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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2702409 No.2702409 [Reply] [Original]

How much lower can this piece of trash coin go? I hope it reaches 0 sats soon and gets deleted from Bittrex.

t. pathetic NuMale'aire bagholder.

>> No.2702445
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>didn't sell the last pump with 50% profit

>> No.2702454
File: 173 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170704-072046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking believe it

>> No.2702461


I'm the worst of all NuMale'aires, don't worry.

> bought at .029
> sold one hour later at .055
> wew.png so rich so fast let's do it again
> bought it all at .065
> kill me pls

>> No.2702464
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really not that hard OP

>> No.2702477
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My bags are too heavy.

>> No.2702483

glad I don't have any more but it'll probably go back up dw

>> No.2702495


Oh sure, it'll go back up...it's 40 buxx now...shit's going up to $45 no doubt mos def

>> No.2702505

hehe, i-its going up guys! haha it will reach .030 soon right guys!

>> No.2702506

September will be a new ATH

>> No.2702518


Sure sure, and in case it doesn't go up in September, it will definitely go up October.

Or November.

Could be December.

>> No.2702539


any other chemistry nerds keep doing double takes at this coin's name?

>> No.2702559

low enough

>> No.2702579


This crazy coin is actually coming back, it was .0145 earlier today, it's back up at .0149 fuuuuuck we all gonna be rich now.

>> No.2702810

You can cut the crap guys. This coin is in constant life support in need of news because it keeps spiraling into a down trend.

People are afraid they will be yet another bagholders so they keep selling and selling and selling.

That's why the price keeps going down.

It will take some time for it to recover. A few months probably. I would advise to sell off immidiatly when you made your money back.

It will drop down hard again after that. Like I said in September there will be some news announcement you can get rid of it then.

>> No.2702847

lol I feel ya man. This Bitcoin fiasco has made me hold many a heavy bag and watch shit crash infront of me.

*cough* Lumens *cough*

>> No.2702867

There already is news for September. Lead nerd is gonna switch to payout in NMR/ETH.

>Today we are announcing that we are abandoning bitcoin. It will be phased out of Numerai by September 30th. From that point on, all payments will flip into ether and Numeraire.


>> No.2703541

I'm aware. But I don't think that will have a big enough impact. It will prob be another small moon like the previous one we saw.

Price will drop very low so the peak will seem high, but still low compared to the first peak.

>> No.2704377


price is mooning now! get in while you can.

>> No.2704499

I just got a cryptoping saying a 30 BTC buy order went in!!!!

>> No.2704660

Guy providing the 700 NMR Buywall support just removed its in freefall now ;)

>> No.2704711

Your mom is in free fall when she gets off my dick

>> No.2705001

Its going to 15$ probably since that's what everybody has heard and thinks is the correct price.