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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27076005 No.27076005 [Reply] [Original]

literally NOTHING happened, there was no "heckin' squeezerino", GME's price is still below $400 even in after hours, prepare for massive crash on Monday, KEK

>> No.27077010

u said that yday

>> No.27077245

a lot of people are still waiting for their trade accounts to verify, if you get in on the Monday opening dip you could make a decent return within hours

>> No.27077305

Trust the plan.

>> No.27077321

thanks shekelberg

>> No.27077412

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off, Melvin.

>> No.27077506

The options and shorts mature at closing bell you monkey, price isn’t reflected until Monday market open

>> No.27077662
File: 120 KB, 828x817, 8CA38795-5E87-4B98-80E3-48C73D1A077B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is gonna lose so much money, and I am gonna laugh so fucking hard.

>> No.27077688

they're not bonds you fucking ape
options expire at 5:00
shorts don't expire

>> No.27077775
File: 50 KB, 941x760, Futurama80sGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad all these $GMEtards gave me $3,000 for bills next month! Scalped that insane market like crazy for the past two days and got the fuck out before the place came burning down.

>> No.27077792

Unironically this. The short squeeze was always supposed to happen next week. This week is public accumulating shares putting the pressure on to trigger it. Next week it should happen.

>> No.27078017
File: 109 KB, 1024x576, 4thdimensionalchessplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) go fuck yourself
2) its still climbing albeit slowly
3) people are already switching to either AMC for the yolo or buying silver because its about to go down.
4) you are aware that they're basically forcing the stock to go down, which is market manipulation, and that shouldnt be legal.
5) stick to the retarded plan if you want to burn it down.

>> No.27078038

>The short squeeze was always supposed to happen next week
Not according to like half of the people here.

>> No.27078242

Then they havent been paying attention. That being said, everything about today was to be expected with the amount of jewry going on.

>> No.27078434
File: 138 KB, 294x354, TICK TOCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no specific date that it would happen. It could have happened today since they start covering it around now, but we all know they're doubling down and betting on demoralizing us so that they can buy up their shares cheap on monday-thursday next week.

They are still considerably above 100% stocks shorted.

>> No.27078468

>before the place came burning down
Ah yes, up 68% today. GME traders totally got burnt today.

>> No.27078663

here's another post for (you), faggot. now prepare for financial ruination next week

>> No.27078706

the internet is being flooded with short shills, at least in reddit we can silence them with downvotes

>> No.27078743

Won’t those $115 calls getting filled drive the price down with a ton of below-market buying?

>> No.27078803

two more weeks

>> No.27078848

Futurama is shit by the way

>> No.27078870

Fucking wait, two days of no trading blue balls gonna Heckin moonerino and I'm just even joking!!

>> No.27078933

why did this make me laugh, lol. Fuck seething shillers

this tards still try to shill their shit coins

and they believe that this will works, what a idiots

I just use poolz finance and their staking options, presale will be soon and I will get nice $$

>> No.27078997

you all got played by pajeets. now they claim the sqeeze happens money or wednesday. what a bunch of suckers.

>> No.27079173

all the news articles have reported they bought back their shares

>> No.27079273

how many posts you gona make to convince everybody, huh?

>> No.27079292


>> No.27079416

Who do you think owns the media Anon?

This is a very simple question and will provide you with my reply.

>> No.27079597

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.27079779

Shorts don’t have an expiration date. ((They)) will wait you retards out and eat the interest. Eventually you guys will get bored and do something else

>> No.27079858

There are wayyy to many newbies to this. The amount of threads where people are asking how to buy is insane. They honestly thought this would be bitcoin 2.0 crammed into a Friday.
You've got to watch the price action over February and figure out where you're happy taking profits.

>> No.27079967

donut is the next doge / gme,
we're in the meme investment era,
donut is gonna secure my lamborghini.

>> No.27080238


>> No.27080314
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MFW sold at 400 yesterday

>> No.27080327

oy vey

>> No.27080434

They're going to short the stocks to cover the cost of buying it out and then wait it out even longer.
They'll just dig their hole deeper and deeper and deeper as they entrap themselves in a pyramid scheme of their own making.

And we'll be here to sweep up their remains.

>> No.27080485

Why would the (((media))) lie to us?

>> No.27080565

You mean get bored and forget we have the stocks we love and would never sell?
>good luck eating infinity retards.
As long as we dont sell you hold the bag.

>> No.27080694

Shorts are going to be expensive as hell right now, and basically nobody is going to lend them anymore funds to go down that route.

Its over, and they know it.

>> No.27080876

This anon gets it. Each time they float more shorts and dip we buy. They buy normies more time to get better brokers and buy more.

Each time they pull out more shorts to close out old ones and its done at higher interest lmao all they eo is delay our squeeze and tighten our grip.
>we can be retarded longer than thwy can stay solvent
Ill be here for months if they want to drag it that long. I have a job instead of putting into savings i can put into gamestop and hold. Lmao hedgie mfers are screwed.

>> No.27081855

So did I, is it really over to buy more? i've got 0.03 of a share left in GME leftover, what would actually happen if I bought £1200 right now?

>> No.27082631


Check here, ignore the shills

>> No.27083347

Post four reports.

>> No.27083631

But then you can’t buy back in with the buy limits in place

>> No.27083811

whats gonna happen if the squeezerino happens? what happens if it doesn't?

>> No.27083814

bobo here.

oh, SOMETHING is happening.

>> No.27084092

>for bills next month
Should've left that part out, serf.

>> No.27084304

Nooooo remember the hella sad episode with the dog!

>> No.27084347

> its going to crash on wednesday
> its going to crash on thursday
> it s going to crash on friday, screen cap me!!!!!
> there is no squeeze
> the shorts have been covered
> its actually a chinese/russian terrorist attack
> its actually a (not jewish) institute scam
> are ((we)) going to trust in redditors
> are ((redditors)) going to trust in 4chan
> cant you see, we care about you!!! sell now!!!!
> it will crash on monday
you are here
> it will crash on tuesday
> it will crash on wednesday
> i will have a house next week

>> No.27084458

Dumb niggers don't read don't bother

>> No.27084493

It was always a scam and they've been baiting people to stay in with hopes that it will leave the galaxy, but it keeps getting pushed back and coped because the ones set to make massive profit dumping on plebs are getting greedy.

>> No.27084542

My hands are getting weak and tired bros...

>> No.27085041

Friday deadline is and always was Melvin shilling. Over 100% short out. We retain control. Sorry kike

>> No.27085231

I kept telling these tards that the trade doesn't close until Saturday and settlement is 31 days out...

Wait till ALL the other hedgefunds jump in now.

>> No.27085696

Good site thx