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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 755x158, VU2vS7NLkc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27035645 No.27035645 [Reply] [Original]

If the gme short squeeze gets 10x further from here, it could literally crash the economy lmao. This is fucking retarded.

>> No.27036269

>Hedge funds make gains on thousands of different stocks for decades, despite making bad calls and constantly getting bailed out
>Nobody bats an eye
>Hedge funds make a bad call on one stock of a dying store chain
>The economy might collapse

Someone explain this to me, I'm stupid

>> No.27036490

Because the banks going into debt is the problem. Hedge funds hold an amazing amount of debt on books and the losses are multiplying heavily. In 2008 the bank bailout was 700b so if this 10xs it could actually collapse the markets lmfao

>> No.27036597
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>> No.27036853
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Good. So many of us have been waiting for the ultimate crash for years. Turns out we just had to do it ourselves.

>> No.27036858

Hold that GME, fuck them.

>> No.27037038

their fault for shorting 250% of the float.

>> No.27037046
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standing by with the needful. I do have 3@$1.3k open just to make sure I don't lose money. pic related got (((rejected))) so we'll see what happens next week.

>> No.27037070

This just proves that our economy, and entire way of modern life, really, is built on nothing. As soon as the right block in the Jenga tower of a debt-based economy goes, so does the entire thing.

>> No.27037272
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Fuck them. Where are my tendies?

>> No.27037414

What happed to that ~20 trillion they got last year?

>> No.27037419

So we should make hedge funds illegal?

>> No.27037616

If you crash the economy you make the hedge funds rich though.
GME isn't the only thing they short.

>> No.27037691

I think we should go straight to making it illegal for goyim to own money

>> No.27037721
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If all it takes for the economy to crash is one stupid kike's gamble to go wrong, then it deserves to go up in flames desu.

>> No.27037761

No, you should buy silver and get away from urban areas

>> No.27038000

It's going to do way more than that

>> No.27038154
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>> No.27038155


>> No.27038192

they're just mad regular people are gonna profit on this. Keep holding guys and make them pay. Make 1929 look like a joke

>> No.27038265

We are way past the point that it will do any good. Solution for you is finding a way to minimize the damage to yourself.

>> No.27038264


>> No.27038296

lmao stating this like it is some prophetic realization

>> No.27038682

How many dicks will the people who thought tying the US economy to betting on peoples' ideas failing which could get them in the red for infinity dollars have to suck to settle their debt? Cloning technology is getting there right?

>> No.27038770 [DELETED] 
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$CLF bros

>> No.27038800
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>> No.27038847

brainlets helping accelerate towards the great reset.... and guess what: now they can blame it on white supremacist domestic terrorists when the bottom falls out. you didn't think you were actually beating them did you?

>> No.27039006
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>> No.27039007


>> No.27040011
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The economy will be fine
These hedge funds will "crash" right
But that doesn't mean the buildings suddenly come tumbling down, the employees vanish like a thanos snap, and you look in your wallet to see your money has vanished.

These companies that got greedy and put their dick in the cookie jar will simply be absorbed by companies with better practices and integrity.

The US Govt will make a good chunk of change from the taxes we make on our gains, and this will revitalize cash flow into stimulus aid and other infrastructure like cybersecurity.

The gains we take will either likely get reinvested, or spent, surging cash flow into commerce.

They want to make you panic at the thought of smoke from this wildfire, but really the healthiest thing for the economy would be to let it burn through all the corruption of wallstreet, and let new ventures spring to life in the fertile financial market that will follow

>> No.27040387

And here. We. Go.

>> No.27040629

They would rather crash the economy than pay the poor man
That's fucking insane. Who is taking these fees?

>> No.27040782

> money moving from singular hedge fund to innumerable normal people will crash the economy

>> No.27041160

I'm not going to your containment board glowie

>> No.27041714

Someone explain something to me.

Can the shorters hold their position and pay an interest? Or do they absolutely have to exit their position and buy stock?

>> No.27042011

im telling you to keep your schizo posts over there

>> No.27042328

>Who is taking these fees?
Banks, other companies, government. Same song and dance as 08.

>> No.27042750

You were right until
>The US Govt will make a good chunk of change from the taxes we make on our gains, and this will revitalize cash flow into stimulus aid and other infrastructure like cybersecurity.

