayStore reviews were complaining that it froze their accounts and even worse, do to a change in crypto policy they stole lots of crypto

Libertex has had restrictions just like Robinhood, so that's a letdown.

>> No.27091112

Help me ease my stress this weekend guys: nothing bad is gonna happen right?

>> No.27091143


>> No.27091169
File: 193 KB, 850x1202, 1586966569523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was all a ruse from the beginning bros:
>set up a shitton of stimuli to get the market going after the pandemic
>gather all of the street on one trading platform - Robin Hood
>set them up to buy certain stonks through the media and let them "fight the wall street"
>gather a shitton of shorts from the panicked non-kosher funds that don't know about your ruse
>activate order 66 on Robin Hood to ban the "buy" option
>earn a ton of money on the flash crash of GME and other stocks
>make terrorists out of the guys who managed to escape your trap

THEY just earned a ton of money out of the people again

>> No.27091174

You didn’t sell boomer stocks? Are you an idiot

>> No.27091180
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>market crash
It's a correction :^)
My broker doesn't even recognize Taiwan, just like nearly every nation in the UN. You can bake next thread, it doesn't matter to me

>> No.27091203

hedgies have bodies and fears just like anybody else
they're not truly scared yet, money's just an ephemeral number

>> No.27091211

how can i see data on short interest rates? how can I know it's accurate and up to date? How do I know when a hedgefund is required to return their stock?

>> No.27091262

Monday is going to be an absolute clusterfuck m8. Don't worry because there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.27091263

Well then expect us to make deregulated brokers that use crypto to trade

>> No.27091289

I have around 200k. what are your suggestions for low to mid risk portfolio? Do I put this now or better wait for a market crash?

>> No.27091302

Think I am going to ladder some of my GME to get my initial investments back plus some profit then hold the rest to try and become a millionaire.

Wonder what Monday will be like.

>> No.27091306

All markets will crash 20%. Biden will get assassinated and Harris will declare stock-trading "dangerous" for the unsophisticated and confiscate all your shares for 5% the market value.

>> No.27091468
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>> No.27091481

Anyone have the meme with the shoeshine boy giving stock advice?

>> No.27091512

That's where it's heading fren. It's inevitable. These events and potential actions to follow just add fuel to the fire, and attempts to stop it in crypto will result in genuine decentralised platforms, not the fake defi erc20 aws Ethereum trash now

>> No.27091513

I don't want to fucking hear about GME anymore on smg ok? you have the entire board to ask questions

let's talk about stocks that will moon on monday.

>> No.27091568

The market makes too much money from retail. They won't want to kill the market 'cause one hedige got wreckt.

>> No.27091604


>> No.27091609
File: 21 KB, 1027x209, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of buying back into AMC,but my last trade was a loss so im gonna get a wash sale

What's gonna be my new adjusted wash sale Cost Basis if I buy back in at 13? How do I calculate it?

>> No.27091610
File: 104 KB, 800x600, crybabychinkfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck China. Fuck commies.

>> No.27091611

I prefer the left image. Has more of a natural and authentic character to it. Why do Chinese feel like building giant supertalls will make everyone appreciate them more? A more organic growth and development in architecture would be much more pleasant.

>> No.27091612

Nigger why did you buy calls with such close expirations, especially with earnings soon

>> No.27091667

How should I move my investments around if we're moving from a clown market to a bear one? Sqqq I bought the dip in, and I thought KTOS might be a good hold in case they try to false flag an (((attack))) and throw us into a Syrian conflict as a distraction from the circus, any other suggestions?

>> No.27091670

What shall I put my AMC sell order limits at?

>> No.27091671

Someone get this hedige outta here!

>> No.27091678

Energy stocks or beat down blue chips with solid balance sheets but structurally paths toward growth. Dividends are nice to get back time value of money since you won't time when this happens. This is mostly if you just want "limit downside" with a higher potential for share price appreciation but to be generating returns on your money.
Index funds for low maintenance and (relatively) low risk. VTSAX.

