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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27013981 No.27013981 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else laughing at how they're characterizing this place like some kind of merry band of noble poor's taking on wall street?

Anyone who has seen WSB before this week knows it's a bunch of trust fund kids and younger finance professionals gambling their money in shit plays that they post for upboats

>> No.27014463

They have to sell something. Any anyone vs hedgies is a winner

>> No.27014637

It's a literal ponzi scheme.

>> No.27014870
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Yes. The circus is now running the show. That's how clown world works.

>> No.27014886

so is the entire stock market

>> No.27014930

its basically the same thing as the "tolerant left". they dont see the hypocrisy in their actions as long as they're winning

>> No.27014986

I think is disgusting how they are trying to paint this as a moral crusade against evil

>> No.27015012

kek this

Fucking Martin Shkreli is a mod

>> No.27015122

Some people just want to watch the world burn. And by world, I mean talmudic hedge funds world.

>> No.27015124

I'm sure some of them are Jews too. Still not selling.

>> No.27015176

Martin is in jail.

>> No.27015230

that said, millions of new users might tip the balance

>> No.27015295

I mean, it took these autists to outplay the 1% when no one else did (because they were too busy furthering the political divide in america), so power to the players I guess
t. hedge fundie

>> No.27015406

reddit is an evil place full of evil people

>> No.27015414


>> No.27015467
File: 55 KB, 272x534, clfchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When volatility is high and people are chasing shit companies, move to Steel.
>When the dollar is weakening, move to Steel.
>When we are in a global fucking Iron and Steel shortage and Steel futures are at $1100 ton (double what happened last supercycle), MOVE TO STEEL.

$X just beat earnings and revenue AND reinstated dividends, while $CLF is on track for a 6th earnings beat in a row and is the better company of the two.

All into $CLF dudes

>> No.27015528

martin shkreli is based as fuck tho

>> No.27015535

If you're stupid enough to not know when to take profit, you're one of the losers. the truth about all markets.

>> No.27015600
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>hedge funds are evil!
>we should all group up together to manipulate a stock to stick it to the evil hedge funds!
mfw thats exactly what hedge funds do

>> No.27015666

Ok bagger

>> No.27015698

That's not how ponzi works.

>> No.27015789
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I think it's hilarious but butt hurt you are faggot. This board is trash that shills blatant scams, and you still think you have the moral high ground against a forum that short squeezed a literal hedge fund?

>> No.27016019

but hedge funds and short sellers are legit trash
they profit off others' misfortune and woes

>> No.27016023

How the fuck... gotta read up on this

>> No.27016043

Sure, but it's not some 'David v Goliath' battle against wallstreet like they're claiming. The only people losing their life savings will be retail investors who made a robin hood account this week.

>> No.27016067

Martin shkreli is absolute based

>> No.27016099

I've mostly seen it framed as bored people with a bit of money would rather lose money than let mega jews live in peace. Nobody is calling them heroic that I've seen lol

>> No.27016138

/all biz threads

>> No.27016217

At least you found another way to cope with your mediocre life and pretend like you're better than someone, even tho you're trash

>> No.27016224

Yea I mean the mascot is a douchey looking rich blonde kid that looks like Donald Trump, it was never intended to be for poorfags who are salty about the 2007 crash or who just plain hate capitalism and want to stick it to "the man", but it got invaded heavily by those types this week. The subscriber count is 5x higher than what it was a year ago.

>> No.27016314

Your text here

>> No.27016432

I think its more funny how the enemy is the "hedge funds" or wallstreet. There is like 1 or 2 hedge funds that lost money on this. A few billion out of hundreds of trillions. Most hedge funds go long. I doubt many own or give a fuck about shit like GME or BB, but if they did own any GME they're just getting cashed out.

It is funny seeing millennials rush into stocks to cash out boomers in general over the past year, thinking they are doing good, when they just paid for some boomers second home.

>> No.27016454

All the normalfags jumped on the bandwagon and are trying to turn it into some gay occupy movement, useful retards to pump the stock so we can sell it.

>> No.27016598

kek this. The irony of bashing a forum that literally squeezed a jewish, naked shorting hedgefund which has CNBC in its pocket and lies on national television while at the same time posting on a board that literally is 90% pajeet scam trying to scam fellow anons out of few shekels

>> No.27016633

sure but they all started out with the same intentions as WSB. they said lets group together so that us small time investors have a chance against a bigger fish. I wouldn't be surprised if in 10-20 years another group goes up against WSB calling them evil for grouping together and thus the cycle continues.