You forget who runs this shit? Everything the government steals is going to the poor oppressed niggers and kikes.

>> No.27042970

you couldn't point to the weakness in the death star two weeks ago

>> No.27043118

good, i hope it does. have your crypto ready. not your keys not your coins.

>> No.27043190
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Just imagine the future anon. History will talk about us, the autists that wanted to buy a stock so much that they caused the biggest economic crash in the history of mankind, kek

>> No.27043246

based digits for based comment

>> No.27043390

Gas makes you really skinny.....

>> No.27043463

Good. Burger stocks could drop to 0 tomorrow and i would only lose 400. The fact that the hedgies are losing money makes me rock hard.

>> No.27043506

The shorters and their insurers are in more debt then they can pay in their lifetimes. Shorting is illegalized and they never have a cent to their name again, recreating a short lived debtor's prison they live and work in for the rest of their lives.

>> No.27043595

>But that doesn't mean you look in your wallet to see your money has vanished.

unironically, it will. it will be inflated away to dimes, maybe quarters, on the dollar - maybe pennies eventually. i for one welcome it, accelerate!

>> No.27043731

how many weak minded white people are going to feel guilty and end their life?
LOL America is doomed. China and Russia will be laughing.

>> No.27043821
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Their interest payments skyrocket as the stock balloons in price. They're hemorrhaging billions of dollars each day just to pay off the interest of borrowing those shares.

Eventually they'll reach a point where they simply cannot afford the interest payments anymore, at which point the margin call comes, and they get liq'd. Then the price shoots up when they're broker forces them to buy at whatever price they can, which causes other shorters to get liq'd too, which means they also need to buy back in to the market, which causes the price to shoot up even more, etc etc etc

>> No.27044046

> one stock going up collapses the economy
Do you realize how fucking stupid this is? If the economy is that fragile it should collapse.

>> No.27044062

Whatever hedge funds or investment funds that tank as a result of this kind of deserve it...

>> No.27044204

>you took out a loan
>pay it back

>> No.27044590
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Look, that's nice and all, but I just REALLY like gamestop stocks.

>> No.27044736

Buy spy puts then ya goof and protect yourself.

>> No.27044855

They'll be alright when those 1200 biden bucks come in

>> No.27045096

I agree, but witnessing how the whole Corona thing is being dealt with really makes me wonder if they actually want a good economy

>> No.27045282

I wait with baited breath for that day to come.

>> No.27045293

The market is based on the idea that it acts somewhat rationally. Everyone and their grandmother buying GME is an extremely irrational move caused by social media manipulation of the market so idk.

>> No.27046262


>> No.27046433

just learn that word?

>> No.27047020
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It's honestly one of the biggest gaslights I've ever seen. That this can even happen is evidence that the system is broken. All people on reddit and here are doing is pointing out Wallstreets deceit. But then the media turns around and acts like we're the bad guys here. It's like discovering someone is living a lie, and when you call them out on it, they get angry at you for ruining what they had going. As if they're entitled to you looking the other way while they go on with their fuckery.

>> No.27048470
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Money is retarded

>> No.27048476

A company the sells enjoyable media that can't just be taken from you by always online shenanigans or whatever is valuable. Especially when a hedge fund has shorted their stock into the dirt. Are you ready to reap what you've sown anon?

>> No.27048728


>> No.27048970
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Thats the goal.

>> No.27048976

there are no tendies in the economic collapse. only bugs.

>> No.27049104

>going into debt

>he doesn’t know.

>> No.27049136

shut your filthy mouth you fucking retard. your parents didn’t beat you enough. go whine to your little discord echo chamber. or learn to take any amount of personal responsibility instead of being a little racist shitter.

>> No.27049180
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Yes the rationality of it was to destroy the white middle class and have them overrun by brown communist hordes to enslave them all. Oh well didn't work, new game now

>> No.27049254

This is an easy economy to collapse and fix. Just get over this Kung flu fear and it goes back to normal.

>> No.27049264

If it was actually valuable it wouldn't constantly be closing down stores.

