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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26989686 No.26989686 [Reply] [Original]

How does the economy work?

>> No.26989817

like a casino

>> No.26989818

I wouldn't worry so much about that right now.
It's going to stop working in a few hours.

>> No.26989870

Kek came here to say this

>> No.26989945

Why do you look so fucking stupid.

>> No.26989947

Basically like this but other countries buy the funny money making the whole thing work

>> No.26990002


The best way to answer your question is through a series of honking noises.

>> No.26990020
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It doesn't

>> No.26990080

apparently on memes and chicken tendies

>> No.26990111

When you buy, stocks go down. When they buy, stocks go up.

>> No.26990223

Buy high, sell low. Don't let trolls tell you otherwise.
When you buy stocks when they are more expensive, you are buying a more valuable good.

>> No.26990228

Like a pyramid scheme

>> No.26990275

It doesn't. It's all a joke. Capitalism is one giant meme.

>> No.26990363

Well if you're serious the first step is to understand how our fiat currency works and what fiat currency is.
Here is a short summary:
>USD is backed by faith and nothing else.
>inflation makes currency less valuable
>printing money causes inflation
>inflation happens at an average rate of 2.3%
>savings accounts never give 2.3%

>> No.26990397

Literal jew magic/alchemy.

>> No.26990407

through a combination of exploitative mechanisms like tax, debt, and exorbitant healthcare costs, tens of millions of people are coerced into giving up decades of their lives to perform all the backbreaking menial labor that makes society function. All the excess non-producers are given welfare and redundant “service sector” jobs so that they don’t burn everything down. Meanwhile at the top are the billionaires who are always playing shell games through the markets and the government to swap capital around and swing dicks

>> No.26990483


>> No.26990548

>US Currency is backed by Military Might.

>> No.26990604

It doesn't

>> No.26990634

>inflation happens at an average rate of 2.3%

That is a fucking lie, its more like 5% McChickens used to be $1 in 2016, and in 2019 it became $1.29. It wasn't the cooof because it hadn't happened yet. Mcdonald's pricing is the true indicatior of inflation.

>> No.26990928

I'm quoting an old number, but remember, average is a key word in that statement.

>> No.26991013

buy seeds and land fren

>> No.26991061

Also I may have mixed up replacement rate with inflation rate.

>> No.26991110

It's a series of tubes

>> No.26991186
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>> No.26991237

Jew hedges against inflation by buying assets such as stock and real estate
Jew controls financial system overall
Jew prints money, creating inflation
Inflation reduces purchasing power of your money
Doesn’t matter to the Jew as they have hedged against it
Utterly fucks over all non long nose tribe members
Jew forces you to rent and pay taxes on your shitty money to the Jew
Jew controls all the information you come across so you don’t discover their Jew trick
The Jew shuts you down if you notice
Eventually a new Hitler rises up and destroys the Jew
Prosperity for all ensues; see: Third Reich
Jew Jews his other vassal states into destroying the state that has evicted the Jew
The Jew wins again because he financed both sides anyway
It’s a classic case of Talmudic magic and is precisely why we need to invest in Zyklon B and more ovens.

>> No.26991288

You quite cute OP. Can I take you to outback?

>> No.26991301

Jews give handjobs to other jews and they sometimes let the goyim lick up what's left afterwards.

>> No.26991384


>> No.26991385

It doesn’t work right now.

>> No.26991401

People trade objects that have agreed upon value for goods and services and sometimes the government takes a bit to make things work, and that's about it, and it generally works okay. Inevitably a tribe of longnosed people come into your country asking for refuge, and about a century or so later, the financial system is built on usury and debt and is too complex for anyone except a tiny powerful minority to understand. Eventually everything falls apart, a civilization falls, and the guilty party leaves before they get genocided. This happens on repeat for a little over 2 millenia.