>> No.27091718

No less than $1000

>> No.27091722


>> No.27091723
File: 73 KB, 590x666, 1611960071366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the ever-loving fuck is Robinfaggot restricting SOXL purchases to 1 share?? WTF

>> No.27091748

Don't tempt me with a good time anon

>> No.27091774
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>> No.27091783

>let's talk about stocks that will moon on monday.
consensus here is the market is going to tank


i have calls, so i'm hoping /smg/ is wrong on this

>> No.27091784

How do I long decentralized finance and decentralized brokerages where no one can turn off the market or reverse trades?

>> No.27091815

I'm sorry papa

>> No.27091855

Any attempt to fuck with the retail investors will lead directly to an American Revolution. Do these retards forget this country was forged on the mantra of "Don't Fuck With My Money"?

>> No.27091894

thanks anon

>> No.27091899

Literally entire market is tanking.
Know what will be mooning though? FUCKING GME.
Well, there's one more thing: your head on a spike, hedgie. It's going to the moon, too.

>> No.27091906

Too late to get in on more monday you think? Snagged 10 shares for a song but kind of want more due to how hard the dip was

>> No.27091953

None exist yet. "Defi" is a meme.

>> No.27091969

the entire market except for GME will tank on Monday

>> No.27091976

I hate leftists so much, bros.

>> No.27092001
File: 229 KB, 627x720, 1501425539350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it huh. I barely got to trade for less than a fucking year and now they're going to fucking kill retail traders forever.

>> No.27092011

You're going to get fucked like me, I lost $200k on calls

>> No.27092012

>why yes I do like losing to inflation like the retarded boomer I am while ignoring reality even when it's spoonfed to me, how did you know?

>> No.27092019

Don't overdo things. If you are that sure then just buy puts on SPY, you can view SQQQ as a hedge.

>> No.27092063

>I barely got to trade for less than a fucking year and now they're going to fucking kill retail traders forever.
serves you right for using robinhood and not ameritrade

>> No.27092118

Going to open a sizeable position in V on Monday. Calls or shares?

>> No.27092135

Whenever I hear people in public talking about the stock market it is incredibly cringe and they never know what they're talking about. I overheard a conversation in a foodcourt the other day and the whole table had recently invested in my country's airline with the sentiment that they literally can't lose money at this price. I had invested in the same airline 5 years ago at a far cheaper price when the company was at its peak earnings. Now revenue is down by almost 50% from its already languishing figure in 2019. When people are euphoric about the market like this it can never end well. Even despite the massive QE going on it is only a matter of time and the whole short squeeze situation is only going to accelerate the coming correction.

>> No.27092143

Good luck trying to fuck with freedom of speech

>> No.27092145

they will announce test flight window over weekend

>> No.27092178
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shares in GME through Robinhood, can I transfer them to another app? If so what is reccomended?

>> No.27092181

Market will crash 80% on Monday, Dow will be at $0.00001 by EOY

>> No.27092197

That is what a low to mid risk investment is. Not for a long term hold. Money markets are barely better than savings accounts at this point.
Beta chasing requires taking on higher risk.

>> No.27092206

cope taiwanese roach

>> No.27092230
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>> No.27092250

I don't make the rules anon, (((they))) do

>> No.27092253

Fair anon, thanks. I'm still pretty new to this but really feel like meme stocks are going to rape me if I just pretend a crash isn't coming so I wanted something a bit less volatile

>> No.27092260

The constitution has been dead for at least a year now

>> No.27092286

Do not do this - it will take WEEKS to transfer. You'll miss the climax.

>> No.27092297

Be warned, We've got paid posters in the mix.


We just caught him on here, but all the gamestop and stock threads have bad actors today.

>> No.27092304

I doubt that. Definitely buying in on Monday

>> No.27092305

Hi friends

>> No.27092307
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But they aren't communist.
>With over 3,500 listed stocks, the market is large, deep and very liquid: In 2018 and 2019, China’s domestic markets, comprising Shanghai and Shenzhen, were more liquid than all U.S. stock markets combined.9 The average daily trading volume of an onshore stock is roughly USD13 million, vs. USD8.5 million in the rest of the EM universe.

>> No.27092321

You lose when you liquidate. AMD is possibly overvalued, btw, but maybe not. Depends on Xilinx.

