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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27063323 No.27063323 [Reply] [Original]

>GME is going to go to the moon on Friday!
>...Actually no, it’ll go to the moon on Monday!
Is goalpost moving a normal part of investing?

>> No.27063881

Nobody was expecting Robinhood to limit buying, that's literally the only reason its not at 1k now

>> No.27065375

We can't stop a lying broker. We CAN hold until these guys buy up our shit next week.

>> No.27065747

People just guessed they'd have to close their shorts tonight because it's both end of the week and end of the month. Nobody knows the exact date their shorts expire, only that they will some day, probably in the near future.

>> No.27065798

>Is goalpost moving a normal part of investing?
Actually yes

>> No.27065846

>likes change the rules under our noses
>"Omg why didn't it happen like you said?"

Hold. They only went to such extremes as OPENLY manipulating the market in front of everyone's eyes without any way of spinning it otherwise because they were desperate. They think we are stupid. They're prolonging their demise. Without manipulation GME would unironically be $800 minimum right now. They only stopped the bleeding with a few rubber bands, but they're still going to bleed out.

>> No.27065988


'Oh no shorters knew we hoped on Friday and didn't want to give in yet the whole plan must be bust'.

Bitch as long as they're hurting, we're winning. Doesn't matter when the other boxer folds as long as he's being hit

>> No.27066004

Unironically yes

>> No.27066105

Except supposedly even these prices were supposed to trigger some kind of infinite money glitch because hedge funds would have to buy. Unless you think they’re also on Robinhood that wasn’t true. That’s why people were fixated on today. You shills can’t even keep your bullshit straight which you should try to do when you’re trying to pull in fresh suckers

>> No.27066108

Unironically yes it is. The stock markets foundation is built upon goal post moving

>> No.27066502

2 more weeks until the end of time

>> No.27066604

It's up 62% today. What the fuck do you want?

>> No.27067345

hedge funds are losing money over this, it's a fact, but the "short squeeze" meme is pure speculation. there's a limit to how high the price can go. if the hedge funds are forcibly liquidated they will be forced to buy shares at market prices until they exhaust their capital (cash on account as well as forced liquidation of other, non-GME positions to cover the GME purchases) and once that occurs there will be no more upward movement in price.

so what you are seeing, and what you will continue to see, is a decline in daily volume as poorfag redditors go through cycles of panic selling, demoralization, loss of faith, etc. because there will likely be no incredible spike to $10,000 or $34,000 or whatever other ridiculous prices these poorfag retards are pulling out of thin air. maybe this is already the top. maybe the top is $500, or $1000. but it's highly unlikely to go any higher than that. just look at the price extremes in market hours, the highest has been about $350. anything higher has been during extended hours when the big boys are playing theatrics to create a nigger cattle frenzy.

>> No.27067638

the GME meme will be settled and forgotten out of the normies heads after the weekend. No longer trending on twitter, especially inactivity on non stock days. Sell while you got em.

>> No.27067758

The shorts close on Friday. It was always Monday, retard

>> No.27067860

based response. They dont even understand the bullshit they are spewing, they just know it gets a lot of upvotes and everyone says the same thing. Get fucked reddit faggots

>> No.27067909


selling big on friday was the 'safe' option and waiting for the short buyout on monday was the 'risky' option

>> No.27068009
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Don't care, still holding.

>> No.27068030

If people were so hellbent on buying, they would have bought more today and GME would have soared. It didn't. They aren't.

>> No.27068120

>they would have bought more today

they cant tho

>> No.27068237

>Is goalpost moving a normal part of investing?
Yes. Especially when your opponent is literally moving the goalpost.

>> No.27068238

margin updates in real time. time decay component of options expiry is taken into account on a continual, real time, rolling basis. cascading liquidation (options worthless, margin reduced, margin call, forced liquidation, etc.) would have already happened today.

