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File: 464 KB, 524x526, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27020122 No.27020122 [Reply] [Original]

i haven't be able to sleep. if i think about it for too long i vomit. i don't know how to cope

>> No.27020264



>> No.27020317


>> No.27020368
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1920, 1609755566691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro, just chill out, at least you got the airdrop in the first place

if you buy back in, probably will keep firing up too

>> No.27020374

did what you sell for perform well?

>> No.27020463

I sold under 3

>> No.27020577

worst part is that i held strong for months, past the initial hype, held all the way down to 2 dollars... and then i sold right before its huge pump

>> No.27020676
File: 25 KB, 560x407, 868EB8F0-C227-4E8B-9A01-9DA976986664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You basically got 2300 dollarinos for free, stfu.

Still holding btw.

>> No.27020865

Why do newfags always stress over missed opportunities? Theres a couple opportunities I missed that would have made me a millionaire and I could give two shits, theres ALWAYS another boat

>> No.27021025

newfag?? NEWFAG??? IVE BEEN HERE SINCE 2019!

>> No.27021058

Pigs go to slaughter.
I'm never selling. UNI is the future of finance. It will become the biggest broker in the world.

>> No.27021169

yeah exactly, newfag

>> No.27021178

sold at 11, just can't stop vomiting

>> No.27021418

You fuckers think you will get rich in two weeks, don’t you.
Day in the life of you stupid fucks: price of token X blows up, and then crabs for 5 days - iT dOeSnT dO aNyThInG. Price of token X tanks for a few weeks, and you panic sell. Then it booms, and you buy back in at the top. You never, ever learn, and you probably never will.

>> No.27021477

Genuinely now biz bro, I swear to the Protestant lord that I am not a pajeet buy DEXG. This is no shill, I am not a scammer, the market cap is 12 million, the exchange launches in 4 weeks and it is technically superior to all other dexes. I am "sort of" on the inside and I know what's coming.

>> No.27021617

as long as you got other crypto that went up it doesn't matter
>t. sold for 3.5 eth right away

>> No.27021648

Why did you sell? Just buy right and hold tight you dumb nigger. This could be the lesson that you needed, get your head right.

>> No.27021744

where do i buy? uniswap?

>> No.27021907

i can't in my right mind buy in at $14 it just doesn't seem like a good idea.

>> No.27021979

Get over it. It's par for the course. It's not the last time that will happen. It will happen more often than not and other times you'll hold too long. Sometimes you'll get it just about right. Focus on the next plan.

>> No.27022154

I remember the first time I bought BTC, I bought 4 BTC at $13 a piece. I spent them, and remember specifically saying these words exactly: "It will never hit $20"

>> No.27022207

I didn't get shit. Fuck you!

>> No.27022284

lol i'm a retard and bought at $14:70 I'm never gonna see my money again

>> No.27022431

ok but in what world do you compare UNI to bitcoin? Let's be realistic here. What reason does UNI have to pump past $20?

>> No.27022497

>i don't know how to cope
you could have went all in with doge and made a lot more. years ago you could have ran some software on your gpu and you'd be a millionare now. none of this matters, get ready for the next one

>> No.27022499

Not holding for at least 2 Years.

Computers might work fast but people still are slow.

>> No.27022563

>I remember the first time I bought BTC, I bought 4 BTC at $13 a piece. I spent them, and remember specifically saying these words exactly: "It will never hit $20"
Right now BTC is 55x more valuable than UNI (relative).
If you are comparing this to BTC, the value of 1 UNI is equal to $672 / BTC. He's not THAT early.

>> No.27022597

that's what happened to me this time. I had been burned holding too long and was making an effort to sell before the next dump. Was hoping to buy back in on the next dump! got priced out, bigly

>> No.27022686

I didn't even get the airdrop, fuck you

>> No.27022723

I sold at about that price. I needed the cash lmao.
now I have less than 30 UNIs

>> No.27022760
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What sort of dividends do you think we'll be getting off our 400 uni drops once the fee switch goes live?

>> No.27022786


>> No.27022827

No, not comparing it to BTC now but BTC in ~2013. Of course hindsight is always 20/20, not surprised to find /biz/niggers that can't see how it affects their judgement

>> No.27022941

Learn your lesson anon

Ugh I don't know, maybe because it's the n°1 dex, running 24/24 without a shutdown in 800 days+, the third protocol in term of fees generated after Ethereum and Bitcoin, sometimes in front of Bitcoin, and soon to be the n°1 exchange when L2 will reduce dramatically the ethereum fees ?

