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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27093179 No.27093179 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27093282

based and flik pilled

>> No.27093596

Friendly reminder that you’re all literally doing a socialism

>> No.27093699
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cool but why did you pick that frame of all frames to put the quote over, he looks like the wat lady

>> No.27093735

I'm libertarian

>> No.27093798

cant believe they were allowed to make such an antisemetic movie

>> No.27093934


>> No.27093978

Well, your posts are socialist

>> No.27094036

Oh no. were capitalizing on the markets flaws.
hmmmmm whats that word called? oh yeah fuck you.

>> No.27094205

Literally what Marx advocated

>> No.27094332

Pro-monarchy as well. Surprised they got away with it.

>> No.27094437

>poisoning the well
it doesn't matter who proposes an idea if it's a good idea

>> No.27094619

Antz is too based to exist. You know this because Bug's Life is endlessly shilled while this movie is largely ignored

>> No.27094857

I’m not trying to poison anything, it’s just a friendly reminder. Keep going, comrades.

>> No.27095185

the free market distributing money is not socialism. if anything the government is slowing this whole thing down.

>> No.27095269

This. Bugs Life was a red herring to distract from Antz

>> No.27095353

Nope. This is legitimate capitalism. This is exactly how capitalism is supposed to work. If you are wealthy and make a bad deal then other people can take advantage.

>> No.27095436
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Socialism with Autistic Characteristics

>> No.27095459

>he thinks the US government is socialism

Keep collectively taking on the capitalist class, brothers

>> No.27095544

Green line go brrr

>> No.27095554

>not posting the only good villain in the history of animated movies

>> No.27095584


>> No.27095638

hmm I see

>> No.27095718

But that’s not how capitalism works, now is it?

>> No.27095876

How is it supposed to work in this situation?

>> No.27096043

Reminder the Mammonism is the enemy.

>> No.27096148
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Nice to see /Pol/ slipping into every inch of 4chan.

>> No.27096187

the invisible hand is stabilizing the market, redistributing the goods as to where they should be
all is well in the world

>> No.27096271

What usually would have happened in this situation. Without people collectively taking on the big wigs. Without the democratization of investing power and information. What did the hedge funds expect to happen. Think about what you’re saying:

>this is how capitalism is supposed to work
>capitalism only “works” when large groups of people collectively pool their power together to take on the upper class

Oh wow

>> No.27096290

Yeah, national socialism.

>> No.27096318

These people have no values or moral principles. They will do whatever they think will help them in the moment. They're weak. When civilization collapses someone will put a hatchet through their skull within a week.

>> No.27096386

>doing a socialism
But we're starving the rich, not the poor.

>> No.27096441

Playing the capitalism game is not what Marx advocated

>> No.27096576

Wrong again, friend

>> No.27096622
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How compelling. Turn and face the wall.

>> No.27096896

I didn't say either of those things I asked a legitimate question. There was an opportunity in the market to make money and people jumped on it.

>> No.27096981

>They will do whatever they think will help them in the moment.

That’s okay, that’s pretty much how it’s supposed to go. Capitalism eats itself and all that

>> No.27097014

lol its crazy how much propaganda disney packs into their garbage. no wonder 90 percent of women are leftists

>> No.27097140

And is not the capitalist class doing everything it can to stop that from happening?

>> No.27097178

They are too weak to ever have or deserve anything else. They are pawns.

>> No.27097403

>the capitalist class
Or, hear me out commie, not everything can be described in class based power dynamics. Trying to do so leaves you unable to see the forest for the trees.
Fucking over the rich doesn't have to be a class issue. It's just people seeing an opportunity to make money, fucking the hedgies is a happy coincidence.

>> No.27097490

The lumpenproletariat CAN be mobilized for socialism. In this case all it took was the internet, and as you can see, many of them are still doing despite being, consciously, anti-socialist

>> No.27097591

There's no way any of this ends in socialism

>> No.27097691

Just a select few parties as far as I can tell. My only regret is that it's taken this long for the market to correct itself. These ass holes have had no competition for their predatory trading but they do now.

>> No.27097937

Look at how the entire narrative is being framed, even with guests now on the mainstream news. It’s raising class consciousness. People were throwing their money behind it JUST to fuck the rich, perceiving them as the enemy playing an unfair game, not even necessarily to make money or improve their material conditions. Why do you all think AOC was immediately on your side?

>> No.27098231

What we are doing is closer to proper Fascism. “Alone we are weak but together we are strong” is the foundation of Fascism.

>> No.27098240

>still thinking AOC is some socialist superstar
She's a corp shill like any other. She says one thing but takes the money under the table like everyone else and votes for corpo interests. You're following the pied piper retard.

>> No.27098695

Lol ok anon, if that helps you have solidarity

I don’t think she’s some socialist superstar, but she is a democratic socialist and her strong attention being paid to this event makes complete sense given her politics.

>> No.27098757
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>> No.27098942

I remember that, I thought it was interesting at the time, how they managed to shift the focus
also never realized how based the movie was because I saw it when I was a wee one

>> No.27099191

As long as it's of the nationalist variety so be it.

>> No.27099260

we do a lil socialism

>> No.27099265
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wtf I love socialism now

>> No.27099361

This is Regan’s trickle down theory come to life

>> No.27099372

Damn, that's a lot more based than they probably realized.

>> No.27099442
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i will suck your dick

>> No.27099494

Sounds like you're destined for the gulag desu comrade

>> No.27099513

Here’s the philosophy of Fascism to better understand what Fascism was meant to be.

>> No.27099585

nooo not muh socialism boogie man