>> No.27092369

I'm sure that story is completely true and he had no foreknowledge of the crash, how lucky

>> No.27092423

You would have to make an off-market transfer which takes forever. You can't avoid what's coming (good or bad). Just accept the inevitable.

>> No.27092448
File: 68 KB, 567x455, VIPER EYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole cock and balls have been in EV's and lithium since May and it's comfy

>> No.27092509

I'd unironically buy Chinese stocks, the moment they open everything up all the money is going to fuck off to the US to a place with decent growth. I miss when GDP grew more than 2% per year.

>> No.27092518

no dipshit I use wealthsimple. and I've been here since October

>> No.27092520
File: 54 KB, 750x606, 1611961529031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all going to jail!

>> No.27092569

I'm going to liquidate myself

>> No.27092590

Don't you understand? Buy the dip.

>> No.27092599

I'll bet with all the scrub money coming in I can at least cash out on monday right....

>> No.27092615
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they think this is a game

>> No.27092618

Based suicideanon

>> No.27092620

dumbest shit I've heard all week

>> No.27092630

You can still make it swinging shares in that environment but you have to do an absolute shitload of DD because every trade matters. Hell it might benefit the autists who spend all day researching charts and filings.

>> No.27092637

kek Dems hate freedom of speech. And the jews have already taken most of it from you, to the cheers of leftists and normie americans.

>in 2015, half of dems wanted hate speech legislation
You can be sure that it's 75% now.

>> No.27092641

>if you are not a licensed politician and you speak about politics you are comminiting a felony

>> No.27092645
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>> No.27092665
File: 65 KB, 534x766, 20210115_031336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, John "Fat Hands" Rocker is gonna baghold that for a long time, huh?

>> No.27092667

Why does this man call himself Mrs.? Is this some kind of fetish thing?

>> No.27092670

Since this happened I've probably watched this video 100+ times. Just so incredible to me

>> No.27092706

50% TQQQ:TMF has far lower risk AND fire higher returns at the same time, inbred.

>> No.27092719

It was crazy watching SPY dump like that. Hedgies are liquidating all their positions in order to get cash to continue this. It won't save them.
Their attempts to naked short ladder attack this down today worked even worse than yesterday. Ending above 300 was bullish, but ending at 320 was a slap in the hedgies' faces.

>> No.27092736
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Short TSLA

>> No.27092760

AMD falling off a cliff after earnings makes no sense to me desu. The market is wrong but I don't have enough votes (dollars) to change the consensus.

>> No.27092800

Not in a good way. I just mean how you can see the roofs of buildings being torn off and flung into the air, and presumably balconies full off people taking identical videos which were never seen

>> No.27092826

how do you like berk b.? I've been eyballing it and i plan to buy it and hold for a while.

>> No.27092830

And to that I say thank fucking God Trump got elected and was able to appoint 3 supreme court justices.

>> No.27092853

Seems they're already short circuiting their brains

>> No.27092863

shut up newfag, I've been here since June

>> No.27092864

Actually you do want to sell everything else except GME. When these hedge funds dump their stocks to pay for GME, you're gonna see weeks of stock liquidation that rivals March.

And now you know how the Great Depression happened!

>> No.27092893

long term hold desu. its stable boomer bucks.

>> No.27092899

This will unironically probably be the case soon. You'll need a Political License form The Party to talk about politics

>> No.27092913

China is always a risk. BABA is a recent reminder, LK a bit older. In any case, it's also a completely fake economy.
Then again, it's not like the US economy is a pristine example of an orderly, lawful market either.

>> No.27092917
File: 4 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protective yet fashionable

>> No.27092919

They're about to stack the court bud.

>> No.27092946
File: 66 KB, 796x1082, 1597978549595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw im blood red because I have 10k in normal market postions and 5k in game at the peak....
I fucked up guys

>> No.27092962

If you faggots can't even spot a joke thread you really shouldn't be investing.

>> No.27092964

GME's market capitalization is far too low to cause a market crash.
Stop listening to the stupid newfag memes. I made 300% on GME before anyone calls me me a shill.
Yet since it didn't moon today and the jews have 3 whole days to manipulate the after market price, I decided that the hedgies will get out over the weekend and pour a bucket of shit on everyone's head on Monday.

