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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27087548 No.27087548 [Reply] [Original]

I sold everything at a $200 loss and don’t regret it.
If you’re still in the memestocks game after this week and didn’t buy GME under $150, you’re unironically a gambler and need to take a break from this. Put in an order to sell and accept your losses before you gamble away more of the things that matter to you.

It’s over.
Last week’s Reddit won.
The banks broke even.
You lost.

>> No.27087630


>> No.27087722

Nice try Goldstein.

The bankers are crying about it as of right fucking now, if it was over as of last week, this wouldn’t be happening. Nor would this blatant shilling.

>> No.27087771

Fuck off Melvin

>> No.27087808
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Proud of you anon.
I came to the same realization. I liquidated all of my crypto as well.
These things are hard to see when you're in deep and your money is on the line.
The Internet doesn't help much either.
I'm gonna seek gambling addiction recovery soon. Godspeed anon. One day, when we're sober, perhaps we will ride the gains wave again.

>> No.27087904

>work 8am - 6pm looking at graphs for your master
>shill 6pm - 11pm so your masters don't lose their shirt

>> No.27087989


>> No.27088011

Biz is just for shitcoins, not sure why people think it could even compete with WSB. That said biz is ready losing to SatoshiStreetBets. Dogecoin is becoming mainstream.

>> No.27088140

Where can I go to buy shares now in GME, AMC or NOK

I don’t have an account with any broker, and I’m UK based.

Is there anywhere I can do this?

I don’t care about making a huge sum of money, I’ll happily lose every penny I spend on the shares if it means I can potentially contribute to taking the fucking cunts down, in some form or another.

>> No.27088200

I bought at $150 at 0.7 stock and I'm still making profit. Dumbass OP decided to sell when the price was bad. Idiot

>> No.27088216

Half of us have put in 200$ buy orders for Monday. You think you can soften us up? We're not just not selling. We'll buy it all. We've won today, we'll win monday and that's when you start to bleed.

>> No.27088217

What will happen in a nutshell

>survey corps: people who weren't hodling
>Zeke: Hedgefonds and billionairs
>Levi: the last person who is hodling the stonks

>> No.27088230

Open an account and maybe if youre lucky you can still get in on the ground floor, but likely you waited too long. Open one anyways and wait for the next opportunity

>> No.27088278

>Put in an order to sell
You're right OP, guess I should call it quits while I'm ahead. Gonna set my sell order at 5k

>> No.27088496

Anon don't be daft, 10k is a lot more reasonable

>> No.27088611

Smart man, I sold everything including my dog and wife. Its time to start fresh. Im getting a 9 to 5 job at Starbucks and intent to climb myself up the intended way for us goyims. Maybe Ill even get to be assistant manager in 3 to 5 years. I also got a subscription to the msnbc and ready to consoom some media.

>> No.27088714


>> No.27088801

Which broker should I go with?

>> No.27088809

I dont mind burning the $1,500 I spent for a chance to see them burn

>> No.27088905

first time i see this retard on biz and i hope it's the last time

>> No.27088923

>you’re unironically a gambler

>> No.27089009

This is what it’s all about. I’m ready to buy £2k worth of stock in these (which is a fair sum of money for me) and will be happy to just sit it out and not dare to sell it no matter what the price goes to.

>> No.27089070

I'm not a gambler for knowing how this works.

>> No.27089160

Yes you are.

>> No.27089246

Literally not gambling. I know the leverage that I have.

>> No.27089268

Revolut I think.

>> No.27089532

I always wonder, because these threads will not stop popping up, what is the point of this type of posting? Do you get off on it or something? It has nothing to do with you, you don't know any of us, no one is doing anything to you. You could say you're "protecting" people, but it's always in some angry tone. It's not convincing, comes off either jealous or slightly psychotic. Either way you seem unreasonably upset about people you don't know "not" making money which doesn't make sense.
Maybe it strokes your ego. So what is it?

>> No.27089653
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*ting* *ting* *ting*


Yes yes you're all so very clever and devious. But there is just one *little* problem with your plan.

Listen closely...


I am NEVER, ever, EVER selling my fucking GME. Not a single one. Ever. Under no circumstances.

Do you understand?

>> No.27089719

Your 'take' is nothing but the false wisdom of a paper handed faggot - either that, or the snide fud of an elitist shill. you should go back, you dont belong here.

>> No.27089726

trololol the math doesn't even add up for your post.
Imagine what a faggot you have to be to write fake shit on the internet.
Ill straight murder you.

>> No.27089799
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there are other things beside GME.

>> No.27089863
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I had my broker print out my share certificates and send them to me. I am sticking them in my ass and not fucking selling.

>> No.27090487

FUUUUCK these shills are in hyperdrive I feel even better about holding now