>> No.27016813

you're an idiot, that's not what a ponzi scheme is

>> No.27016937

Wrong, the stock market can't exist without short sellers because someone needs to buy the stock when it tanks.

>> No.27017004

most ponzi schemes aren't insured by the fed

>> No.27017024

Glowies control WSB. Imagine buying the "oh guys this is totally organic the little people are standing up" bullshit lmfao. Im still riding massive gains on GME so hope the squeeze really blows up, but fuck redditors and their whore mothers.

>> No.27017058

>outplay the 1%
gme market cap drop of water in the ocean, it couldnt be more irrelevant to 99% of the 1%

>> No.27017145

who cares?
this board was posting about BRAAAAAPS before the pandemic shitshow

>> No.27017160

I just bought a stock I thought would go up and it did. I didn't borrow anything or use any leverage.
They bought a stock they "thought" was going down and got knee deep in all the retarded multiplicative shit and spending money they don't have. It's all on them.

>> No.27017205


>> No.27017351

>Anyone who has seen WSB before this week knows it's a bunch of trust fund kids and younger finance professionals gambling their money in shit plays that they post for upboats
yea but unfortunately like a lot of dumb memes, shit spills over from reddit into even more mainstream channels, and all of a sudden you have facebook and instagram niggers that seem to have it in their brain that because they spent a few hours reading about what is happening on their iphone, that they are somehow equipped to be investing money (which they likely cannot reasonably afford to do) and regurgitating bullshit they read from a fucking bloomberg blog post. non of this is surprising, and the few who are gonna see their payout have long since boarded the train and departed. Its comical seeing people acting like they understand what's going on, or that they're somehow contributing meaningfully. you're not combating some evil hedge fund, or doing anything marginally constructive. but go ahead, but more of the 15 thousand crypto currencies you've heard about in the last 36 hours. More GME shares, sure that'll fucking make you GORIILLLLLLLIONS.

TL;DR: if you're playing into what's going on, you're a nigger or a retard. or both.

>> No.27017379

I'm laughing at how much of an out of touch clown you are OP.

>> No.27017481

This. Insecure wealthy people seeking validation. I'm reminded of shit like the r/battlestations "first builds" that are like $10K+ in equipment in an $800K home.
If you can get value out of their posts, fine, but I don't see why anyone would view them with respect

>> No.27017558

Your fucking retarded. This is "man signs contract to buy back all the apples you have by x date... QUICK BUY MORE APPLES"

This is about contracts and shorts, not speculation

>> No.27017642


>> No.27017654

Still relatively normal compared to hedgies.

>> No.27017658

>Earlier investors hype up the stock and create a narrative about how this is 'main st vs wall st'
>Bunch of normies believe this and dump all their money into it
>Early investors tell people to get their families and friends involved to 'take down evil hedge funds'
>They do it
>The cycle continues

Yeah I'm thinking this is a ponzi scheme.

>> No.27017694

This is perhaps the greatest happening yet. Not only do we get to fuck hedgies but Reddit is going to be left holding the bag for this. Win/win

>> No.27017879

fucking based

>> No.27017898

Younger finance professionals?

Lmao may be trying to sound like one. I would be surprised to find the average net worth on wsb to be above 100k.

>> No.27018037

>t. a "short squeeze"? ">100% short float"? What the fuck are you talking about I'm literally too busy sucking retard dicks to understand anything

>> No.27018208

No because ponzi involves selling to who you get into the scheme who in turn sells to the next. If you hold, it can't be ponzi.

>> No.27018268

thats fine im just saying this isn't a good vs bad morality issue because there are no morals in what is essentially gambling

>> No.27018351

There won't be a short squeeze because normies are too impatient. r/wsb regulars (the 1.9mil not the 6mil) know this.

>> No.27018406

>Lmao may be trying to sound like one. I would be surprised to find the average net worth on wsb to be above 100k.
the same is colloquially true on /g/. most /g/ posters love LARPing as IT professionals, but a marginal percentage of them have any actual experience or qualifications to go off of. i think it's largely in part due to the fact that the majority of 4chan posters are 17-26 y/o "underachiever" archetype, mixed in with the handful of degenerate middle aged individuals that just never learned how to grow the fuck up. this place is sad lmao

>> No.27018605

Buying for millions in naked shorts makes the stock lose value. So yes, there is.
The problem is the "naked" part. It would be fine if they took any risk on themselves but instead they gamble with other people's belongings. They fucked up, they have to pay up but they refuse, thus being "wrong".

