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File: 265 KB, 1080x1070, 85A17BF5-97B4-4DB1-8A10-5194D21D4D5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27023382 No.27023382 [Reply] [Original]

someone get varg before he hurts himself

>> No.27024013

Brother Nathaniel

>> No.27024161


>> No.27024344

nufags. Brother Nathanael is very based, he calls out the jews non stop.

>> No.27024419

based bostonian

>> No.27024554
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nooooo think of the mega rich jews!!!!

>> No.27024653

Nathaniel is like a Chad version of varg

>> No.27024745

Based Brother Nathaniel. I was wondering why he hadn’t been pissing people off lately

>> No.27024833

Brother Nathaniel is on a road show?? I hope he comes to Charlotte.

>> No.27024909

Goddamnit I used to work right there. I would love to bring that guy a hot beverage and shake his hand

>> No.27024943
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>varg before he hurts himself
Too late

>> No.27024969

What kind of outfit is this?

>> No.27025223


>> No.27025582

for one who mourns over their sins

>> No.27025766

cause the jews banned him from everything
russian orthodox christian

>> No.27026027

I brother Nathaniel
God bless his soul, i remember getting redpilled by him back in the early '2010s

>> No.27026274

>makes one one degenerate
>she was raised by a single mother while he was in prison
>makes 10 trad autist master race neanderthals
I think he's made up for it.

>> No.27026541

You have been visited by Brother Gains. You will experience all the OOOOOOOOOOs you can handle today in both stocks and crypto

>> No.27027455

holy shit how does he feed them

>> No.27027910

unironically leftover bread thrown out by bakeries.

>> No.27028267

French social gibs

>> No.27028443

Kids are cheap. Food is cheap. Public healthcare, public schools. Where are the expenses? Oh right de tutor, de violin lessons, de Disney vacation

>> No.27029556

>public schools
Literal child abuse.

>> No.27029918

He's actually quite wealthy, Burzum isnt topping any charts but it has an enduring underground appeal and his records sell consistently and have done for years.

>> No.27030072

Is that Brother Nathaniel? Bless him he’s still around

>> No.27030300

he homeschools all ten of his kids

>> No.27030510

I mean public schooling is child abuse. If Varg isn't sending his kids to public school, that's good!

>> No.27031073

you know, not even back in the day was it common to have that many kids. Varg got lucky with a literal fertility Goddess.
Itd seem the Gods smiled on him.

im a lil jelly desu. My gf has a condition that makes her less fertile (can still have kids, but takes longer, we'll prolly have 3 tops even if we try for a decade).

>> No.27032248

If anyone asks, it is this

Worse thing is that technically it doesnt make you less fertile, but makes you miscarriage more often. Ugly shit. My cousin had that and had like 6 miscarriages before she got her three kids, all spaced out by 5 years or so. Almost 20 years trying. to finally get the three she wanted.
That bit about pain during sex, i wouldnt know. We are keeping the virgin until marriage meme. She even has an intact hymen, no dildos or anything so it is literally impossible to find out for know. Hope it doesnt happen.

>> No.27032968


>> No.27033182

Why the fuck did Varg move to a country with the highest percentage of Africans in Europe? To collect gibs?

>> No.27033357

im legit worried

>> No.27034931
File: 35 KB, 500x375, cjepQooJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Brother Nathaniel

>> No.27035036

>he doesn't know brother nathaniel

>> No.27035044

This, it's him

>> No.27035237

yes, but he is one himself. he just converted to orthodox

>> No.27035248

True. Gonna listen to Filosofem again.

>> No.27035313
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1268, 1200px-Christ_Pantocrator_mosaic_from_Hagia_Sophia_2744_x_2900_pixels_3.1_MB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother Nathaniel getting the Lord on our side.

>> No.27035342
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>> No.27035670

They live on french welfare.

>> No.27035698

Jesus was an ethnic Jew who knew the truth as well.

>> No.27035787

Are you retarded

>> No.27035863

Orthodox Christianity? Not Jewish

>> No.27036152

if being with a nigger is not bad why do leftoids always get a hard on when a racist is with a nigger? deep down they still see niggers as subhumans, this is why blacked is so popular

>> No.27036158

I remember when an anon from Full protested the same place a few years ago

>> No.27036174

Never trusted him never will. I don't need a jew to hate jews for me

>> No.27036330

Based it is him. Death to israel.

>> No.27036626

First I've heard of him, read up a little
"Fool for Christ" very based, reminds me of Terry in a way
That's what a saint, a martyr is, a fool for Christ. Who rejects the worldly way of thinking for the mind of Christ

>> No.27036868

Assuming you're some cucked larpagan Nazi.

>> No.27037108

probably for the best desu. If its too good to be true it usually is. See paul neelan

>> No.27037172

Plenty of niggers in norway too. You're acting like there's a single "white" country where the nigger/arab situation isn't completely fucked up.

>> No.27037434

most likely is, we got raided by jidf for a few years a lot of the larpagans were their doing, but we still seem to do well enough even with the disinfo among our mist. Christ give brother Nathaniel much strength, hes definitely not alone against the Fed

>> No.27037678
File: 290 KB, 679x571, 1611695913763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corporate Theocracy Revolution
Stop, I can only get so hard.

>> No.27038661

Isnt that illegal in france

>> No.27038805

>implying he cares

>> No.27038970

it's not illegal in any european countries, but some regulate it autistically (not france)

>> No.27038979

Looks like Russian Orthodox.

>> No.27039020

Holy cow is that really Brother Nathanael?

>> No.27039131

*except germany and sweden I think
legal in most places though

>> No.27039362
File: 107 KB, 960x960, kek (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and orthodoxpilled. may god squeeze the pennies out of their pockets

>> No.27039543

based first poster

>> No.27039703

You're a retard.

>> No.27039816

Based brother Nathaniel, they only reformed jew that will be allowed in God's kingdom

>> No.27039861

kek based

>> No.27039948

What about Paul?

>> No.27040087

Yeah him too

>> No.27040147

no he has a healthy amount of skepticism

>> No.27040236


>> No.27040372

Blessed brother

>> No.27040890
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Hahaha Holy fuck that guy is still alive? Bless him

>> No.27041109

I can't believe he still exists, wow, what a blast from the past

>> No.27041944

Imagine trying to character assassinate the only reformed jew that did what no other ever dared do, called them out for being satanic worshipping blood drinking demons.

>> No.27043404

It's Nathaniel

>> No.27044140
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