>> No.27049389
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If i am not mistaken i believe They can sell premium on rolling credit spreads too and keep the ball rolling for a good while. Basically the idea is that one can buy and sell options week after week, so every week if they take a loss, they can simultaneously be credited a similar amount of money as they move the goalpost further down the road in the hopes that one week they will officially be on target and recoup some of the losses.

>> No.27049455

people realizing money is a lie
and the supposed meritocracy is a lie
it all comes tumbling down

>> No.27049487

Ain't got shit anyways we can do NG++

>> No.27049574

Jewish institutions consciously take up massive amounts of debt so that the tax payer has no choice but to bail them out if they make a disastrous trade. Unless they want their pensions and homes to be worth 40% less. And the goyim wouldn't want that, would they?

>> No.27049665

We’re in the lunch dip.
Hold strong

>> No.27049713

GameStop causes multi-billion dollar loss in hedge funds. Economy is still in shambles due to democrats retardation over nothingburger covid scares. Millions still out of work, millions more losing jobs in anticipation of Biden tax plan. The whole jenga tower comes tumbling down due to fucking gamers of all things. America finally gets an actual civil war while geriatric tone-deaf Biden "Calls for Unity" while simultaneously demonizing and dehumanizing the citizens, not the hedge funds. GOD BLESS CLOWN WORLD. Holy shit am I so happy I learned how to 3d-print lower receivers, rifle my own barrels, and reload ammo at home. I am about to make a killing in the apocalypse.

>> No.27049766

>just 10xs
Do you know how much money would need to be dumped into it from whales let alone individual amateurs?

>> No.27049973

>I am about to make a killing in the apocalypse.
Profit-wise and legally I mean

>> No.27049975

They've set it up this way because they know retail can't beat them without a small cabal of institutional investors the SEC can dunk on.

>> No.27049999


But money is debt, when a dollar is created, a dollar of debt is also created. If there was no debt, there would be no money. Money is debt. Debt is money.

>> No.27050068

believe it or not, crashing the american economy is the surest way to slow down the bugs enough to collar them into a one world government.

>> No.27050198


>> No.27050235

You know if it keeps going up all the shorts will have to dump money into it right? this might not be good lmao
jesus nice quads with a wise but empty statement

>> No.27050275
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Put all your chips in this dip!!

>> No.27050500

Yeah but probably more due to wanting lower labor price and larger consumer base. Immigration policy shouldn't be up to the market to decide though.

>> No.27050553

It'll take something like a full week to cover all their shorts assuming they didn't restructure, which you know they have.

If people can't keep this going for another full 2 weeks, it's a nothing burger.

>> No.27050718


>> No.27050800

I agree it would take a historic amount of cash flow to make it happen, its unlikely. However this is the biggest news story of the year so far and alot of people are realizing how much bullshit goes on in wallstreet and government economics. Might end up actually happening lol.

>> No.27050811

Yes. Money is created every time you buy something on loan. Therefore don’t or do it a little as possible. Banks want your debt not your money. Your money is a liability to them. Your debt is an asset.

>> No.27051003

couldn't invest in GME, but I invested in AMC and Nokia

>> No.27051067
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Nah bub, the banking system was just a tool, this goes way deeper than turning a buck

>> No.27051115

It's simple anon.
Influential individuals have for decades corrupted the centralized institutions in which we all place our trust to be ethical and fair.
In reality this institutions have been doing everything in their power to preserve the wealth and power of said individuals which brings us to 2008 when wall street convinced us their degenerate gambling was not their loss, but everyone's loss so and we printed 4 trillion dollars to bail them out.
now they plaid yet another degenerate gamble, shorting 110% of the floated stock of GME, usually nothing happens, they win liek they always do, they're called market makers for a reason, they have so much fucking money that if their short you, you fall no buts or ifs, the sell pressure is enourmous and ain't nobody stepping in to help the true value of your company lmao.
Exept this time degenerates realized the opportunity and beated hedgefunds at their own game.

How can the economy crash when 70 billion dollars are moved from the wealthies people on earth to average people?

Mail your local senator, congressman, fucking everyone, MAKE A STAND.

>> No.27051118


Wow you literally just Quoted Zeitgeist Addendum, didnt you. I love that documentary

And actually more than 1 dollar is eventually created for every dollar, look at derivatives. There is about 100 trillion in the worlds total money supply, and something like like 300 trillion

>> No.27051378

when has mailing your senator or congressman ever worked

>> No.27051661

Good burn it all down, their usury kike scam ends now


>> No.27052103

The money itself is a loan. We owe interest on all money that exists.