>> No.27018744


>> No.27018752

You are confusing ponzi scheme with pyramid scheme, retard.

>> No.27018868

Yass queen!!
Big dick energy
Let’s eat the rich!

>> No.27019164

"They" realized some time ago that people truly vote with their money, so "they" tried to rig it so that all of our money combined didn't add up to as much money (and power) as a small number of "them" possessed.
WE are now waking up to the facts that people truly vote with their money, that there are more of us than "them", and if we can band together and control more money (and power) than "they" do... then "THEY" LOSE.
>We shall take from "them" in every way possible -- until the scales are balanced.

>> No.27019478

If new people are forbidden to buy, where are the profits coming from then?
How do you make a ponzi where everyone holds and no one can even buy?

>> No.27019497

who are you quoting?

>> No.27019713

The short sellers are a tiny minority of the elite. Most elites are long. They love this stock market bubble. My entire boomer age family has essentially retired early and just cashes out stock every month to finance their lives right now. Many of them casually made 8+ figures during the pandemic. Its half sad / half funny to see zoomers happy about a paper profit of a few grand and thinking they on the winning side.

>> No.27020175

except in a ponzi scheme they use the the gains from new investors to pay off previous investors so they don't leave; they're cashing people out at the top constantly

>> No.27020248

>moral crusade against evil
the backlash against this proves it's well targeted

>> No.27020474

da joos

>> No.27020753

>the backlash against this proves it's well targeted
or just demonstrates 99% of people's complete lack of self awareness.

>> No.27020855

a cell phone. get it?

>> No.27021203

109 countries. Everyone elses fault.

>> No.27021410

they are 5 million strong now. at least 4 million of them are poor as fuck and haven't a clue what is going on

>> No.27021531

Whoa, completely and utterly based

>> No.27021532

based post

>but if they did own any GME they're just getting cashed out.
Institutional holders and big holders of GME that haven't cashed out already would be beyond retarded.
And since many most likely did cash out, the shorties had no problem covering (at a huge loss).
Hence the options expiration will be a nothingburger dud.

>It is funny seeing millennials rush into stocks to cash out boomers in general over the past year, thinking they are doing good, when they just paid for some boomers second home.
This might be what leads to a future rug pull.

>> No.27021710

wsb is one of the only based subs where you can still say faggot, retard, and autist

>> No.27021778

ok, keep buying your shares/buttcoins retard. i don't give a fuck how you waste your $cuckBuck$, ride it to the moon and stay there retard

>> No.27021872

>the backlash
How does it prove it? assuming its actually backlash

>> No.27021972

>they are 5 million strong now
>how could Trump with 900 million twitter followers lose against Biden who has 10 million followers

>> No.27022190


>> No.27022203

The entire stock market is a Ponzi scheme

>> No.27022568
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Salty 4channer because reddit did some impactful again while this shithole remains forever irrelevant.

>> No.27022630

They are not 5 million strong.
5 million reddit users have signed up there for ENTERTAINMENT.
Only a very small fraction of these 5 million are actual market participants.

>> No.27022735
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I like both redditors and game stock (GME) stock

>> No.27022963

Its not like we're saints, most people are in it for a quick buck, but in a western movie everyone cheers for the bounty hunter if he takes down the black-clad bandit

>> No.27022964

Fight Money with Money

Any money, big or small is welcome aslong as we crush, Melvin, Citadel, Robinhood...then Facebook, Twitter etc etc

>> No.27022998


>> No.27023031

meant for >>27022190

>> No.27023099

Half of all RH users owned SOME GME. Whether there are 5 million or not is somewhat irrelevant at this point.

>> No.27023132
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>> No.27023365

This is Shrkeli's revenge for not getting a pardon

>> No.27023375


Not him

>> No.27024041

they have also been portrayed as the alt-right and deranged trump supporters too. There are many angles.

>> No.27024098

4chan got Trump elected and started the Q anon thing (for better or for worse). Plebbit making cringey memes and telling people to buy stocks is nothing when you faggots are too chickenshit to acknowledge the kikes who are behind all this market manipulation.

>> No.27024225

Shut up faggot. The moral narrative is making you money if your smart and you should be going along for the ride.