I was going to keep half of my GME stack but since it took me 10 minutes to close that position today, I cannot hold knowing that it will be worse on monday. Fuck these jewish online trading apps, every single one of them was founded by a jew.

>> No.27092969

Make sure to switch over to US government bonds in your 401k's. If you have a retirement, move your money out of stocks -> bonds.

>> No.27092984

The reality is, anon, the left and the right have no real power. The Jew is both in and above them. To believe either side actually has any power is to fall for their trick.

>> No.27092988

I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.27092994

lel are they paying people to post here now?

>> No.27093009
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>> No.27093023

IMO 90's Shangai shivers looks better. Modern Shangai looks like a city where robots live.

>> No.27093027

I think we may be able to recover, because its WSB that's getting the headlines, and the people coming here that are clueless will get bored. especially if it doesnt turn out to be some massive 4-5 digit stock by tuesday

>> No.27093029
File: 322 KB, 591x716, 1421382414230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i...i meant on /biz/ since oct, I've been on 4chan longer

>> No.27093058

whats a manga knees?

>> No.27093064

There is an equally massive short position on US government bonds that need to be filled by willing buyers.

>> No.27093076

I was already smelling something wrong a few days ago so I sold everything except meme stocks. Others already felt the same and posted about it in the threads.

>> No.27093082

>blackrock just bought 333 million shares of NOK today

this is good news for next week, yes?

>> No.27093092

They're all cucks anyways, what's the point? None of them agreed to take on any election fraud cases.

>> No.27093127

cities are exactly like where robots live because they are built exactly the same way as a circuit board

>> No.27093153

Just dollar-cost average and you should be fine eventually

>> No.27093224

Yea, in 40 years :^)

>> No.27093226

3 supreme court members weren't enough to stop a literal banana republic tier election steal, they're not our friends or allies

>> No.27093236

>got a fidelity account
>gonna invest in AAL and AMC first thing in the morning on monday
am i gonna make it bros?

>> No.27093242
File: 302 KB, 750x1074, 736CF907-50E3-4260-96C2-FFDC9F9DC81D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I choose?

>> No.27093247

I dont think I can really go too wrong with my longs. Its apple and some SPY a little TQQQ. Over the year I imagine it will come out in the wash but. My gme play was just silly

>> No.27093283

So bonds tank, market tanks, shorts get squeezed, biden prints a brazillion and a half dollars, and we all capitulate into gold and bitcoin and become the new US elite? I'm down with this.

>> No.27093291

AMC will hit $0 monday

>> No.27093312

Don't wanna push this further lul. Not /pol/. Buy CLF

>> No.27093338

Yes, throw more money into robinhood so I can take mine out please

>> No.27093369

Fucking based. Look into the lithium stocks on the ASX (Australia). Galan GLN is a personal favourite of mine and is still underpriced.

>> No.27093390


>> No.27093394

What's up with the low volume in ah?

>> No.27093420
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>AMC will hit $0 monday

>> No.27093423
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>> No.27093438
File: 51 KB, 636x358, 1542573979694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bEeN hErE sInCe OcToBeR

>> No.27093448

Go back

>> No.27093461
File: 38 KB, 450x600, f7fafa40c556f64bd21f416028e122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pls respond

>> No.27093485

Fuck CLF. It didn't even make the robinhood naughty list. No one wants that shit, it's going to 13

>> No.27093487

Yeah, you can just hold that shit forever if you have the patience, no need to ever get out of these positions for the foreseeable future. You can do even better if you can time these things, and a rather simple trick is to use moving averages and atr or stdev (I prefer atr). Even if you're just boomerlonging, it can give you peace of mind knowing that the dip is a simple correction, and allowing you to estimate how far it could be going.

>> No.27093491
File: 140 KB, 500x598, 1604453625395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the actual fuck

>> No.27093513


>> No.27093517

2016 killed a lot more than just pol
Bullshit culture war posts now permeate the whole site

>> No.27093527

>company paid off all it's debt thanks to stonks
>legitimate fundamental case for post-covid
>over 100k call options expired far ITM today
>all the money being held back by RH and other brokerages is going to bust out next week once people finish switching brokerages or just using the options trick they came up with

kys anytime my dude lmao

>> No.27093540

Nice twitter meme newfag

>> No.27093578

randomized oblivion character looking nigeer

>> No.27093581

hmmm I wonder if it had anything to do with the entire market tanking and people going into meme plays....