>> No.27068253

Illegal manipulation

>> No.27068345

they can tho. Stop with this bullshit

>> No.27068373

Yeah, and I've 5x my all-in investment if I sell rn. Hilarious that some /biz/ want to belittle that.

>> No.27068486

Staying bullish

>> No.27068492

Hodling forever is the chad option

>> No.27068503
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bots and shills bots and shills

>> No.27068501

Even if GME holds at $300

The Hedgies are fucked. This is a win for us.

Still holding

>> No.27068506

it's a normal part of P&Ds

>> No.27068513

Retail can't buy because brokers are compromised.

>> No.27068514

why the fuck is 4chan x set up so retarded right now? why is automatically nesting replies?

>> No.27068562

Not if they're trapped on Robinhood

>> No.27068561

we will laugh at you when you lose everything. We always do. Dont be a greedy fuck take some off the table, just the initial

>> No.27068738

limited buys does not equal unable to buy you fucking retard

>> No.27068818
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What the fuck are we gonna do when we decide to sell? Is anybody gonna buy the stock when it's so high???? I don't get it???

>> No.27068852

Yes they can

Yes. And what do you think they did while the markets were down yesterday? Hung around, waiting for them come.back online so they could get fucked?

I know next to nothing about any of this... But come on. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Reddit is full of clueless retards buying stock for the first time. etoro community is the same. So many comments like 'Ive never invested before, but fuck it!'

It's these guys versus wall street veterans. And the wall street guys played dirty as hellyesterfay. So who do you think will win?

>> No.27069076

Being restricted to 1 gme share per user equals essentially being unable to buy retard

>> No.27069123

Almost every broker is limiting the amount of shares you can buy. Seethe more you disgusting kike.

>> No.27069125

> It's these guys versus wall street veterans

No. It's 3% Redditors 97% bigger fish that are buying up GME

>> No.27069218

I'm market selling 20% of my shares at open

>> No.27069343

gotta agree, do these niggers really think they are smarter than people who have so much more experience and connections?

>> No.27069388

Robinhood limits new subscribers to 1000$ til first transfer

Robinhood is also maxing users to 5 GameStonks

Not to mention the other brokers who stopped sales

>> No.27069418

Watch the attempted dump right at close break some of the retail apps.

>> No.27069522

Trust in the plan

>> No.27069541

I wanted to buy GME stocks today. I was stopped because I own 2 and the buy limit is now 1. I am trapped on Robinhood. How many other retards like me do you think there are trying to get on this? Hint: Many

>> No.27069666

seethe? Im laughing at you disgusting reddit niggers invading our board. You all forget we deal with shitcoin peddling jeets on a daily basis. You smell like curry and one looking for a fresh retard to buy your bags. enjoy the weekend holding this shit while your portfolio drops 75%

>> No.27069795
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fucking 2 more weeks bullshit

someone pay me $1000 right now or im selling

>> No.27069800

While institutional traders are unlimited and the total number of stocks have already been traded many times over

Like I said, I know more or less nothing, but if the big guys lose I'll be staggered.

>> No.27069818

Stocks always lower on a friday, newfag.

>> No.27069897

They literally halted trading you shill

>> No.27069981

always pull initial smart man

>> No.27070072

RH wouldnt let me buy more and i only have 2.5 GME. said the limit is 1.

>> No.27070078
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>GME gets frozen multiple times
>Buying gets banned for 60% of the users for an entire day
>Margin flat out liquidates a chunk of people's bought GME
>Botting is done hundreds of times to nuke the price down by hundreds
>When they bring buying back they make it limited
And yet, even with being unable to be bought, being shit on, stomped on, and frozen, it still managed to stay up above $300. Imagine how high it'd be if they didn't do any of those things.