>> No.27024518

And it is

A Crusade against Metacapitalist entities is always a Crusade against Evil

>> No.27024523

You say this but given how Robinhood is colluding, mainstream media outlets are giving billionaires a platform to speak and not talking to any retail investors or giving them a chance to show their side, how the literally Biden Administration is throwing their hat in the ring, you're dead wrong in thinking it's just 1 or 2 hedgefunds.

>> No.27024932
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>> No.27025117

They are not just piling in from wsb. From every social media platform. You have pornstars giving financial tips on tiktok. When it's all said and done we must have a tears thread on here.

>> No.27025305

yes it is

>> No.27025311

The sour fucking grapes here are hysterical. At the same time as you have people like the OP going UM ISNT THIS KINDA CRINGE BROS you also have retards here desperately trying to act like /biz/ had any fucking part in this and wasn't just grabbing onto WSB's coattails.

>> No.27025494

>You have pornstars giving financial tips on tiktok.
I wonder if this time things will actually be different and these things are not signals that we're nearing the peak of the mountain.

>> No.27025992

Yeah, It's different this time bro

>> No.27026005
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I just saw a video of some boomer explaining the dankest memes come from reddit. He tried to explain that the term autist means user who is bad at trading and the term chad is a user who is good at trading.

Normalfags are the worst. Wall street bets are still plebbitor faggots but they are leagues above the other plebbitors just like the old coontown users.

>> No.27026162

Didn't it balloon millions of users, there probs a ton of poors now

>> No.27026698


Has nothing to do with hedge funds. The media, and politicians, are just extorting the average joe's saltyness in general when other people make money and they don't. It doesn't mean there is a cabal of hedge fund billionaires who are stuck balls deep in a big short play on fucking gamestop.

They do the same thing whenever bitcoin moons too, Remember that in 2017 Trump was tweeting about how bitcoin is not money, is used for drugs, etc. and the dollar is better. Same shit. When some average people make money, the rest of the masses get pissed, like crabs in a bucket. The media and politicians play to that anger. The elite don't fucking care, they made their dime 10 times over the past few years. Pumping stocks, getting more people into stocks, makes them even richer.

>> No.27026734

Nigger, people have been telling you to buy GME on here for the last 4 months

>> No.27027210

They're taking credit for all this when it was all Dr Burry

>> No.27027363

is it too late to buy gamestop stock

>> No.27027668
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>> No.27027707

Hope you got a good price on you soul (((anon))), pretending this doesn't exist isn't going to help.

For the newfriends the fact shorts are over 100% means they have to buy more than every share that exists, if we HODL they can't and are forced to keep offering more money until we feel like they have paid us back for '08 + the TRILLION they got last year.
Personally I'm thinking ~$6k per would make me feel better but set your own price and avoid round numbers eg. $5872 is better than $6000 as it's easier to push through on the way up.

>> No.27027843

No, anywhere under ~$500 will pay well so long as you have iron hands.

>> No.27027927

If you want to actually make money, yes. Unless you're really good at sell the top, but if you ask that question I guess you're not.

>> No.27028128

Man you guys really like to bitch when you're getting fucked. I really don't care. I'm here to come out on top, like the rest of biz. And I've never seen anyone here who actually gives a shit about where it comes from.
don't fucking care

>> No.27028247
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Redditors never seem to stop and think about why the WSB guys know so much about derivatives trading. Or how they seem to know how to access and read from a Bloomberg terminal. Or why there are so many users there that can seemingly drop tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on complicated meme plays.

How do you think that WSB knew that GME was open to a short squeeze and a gamma squeeze play?

WSB's power users are younger finance bros. It's 30-something investment bankers and portfolio managers memeing with each other and cosplaying as "autists."

If you didn't know what a gamma squeeze was 48 hours ago, you are their exit strategy and the down payment on their next Porsche.

>> No.27028304

I'm buying more today/monday. keep a fire under them, they'll pay out.

>> No.27028325

make it trend

>> No.27028395

You know you are minimizing gains by not squeezing right?

>> No.27028427

I wish we were as cool as them

>> No.27028441

It’s not a Ponzi scheme if people hold. As they say, “I like the stock”. GameStop is trying to turn themselves around as a digital retailer and if 2,000,000 Redditors have a mountain of bags they can just support the business they currently own buy getting their Nintendo switches and Funko pops from GameStop

>> No.27028617


>> No.27028627

WSB is full of loss porn that is good for a laugh. Biz is filled with pajeet coins. I stayed out of both.

>> No.27028640

I'm on your side man..shorting is what people do to attack the comfy unproductive elite. Its bs. And also half this board regularly short the shit out of stuff.