>> No.27093625

It took around 4 years for SPY to recover after 2008. Those that did dollar-cost averaging instead of dumping recovered much, much faster.

>> No.27093635
File: 99 KB, 750x531, A8BE9D05-366D-4670-8102-E81C0F1D8510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.27093640

The US economy is also fake. The stock market should be half of what it currently is but it's being propped up to protect pension funds. I assume that sometime within the next decade China will open up their stock markets and place some basic investor protectors in place in order to secure itself as the growth capital of the world after the USA collapses into a pile of mexican boomers and tranny zoomers.

>> No.27093673


>> No.27093675

So is there really going to be a crash Monday?
How will it affect my britbong stocks and crypto?
Will the fed just burrrrrr?

>> No.27093701

those are pictures of 2 different places you fucking retard

>> No.27093724

lol no u... show me reddit link if you saw it there

>> No.27093736
File: 44 KB, 914x882, 2021-01-29_14-08-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought you could get out?

>> No.27093776
File: 197 KB, 1833x731, AMC call options expiring today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference, pic related. the stock closed at 13.26 today.

>> No.27093792

>Implying people are gonna invest in the chink stock market

>> No.27093799
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Anon here who is just kinda watching the show for the memes. What's the latest? I see Gamestop went back up today it seems so that one is holding out for the shorts I guess? What about that other one people were yelling about? Movie place

>> No.27093803

UK markets are pathetic no matter what happens. They just fucking don't move

>> No.27093808

No seriously. Or are you serious?

>> No.27093819
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here's a (You) instead

>> No.27093857

Yeah the nice thing is I've still got a reasonable safety fund that's liquid and im not fucking about with margin so either my gme play gets me a bit and things are cool and I wait or I lose a bit that won't kill me. I hedge my stupidity with 15% in retirement accounts and its not Citadel lel ill be okay one day

>> No.27093863

i really like these shares

>> No.27093865
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can miss out on a lot of things in life, but don't miss out on God's free gift of eternal life.

going to heaven is free, and once you receive the gift of everlasting life, it's your forever.

>> No.27093898
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Will do, right now my riskiest position is in American Lithium OTC: LIACF. I hardly look at the price but the payoff could be nice as everything seems to be going well with their claim.

>> No.27093928
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>> No.27093936
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Bullish as fuck for BAO, which will do just that on L2 so you don't have to fuck with stupid eth fees.

>> No.27093950

So if institutional investors and GME execs are holding just like everyone else, why is WSB being blamed?

>> No.27093955

Do you think nokia is a good meme coin?

>> No.27093968


>> No.27093991

I'd get some bili or baidu, they're not particularly risky and the government won't let them fail. Good hedge against american incompetence, too. Wouldn't go too crazy into it though.

>> No.27094006

Money chases growth and developing East Asia is the only place that's growing. If you could buy real estate there you'd have a steady 20% ROI in places like Cambodia.

>> No.27094018

Anon idk if you're still here but you were asking about the company that had Pelosis son.

>> No.27094026

Not a newfag. In fact
I bEeN hErE sInCe OcToBeR

>> No.27094066


>> No.27094071
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Once again may I ask what broker this is?

>> No.27094128


>> No.27094137

maybe everyone is waiting for the last second to snipe it to 321?

>> No.27094143

any /smg/ gme anons who bought in september (or earlier?) still holding?

>> No.27094158
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>> No.27094164

Why didn't you ask on plebbet where you got it from?

>> No.27094176


>> No.27094183

I'm buying things that are shut down due to corona virus. It's impossible for centiury old automotive firms to go bust due to branding, so I've been buying those at rock bottom prices.
Thinking about Cineworld too as they may be able to turn things around when stuff opens in a few months.

>> No.27094221


>> No.27094231

You can also get 20% ROI on RE in cucknada lmao.