>> No.27052123


Sorry i mean total debt.

World Total Money: 100 trillion
Tall world debt: 300$ trillion

There is not enough to go around, the amount of money in the money supply would not to ever pay the mmoney indeptz that isbowed

>> No.27052251
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>> No.27052411

Chinese boots on the ground EOD?

>> No.27052652

he's got the bog stance pic

>> No.27052852
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>> No.27053456

When the mail is a direct threat.

>> No.27053572


>> No.27053788
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>they don't know about the reverse alpha bi-fractional squeeze

Lmao... Next 5 minutes it's over

>> No.27053822

sell soft hands

>> No.27053851

HODL with diamond hands you faggot

>> No.27054000

Explain. I don’t pay interest on the cash in my pocket. I earn interest on my cash in a bank.

>> No.27054365



>> No.27054444

reap what you sow

>> No.27054504

And the funny thing is that NO ONE believes the media. So the people go online to check what's going on and find out what's going on and join in. I'm surprised with how stupid these media "personalities " and our aristocracy are. If they let the people short squeeze and then quietly bailed out the hedge funds/involved banks nothing of the sort would happen. But they had to feel righteous and convince everyone that they are the good guys and, as a result orchestrated their own demise basically. This battle may be lost, but this is just a beginning of what's going to happen next. And the aristocracy's response will be as dimwitted as what we are seeing now and the civil war won't have to fire 1 shot.

>> No.27054565
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$70 billion isn’t shit to these people

>> No.27054613

if it money that you're going to need sell, if it's a risk you're willing to take hodl.
if you're willing to trade I would get out and try to get back in the 130-140 area, hell even 190 is aight little pain to get out and decent upside.
desu not trading GME if u got in u got in for the memes,like who the fuck knows really

>> No.27054620

god damn there are like 3 trips in this thread and 2 quads

>> No.27054954

Checked and this.
The battle may be lost if the people won't keep it up, but this just ensures millions more of the redpilled people from both sides of the manufactured red vs blue bullshit, left vs right hate. This unity isn't going anywhere, seems like.

>> No.27055107

Biden is going to delay that $800 as long as possible.

>> No.27055265

This is a blessed thread

>> No.27055353

800? We can’t do 600 right now. Well have your 300 in by the end of the month, just wait

>> No.27055597

When you paid their election costs.

>> No.27055621

That’s the fucking point.

>> No.27055739

in minecraft

>> No.27055778

>t. Soros and Hedgies

>> No.27055808

>their fault for shorting 250% of the float.

Is the float still at 250%? Or have paperhands been playing into the heggies hands today?

>> No.27055925

This is why all the other hedgies want melvin to fail miserably.

>> No.27056027

Cool FUD glowie, do you post this on the Melvin discord as well, or?

>> No.27056270
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yes that is actually what is happening to kike street at this very minute. Glorious isnt it?

>> No.27056427
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>> No.27056616

Ive got an idea. how about they do what normal people do when they lose it all gambling, sell your cars, boats, watches all that shot.

>bohoho are accounts are low plz help

no how about fuck you, figure it out. I bet someone would buy those shiny BoA buildings you have all over the country for some serious coin.

>> No.27056692

Nah, the Jews and good goys will just order Game Stop and other to issue new shares at favorable prices for their hedge fund buddies while retail gets fucked like usual. It's a big club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the club.

>> No.27057039

My only regret it that's it's not in 2029, would have made for a great centennial.

>> No.27057083

I think people are really waking up to the fact that there is a reason they been kicked out of over 109 countries and counting, its not merely a coincidence....

>> No.27057514

they could, would you wanna pay 30% interest on a loan into perpetuity to hold a position that's already lost billions, taken you to near bankruptcy and the whole world is trying to BTFO?

Sure I might YOLO it at that point but really what do you think is gonna happen?

We can stay retarded longer than they can stay solvent.