>> No.27022959

Buy ZORA and you’ll be able to recover your losses. Now make a move!

>> No.27023010

That's exactly what I was saying about BTC way back then

>> No.27023022

Get in on 1inch, selling for under 3 and will easily double or triple

>> No.27023029

>on normiebase
>cute logo girls love
>at least understandable narrative (exchange token)
>not 'expensive'
>pays you to own it

honestly some people are beyond saving. I got 2k because I LP link and SETH early on, when people were dumping their 400 for a ps5 I was just shaking my head. That airdrop will buy you a house someday.

>> No.27023110

Last dumpday Thursday dip I was estimating a retrace back to 6.55 and was ready to hit the bid at around that price, and it only got as low as ~7.01 before it took off. Literally a week ago. Iwas able to pick up more SNX and MKR and in a decent profit on both of those retrace snipes.

>> No.27023114

For everyone coping right now. We are still early. I know it might sound crazy but just think about it. Recent drama has shown how much decantralized exchanges like Uniswap are needed. Uniswap is THE biggest player right now when it comes to that.
Uniswap V3 is around the corner and it is supposed to reduce costs and make transactions almost instant. Also the Fee Switch is going to be turned on leading to 0.05% of the Fees to be distributed between Uni holders. This shit has a bright future

>> No.27023125

you missed out on a 3x, whatever, there will be another opportunity

>> No.27023200

i know this will sound newfag-ish but i really hate gas fees and try to avoid trading crypto outside of coinbase. That being said i made a pretty penny off FTM and am open to dealing with the headache if the coin is worth

>> No.27023307

this. Everything defi-related is going to absolutely moon after the GME short squeeze is over. Partly because of a ton of the gains flowing into crypto, but mostly because all the bullshit that millions of people have now witnessed is a massive advertisement for why decentralized finance is needed

>> No.27023367


should i wait for another dump though?

>> No.27023421

You're right anon, but some of us won't make it unfortunately

>> No.27023431
File: 85 KB, 1270x550, loopring-locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people who missed UNI might consider Loopring = LRC.
Read this blog article by Vitalik Buterin: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/11/recovery.html

Loopring locked value is on the uptick the last 90 days. Pic related.

>> No.27023652

DYOR. Who knows this. It might go down a bit more but it could also shoot up out of nowhere at anytime.

>> No.27023682

I feel like last night was a good dip for buying, not sure about today as I am so far ahead on this coin I don't even need to check it

>> No.27023747
File: 14 KB, 640x304, Rusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron hands, buddy.

>> No.27023838

lrc is trash
TVL is up because they have a liquidity program, when that ends it goes back to being dead
there a million orderbook dexes out there, lrc never really got any traction and probably never will
I checked it out during the first gas spike last spring and didn't find a compelling reason to use it

>> No.27023873

You didn't use the platform. What's the problem? This is akin to being mad at athletic folks for having cardio when you never walk anywhere or do any exercises.

>> No.27024113
File: 116 KB, 1837x836, coinbase-pro-uniusd-Jan-29-2021-12-7-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying for the rectangle zone pic related.

>> No.27024188

seems promising!

>> No.27024365
File: 126 KB, 594x594, 1610862845064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see in 2 days I guess. I'd love to accumulate a bit more into my bag during a few more dips at least

>> No.27024368

Sounds like you should buy some Copium to make up for your losses if you know what I mean

>> No.27024503
File: 101 KB, 797x794, HARMONY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uni (and aave, which parallels uni 1:1) are basically undumpable. Look at their charts and it's the most consistent linear gains of anything in crypto.

For uni particularly, it all makes perfect sense. Was gifted to everyone literally for free, and of course it immediately tanks to rock bottom for a while because all the low-IQ tards immediately used it to buy PS5s, saying "lol why would u hold a coin that was given for free????". After a couple months, all the retards finally sold off their airdrops, and everyone left was a high-IQ chad who knew the significance of this. Now we go to the moon.

>> No.27024510
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>> No.27024789

Just sold at 15 and I’m happy. And it was free.