>> No.27094264

buy and or hold GME

>> No.27094285

I think cities should only prioritize economic efficiency, as I've never enjoyed being in one. Building vertically helps a lot in that regard.
>A more organic growth and development in architecture would be much more pleasant.
They're just following the same designs pushed everywhere else
>someone actually wrote this shitpost

>> No.27094367


>> No.27094403

>2016 killed a lot more...
It really killed the fragile co-existence that was more pervasive in those times.... looking forward to the fallout

>> No.27094456


>> No.27094498


It took me 10 minutes to close half of my position in GME today, whilst the price was increasing (using eToro but I suspect that the rest are the same)

If you are planning to sell the top please remember I said this.

>> No.27094501
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>> No.27094524

I work in the bong film industry and productions have been going forward like before the pandemic, just more precautions. Cineworld should be alright providing the government doesn't continue harsh restrictions, but I would be careful with them since the public here hardly ever watch anything other than capeshit. Look into what could be released when they reopen that would actually attract normalfags

>> No.27094540

China's dead in the water retards. We literally made them waste trillions of dollars buying political and economic support for the belt and road, which is an area of the world we've throughly sucked dry of resources already and which will very very quickly fall into real collapse from climate change and population crises.

>> No.27094547

Lads ive dropped a shite 5 times today my hole is fully scorched what does this mean for the market Monday morning?

>> No.27094610

Fuck kikes!

>> No.27094653

Nice shoop
Post the original with the jew

>> No.27094662


Fuck you too nazi cunt

>> No.27094668
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holy fuck smg really is the smart money general
thanks fren

>> No.27094670
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>> No.27094682


>> No.27094716

if you hate jews buy GME

>> No.27094741
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>Fuck you too nazi cunt

>> No.27094758

I’ll bet his wife made a killing in cattle futures!

>> No.27094764

People are not gonna invest in the stock market of a country that doesn't respect the free market and transparancy. Simple as that, it would be gambling but with a handicap.
For all of it's faults the US will always be superior because atleast they don't try to fuck their investors over like chink do over petty political shit.

>> No.27094785

I like the idea of this comic but I dont like when they get away with the sloppy art. The traders scabbard should be straight even if she wants to let those V lines remain sloppy

>> No.27094810

Le reddit army is bringing diversity and love to 4chan anon! Le narwhal bacons at le midnight chungus 100

>> No.27094818
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I heard there were "people" who actually LOST money on GME. Is this true?

>> No.27094837
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>Sold AMC at 15 this morning
>Spent all week accumulating CLF shares
>Bought 19c/20c exp. 16 Apr
>Bought 300 NOK for memes
I feel comfy even though I'm slightly down. CLF might've been a meme, but it is the real deal. I'm just waiting for the day this shit runs up to 30.

>> No.27094878


>> No.27094901

Right on. These stocks are still speculative by nature but the potential upside is huge and the demand for lithium will only increase. The price of lithium per tonne is projected to increase by 15% in the next 2 decades and this is a conservative estimate. The company I mentioned (GLN) is expecting to be in profit in the next 4.5 years. They have established a high purity vein of lithium on the land they have rights to in Argentina and expect to start developing their mining and processing station next year which will enable them to produce 20,000 tonnes of battery grade lithium per year. They also just won the rights to a highly promising mining area just south of Perth Australia and have started initial research there already.

tl;dr Lithium is a long hold with huge potential and it's very exciting.

>> No.27094951

I feel like amc was just a ploy to keep the pressure off gme squeeze

>> No.27094973

>build a tacky, gaudy, literally EMPTY city on westbux


>> No.27094985

We're gonna need a shit load of steel for all these EV the government wants.

>> No.27094986

Cheers. If I was an exec in one of these Cinema chains, I would have bought the rights to a bunch of old classic Kino, which would probably be super cheap.
They sort of did this as they put the Shining on in my local cinema at halloween. they really should have capitalised on it.

The marvel burrrrr of shit is rolling as normal now I think, but I don't watch that stuff anyway.

>> No.27094992

holding AMC is actually not a bad idea, considering AMC was only tanking due to covid. With the vaccine rollout and their fundraising, they'll likely recover

>> No.27095105

>considering AMC was only tanking due to covid
Dude they have been in decline since 2002.

