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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27088643 No.27088643 [Reply] [Original]

Anons I'm starting to fall for the gas FUD. Please explain how gas isn't a problem that will kill ETH.

>> No.27088952

it will if eth 2.0 doesn't deliver

>> No.27089038

Should gas fees go down in 2.0?

>> No.27089214

L2's like optimism and arbitrum are already deployed on several projects, they always deploy on other projects first and then are ported to Eth main net after sufficient testing. Combine that with EIP 1559 being very close to finished..gas on eth should be quite a bit cheaper later this year.

>> No.27089248

2.0 won't do shit about fees
L2's are the only way

>> No.27089285

Arbitrium literally just launched. Problem solved.

>> No.27089322

cardano will kill ethereum in 2021

>> No.27089345

REEF will do away with gas fees

>> No.27089438


>> No.27089497
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Okay I feel better now thanks

>> No.27089505

Redpilled. Plus Chainlink OCR might reduce a little of their usage as well.,

I have used optimism on mainnet. It is awesome. SNX staking used to not be profitable for under 1k stacks, but on layer 2 it's profitable for anyone because it's instant and free to use.

When UNI, AAVE, and other dapps that have big use now go on L2 it's going to FUCKING EXPLODE. Plebs have been mostly kept out of yield farming; That's gonna change this year.

>> No.27089578

If you're messing around in ERC20 tokens get wrapped ETH and save 20/30% of fees each transaction.

>> No.27089963

Don't buy into FUD on ETH, I genuinely believe it has the potential to be a huge player in the future of cryptocurrency. There's a conference happening in Feb and they just partnered with Reddit. I know, fuck Reddit, but it'll do a ton for exposure and interest.

>> No.27090049

shut the fuck up newfag

>> No.27090114

L2 dexes using zk-rollups kills the gas fud, check out loopring and zkswap

>> No.27090131

Way to refute anything I just said you turbonigger

>> No.27090230

>he doesn’t realise L2 platforms go live in Feb

Stay poor

>> No.27090346

I’m very bullish on ETH but I have to admit you’re a giant shoeshine boy pleb who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
I wonder if this is representative of the current investor weather now, if that’s the case then we truly hit the top.

>> No.27090398


>> No.27090540

Whats the partnership aiming to do?

>> No.27090608

ETH isn't overrun by normies, we're okay

>> No.27090651

Looring is Chinese garbage, zkswap is a COPYPASTE erc20 anon team scam (they just dump their coins, also pajeet broken English everywhere)

ZKsync on the other hand is the serious project that has been slowly building with Consensys grant, this one is truly the only solution mid-term (optimism will fail miserably because of finality issues and economic hacks that will start hitting it very soon)

>> No.27090682

What are L2s?

>> No.27090742
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anon, I...

>> No.27090814

There's a post on the ethereum sub, but essentially they're adding a sort of tip system run on ETH for posts/comments. Because Reddit is a huge platform, I see this as a good thing

>> No.27090859

I don't have to refute you; you are too retarded to know that you're retarded.

In 2 years, we went from 0 dollars in Eth to over $30 fucking billion. There has been a cambrian explosion of good dapps that people use. There is literally a permissionless and uncensorable market for yield built on Eth. This is literally all you need to stop the Fed's ability to supress interest rates.

And you are talking about reddit 'partnerships'. Go back to 2017, we don't fucking need you here.

>> No.27090916

Chainlink solves it with Arbitrum

>> No.27091014

No you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. How do you like that?


>> No.27091111
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can someone please explain what L2 is

>> No.27091130

ETH is hosted on AWS. It's centralised shit and erc20 is not defi

>> No.27091145

Just migrate

>> No.27092129

Layer 2, basically a more optimized block blockchain running parallel to the main chain where certain simple contracts can be settled with a lot less data vs using the main chain

>> No.27092199

It can't scale, and all the deFi applications on it will get hacked, that's why I'm on BSC farming $cake.

>> No.27092865

It is a problem and something with a new consensus will come along and solve it. Look out for it.

>> No.27093158

Go away Emin

>> No.27093270

ETH is killing itself, DOT and ADA will take over soon enough

>> No.27093346


I'll curse your kebabs

>> No.27093490

so mad lmao

>> No.27093536

Rubic solves this.