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27032052 No.27032052 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that remembers GameStop trying to sell me used games as new as a child? Or when they offered me $5 for my copy of Link's Awakening when it was reselling for $40?

Can someone remind me why these are the"good guys" again and why I should pay $300 a share to bail out their inept and corrupt business model?

>> No.27032387


>> No.27032523

yes i remember. it was always a ripoff to trade in anything.

ps- please get rid of that filthy disgusting animal and show clean booba

>> No.27032542

GameStop will fall one day or another. This is about fucking the HEDGIES

>> No.27032657

It's not about Gamestop retard. Go back to /v/

>> No.27032684
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Nice tits cunt. Lets buy NOK or GME and then I might fuck you, dont be a stingy fuckwit okay?

>> No.27032756

can someone remind you that you have to cover your fucking shorts you fucking baby dick eating kike

>> No.27032786

your gonna have to source claims like these bud.

>> No.27032909

Gamestop is just a symbol. A symbol of some sickness deep within society
that's festering like an open boil on the skin. Once it pops we win. Just wipe yourself off.

>> No.27032920

>dumb shills are now trying to trick people into thinking Gamestop is profiting off of this instead of the hedgies
Nah, I'm still holding till 10k. Go fuck off.

>> No.27032997

You do realize they can, and will, print off as many shares as they want right this minute and dump them on you at this price so keep their salaries going another 30 years? AMC is doing the same thing.

>> No.27033030

a man with shitty implants

>> No.27033329

Yeah you're right we should just not trade and let the Hedgies have all the tendies, you absolute unit.

>> No.27033378

They're not. Gamestop is a predatory company that got rightfully trashed by amazon, steam, epic, and gog. Melvin was right to short them, but not over 100% float lol. If they shorted like 70-80% at 4$/share, gg

>> No.27033633


This is why.

>> No.27033643

Sophiemiller8, you're not going to find anything though. She deleted herself from the net ages ago and never had any nudes.

>> No.27033646

that was under the old owner i really like the potential for the new guy

>> No.27033711

God I wish I was the cat

>> No.27033718

Didnt read
Bought more gme

>> No.27033733

hedge funds can be predatory shitbags like melvin was here, but they also prevent inflation and generate market liquidity. the SEC should enforce its own rulings from 2008 that prevent insane amounts of naked puts

>> No.27033893

No one forced you to sell them your games retard faggot

>> No.27033970

I don't have a horse in this race I don't like hedge funds or the redditor normie hordes that have been shitting up my safe space for the last two days and are paying $350 for a dead company. But more than both of these groups I hate GameStop and you guys just handed them a lifetime get out of jail free card.