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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27020406 No.27020406 [Reply] [Original]

Expect a huge fucking wave of people coming in here.

>> No.27020635

lets all love lain

>> No.27020750

we are already topdog in threads/hour and posts/min. i'm scared

>> No.27020818

nigga they've already been here for days

>> No.27020858

lain isn't real

>> No.27020874

ok. literally dont care

>> No.27021023

Did you just notice
i didnt know biz could become more retarded but wow i hate the migration

>> No.27021100

Love Lain


>> No.27021215
File: 205 KB, 500x429, lain smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.27021328

It's gonna get worse.

>> No.27021468
File: 29 KB, 846x800, 54354534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i do

>> No.27021557

go back to your containment board

>> No.27021772

You talk like here is some sort of immaculate paradise.
You literally just shill shitcoins all fucking day. Nothing else.

>> No.27021877

Good, more opportunities for the vigilant.

>> No.27021982

Go back
Better than fucking redditors coming onto this board.

>> No.27022090

don't piss off the lainfags, man. they're capable of psy-ops.

>> No.27025303

Hello, im a newbee, pls halp

>> No.27025465

>People willingly coming to a white supremacist nazi hangout

You don't get it do you? Sieg Heil! Stay out.

>> No.27025583

Nigga they been here for years.

>> No.27025619

They are already here. /biz/ trafic has been at an ath for the past few days

>> No.27025826

more people to point at pumps

>> No.27025849

lurk and shitpost desu

>> No.27026120

If it takes a plebbit invasion to return this board to a state about things besides shitcoin pump and dumps, it’s worth it.

This board has been shit for years.

>> No.27026217

Kinda changing my mind tbhtbthbthhtbhttbhttbh

>> No.27026275

hello normies
go to /pol/, and for just 10 minutes, assume everything they say is right
then leave

>> No.27026371

WSB was pretty comfy. It was what /biz/ should have been.
Now that the user count is up 300% it’s full of AOC Twitter screencaps and Avengers references.
"Like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal" was an accurate description, now it will quickly turn into r/politics.
I hope /biz/ will be a refuge for sane discussion.

>> No.27026563

And when normies come here where we go?

>> No.27026578

It’s ironic considering wsb was a bunker to escape /biz/ a few years ago when this place became completely focused on pajeets and shitcoins.

>> No.27026817
File: 143 KB, 1020x511, 1582198265348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so redditors are coming to wsb.
wsb are coming to /biz/.
where should we /biz/raelis move to?

>> No.27027059

I kinda agree with the other guys in this thread, it will be a good thing.

>> No.27027118

Nowhere left to run to. I’ll just have to hide in my link pile for the time being.

>> No.27027184

And you don't seem to understand...

>> No.27028071
File: 50 KB, 960x540, 1607905257230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was all meme crypto pump threads and one stock market thread that self-contains meme stock discussion
>now some crypto threads and dozens of threads by newfags pumping meme stocks and underage asking how to get in
It's not like their significantly or permanently degrading this board from what it has been

>> No.27028142

nothing like a good nigger scaring em all

>> No.27028470

nice rare lain

>> No.27028524

Not likely. No one gives a shit about /biz/ and the schizos who frequent it.

>> No.27028717

There's nothing worthwhile here, tho. Just a bunch of babies, schitzos and retards.

>> No.27029040

people who've been here less than 3 days outnumber everyone before them. top is imminent. not a bobo either