>> No.27070156

a bunch of retards didn't know the difference between the gamma squeeze (today, minor) and the short squeeze (sometime in the future, major)

>> No.27070240

I know, but all the plebs were talking about cashing out with 1k per share today

Either way, it's fucking chaos right now

>> No.27070246

there was no squeeze at all

>> No.27070331


>> No.27070342

it's been happening since 12:30

>> No.27070379

party really starts AH. Just wait to get shit on

>> No.27070613

Except robinhood closed it precisely because they couldnt stay liquid enough to keep up with the demand

>> No.27070658
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>Nobody was expecting Robinhood to limit buying, that's literally the only reason its not at 1k now
>If people were so hellbent on buying, they would have bought more today and GME would have soared. It didn't. They aren't.

Lmao, it's so easy to tell who the third worlder sub-humans hispanics are and the first world human beings.

>> No.27070682

Lmao alright vlad

>> No.27070765

I think they're actually mostly paid shills, their posts have at least something to do with the reply. They have to realize we're not selling at this point right? What a shitty job those fags have.

>> No.27070806

It's lifting off right now

>> No.27071004

>just look at the price extremes in market hours, the highest has been about $350
The highest was $460 before they frozen it for hours on end, used bots to drop the price, sent out multiple fake articles saying they got rid of all their shorts, and flat out banned buying it. And guess what? It still went right back up to being worth almost $400 after this blatant market manipulation. This is like saying Usain Bolt isn't a good athlete because every time he goes to race some guy in a golf cart drives up and bashes in his knee caps with a golf club, and yet he still manages to run to the finish line with busted knees every single time.

>> No.27071054

Hey wagie work is wagie work

>> No.27071371

that is a shit analogy

>> No.27071624

no you are just a delusional faggot bagholder. Nobody is paying me to laugh at you i would do this for free HAHAHAH

>> No.27071649

Defend greedy shitheads like RH all you want faggot, you were wrong when you said people could buy this shit. They couldn't because of dumb cocksuckers and just because some Reddit fags invaded this board you have to get your cum-stained panties in a twist. GME is going to keep going up and you're going to seethe at every topic made lol

>> No.27071967

the whole point of today is that the hedge fund was supposed to get margin called
where's the fucking margin call

>> No.27071972

It's a perfect analogy. Every time GME starts taking off Robinhood just swings in and cripples it and then fucks off and waits for it to get back on it's feet before swinging back in to knee cap it a second time. Or do you really think it'd be at this same price without the sales bans, the fearmongering fake articles, and the botted price drops followed up by freezing it at the lowest points to try scaring people into selling at a loss?

>> No.27071993

without real volume the price cannot be sustained and it will sell off before the epic squeeze happens. making hedge fund managers bankrupt is a stupid goal since they're not going on unemployment and will continue to be rich and not give any fucks, they just have the endure short-term humiliation of getting burned by retards from the internet.

meanwhile anyone who bought above today's close price is fucked.

>> No.27072204



>> No.27072369

it's starting now and ends tuesday the latest

>> No.27072402

i liked your analogy . based

>> No.27072734
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mad as fuck lmao

>> No.27073318

I've been telling people all week that that closed out of their positions and nothing will happen in Friday. Got called a kike shill

>> No.27073652

clearly you don't understand how it works. options contracts expire end of friday. Delivery happens tuesday morning. it ended above 115 so there's 12 MM that need to be purchased on monday. If reddit doesn't panic and holds, that will drive the price up.

THEN when the price goes up, the funds which are short *shares*, which do not expire, are going to have increased requirements and they will all have to start purchasing shares to meet requirements. THAT will trigger the parabola.

>> No.27073710

2 more weeks.

>> No.27073943

>options contracts expire end of friday.
do you think that their margin isn't calculated on a live basis? short options that expire "friday" are already worthless. this would have been reflected in their margin for quite some time.

>> No.27074015

i understand the concept. Do you understand you have been LIED to and the data on shorts is only updated twice a month?? what do you think they did to you poor retail fucks yesterday when you couldnt buy? They fucked you. You lost

>> No.27075008

they would ravenously buy back as much as they can now to pay off earlier shorts if people would sell.