>> No.27057742

this guy gets it

>> No.27057965

Cramer assumes a bunch of bumpkins got super lucky and need to take gains before getting caught holding the bag. He does not realize the Jews all taught the goyim how to play the scorpion to their frog in the middle of the river. When the clown show starts to get really evil and perverted it's time to stop mashing the "send in the clowns," button. But you know, that how scorpion and frog bit caught on like wild fire and now everybody is playing the scorpion.

>> No.27058059


In the last hour of trading some of us are predicting they will launch a short ladder attack to make it look like it’s selling off to trick you into selling your shares. Their goal is to go under $115 to get out of their expiring contracts. This will be a major victory for them.

Hedge funds sell back and forth with one another at lower and lower bids in rapid succession, tricking algorithms into thinking there is a mass sell off when there actually isn’t. (They do this to scare off retail investors to engineer a sell off). Once the attack is over, the stock will normally go back up due to its demand. Then they will rinse and repeat their attack, each time hoping to chip away more and more retail investors. Most people in here know this, so if retail investors are selling, it’s unlikely that it’s anyone at all.



>> No.27058311

Were going to have to delay your 100 for another month, don't worry, in 2 months your free 90 dollar stimulus with come.

>> No.27058317

That's just it, they are playing with money that not only isn't theirs, it's money that isn't even money, not printed, issued or in a virtual bank vault.

And if they get caught it's tennis jail.
The only way to dissuade is to make the debts follow them forever.
Let them spend the rest of their lives working low end jobs paying back every cent that isn't used to cover their hostel bunk bed and rolled oats dinner.

>> No.27058885


>> No.27059388

It's inflationary cash in your pocket so you lose value as it sits there

>> No.27059703

The shorts have been covered. There is no squeeze.

>> No.27059855

Don't care, not selling.

>> No.27060031
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>> No.27060150

based retard also.

>> No.27060178


powerful time digits

>> No.27060392

Did you think this would be easy, to take back everything that has been bled out from you, your family, your friends, over the years?

Did you think the final level of this game would be a cake walk?

Did you think that final boss would just roll over?

Did you think that they wouldn't call in reinforcements?

Did you think that to beat the final boss, you wouldn't have to go deep into the forest? To the bottom of the sea? To the edge of light?

Did you know that you are the hero of your story?

Did you know that you got to this point with a slingshot, a rock, and a mountain of courage?

Did you know that as you stared into that forest, into the bottom of that sea, with the light behind you and only darkness ahead, that millions of other heroes, just like you, appeared?

Did you know that those very rocks you hold, combined with everyone else’s rocks, can hammer the blade that we hold to the boss’s throat?

Did you know that you have gone further than anyone else has before?

Do they not know this?

Do they not know, that at 36, for the FIRST TIME in my life, i turned net worth positive through hard work despite terrible circumstances?

Do they not know that I poured all of my newfound positive net worth into this cause?

Do they not know that I have seen poverty, food stamps, and dreams that I thought would never be fulfilled?

Do they not know that I am willing to go back to that?

Hold. The. Fucking. Line.

“If you see me in a fight with a bear, pray for the bear”

>> No.27061480

Their whole plan is entirely dependent on the success of capitalism as we know it. This is literally dethroning the same billionaires that want it.

>> No.27062002

The great reset is about proving that corporations are better than governments at taking care of people.
They would crash the economy, point fingers at the government and take over.

But they're not in control of this crash, so the ball can go either way now.

>> No.27062190

i called it last week. this is going to be the catalyst for the next 2008 great recession

>> No.27062675


>> No.27062995

after this is over naked shorts/options should me made illegal
the possible unlimited loss situation makes them unethical
this is what caused this
>hedgefunds should ironically do the exact opposite - balance out positions to hold value in every thinkable situation

>> No.27063406

They blocked GME, shill.

>> No.27064950

lol, what a corrupt faggot mlao

>> No.27065366

Good i hope it does but it better take the hedgefunds, brokerages, wallstreet, and politicians down with them.

>> No.27065551

Good. Accelerate.

>> No.27065602 [DELETED] 
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This is extremely stupid, even for /biz/ standards

>> No.27067237

>Cramer assumes a bunch of bumpkins got super lucky and need to take gains before getting caught holding the bag.

He probably knows how bad shit really is for the hedge funds. He also had some insider infos back then before the 2008 crash and was regularly complaining about how bad shit is going down back then.

>> No.27067964

It was at 189 last i checked today