>> No.27095122

kek good one

>> No.27095156

AMC is actually still reasonably priced, its barely at pre-cornoa levels. They still haven't gone bankrupt yet, so it seems likely the price is just going to crab.

>> No.27095179

I mean at one point it was retarded because they were on the brink of bankruptcy, but after they got a 600 million check it's peachy

>> No.27095181

>Only tanking due to wuflu
why did it drop from 30 a share in 2017 to halving in 2018?

>> No.27095223

Uhhh, have you even been paying attention the last few days?

>> No.27095227

Gotta go Bitcoin brah

>> No.27095238

I haven't been to a movie theater since... I don't actually know, maybe 2009.

>> No.27095268

Go back. You're not wanted here, faggot idiot.

>> No.27095288
File: 76 KB, 750x1206, AD5CF14C-C7B6-4C2E-BF70-3A201F1E654B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I’ll never be free.

>> No.27095310

ehhh forget about streaming all the normies watch ? like 80% of developed world + 30% of developing ? + growing

>> No.27095325

Netflix, et all. But you wait and see. Once they start opening up for regular business due to vaccine saturation of the public, there's going to be a rush for theaters. It might not last long-term, again because of Netflix and other shit, but for a few months it's going to tick up.

>> No.27095388

I've heard that the US government is thinking about using your money to pay firms to move out of China due to rising wages and set up in Vietnam and south Asia, playing it off as a "cold war" move. Bipartisan support.

Have you heard anything about it?

Literally impossible. I got into in on Monday and made 300% day trading.

>> No.27095390

Mine does the same. It gives me a number to call.

>> No.27095407


>> No.27095433

So how do we know that the hedgefunds MUST pay their short contracts with interest next week?
No one knows the details of their contracts right?

>> No.27095444

Absolutely. All U.S. automakers are going balls deep on electric cars because they see the writing on the wall. Biden is adamant about U.S. infrastructure/commodities despite what the doomsayers are chanting. Q4 ER is going to be a blowout, making it the 6th beat in a row. CLF also gets a new analyst upgrade almost every week it seems, usually over 20. Full disclosure it got like a 20 cent downgrade by some shit for brains last week. But everyone else seems bullish for steel.
Maybe, but I was only in it for the short term gain. Best of luck to anyone still holding AMC though. Fuck hedgies. But I think everyone's just super hyped on these memes and I'm not fully convinced any of them have any real longterm prospects with the exception of NOK.

>> No.27095490

I opened an account yesterday in less than 2 minutes.

>> No.27095500

Normalfags usually love it, but there's been a significant decrease in interest in it since the pandemic, which might lead to actual capeshit exhaustion. They're simply losing interest, and the straight to streaming stuff being released it just flopping. Consider what is on streaming and what is a genuine theatre experience. I personally think the chains are quite fucked unless they shift things around a bit. Curzon is a chain that is accepting streaming and offers various additional subscription/rental/purchasing options for blockbusters and arthouse, for example.

>> No.27095550

You do realize they have a website right

>> No.27095557

It's the jews robbin the other jews with your hands, morons. You niggers gonna lose your money at the end.

>> No.27095598

short interest on such a volitile stock is definitely expensive and definitely needs to be paid very often. I don't know details but those 2 are for sure

>> No.27095614

Please change your stance on this unless you want to lose money.,
>inb4 coronavirus lockdown2: mutation boogaloo

>> No.27095644

As someone only just now putting his research into lithium and investing into it, would the LIT ETF be a possible good investment as well? I'm wanting a fair fire and forget stock regarding lithium and thought I'd go in on them while they're in a dip

>> No.27095668

I don't remember Biden arresting Jeff Bezos over petty political shit and then threaten to nationalize Amazon and fuck absolutely everyone over.

>> No.27095690

And undermine trust in the markets? When both left and right side of the political spectrum is on the small guys side.

>> No.27095700

you have any sources? i want to read more about this

>> No.27095755
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>which is an area of the world we've throughly sucked dry of resources already
America sucked all of the resources from these countries?
>which will very very quickly fall into real collapse from climate change and population crises.
Lel okay
>bug people built a city for economic growth and I don't like it :^(
>Shanghai is empty
Are you okay?

>> No.27095784

This demoralization kike thinks we're investing money we're not prepared to lose, and that we don't absolutely love our shares like our own children. Laugh at it.