>> No.27028733


i havent seen a single faggot or nigger yet but they love to talk about getting cucked a lot

>> No.27029006
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Is this where the oven is located?

>> No.27029304

Placing a short on gme lmao fuck reddit
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Reddit is my enemy

>> No.27029718


Not shit, some lost money. But the loses I am hearing about are on the scale of a few billion, compared with the entire stock market wealth being in the hundreds of trillions. YES, a few hedge funds got screwed on this trade, maybe 1 to 2 will go bankrupt. And that leaves brokers on the hook, hence why they are nervous, not because of some retarded conspiracy but because they are just watching their own ass. But the idea that billionaires in general were heavy in short positions on obscure companies like gamestop is retarded.

But you see all the time politicians and such making tens or hundreds of millions LONGING the market. The government's monetary policy for the past decaide has been to massively pump assets, which has driven up the wealth of billionaire elites. The idea that they were heavy in short positions on meme stocks is retarded, and probably a form of cope by people who missed out on the rallies going on or only had a few hundred dollars invested.

The wallstreet elite is not getting hurt from this, if anything they benefit from even more of the masses getting into stocks and pumping up valuations even higher.

>> No.27029743 [DELETED] 

Show nose, kike. Put on a GoPro when you jump out of the window.

>> No.27029981

brave but questionable

>> No.27030576

>The wallstreet elite is not getting hurt from this
Some will, some won't.
I have a stock they need to buy and I want ~$6k, if enough people feel the same way I sell for ~$6k instead of ~$400. The smart play is to push a gamma squeeze for everyone except those that shorted and other hedgies that are worried about more regulation.

>> No.27031417

Keep in mind it only takes 2 seconds to make a reddit account (you can even use a fake email address) and then it only takes 1 click to subscribe to a subreddit. Most of those 5m people subscribed cause of the memes and will have forgotten about it by the end of the week if not already. Most of them also couldn't tell you the first thing about stocks beyond what they've read in the news or on their normie social media feed over the last 72 hours.

>> No.27031555


You do realize gamestop can just issue unlimited amounts of shares or go private? If there really is a conspiracy of billionaires threatened by gamestop its not really that hard for them to avoid it.

>> No.27032268

Why would Gamestop save the people that tried to bankrupt them?
Why would the rest of Wall Street intervene when as you said the vast majority will be fine?
They will stand back and let us get our pound of flesh in the hope that the other guy bleeding a few billion will make us forget about them and honestly if they are smart enough to avoid massive shorts we can't touch them.

tl:dr, they don't need to be faster than the bear, they only need to be faster than the other guy

>> No.27033895


That's my point, this doesn't threaten wallstreet or the elite, but even if the fake narrative was true, it wouldn't be effective since a company can just issue more shares like the government prints money.

The whole idea that the elite is heavy in short positions is retarded, I guess its a cool narrative to promote a pump and dump. But by and large the elite are massively long equities. The top 1% own 50% of all stocks. The idea of the poor masses piling all their savings into assets mostly owned by the rich, that as a fight against the rich, its funny but also sad that the elite have so much wealth and power and the middle class is too stupid to even fight back effectively.

Again, the government, central bank, for the past multiple decades have funneled money from the middle class to the rich through loose monetary policy to pump asset prices like stocks. Stocks becoming a mainstream meme, and average joes YOLOing their savings to pay for some multi-millionaire's second yacht, that isn't a fight against the elite. Its playing into their game.

>> No.27034236
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Nice pasta faggot. Go back.

>> No.27035191

For a jew not being greedy is like not breathing. Good luck trying to stop them from making retarded bets when they have the full power of the government behind them.

>> No.27035451

>since a company can just issue more shares
Imagine you are the GameStop Board, you were slow to move online and got smashed for it but you change your inventory and start getting same sales again and new consoles are within a year and they always help.
You get a new CEO with experience moving bricks and mortar to the web and you should bounce back a bit in the coming years.
Then some cunts on Wall Street put a 138% short ratio on you and announce it so scare off investors.
You got from $15 to $10 to fucking $3, it's GG. But then some autists start buying and they just keep buying, you recover to pre-dump, you recover to past heights, you pass fucking Apple in marketcap. You are saved by a pack of retards trying to hurt the people that tried to crush you.

What do you do anon? Do you hurt the retards that saved you or do nothing and let them destroy those that tried to destroy you?