>> No.27024793

I recognize that there's that adoption risk, but I take Vitalik's last two blog drops as a hint. He especially gave credit to Daniel Wang from LRC in his penultimate blog article (Jan 11) and then followed with his last article (Jan 26) on zk-Snark.
see: https://vitalik.ca/

>> No.27024861

Can you smell that brand new PS5 coming every month in your pocket with the staking ? I surely can

>> No.27024994

Your'e 100% right, but it's hard not to think of all the could/woulda/shoulda situations in hindsight. Like how I'd be worth like 20+ million dollars right now had I converted everything into link in may, then converted that to bitcoin in august, then converted all that to uni in early january, and then converted all that to doge last evening before the pump.
Obviously this isn't a healthy or rational way of looking at things, but sometimes it can't be helped.

>> No.27025023
File: 118 KB, 1837x836, coinbase-pro-aaveusd-Jan-29-2021-12-5-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my buy zone on AAVE. I've got the snper rifle on that one too.

>> No.27025326

I used my UNIs to pay bills I needed to pay, but I waited a few months. It stings a bit knowing the original plan was the right move, but the fact I needed the money is what hurts.

>> No.27025472

which is a good example of how the poor stay poor.
Hopefully I'll be able to get 400 UNI someday in the future.

>> No.27025592

liquidity fee switch

>> No.27025710

Just bought a share of GME this morning at like $330 and 21 AMC shares at like $8. Plus two NOK shares at $5. This was all of my savings so we HOLDING

>> No.27025848

There's no shame in that. If you have bills to pay and mouths to feed, the money has to come from somewhere. It's only a wrong play if you did something dumb like take the money out for frivolous consoomer bullshit like a PS5.

>> No.27025890

fucking idiot amc is dumping kike shares at 13 and making a mint. wait till this shit bottoms out under $5

>> No.27026042

Paper handed bitch, I hope you at least sold into something that made sats.

>> No.27026351

I sold when I got it, it was for $1600 dollars or something. I'm not complaining.

>> No.27026517

Just bought a share of GME this morning at like $330 and 21 AMC shares at like $8. Plus two NOK shares at $5. This was all of my savings so we HOLDING

>> No.27026697

cool bro what games have you been playing on ps5

>> No.27026746
File: 813 KB, 756x646, d05bf8f7cd78942ef7d2a8442787e39e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy FXF.It's basically a UNI token
It will become the new coinbase of Asia.

>> No.27026898

I play only Runescape

>> No.27026968
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>> No.27027061

Eh too late now. It'll go up. Even if I'm waiting months

>> No.27027432

dump now and short it fool

>> No.27027785

hows that ps5?

>> No.27027926
File: 10 KB, 300x212, 1611336144190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 6 airdrops for ~$7000 of DAI and didn't even buy anything with the DAI.

>> No.27028050
File: 4 KB, 1302x27, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my wife would puke if I showed her this. I only sold about $500 worth at this price range though so it's not too bad. There will be more

>> No.27029132

why didn't you at least keep a set of 400?

>> No.27029445
File: 53 KB, 1024x666, 1562246879121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept 800 as my "long term hold" but then panic sold 600 at $2.30 when it looked like the proposal for a second airdrop was going to pass.

>> No.27030039

5.80? lol I sold at 1.80 which was the absolute bottom. historically aswell.

>> No.27031681

if fees hit 1T in coming years, we'll be looking at around 30k/year

>> No.27033685

>used uniswap again last week for the first time in 2 years
>get 1.6k for free
nice. Didn't even have to hold

>> No.27033942


>> No.27034001

I sold at $4, no regrets though, stop being a pussy. Profit is profit, the only thing you never sell is LINK

>> No.27034019
File: 150 KB, 800x450, mirmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed out on extra $1k though

>> No.27034135


Get in on RBC

>> No.27034664

still have my airdrop thank god. kicking myself repeatedly for not buying more at 3. what the fuck was i thinking? was i even thinking? goddamn

>> No.27034703
File: 323 KB, 930x1016, Screenshot 2021-01-29 at 18.08.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont worry, this was also an airdrop.


>> No.27034839
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>because you missed 3x


>> No.27034875

I got out of bed the night it happened when I realized I was eligible and sold for under $3. Still hurts to this day

>> No.27034918

this was my best buy ever

>> No.27035017

Uni is probably not worth it now is it? After learning about it and all the DeFi shit after the airdrop I figured fuck it and didn't bother. Wondering if I should keep aware for the next go round, but etc... guess we'll see.