>> No.27095803
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>> No.27095814
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Check this out, $61,385.69 in cash, sorry bucko you'll need to wait a week to take out any of that.

>> No.27095822

The Biden campaign's entire tax plan was designed around suppressing upward mobility from the middle class, there's nothing to be surprised about.

>> No.27095872

Basically all brokers internationally were #cancelling their own (usually paying) users because one hedge fund shorted GME and was losing, anon. It's almost as bad, arguably worse given that the hedge funds being forced to win allows them to decide the fate of companies, including for petty political shits.

>> No.27095882


>> No.27095885

>t. read graham book once

>> No.27095899

I have not heard anything about that, it would not surprise me at all however. That sounds like a losing move over the long term however

>> No.27095900
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>> No.27095924

lmao, they shouldn't get away with this (though they will)

>> No.27095980

0? try 0 million.

>> No.27095986

gl cashing out when RH exit scam over the weekend

>> No.27096012

This is a hot new angle to spin Melvin

>> No.27096016

bruh they are gonna be ITM next week

>> No.27096160

Should I just cash out my boomer stocks since we are peak clown market?

>> No.27096177

So is day trading a total meme?

>> No.27096221


>> No.27096230
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>> No.27096241

Yes lol, especially the middle east. We have been there for years strip mining with corporations and military backing.
>he doesn't believe climate change is real and thinks we don't control and weaponize immigration
China is getting fucked and the only reason you think otherwise is the various chinese gov propoganda leaks they manage to push through into your american news sources

>> No.27096250
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>US will always be superior
>atleast they don't try to fuck their investors
This is your brain on Americentrism

>> No.27096268

>Robinhood exit scams before Bitfinex
I truly didn't see that one coming.

>> No.27096308

Alright so what do I do with the naked stock I have 250 shares at 1.77 it's on robin hood though should I buy even more at dip or hold. Will it skyrocket like koss.

>> No.27096323

The west has done nothing but losing moves for the past 50 years. Shit is sad. First time they did it was with Carter to china in the 70s, and now they keep moving it to a country when the wages get too high.

>> No.27096357

I guess I have some type of fidelity account through my old employer, so I need to contact them on Monday.

>> No.27096402


>> No.27096410


>> No.27096420
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Will RYCEY default?

I mean it's obvious corona panic was just there to get Trump out of office. Plus Biden's cancelling trade war, there gotta be a rebound in flights.

>> No.27096436
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>> No.27096454

Any current era study books for learning how to trade? I've been trying to learn online but I fucking hate studying from a computer. Tired of fumbling my way through micro gains.

>> No.27096492

100% day traders lose money on average

>> No.27096516

>american incompetence
>chinese competence

>> No.27096523

I can't help you there mate, I rarely look into etfs. Looking at LIT now it looks pretty damn good with an average annualized return of around 8.5% and a huge increase in the past year. That outlying increase of 127% is likely buoyed by their holding in TSLA. If you think the price of TSLA is going to drop any time soon you might want to be cautious about this or limit your expectations. The dip is decent but growth might slow down for a little while from here on out with the huge recent boom. If you're happy with modest gains which you can be confident on in the future then go ahead. I'm thinking of investing in it now too.

>> No.27096538

No one is stopping you from investing outside in the US stock market you dumb faggot.
Just don't cry when the chinks fake their earning and run with your money like they did a dozen times by now.
Now fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.27096548

We can afford that however, via the dollar reserve. That is not necessarily a losing move, it is more akin to exporting slavery which is actually what Carter did. Domestic side production does not necessarily matter for anything not military critical.

>> No.27096571

Who cares, fuck China

>> No.27096589

China has no competence, they just have intense rigging.

>> No.27096723

I fully agree. China is losing, and in fact that's very on purpose considering it's us lending them money.

>> No.27096844

That's weird I thought they hated riggers

>> No.27096989

Yeah if you shorted it

>> No.27097129

Well it's clearly worked, but it's getting less effective over time and it definitely hasn't worked for the average american. Mark Zuckerberg own half of all millennial wealth in the US alone.
In a military context, the US is doing fine, but that is usually the last thing to fall.