>> No.27035671
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Exactly. If they saw WSB before this week they would have largely characterized them as Shkreli-bros. I mean Martin is a fucking moderator there.

Instead the libshit zoomers on reddit got wind of it and turned it into Occupy Wallstreet 2.0, and now all of the libshit blue checkies are getting in on the narrative.

These fucking retarded cunts are holding signs IRL that say "people > profit" with no awareness of what WSB's intention was in the first place.

>> No.27037936
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>> No.27038252


The CEO cashes out and never works another day in his life.

>> No.27038524

He legally can't without weeks of notice, this is over within a fortnight but nice try at a new angle.

>> No.27038883

Why? He already has more than enough money for that.

>> No.27039077

More like a pyramid scheme.

>> No.27039561


>> No.27039721


But I thought you're not selling until $6k? And not until you take their trillions they got last year and from 08? Problem is even if every WSB autist holds the CEO, execs, and other employees are on their way to the bahamas the moment their stock / options vest.

>> No.27039744

Doesn't matter. Plebbit is getting redpilled . Pool's closed due to aids.

>> No.27039800
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Link it.

>> No.27040186

>i dont work on the trading floor, but Im an attorney

imagine taking FINANCIAL advice from someone who isnt even on the trading floor lmao. dont be a retard nigger

>> No.27040253

gamestop is one of the worst companies that killed itself. deserves to die out, it's just that melvin was even greedier. a reasonable amount of shorted float would have given them a nice payout

>> No.27040608

Forgive OP, being a paid shill is the only career option for some people.

>> No.27040861

thoughts on MT?

>> No.27041431

No one checked that ID kek

>> No.27042231


If you're the CEO or high level executive too, its good if you get your stock options / grants issues while the stock is low, so they don't mind their stock getting shorting, if they beat it they make even more money.

>> No.27042346

I just want all the reddit normies to leave 4chan
>inb4 “this is 4channel”
You can leave too

>> No.27042603

the people telling you to hold aren't holding themselves

>> No.27042652
File: 24 KB, 334x465, 74b5d345c2571b54b32e13c86a5a2084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think these guys crashed the stock market and rich people are all killing themselves. The funny thing is this whole GameStop kicked off because multimillionaires were investing in gamestop because it was undervalued and some guy with $50,000 invested in gamestop kept posting about it on WSB, then he kept investing more until one of his posts took off. I'm glad to see normal people making insane returns on the stock market while a hedge fund that made a gamble lost but the idea that rich people aren't also getting rich off this is hilarious

>> No.27042765

/r/ entry of the gladiators to autoplay on /biz/

>> No.27043014

Is this how stocks are going to be manipulated now, with crowd commotion?
Declare a victim, say "buy them to eat the rich" and let the stonks in your portfolio soar?

>> No.27043207


>> No.27043429

yes, its what Elon does.

>> No.27043592

I don't mind that.

>> No.27043625

yup, no shortage of resentful losers in this system

>> No.27043895

nice trips

>> No.27044249

>noooo this board is suppose to be 90% about shitcoin pump and dumps!
/biz/ hasn’t been good since before 2017.

>> No.27044349


Most of these people are based Libertarians who are mad at big corporations/central banks for using the government to control the market.

These people want FREE MARKETS!

>> No.27044396

Who the fuck cares?
Imagine being such a fucking salty faggot because you can’t take credit for something
>I want to rid the Jews of their power
>nooooooo not like that
Go stand in the corner you little faggot

>> No.27044639

I mean this only works if someone is selling stocks they don't own.
That's literally the root issue, and it's being exploited in a hilarious way.

>> No.27044756

happy day after holocaust day

>> No.27044780

What the fuck is the poing of buying stock if you don't sell it for fat profits? Also, trying to time the market is fucking retarded. I like Gamestop only for the trade-ins and the preorder bonuses. Steam has great sells, Epic gibz free shit

>> No.27045143

>Autistspeak for Dummies

>> No.27045500

The goal of this war on the cabal of market runners is threefold. On, mutilate more of the parasite moneymancers than are able to get richer (we've already succeed), maybe we have lots of people get rich quick along the way (jury is still out on that.) and thirdly to trip up the illusion of anything here being a free market. Every dirty trick pulled is another collective push towards people seeing the deepstate for what it is and acting accordingly.

>> No.27045769

>Steam has great sells, Epic gibz free shit
Crack groups have both

>> No.27047505

Lmao sure thing, buddy sure thing.

And no one listened until reddit did it. It just goes to show how irrelevant you guys really are.