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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27016257 No.27016257 [Reply] [Original]

GME is in the tank, the fun is over

>> No.27016640

>not gonna buy the dip

>> No.27016885

There's literally no reason to believe any of this is going to moon, it's just delusional at this point desu

And if you point this out apparently you're a Melvin employee, at least I made my money, you retards can take losses

>> No.27016973
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That's what you get for following retarded normie trends.

>A bunch of unemployed zoomers thought they could actually defeat wall street kikes

>> No.27018577
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>> No.27018675

Anons my family has a lot of cash laying around what stocks to buy Rn?

>> No.27018855

it's not, waiting for the dip