>> No.27035097

This. I sold at $5 for eth which I used to buy shitcoins that went on moon missions. I think I'd probably be at the same place in USD if I didn't sell but how can anyone know that? The Pajeet proxy beggars were too much for me

>> No.27035164

Hold it bro. Don't be like me and get impatient. I held during the biggest dumps and let my impulsiveness make me sell a few weeks ago right before the pump you're witnessing now.

>> No.27035178

why wouldnt u hold this? its not even $20 yet

>> No.27035583
File: 5 KB, 615x92, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.27035654

I'd buy AAVE before UNI, but both is best.

>> No.27036355

is AAVE an ez 2x

>> No.27036684

You got a bunch of free money and you are complaining about it? Fuck off faggot.

>> No.27037763

eat shit motherfucker

>> No.27037906

sold uni at $3.5
sold 1inch at $1
sold half of my sushi at $3.9
could've bought link at 0.2, eth at $80
the list goes on... and i honestly dont give a shit, it's all just a game and you can't always win

>> No.27039869

If you sold your airdrop and haven't been buying more you should just quit now because you'll never fucking make it.

>> No.27040178

I sold around 3 and don't give a fuck. Free money is free, next opportunity is always around the corner.

>> No.27040815
File: 247 KB, 790x894, 89D5210A-EF3E-4B2F-9246-475EDD74146D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe don’t sell?

>> No.27040941

based uni-vocaroo-poster.

>> No.27041744

If we were clairvoyant there would be no stock market/crypto

>> No.27042941
File: 3.89 MB, 241x328, 1599197518189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eoy 100$

>> No.27043186

which makes you a newfag
And now fuck off

>> No.27043718

>i don’t know how to cope
The PS5 DualSense(TM) controller let’s you feel as if you were in the game. There are over 50 PS5 games available to play now and endless backwards compatible titles!

>> No.27043843

I'm on fidelity. Not going to short but how would I even do that? I'm unironically retarded

>> No.27044789

Should of bought GTE even if they tank it's a green energy company during a democratic white house. Itll go up in the ling term.

>> No.27045315

had 5 wallets airdropped and sold most at 4
>feels bad

>> No.27045466


>> No.27046273

idk kikes are involved heavily on this one best to sit out a bit....
you have hollywood kikes and banker kikes with wall St kikes so idk with jews you lose, best not to play.
I already doubled up with the kikes money so hah kikes

>> No.27047314
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Just in time to topple it and make 100x on along the way.

>> No.27047860

Should I sell 200 uni for silver?

>> No.27048559

Fuxk my life i remember when aave was shilled here last fall, 51k% kek. 28b mcap now, still worth it? Have 800 uni maybe diversify?

>> No.27049206

holdf your uni it might go up to 75 don't make my mistake I sold it all too early

>> No.27051247

lol wut

>> No.27052294

This is so fucking based

>> No.27052547
File: 41 KB, 894x464, 85256413_2492858204159438_8451217116958294016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan

>> No.27054035

If you guys had been around for the August pump last year, you'd never have sold. I bought at $6 and held all the way down to $1. Now it's at $14.

>> No.27054220

>What reason does UNI have to pump past $20?
lol I can't believe UNI is still subject to limiting beliefs like this.

>how is it worth $5
>how is it worth $8
>how is it worth $10
>how is it worth $15
>Why would you buy what they gave out for free

Literally listening to this the whole way up.You know what else they used to give out for free? A thing called land lmao

>> No.27054311

>if fees hit 1T in coming years, we'll be looking at around 30k/year
Holy F

>> No.27054368

i sold at 1.80 since i thought it was limited and sold in the first couple of hours lol

>> No.27054458

Explain why Uni wont be killed off by polkaswap or any number of competitors

>> No.27055415

What are some good apps for buying crypto in america?

>> No.27056175
File: 795 KB, 1024x1375, 88888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. There's literally your second chance right here and now.

Rubic is going to overtake Uniswap for sure.

> Lower fees

> Cross-chain swap between ECR-20 and Binance smart chain

> Very fast swaps (faster than Uniswap)

> Order book

> Staking

Don't miss this one like you missed UNI. And this time, don't sell at 5.80, wait for 20$ :)

>> No.27057064
File: 431 KB, 1448x1449, 1545735307194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold at 3.2, it was a freebie so I made a profit out of nothing but it kinda pisses me off too

perhaps this experience will strengthen our hands

>> No.27057247

eth tripled too so I'm not too mad. free 5k

>> No.27057504

I had 1000 Gamestop shares at $5.12 and sold at $130 yesterday